New Look

Section head text.

It was in the fall of 2004 that Andy and Alex pieced together the first NYVelocity, mostly cribbed from legitimate cycling websites. They didn’t know a lot about making web sites, or journalism, or even cycling, but they didn’t let that stop them.

Soon after, Schmalz appeared uninvited and began writing articles without being paid (who are we kidding? No one gets paid). A bitter rivalry between Andy and Schmalz was cooked up and New York cycling fans fell into a persistent vegetative state. Sometime after, the rest of the kooky cast (Marco, Aaron, Campocat, etc.) was assembled. It’s a little known fact that we actually found Sofie, Siggy, and Ginger on Craigslist when the producers warned us we’d lose the female 25-45 dem unless we added a cute toddler and pet characters to Andy’s blog.

But still something was missing, until now. With version 2.0 NYVelocity attains the greatness we first envisioned. A lot has changed since those early days; then we never we would have dreamed of having our own NYVC tour bus with a masseuse and a fully stocked bar; now we do all the time. And as soon as Schmalz sobers up, he can start writing something coherent for a change. One thing hasn’t changed; unless you’d like to give us money we still don’t care what you think.

We have listened to you, dear reader, and made many changes you have no choice but to enjoy:

It’s a little wider!!

It’s searchable!!

It has less categories to put stories in!!

We have a readers poll!!

A lot of other technical crap we don’t care to explain to you!


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