Tour day Schmalz Stage 4

Split milk

It seems we have our first real controversy of this year’s Tour, let’s go ahead and call it "The Split", so it can now enter the cycling pantheon of events with two word descriptions like "The Look" and "The Ponytail" and "The Gunshow". I found myself in the position the other day of having to explain to someone why I type SMASH every time I type Thor’s SMASH name, and the explanation sounded so childish after I wrote it out that I was almost embarrassed, and then I remembered that I am the current New York Ladies’ Sprint Champion, and that feeling went away.

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3

But back to The Split™ (let’s add a ™ to that, makes it feel more Lance-ish), we have many differing accounts about what happened. Cavendish didn’t think it was planned, but Rogers said that they decided to gun it in the crosswind as the other teams weren’t helping with the chase. In that circumstance, I’m going to go ahead and believe Rogers, as he was at the front of the race doing the work. I guess it also depends on what your definition of "planned" is. No one ever "plans" to get over-served and empty out their stomach into a potted plant, but if you start to feel queazy, you can "plan" to find the nearest container to fill with your innards. Plus, it was only a Holiday Inn lobby, so I’m still fine with that decision.

So Columbia got miffed that no one was helping with the chase (and why would they? Columbia is by far the best lead-out team in the race, why would it make any sense to help them out? So they can be fresher for the finish? So Cav can win by 10 bike lengths? Sill, silly, Columbia!), and they went to the front in the headwind to punish the other teams. I’m going to go ahead and assume here that they are mad at Garmin because that makes for better drama for today’s BIGGEST TTT EVER, but Lampre and Cervelo probably could’ve helped also, so there’s plenty of blame to go around.

So Columbia gunned it, and everyone who knew their head from a tailwind was at the front and ready for an echelon. This move didn’t include Alberto Contador, but in his defense, there isn’t any wind in Spain – Franco outlawed it. Christophe Le Mevel from FDJ said that the split happened in front of Alberto, so maybe he couldn’t close the gap – or maybe he was relying on his teammates up the road to sit on and cover the move, because that’s what a team leader would do.

The Split™ did include Lance, teammate Popo and Lance’s newest best bud, Spanish teammate Haimar Zubeldia. At first they sat in like good boys covering the move for the team leader, but as the finish line came closer, Lance had a Hinault moment and they started rotating at the front, which would not be good for Alberto. According to L’Equipe, Zubeldia said Bruyneel gave the order to work, Contador claims he never heard that in his earphone. This can mean only one thing – Lance can do a dead on imitation of the the Hog! Not only is this useful when conveying artificial team orders, he can also use his fake Bruyneel voice to order 4,000 condoms and have them delivered to Johan’s hotel room. Hijinks!

We also have the rumor that Hincapie told former Boss Armstrong that they were going to gun it, and he probably did this out of habit from years of shuffling Lance around – after the stage he also reflexively washed out Lance’s shorts.

The big question for today’s stage is: did Columbia’s 32 k fit of pique put them in the hole for today’s BIGGEST TTT EVER? I thought I saw Grabsch grabbing at his chest near the end of the stage.

We also have a TdS programming note. Due to an imminent birth in the family and my daughter’s birthday, I will be needed in Washington, DC this weekend. Which means I can’t do any recaps for Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I was hoping that the stalwart commentators of the internet could fill in for me, and play "virtual schmalz" from the comfort of their own homes. It’s really not that hard. I would also really appreciate it if people out there could help write up definitions of all the idiotic catchphrases I’ve repeated ad nausuem for years without any thought of explaining them to new users. It’s almost as if I’ve developed my own really remedial language based on European hairstyles and fashion faux paus.

Let’s get to the live coverage shall we? They have the recap of the beginning of the split, I enjoy how Fabian jumped the curb to get to the move, Contador on the other hand, neglected to jump anything except perhaps a shark or some other fishes in a tank.

I’m spacing off the pre-show, I’m assuming they will say that the TTT is a beautiful and painful discipline.

Lance will have to take back 40 seconds on Saxo to get yellow today, and Alberto will have to gap Lance by 19 seconds to get yellow, so it might come down to a sprint today.

The start times are up and things aren’t going to get interesting until 10:20.

Caisse d’Epargne have left the starting booth. But they have forgotten Contador!

Menchov crashes! This would be big news if anyone cared about Menchov.

And then Ballan crashes in the same corner. Sabotage!

Napolitano is immediately dropped by Katusha. Thanks for coming Danilo, see you next year!

They just showed the Lance Nike spot again, where he says who he’s coming back for – you know who he never mentions coming back for? Cycling fans, as we are all kinda tired of his Livestrong show.

They’re talking to Levi, he doesn’t get interviewed by Lance’s personal media contact, Frankie Andreu. They ask him about The Split™, but I don’t think Johan even gives him a race radio.

Here’s the first male enhancement ad of that Tour, Maxoderm, what took you so long?

Here’s a Lance interview. Lance talks to Eurosport – did they ever testify against him?

Lance downplays the drama, and say they will wait until the mountains to decide the team leader, and he ahem, cleared his throat before he said that – just sayin’. No phallometer points lost there, he’s holding at 97

We have 3 Bbox guys crashing. Frenchmen in the ditch! They refuse to come out until someone gives them a white flag to wave. Ah, French surrender jokes, will I ever tire of them?

Cadel about to start with his team, the question isn’t whether they will be disappointing, but how disappointing they will be. I predict slightly less disappointing than Geraldo opening Al Capone’s vault.

Now if I were running VS, besides having a recap of regrettable haircuts ever day, I would have constant tech pieces on each teams TT bikes today. I would also have an aero geek in the booth with a telestrator critiquing each rider’s position. Wouldn’t that be fun? Can I just start running that network please?

A Silence guys does a ’99 VDV and falls on the straightaway. In his defense, Scheirlinckx’s backside is mesmerizing. I do like how his teammate deftly rode between his sprawling body and his sliding bike – that’s a pro my friends.

Here’s Frankie and Fabian interview about his bike, is Lance going to boil a rabbit and send it to Fabian?

Hog interview, he says he’s fine with the way yesterday turned out, and he will let the road decide who’s the team leader. He’s also looking nervously over the interviewer’s shoulder to make sure Contador can’t find him, as he’s got Alberto’s skinsuit shoved into his pants.

It’s almost time for the fast team to start the TTT, will today come down to how many Frenchmen hit the dirt?

Here’s a spot where everyone pretends that there’s a rivalry between Columbia and Garmin. A rivalry that is slightly less badass than the one between the Jets and Sharks.

Alberto warming up – listening to the Hog’s book on tape, so he can tell the real Hog from Lance’s imitation.

Milram is dropping riders like a cow drops used grass.

Garmin lining up for the start now, it’s game on now! You know, a game contested in tights.

Silence is finishing, Cadel opens a gap on the rest of the team at the finish, neglecting to remember that it’s the time of the fifth rider that counts – not that it matters here. They lose 1:12 to Katusah, and in the process manage to also crush Cadel’s dreams.

Frankie interviews Fabian, I can’t get enough of his accent. "I am to be riding in the very fast way, and hope to one day take up the devil sticks on a vacation to Burning Man."

Saxo starts the TT and so begins their schlep of the Schlecks.

Columbia sets off on the TTT, that mean just Astana is left. We will have to watch closely to see when Lance attacks Contador.

Tyler Farrar is dropped after the first check point, Garmin in second place at the check, Pate is getting dropped. Now Dean is dropped, Garmin losing riders like Amy Winehouse loses teeth.

Garmin down to 5, not a good sign. They dropped a lot of guys at the Giro also, and they lost that stage to Columbia. Let’s hope their bikes hold out.

Team Livestrong starts the race, Lance radios Alberto and tells him to really gun it into the Australian Turn. Why is Phil calling the dangerous turn the "Australian Turn"? Menchov and Ballan crashed there.

Now it’s just a matter of Alberto controlling Lance’s attacks.

Garmin posts best time at second check with only 5 guys! Cadel Evans just started a wicked slap fight with his teammates.

The Saxo guys almost hit the French ditch – should that be called the Bbox corner? Doesn’t that sound like an ill-advised Saturday morning cartoon starring Gary Coleman as a rapping hall monitor?

Astana has best time in the first time check by 7 seconds.

Garmin has best time at the 3rd time check!! Go you blue gloved bitches!!!

Columbia fifth best at the 2nd time check. Guess they did a their TTT-ing at the end of yesterday’s stage.

Saxo’s guys are weaving like it closing time in Cancun.

Show Garmin!! They can win this stage with 5 guys!

2 k to go for Garmin! Wash the dishes! Wash the dishes!

At the second check, Astana ahead of Garmin by 23 seconds and 3 guys – dammit!

Garmin finishes at 46:47, good enough for best time for now.

Saxo coming into the finish, Fabian has to tow the Schlecks to the finish. They finish second.

Cadel’s team still finishing.

Armstrong could end up in yellow today – a win for awareness! Can a brother get a flat here?

I am sending mental tacks at the TV screen right now.

They show Columbia, who are now owned by Garmin. Note to Bert Grabsch, toss a little black into the skinsuit mix.

Astana at third check point, 17 ahead of Garmin, they are losing time!

Astana on the pace for Armstrong yellow and Contador humiliation.

Columbia 4th – granted that’s pretty good for their second TTT in a row.

Here’s come Astana. 4 k to go. They pop Popo.

Now, if they have 6 guys, can’t Lance attack Berto and gain time? Just sayin’. Lance does a Hog voice and tells Berto that they just crossed the finish line.

Did Paul just say something about Astana deep throating Cancellara? I’m not making that up.

Ugh, Astana wins the stage by 18 seconds.

It’s going to be close for the yellow jersey, the UCI is waiting for a wire transfer from Astana before they announce the winner.

The postmaster in Kazakhstan is alseep, there’s no money orders!

Cancellara holds on to yellow!

Silence just finishing the stage.



Great recap. I’ll try to give it a go in the weekend. I’m not as talented as you, but I’ll juice up. Some beers and a Scotch should transform my donkey ass into a racehorse in no time.


“Four years after his last team time trial success, Armstrong wound back the clock, organising the (much younger) men in turquoise over the 39km to win yet another race against the clock in this formation.

The seven-time Tour champion received the congratulations of his teammates after the finish – one notable exception – Alberto Contador.”


Schmalz-you do good work here. I hope you’re making some money from this.

I think I would have stopped watching the tour if LA was in yellow. I just don’t think my stomach could take it.


I’m paid mostly in love, my friends. And I would suggest partial inebriation as a pre-requisite for the TdS, especially on Friday morning.


As much as I love your sniping, it’s so endearing to see the way you sincerely root for Garmin. I hope VDV podiums just for you.

As for Lance, what the hell drama would we have this year without him? As a fellow blogger stated this morning– love him or hate him, he’s a magnificent SOB. Contador’s just an arrogant little weasel in comparison.


Lance is like the High School quarterback. We all say out loud that he’s an ahole, and that we hate him, but secretly we all want to be him and live his life.


There are only two guys that can win this thing. LA and ALberto. The rest are not on the same level. Schlecks can climb but cant TT and CSC does not look that good this year. The old CSC would have brought back the break yesterday. Where was Jens?

Anyway, Lance will win this thing. He is tough as nails and is in top form. He is better than Berto and has the mind and experience to grind it out in the Mtns and take it in the TT.


These recaps make me laugh like Jacob’s American Idol recaps on Snickery, snarky fun. Makes sense…I guess LA is kind of an “American Idol” too.


Im holding my judgement until I see him 1) climb with Alberto in real mtn stage, and 2) look decent after 2 weeks of racing at highest level. Only then will I consider his only “ok” performance in Giro as holding back for TdF. So far we have seen nothing, and are just relying on third party PR to judge his true condition. If he slips back on the first mtn stage and watches Alberto and Schlecks and Evans pop up the road, it will be instructive. If not, well, it will be instructive too!


Im really interested in seeing him this tour too – is he burned out or not? He damn well should be by this point in the year, I would assume. Still, I want him to shine and kick some Schleck ass at least.


Bill Brasky rode the TdF in 1940, but due to WWII no one was keeping score. When he got to Paris and no one was there to greet him he killed 10,000 Nazis with his frame pump. Then he rode back to Brittany to wait for the start of the 1941 TdF.



Really, he has not shown anything yet? Top 10 in the Prologue after staring pretty much 1st of the real GC guys. The form of all the Tour riders is off the charts and to be in the top 10 shows somthing no? Where was VDV, Sastre, Menchov, Andy and Frank, Rogers? All guys targeting this race.

His form is fine. The guy is a machine and would not be racing if he was not able to win.


Lance coming back at 38 and being in the top 3 so far gives me hope…of placing 27th in a cat 4 race.


I really dont get this. I am not a TTer and have never done a TT besides a breakaway effort off the front of a race (never successful). I look at the pictures of these over the top Aero bikes costing $15-$25k (plus millions in R&D) and they race with gloves and no shoe covers. I read (along with most of this audience) the MIT article a few years back that showed the biggest gains for the price in Aerodynamics were through shoe covers, Aero helmets and no gloves. I see these top pros at the big Dance and they are with gloves, no shoe covers etc. Makes me think these TT bikes are really just for us wankers to spend money on and that the Pros would be using clip ons if it were up to them.


Agree with 3:35, if the old fart can still climb, well, fuck the tour I’m looking forward to the Vuelta. Funny stuff btw schmalz.


i prefer to ride with one left glove, it’s white, kinda sparkly. because i’m bad, you know it.


Now every fred in america is going to be officially wearing astana kits. +1 for the glorious nation of Kazakstan.


kazakastan will be overtaken by the neighboring republic of snakistan in a military coup. the team name will then change to team snakistan, presented by frito lay. i read it on the onion so it must be true.


…re:– stage 4 report…you say all that as if it’s a bad thing…no, wait…maybe you said it as if it’s a good thing…
…damn, now i’m not sure but i think i learned a lot…or maybe not so much…
…hey, i’ll get back to you on this issue unless, like, i forget…
…love, bgw…


Contador seems to make a lot of foolish mistakes…not just missing that split in this tour, but panicking and forgetting to eat in paris nice, and attacking too often then cracking vs michael rasmussen in the 07′ tour (levi beat contador in that mountain top finish).

Contador is supremely talented, more talented than Lance was at that age, but he has a lot to learn.

The old dog Lance still has a great sniffer…if the other race favorite are going to give him the race like that, then it’s on them…he did nothing wrong


True. EXACT same thing happened to Contador in Paris Nice – Rabobank got to front and drilled it and Alberto got caught with chamois down.


i laughed out loud at this:

“I am to be riding in the very fast way, and hope to one day take up the devil sticks on a vacation to Burning Man.”

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