As the Toto Turns 229




Journalistic Ethics

John Wilcockson: can’t do much other than stay the course. “Lance is just amazing!!!”
Charles Pelkey
Phil Liggett
Paul Sherwin
Bob Roll
Journalists???? not really. Now we know better.
Fabianis should note how much this pass-the-lie bunch profited.
Oh sorry Mr. Charmichael, were you too busy banging national team…(oops, out of space!)

Matteo Dropout

…”lance, old amigo…personally, i’m not the type to stab you in the back…that was my chimera that testified against you…”…

…with love & a clear conscience , bgw…

Mathias Biopace

Papps list would be a lot more interesting than Tyler’s opportunistic mea culpa. Ka ching

Lance Armstrong

If you guys don’t shut up I am going to tell my mom about you and then you will be in big trouble!

Why isn’t Kristen in there?

Ermanno Steerer

All these ex-postal clown shoes deserve one another… a gang of low rent, low IQ crooks who love the sauce… they love it!


The first frame(?) also reminded me a bit of DeNiro’s famous ‘Untouchables’ baseball bat scene:

Lance (Capone):
“A maaan has his entusiasms. Like mine, BOARD GAMES!”

“A maaan races triathalons, he rides alone. But when a man rides the Tour de France, he’s part of a TEAM!”

Levi, et al.:
murmuring, “…Hum…yes…teamwork…”

Jeremy Crank

brilliant…in a nostrodamus kind of see the future type thing…can you do a toto in 20-50 years version???
Live Strong n-th anniversary with Levi/Floyd as icons replacing you who shall not be named…

Tristan Rear Entry

Who is the dance fan that knew Isadora Duncan died in a freak accident while riding a Bugatti?

Matteo Dropout

…”please don’t stab me in the back”…

…”oh heavens, no…i was simply standing here in the parlor with this knife in my hand & well, as it happens, you were occupying that same particular part of the parlor, which led, as my lawyer is about to explain, to my knife being inexplicably lodged in the rear portion of your anatomy simply because i wasn’t paying attention to you, so much as being entranced by the words of this erudite gentleman explaining what it is exactly, that a grand jury can actually do…

…but, stab you in the back, no, no, certainly not…i’d never think of it, chap…never”…

…with love & subpenas, bgw…


Horner sure had a high hematocrit yesterday in TOC stage 4… Dropped Bidon like a cliche.

Loic Rubber Hood

Novizsky or Evanshine?

Evanshine still doing USAFSOC? Has he been subpoenaed yet? Or does super sleuth need that one handed to him?

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