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TARGETRAINING and FASTAR, in conjunction with the Boomer Esiason Foundation are putting on a 2 race series on Sherwood Island State Park. These events are featured on a 2 mile loop that incorporates long straight-aways with technical turns. The course is safe, and relatively free from traffic. TARGETRAINING will be there to conduct a warm up at 8:30am, with advice from a professional on how to attack the course. They call Time Trialing the race of truth, so come on out, wake up the legs and get a good gauge on where your fitness is with summer right around the corner.

This is not a racing-only event, as we encourage beginners and enthusiast to come out and try a discipline of the sport that is hard to find! All you will need is you, a bike, and a USCF (year or 1 day) license.

Bike Reg Link

Direct to Race Flyer

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