Tour day Schmalz Stage 3

Me rok.

 Tour day schmalz Stage 3

Stage 1
Stage 2

It’s early in the Tour, and you can tell because the pros still care about their online diaries and will answer questions from the press, as the Tour wears on, they just get too tired, and all they can muster is the strength to pop out the occasional 55 tweets or so.

Yesterday was Cav’s first pantsing of the sprint pack, and from the look of his sprint and lead out; I would suggest that Thor SMASH try and win in a break or on a mountain stage, or maybe he tosses Gustov into Cav’s spokes – accidentally, of course.

I haven’t checked Lance’s tweets yet as he’s blocked us (so we don’t get the messages directly, um, we have to type a fews characters – well played Twitter) and his pronouncements seem so marketing based, it’s like getting a twit from Walmart. I just checked and he’s listing all the pros that Twit also. Current shopping and laundry lists will be forthcoming.

I will watch today’s stage live without the aid of Tivo, so I will be able to sample the ads that VS is showing to try and wrap up the coveted unemployed and home-bound demographics.

I tune in with 4 guys out front with an 11 minute lead with 103k to go. I will take a wild guess and suppose that there’s some French guys out there. I’ll check Velonews – where you can get some actual information. And there they are, 2 Frenchmen – Bouet and Dumoulin, a real shocker there. I would gauge their chances at staying away as the same as the chances of Sarah Palin never giving another press conference.

Phil and Paul are wondering why Greipel hasn’t come to the Tour, um, remember the Giro where Cav sat up and Greipel thought he "won"? Yeah, that’s why Greipel’s not coming.

Frankie talks to Levi, now there’s a good chance he could make the "back of the bus" show! Don’t go in alone, Frankie! And on a separate note, those back of the bus videos are brutal! Lance and Levi are a better comedy duo than say, Stalin and Lenin, but that’s only because Stalin and Lenin’s third act was mostly murdering.

They show Lance – he’s down to having one Swiss guy taking care of him.

Here’s Frankie talking to Lance, odd that Frankie is not in any of the shots with Lance. Perhaps he doesn’t want the video tape to show up as "exhibit A"?

Oops, we get a Lance phallometer (thanks you anonymous internet comment!) finger up "one moment" moment there, -1 down to 97 in our competition.

From VeloNews:

The Astana team was fined 65 Euros after failing to sign on within the specified time at the start in Marseille this morning.
The team was reportedly delayed by heavy traffic in the city center, but the organizers had little sympathy when Astana broke the rule that teams must register for the stage at least 20 minutes before the start of the race.

"How typical that this team were late. It is disrespectful to the public who came here just to see Armstrong," said race director Jean-Francois Pescheux. "The money makes no difference to them. We will ask the UCI to make the fines harder."

How much of a fine would it take to break the Astana bank? $28?

A Columbia HTC profile, it’s nice that they pretend that Michael Rogers will have help from the team. I was hoping against hope that the new sponsor would change their jerseys to something slightly less awful, but it seems that the new logo only served to erase a few of their fake man muscles.

Cav interview, he’s in green now. Have they told him that he needs to finish the race to keep it?

VS is diagramming drafting again, up next, they explain how riders breathe in and then breathe out, and they can’t stop or bad things will happen.

So Saxo is having to do a lot of work today, along with Columbia. Will that have an effect on the TT tomorrow?

Farrar interview: the pre-haircut shots are priceless. He looked like the guy playing the "3rd mob thug" from an episode of Miami Vice. The one that Philip Michael Thomas got to punch in the face.

Breaking news from Velonews:

More on the Astana fine … and maybe why Pescheux was a little miffed this morning. Apparently the delay wasn’t traffic related. The delay is reported to have been caused by Armstrong sharing a cup of coffee with actor Ben Stiller, who was visiting the Tour’s VIP area here on Monday morning.

Making everyone wait while you have coffee with the star of "Mystery Men"? That’s a -1 on the phallometer, we are at 96. And yes, my computer dictionary has now learned to autospell "phallometer".

P&P talking about Boonen’s sprint chances right now. If Boner’s pets could talk, even they would call him slow right now.

They show a piece on crashing, and they decide to show some of Razzy’s greatest ITT hits. I am giggling with delight now.

And right on cue, there’s a crosswind-inspired crash. It doesn’t look too serious. Everyone is shoving themselves up to the front for the cross wind, mayhem should be forthcoming.

41 K to go. The four no-hopers are still out front, riding with an optimism that harkens back to the conception of Eddy Murphy’s singing career.

32 k to go, Dumoulin is doing 31% of the work in the break, yet only creates a 4% draft for the others.

Columbia is putting the pressure on as the echelons form, Lance has dropped Contador. All of Columbia is up there.

The break is caught, they will head back to the pack to "Party all the time".

The split is 30 seconds, and shockingly, Paul is impressed by Lance’s tactical savvy.

Columbia is causing a lot of trouble here, there’s 25 k to go. This could be a break of mini-Pereiro type proportions. All Lance needs if for Alberto to have to stop and take a whiz.

18 k to go, Grabsch drops out of the front group, sensing bacon in the team car. And yes, I miss Toto desperately.

17 k to go, 22 second gap now. Has Columbia just blown their leadout? The guys in the team car said there was a headwind finish.

Popo is there with Lance, ensuring continued Livestrong employment. Zubeldia is up there also – working to drop Contador?

Thor SMASH is up there! Well played Thor SMASH!

10 k to go, and they have 29 seconds. This is going to be good.

Wow, they are gaining time on the field.

Garmin’s not chasing, maybe they not that concerned about 30 seconds? Did someone tell Columbia that the TTT is today?

Wiil Cav win from a break here? Would you have ever predicted something like that?

4 k to go, can Thor SMASH one out here?

The race is splitting all over, it’s FBF day at the Tour!

This is a perfect opportunity for a late Fabian 1 k move.

Thor SMASH is sitting on Cav, who Phil is calling Renshaw for some reason. From the front camera angle it looks like It looks like a manatee mounting a gopher. Not a lot of draft for the SMASHing.

Cav wins. Thor SMASH second.

Lance gains 39 seconds on Contador, settling any leadership questions. I anticipate a Twitter tonight discussing inexperience, tactics and the subtle acting skills of Ben Stiller.



Astana is gonna lose the tour for sure now. it is clear that the team is divided. they will be chasing each other down in the mts

they need horner


Its one thing to get caught in a lead group and your other “leaders” are caught out behind. You sit in and hope the get back on. But to take pulls on the front to put time into your teammate is just dick. Lance is going to win this… I hate it but he will sit on Contador in the Mtns and then hit his full peak for the final TT. He will win by 15seconds or so overall.

Berto’s only hope is that Caiss Deparne strikes up a deal with him and rides for him in the mtns in return for his services next year as team leader. God I hate Lance.


do you think contie has a better shot at winning? don’t get me wrong, this seems dysfunctional, but couldn’t you make the argument that lance has the better chance overall?


Well, Contador did beat Lance pretty soundly in the TT so considering that he should have even more of an advantage in the mountains over Lance, I think it is fair that he should be the undisputed leader of Astana. But, clearly he isn’t. Lance is loathsome.


But we knew that before he won his 1st TdF. He gets lots of people interested in this bike race, and that is what gets the sponsors on board. Instead of tracking him on your phallometer, why not ignore him and cover the rest of the race. Oh, wait. I forgot, this is NY Velocity. Nevermind,
keep the phallometer going. You should run a contest as to how high the phallometer will go. My guess is it will get to 867 if Lance doesn’t drop out after getting spanked by Contador during one of the tough stages. If he makes it to Paris, I think 2,538 is about right.


and you guys will be the same to cream all over horner and levi. Who do you think levi is riding for?


if not being a dick were a prereq for bike racer, the field at FBF and park races would never get to double digits.


The phallometer goes UP when he does GOOD stuff. Down when he does a dick move. If it gets to 0, well then, the “official” hood of dickness gets lowered.


oh yeah, horner would straighten them all out…what??!! one thing that makes him so valuable is that he works for people, and would most likely work for lance, but either way, he wouldn’t be stepping up and sorting this out.


That’s funny, I was about to say the same thing. Yeah, you mean the same guy who is exchanging lovey dovey tweets with lance while sporting the new livestrong bracelet twitter pic?


I always thought that up until this year Lance and Horner hated eachother and that is why Disco/Postal never took Horner on the team. Maybe Horner finally decided to play by Lances rules once Lance came back.


There was not much reason for LA to work, except for his own interest. In his interview yesterday, he was ambigiuous about who the “leader” of the team was.

It is interesting that his old pal Hincapie was leading the charge and LA just happened to be up there when HTC turned the screws


“VS is diagramming drafting again, up next, they explain how riders breathe in and then breathe out, and they can’t stop or bad things will happen.”

It’s easy to make fun of this, and while I’m not defending VS, they have a lot to teach the US viewing audience about cycling. You have to remember that not everyone who watches the Tour on US TV knows the basics. You do, I do, but not a lot of people outside the sport do. Besides, it’s better than “the Tour de France is like 21 marathons or Super Bowls” analogy that I’ve heard on TV before.

Maybe direct the humor elsewhere. It’s precisely this kind of attitude that makes a lot of people dislike bikers.

I’m just glad I can watch the Tour live online at the VS site. I don’t care if they explain that a bike has two wheels. I’m still going to watch.

Just saying.


anything is better than video snippets/film highlghts with that new agey piano guy (tesch?) a la the 80’s/90’s that we used to get.


You have a point, but they have been doing this kind of explanation ever since John Tesh and James Brown were covering pro cycling in the 80s, with Phil Liggett obviously rolling his eyes at any of the Americans covering the races (John Eustice excluded). It’s kind of stupid, to have to constantly explain this basic information, considering that anyone who is watching the 2009 live coverage is likely:

A) Unemployed cyclist
B) Work-at-home cyclist
C) Bicycle shop employee
D) Euro-bar owner
E) Chris Horner
F) Both B and E

Let’s get it straight. TdF coverage is NOT going to convert the masses to our little cult, especially when they go to their local shop and get shit on by some asshole mechanic who snorts at their selection from the day-glo sale rack. Versus is marketing to the LiveStrong zombies — that’s it.


Unfortunately, this is a fringe sport. No network coverage yesterday, but they did broadcast the Hy Vee Triathlon from Des Moines. No disrespect to Dan as I believe that he’s from Iowa.


You made a mountain of hate out of a minor yet good point. Nobody is trying to “convert” anybody. But you can teach the man in the street why drafting’s important in bike racing.

By the way, it is possible to watch the Tour at work too. Especially if your boss is a fan.


My issue with the remedial nature of the explanations is that you don’t see other sports doing this. Football analysts do not feel the need to explain who the quarterback is, they assume that people know, and then they can talk about the nuances of the game that make it more interesting.

If all you offer is basic explanations, you’ll never get to the nuances – and people won’t be knowledgeable fans.

And feel free to make fun of Des Moines, I’ve always thought is was kind of dumpy.


Dislike is not hate. If you referring to his/her dislike of the LiveStrong message, you obviously don’t see that it’s clever product marketing wrapped in a neatly packaged anti-disease message. Attach a noteworthy cause to your product and sell goods as a result.

For more examples of this concept, see Product Red.

Nothing wrong with it, it’s just sad that many are swept up by an obviously devious marketing campaign built on the hope that Lance’s message will ultimately defeat cancer, when there is no money made in curing the disease but plenty in treating it.

There’s no hate in dude’s comment, just realism.


I hate to break it to you, but cycling is…

1) not the most interesting sport to watch
2) not the most complicated sport

Today’s stage was fairly long. What are they suppose to talk about the whole time? And really, there are that many tactics to talk about in cycling. It’s not like there’s a playbook. So, they explain how drafting works. Big woop. It took all of 15 seconds. Today’s stage was what, 4 plus hours long?

Pretty soon they’re going to run out of things to talk about.


Well, for one how about showing the upcoming weather patterns, genius? You know, maybe a live map showing the crosswind that happened to turn the race upside down?


They don’t explain drafting for NASCAR. It’s just as important there.

Versus is kind of dumbing down the coverage.

At least they’re not running those stupid diagrams and explanations about how Armstrong’s heart and lungs are bigger stronger than everybody else’s.


How much did Lance promise to big George for that effort today? A promise of at least second base with an Olsen twin? Support of the 2010 Pharmastrong team in PR?

If Lance is the top Astana person in the GC, is his plan to go to Hog, and claim team leadership, and the fealty of rest of the Astana riders?


Maybe they should bring in Jeff Gordon as a color commentator, to explain drafting NASCAR-style with a Chevy Tahoe trying to run a triathlete in a mankini off of the road. Most “civilians” can relate to that.


It’s not a bad point about football, etc., but I think football usually includes a good bit of on-screen highlighting a la John Madden. In baseball you have pitch-by-pitch and some on-screen highlighting kind of stuff. I’m not an expert when it comes to these sports, but I think with cycling you have this sense talking to lay people that it’s very complicated and almost arcane. They say this to me a lot. Yes, to us it’s ridiculously simple, but I think that’s because we have been in the sport a decade or two or three. I find myself explaining a lot to family and friends, who always have a ton of questions come Tour time. Drafting is an example of a major tactic that they don’t see themselves. In sum, I go nuts with every bloody Tour 101 tutorial, too, but if it means that it might add fans to the sport and thereby increase the likelihood that I’ll get to watch the Tour every year in the US, then so be it.


schmalz, i love your writing, but i gotta yell bullshit!! They totally do that with all other sports. Maybe you just don’t know about them, so they don’t seem remedial, but tennis?? c’mon, they might as well explain what a forehand is it’s so remedial. Baseball, same thing “you see, they want to bunt here because….” basketball is the worst!


Well, we disagree, not a big deal. Usually in football telecasts the commentators try to give the strategy from a players perspective, which is what I would like in bike races.

I would have a recently retired pro (Magnus Backstedt does a great job on explaining the ambitions, weaknesses and strengths of each rider. When I’ve heard the commentary, they spend a lot of time working out scenarios during breakaways, and explain how each rider would have the best chance at winning the race. And during the Tour de Suisse, Maggie called something like 4 winners in a row – and none of them were sprint finishes.

Playing the “what if” game with a knowledgeable commentator makes the race go very quickly. And tells a much more interesting story of the race – instead of just reading from the Tour’s PR race guide.


Yes, they do remedial explanations with other sports, but not to the extent they do it with cycling. The equivalent of the cycling explanations in baseball would be saying that every time a batter comes across home base, a runs scores.


I agree with some of your points, and it irritates me when they sacrifice the ardent fan for the casual observer, as if they would try to explain a filibuster on c-span, chances are the people who are watching want more detail. I guess the only thing I disagree with you on is that it is any worse than it is in other sports. I suppose they assume a tiny bit more base level knowledge with football, but they are probably correct in that assumption.


liggett starting to exhibit signs of dementia yesterday. today, same. even got catty with shwin yesterday at that crash finish. sherwin generally seems like he doesn’t give a hoot. those guys are old, tired, done. vs: get some fresh blood. please.


No money in curing cancer!!! Are you kidding. You must be one of those people who think doctors know the cure, but aren’t telling anyone. Even their family members who die of the disease.

Money,fame, a cancer-free family- it will be huge. That’s why everyone who has an inkling starts their own business and gets on the 6 o’clock news!


and they do have coverage of team meetings. and they are ex-cyclists talking about the race, wasn’t that one of your beefs.

the captcha has more than one correct answer.


if you’re anti-lance then you’re anti-cancer. wait, what did i just say? i think i just contradickted myself.


That’s Tesh, not Posey. I remember watching this… The handshake between Madiot and Guimard. Shit like that just doesn’t exist anymore, mostly due to technology like radios and power meters.


I must have put up the wrong link. I was referring to the 1989 paris roubaix coverage by ABC that’s on You Tube with Posey and Al Trautwig


Schmalz is being too nitpicky, if Andreu and Roll are not a recent enough of an ex-cyclist, but Maggie is okay, and I guess Todd Golgolski would be not recent enough of an ex-cyclist to pass mustard with schmalz.


I like having a freshly retired pro in the mix, as they are more likely to know the current racers and how they behave in the pack. Roll never raced with a radio or carbon wheels, I would say he had a very different experience than the current racers.


Ever since Roll retired, he’s been living in a van down by the river, smoking doobie and eating government cheese. Just listen to him, he has no idea what’s going on. Totally outta synch with today’s world. But you know he’s got a sweet carbon fiber bong in that van…down by the river…


you had some decent points, but now you are definitely being a little demanding. Commentator is a whole different skill set, not to mention that who knows if any are stepping up? I would much rather have a couple of older pros, who are also veteran commentators than a rookie who is just learning. you want to throw a cat 5 into the mix just because they are familiar with crabon?


His bong is more likely to be green-white-red and say “Eddy Merckx” on the side than it is to be made of carbon. I made a bike bong in my 3rd freshman year, I might still have it I just can’t remember where I left it.


I think you meant:

By the way, it is possible to watch the Tour at work too. Especially if you work in a bike shop.


Re: the fellow who pointed to the odds site —

Some places are giving 100:1 (or worse!) odds on VDV. He’s not gunna win, but anything cheaper than 60 or 70 to 1 is a steal.


How can be be out of touch, he wears one of those faggy yellow braclets that everybody’s got.


either schmalz is being too nitpicky or he’s being like JV and his ascot swirling a glass of rhone or delicate sauternes, I’m perfectly happy with VS I think they’re doing a good job plus no Al Trautwig but even Al improved over the years, the coverage is just fine , and if you think Ligett isn’t okay you are insane/hating for whatever reason that people hate on people who are great at their job


Nitpicky? Of course I am, I just wrote about 1,000 nitpicky words right up there.


one of these days ligget’s gonna have too much colon blow cereal for breakfast and have an inopportune moment on-air, mumbling something about bo hamburger in the process. it won’t be a pretty sight.


Astana team manager Johan Bruyneel now has a tough decision whether to stick with Contador as his main man or switch allegiance to Armstrong.

There are no prizes for guessing what choice the American thinks he should take. “Forty seconds is 40 seconds,” said Armstrong. “This changes the dynamic going into the team time trial.

“I have stayed out of the drama and polemics of the leadership. I have won the Tour seven times and I think I deserve some credit. Alberto is a good leader but that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of situations that come up.

“It doesn’t take a genius to know you have got to be there at the front when it is windy because anything can happen.”


Johan’s gone quiet. He was posting 3 times a day to facebook but nothing since Stsge 3 finished

Wheel sucker technically deficient

So my TiVo cut out 20 min before the coverage should have ended, the only 20 interesting min of the race. Did VS continue beyond the 3hr window or was the coverage just dropped? I’m on Time warner cable. Just curious – I’ve now got it set up to record and extra hour after the official end time.


You must be a dvr/versus race coverage newbie. I learned long ago to add at least 30 minutes to any versus cycling coverage as I’ve watched 3 to 4 hour stages before only to have the recording end as the trains started to form.


Lance is a Dick and so is johan to put time in your team leader..that is just so dickie
what dose Johan say to conti
Ill bet he’ll flip it and say
Hey Alberto how come you were not at the front!! now 2morrow you will get Mr Armstrong the water


HZ says JB gave the order to work w/Columbia in front group. Contador? “I never heard that in my earphone.” L’Equipe Tue

From cyclingfans twitter.


You think because Lance got in a little break and his helped teammates put a few seconds into Contador that he is now seriously going to challenge Contador? He was 10th, (10th!!!) in the TT, when he was winning his 7 he would have won or at worst have been with Contador. He is not what he was and when Sastre and Schleck hit the major climbs and attack Lance won’t be able to follow their wheels and Contador can then follow the climbers and finally take them out.

Lance in the top 3 and potentially in yellow today is a good thing for what is a totally fringe sport especially in the US. Sorry fringe sports like gymnastics, track and field, kayaking, sailing, para gliding have to be explained to the average punter-the vast majority of the audience watching. The basics of baseball, football, basketball and soccer dont because all the people watching know them already. Get over it and be thankful cycling is on TV.

The only way this sport is going to get sponsorship at ANY level be it pro or local is if there is more general interest. Lance in the sport generates that….regardless of your views of his ego and personal life-by the way no one cares if you think he is an asshole because there are many many more who think otherwise. What kills sponsorship interest in this sport is doping at Pro level and at the local level this elitist attitude (and it is attitude rather than ability), negativity and hate exihibited by too many on this site (despite Dan’s best efforts to lighten people up). What the hell is wrong with you people that you seriously think your lame vitriol actually does anything other than make yourself look like a sad and bitter malcontent wanker.

Happy riding.


I agree with Mr. Schmalz. Constantly explaining the bare-bones basics of the sport is not going to win over fans. Anyone watching the Tour already has some level of interest, and by explaining the strengths and weaknesses of various riders and how that fits into the current scenario on the road, you make it that much more interesting and suspenseful. Those not well-versed will pick up the basics as they go, drawn in by the unfolding plot lines, not the physics of drafting.

I’m not sure what the big deal is about LA grabbing a little time–it’s not much different than Fabian C. wearing yellow while the Schleck bros wait in the wings. It only gives Astana more cards to play. If Armstrong really has delusions, no doubt the mountains will bring him back to earth.


Do you really think him getting 10th in the prologue is a reflection of his form?

First, he would never want the Yellow on day 2. Second, that TT was very technical and not all about who was on the best form. Third, he was the first big name to go off and set the fastest time for a while. If he went after Berto he would have won or been within a few seconds.

Lance was holding back at the Giro so he peaked in the 2nd and 3rd week of the Tour. The guy is a machine and I hate him but I do think at the end of the Tour he will be ahead of Berto or at the very least will go down fighting to take out his team mate.

This race will come down to the final TT.


Well yeah I do think it is indication of his current form, I do not think he would have done much better starting later. I do not think with will be within 1 minute of Contador and it won’t come down to the TT. Happy to wager on it!


“I’m not sure what the big deal is about LA grabbing a little time–it’s not much different than Fabian C. wearing yellow while the Schleck bros wait in the wings.”

There is no controversy in Saxo. Cancy got himself to the front group and did zero work. His team behind chased hard to close the gap.

Astana and LA got themselves to the front group and worked hard to open the gap. They could and should have sat on the group. They effectively raced against Contador — even Contador feels that way.

Had LA won the opening TT, it would be a different story.


LA gets in the break, forces other teams to chase, berto gets to sit in, rest of the peloton (with help of the press) continues to swallow the Astana “feud” hook, line and sinker – another classic armstrong rope-a-dope. LA gets to wear yellow, makes no difference to berto, astana has more cards to play. very well done.


Are you going to start an OT page for those who wish to blog about the coverage so the whiners at their desks won’t bitch and moan?


Phil and Paul are embarrassing. Won’t give away TTT coverage but they were awful and had no idea what was going on. Plus I’m sick of their British idioms.


Paul is getting positively ridiculous with the number of times mentioning Armstrong. He literally says his name in EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE.


I’m glad Aunt Phyllis just reminded me that Levi is riding the smallest bike in the group.


true, but your lucky it’s even on TV. nobody in the states gives a rip about pro cycling. curling probably gets better ad sales


are ridiculous. they run little (albeit stupid) bits on everyone, even frickin Tyler Farrar gets his bit. And they cream over Cavendish, if I hear them call him he fastest man in the world one more time, I’m going to scream, but somehow you guys just want to talk Lance. You’re the problem, not the broadcasters. I’m gonna punch all of you tonight at FBF.


“CPelkey: Cancellara gets the yellow jersey from …. Ben Stiller? Yeah, it is.”

Stiller!? Where the hell is Robin Williams when you need him?

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