As the Toto Turns 224

Welcome to my little trap

 Welcome to my little trap


Vincent Swage

C’mon, JV said what everyone was thinking, and then BMC took the bait…Garmin only had Tyler really…you see how quickly Thor was made minced meat by Boonen, and then puree’d by FC…
The new Toto should be PoPo Zato…even then Belgian commentary called him a “wheelsucking meister”…
And thats what this site is all about, right? Wheelsucking? The only Italian with courage is Ballan, he went after Gilbert, but couldn’t make it…then he helped GH as best he could…only wished GH went with Nuyens…imagine that!!!

Toto is for Tuesday, but why not start another, say, Thorsday Make Over? if you got shat on Sunday, you can make up 5% on Thorsday???

Thor got SHAT ON!!!

Robin Biopace

You need to redraw this clown,. With each passing day he gets fatter and fatter with more rediculous sideburns and glasses. He is/was seriously round at Flanders.

Razzante Fork

Look at JV from RVV.. don’t race for the win. He gave up and the race came back together. never give up and fight. he told he boys to sprint for 3rd. Their hearts faded and now no result. They should hire JVP back.


The JV face is not current. Add chubby cheeks. The burns. They’re no longer sideburns. They’re closer to his thin lips than his ears, where any sensible man wears his sideburns. Now on to the haircut: pure douche side part. Stop trying to look “dapper” fatboy. You look like a sad clown in those transitions lenses. Fucking poser.

Hannibal Smith

Nice one! You had me at the very first PVP comment. Btw, my brother, who is NOT a cycling fan, said to me “I think that that guy stole Elton John’s sunglasses”

Robin Biopace

“I’m very happy: there were fifty of them behind a gladiator,” Cancellara continued. “It was a spectacle and a double satisfaction: I lost by trying to win, the others rode only to make me lose. And in the end the one who was always in the wheels won. Congratulations to Nuyens, but for me [winning] like that has no value.”

I love Cancellera’s approach to racing but he is getting crazy cocky. Nuyens rode a beautiful race and make major selections at the end of the race. he will never have the motor of FC or Boonen but he won on the day and that is worth some respect.


Poor JV. I guess he learned a little media lesson here. Nvr get heard over the airways telling your riders to laydown. ‘Its bad for bidness’. That Garmin strategy/pep talk vid on the bus was hilarious to me. It looked like JV was doing something that Matt White use to do (well);so now here’s the boss trying to ‘light the wick’ and the room just felt wierd. Not relaxed at all.
I would be remiss not to mention our boy George. Could he have timed it right this year? If George cracks the top 5 I’ll be pretty impressed. I’m psyched that he has some horsepower at his disposal, and he rode a really smart Flanders with said horsepower. Lets hope he doesnt have a bicycle equivalant of a wardrobe malfunction, go ditch diving, or worse case scenario, getting into the Velodrome with Matt Goss.

Sorry George – you’ll nvr live down the ditch maneuvers.

dig-n the classics so far.


Totally agree—Nuyens’ win was beautiful.

Cancellara’s comments are classless. There’s nothing uglier than a sore loser. If anyone’s tactics should be questioned, it’s Fabian pushing Chavanel towards the barriers, perhaps costing Chavanel the victory.

Sorry Fabian. I’m no longer a fan. You seem to have discovered your ego, and it’s douchey.

Thomas Bearing

Lee3 is a douche…

GH is a great athlete. George is in his best form, and team support ever, and if he listens to his instincts, and races for the win and nothing else, he will succeed…

C’mon George!!! Just like when you WON Pro-1-2 Mengoni at 16!!! Ride like the “Turbo” you are!!!

Dont be a “Twinkie Head” (who used to say that?)

West Coast Reader

What no crack at PVP? What great insight did he give the riders?

1. Ride at the back of the race till you attack (what he was famous for, mainly riding at the back, not the attacks).
2. ?

I think that’s it for PVP and racing. As for being a team mascot, good for him to get Johnny V pony up some money for his retirement in the Belgium country side.


would be the guy sitting in a matchbox apt. typing words like twinkie head.
Better check your furnace vents or layoff the altitude tents.

I pull for George. I also pull for the knicks.

I forgot about PVP style…so true.

Matteo Dropout

…for george if only because he’s never gotten that ‘classics’ win…

…a wonderful career by the standards of 95% of the pro ranks as a strong individual rider & a selfless team rider but never that particular definitive palmares, the one that rests both on the mantle above the fireplace & carried proudly on ones shoulders…

…george has carved a place in cycling history (in my book) but while always in the mix, that flandrian spring classic win has eluded the man…

…mores the shame…

…with love, bgw…

Matteo Dropout

…’de ronde’, that should a’ gone to chavanel…

…after that selfish prick boonen set the stage by attacking his own man, chavanel showed a lotta class by not popping that bitch in the mouth after he saw the tapes…

…anyway…with love (but not for the cocaine cowboy), bgw…


Bjarne must be feeling pretty good right about now. He’s got a supposed has-been winning classics and semi-classics, and if AC can survive CAS Saxo will win every fucking stage race they enter. A brilliant coach and DS.

In stark contrast, Vaughters has taken Cervelo Test Team wine and turned it into vinegar for his douche. No one respects the guy and they don’t ride hard for him. Remember how he ordered argyle to unnecessarily chase down Hincapie to keep him out of yellow in the 09 Tour? Spiteful douchebag.


always was good at takin riders to the next level. He’s got a friggen rolodex of resurging career examples. Johan blossom’d AC, its just too bad he let Lance fck that up for him. I think Alberto would still be riding with Johan if Armstrong didnt muck up the system.
Riis is quite masterful.

If Matt White starts a team you can bet Vaughters may not be as lucky as Riis when it comes to the ensueing mass defection.

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