As the Toto Turns 228

Statute Expiration

 Statute Expiration


Jasper Swage

meanwhile mancebo is dry humping the NRC and schumacher is back. Where’s the [king]Cobra in this apocalypse?

Goro Saddlesore

I’m traveling to San Francisco for work. Does anybody know of any good loops in the city for training/intervals during early morning or evening hours? The Presidio? Golden Gate Park? (unfortunately I don’t think I’ll have time to venture over the Golden Gate into Marin)

Big thanks for any info.

Antonio Internal Routing

Presidio to the GG. If you don’t have time for the bridge then don’t bother

Goro Torque

Going over the golden gate crossing the street and doing a quick up and down is easy. And fun. And you can be back before work, your meeting or whenever the methadone clinic opens.

West Coast Reader

I second the Tenderloin route. It can be a tough route on some nights and very enjoyable other nights if not orgasmic.


“I second the Tenderloin route. It can be a tough route on some nights and very enjoyable other nights if not orgasmic.”

I think you’re confusing the Tenderloin with the Castro…

Helmut Gescheint

I’ll be Leg Humpin’ Alessandro Ballan with Paco Mancebo in his tenderloins until the bitch goes to Mengoni. And Cobra can play the banjo while he watches.


Tenderloin is yoru place for smack and other non-recreational drugs…. Castro is your place for Village People re-enactments.
Shame on you.

Robert Shapiro

The UCI is suing Landis? Again?? With the the obviously biased history of UCI punishments against riders, plus the possible hard evidence of “pay to play” that may be floating around, isn’t that sort of like threatening someone by putting your own balls on the table and handing them a hammer?

Matteo Dropout

…but obviously we’ve reached the “dog eat dog” days of doping revelations…

…patty mc-q is saying “…on second thought, floyd, if you’re talking about ‘those fools under investigation’, you just may be right but dammit, laddie, if you’re talkin’ about me n’ heinnie & the union, well, you’ve got no fookin’ creditability, now do ya, ya lyin’ bastard ???”…

…if wada & the uci don’t convince the ‘cas’ investigation to rule against contador, cycling is gonna remain the fools paradise it already appears to be to the general public & for one particular reason…the tour de france…

…noncyclists or casual cyclists don’t known ‘bike racing’ but now, thanks to both lance & doping scandals, they do know about “le tour” & along with summer, it’s coming soon…gonna be an interesting season…

…with love, bgw…

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