Hopeful Friday 8/8/2008

All eights!

Saturday will see the parks hopping in New York, with a CRCA points race in Central Park and a Cadence Prospect Park Series race in Prospect Park. For those with a hankering for some hills, there’s the Cedar Mountain Road Race in Vernon, NJ on Saturday also. And yet still on Saturday, there’s the Kingwood TT in Delaware, NJ race for the aero obsessed. It’s a Saturday foursome – and who says we don’t know anything about golf? You just put the ball in the hole, no?

Sunday is more limited in it’s choices. There’s the CRCA open time trial at FBF or the Tokeneke Classic in East Harland, CT. Just a twosome – as the almighty intended it, unlike that golf abomination.



“So take THAT NYVelocity. Doc Will is, and has been UCI legal.”

Ha! +1 for the good doctor.

Y’all need some reading comprehension. Good report. I’m glad he dropped the false modesty and gave an honest account. If you actually read the whole post before rushing here to start a catfight (remember: have a snack and take a nap before posting) you would’ve read this:

“I look forward to the day when Pete, Jon, and I can come together to TT again. Each of us knows we can beat the other two. And each of us knows that we can’t be beaten. (Yeah, we are all cocky bastards.)”

Honestly not sure what your guys problem is. You gots to think like a winner to win.

and WAY TO GO Chodroff! I’d sleep in that jersey if I had it

Brooklyn Velo Force


BROOKLYN, NY – Thanks to the generous pledge of an anonymous donor, team Brooklyn Velo Force / GQ Racing will have a donation made to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation in an amount equal to its winnings during the remainder of the 2008 Cadence Cup series.
The seven-race series held in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park from May to September, pits the best riders in New York City against each other while competing for cash prizes and the coveted pink leader’s jersey.
Team rider Alessandro Matteucci has won two of the five series races held so far this season, and finished second twice, giving the team a solid grip on the pink jersey. Team riders Christopher Barbaria, Danny Inoa and Sheldon Warner have also posted top results in the series. Barbaria is third in the overall standings.
With the team thinking “pink,” supporting breast cancer research was an easy decision and a natural progression.
Team President Scott Demel said, “I am very glad that we can immediately and publicly tie our ongoing 2008 racing success to an issue that is prominent in our community, and has affected some of our members’ families directly.”
An amount equal to the team’s winnings will be donated to support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The foundation’s mission is to achieve both prevention and a cure for breast cancer by providing clinical funding for research at leading medical centers around the globe. At least 85 cents from every dollar donated to the foundation go toward research and awareness programs. In the United States, one in eight women develop breast cancer, while one in 35 die from the disease.
In previous years, Brooklyn Velo Force members have combined their passion for racing with a desire to be responsible citizens by holding an individual time trial to benefit the Youth Ride Club, organized by Woodhull Hospital and Recycle-A-Bicycle.
About Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing: Established in 1991, Brooklyn Velo Force rosters 30 riders in USA Cycling categories three, four and five. BVF riders compete in road, track, mountain and cyclocross races in Brooklyn and throughout the northeast. With new title sponsorship from GQ Magazine in 2008, the team has had its winning-est season in a decade. For more information on BVF, please visit http://www.brooklynveloforce.org.
For more information on the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, please visit http://www.bcrfcure.org.


it sure seems like a wonderful sentiment, but i can’t think that there would be that much cash generated.

Wheelsuckie suckie

Aren’t you only a Cat.123? Didn’t race the tours or the olympics? So take pride in being a good 123 and don’t bitch about 4s being proud of doing their best!


Any one know why Tom Boonen isn’t racing tommorow? Did his positive also keep him out of this?


The Olympics start. Nevermind the Road Race – an after thought for most TDF guys I’d guess but watch out on the track for some great races. All of Britain is getting excited about what Hoy, Wiggo and Cav (labelled the new Beckham by some tabloids here) etc can do. Also watch out for Vicki Pendleton – lightening fast and very easy on the eye too!

Me again

Actually I think it’s great no matter the amount of money or the level of accomplishment. It probably isn’t necessary to issue a press release though.

Kind of climber guy

Very hard race. Maybe the hardest profile of the year. Plus its hot and late in the day for the upper cats. Last year was tough. Watch the downhill before the finishing climb. The pave is shite!

Too far for me to get dropped lap 1 or 2.


it means you think you’re gonna win, start celebrating, and in doing so get nipped at the line…Dumbass


Zabeled means celebrating before the line and getting nipped at the line. Keogh celebrated after crossing the line thinking he had won, but hadn’t.


There is marked difference between hoisting the victory salute before and after the line.

Zabel was glued to Petacchi’s wheel and charged past his right shoulder with a clear shot to the line. The proud German didn’t realize the tenacious Freire was still surging on his right. “I’m sure I would have won if I had kept my hands on the bars,” Zabel said. “I lifted my hands two meters too soon.” — Velo News, March 2004

So, I don’t think that guy is a dumbass. Zabel-ing isn’t just thinking you’ve won in error, … it is when the very act of celebrating costs you the win.


wow, 4 posts in 5 minutes

can someone else say something stupid so there’s something to post about?

I want my MTV

Other than staying up all night to watch it on nbc.com is there anyway to view the road race? Looks like you need to have vista to watch the on-demand feeds after the fact on NBC. Perhaps it will be on bit-torrent and we can download the bbc or cbc broadcasts.


11:18 pm Friday night
Men’s Road Race is on now. Go to nbc olympics.com click on video, scroll down and select mens RR – watch now. You probably have to download the player which is quick, then tell it what cable provider you have. My Long Island provider was a bad answer, but when I put in Danbury CT (zip 06811) and comcast digital as the answers it came right up. There’s no audio commentary, which is odd, but there’s a box to click for text commentary and the commentator is “Craig Cook”. Is that OUR Craig Cook? Cool if it is.


HUGE natural break, like 50+ guys draining it on a very public avenue. Schmalz, you’re missing out.


if you click on the enhanced coverage, there is live textual coverage done by Craig Cook. Is the one in the same Craig Cook of Remax?


Fun race today. Props to nyvelo and organic for controlling the race, keeping it cool, and chasing down the few breaks that got up the road.


That is the same Craig Cook. He came out to watch the club race this morning on his way back from the NBC studios.

Charlie Issendorf

For overall standings go to: http://www.customcyclewear.com/2008cadencecupoverall.htm

Cadence Prospect Park Series
Cadence Cup Round #6
August 9, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

96 starters

1. Jermaine Burrowes (WS United)
2. Juan Almonte (Innovation Bike Shop)
3. Paul Burrowes (WS United)
4. Anthony Lowe (WS United)
5. Vladimir Estevez (Champion System)
6. Adam Alexander (CRCA/Foundation)
7. Somraj Seepersaud (Champion System)
8. Wilson Vasquez (GS Mengoni)
9. Matt Inconiglios (Stage 1)
10. Chad Butts (Champion System)

Category 4
51 starters

1. Germain Matos (Cocutos)
2. Brian Breach (Chelsea Bicycles)
3. Leznek Sniadowski (Unatt)
4. James Buttler (Unatt)
5. David Lee (Unatt)
6. Benjamin Woodbury (Unatt)
7. Will Coghlan (Unatt)
8. Celestino Hernandez (Chelsea Bicycles)
9. Allessandro Matteucci (BVF)
10. Radaslaw Smologa (Unatt)

Category 5
23 starters

1. Daniel Perez (Chelsea Bicycles)
2. Cliff Goldstein (Unatt)
3. Greg Waggoner (Z Team)
4. Dan Ownes (Z Team)
5. Jamual Nichols (Kissena)
6. Max Jiminez (Brooklyn Arches)
7. Aaron Deutsch (Brooklyn Arches)
8. Juan Nunez (CRCA/DKNY)
9. Manuel Huerta (Chelsea Bicycles)
10. George Whyte (Unatt)

Thanks to all the marshals, pacers, officials and Cadence Cycling for supporting our races.

Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena Cycling Club


I was able to watch on an intel mac using FF and the MS media viewer plugin.

You are actually able to watch it today … click on “rewind”


“Frenchman Jimmy Casper (Agritubel) was named Saturday as the rider who tested positive… during the Tour de France”

Three of your favorites in one lovely, yet unfortunate, package: Frenchman, Jimmy Casper, and Agritubel. Wax poetic, Dan-o.


Sounds like Casper’s problem is that he changed his asthma medication before the Tour. What is it with sprinters and asthma? And isn’t the French treatment for asthma just to break the cigarettes in half before smoking them? But in Agritubel’s case I’m sure they broke those halves in halves…


should I be at least a little skeptical that all these professional bike racers appear to be sufferers of asthma? Hello? The kid with asthma was always the one left wheezing on the sidelines back in grade school. Did they all decide to focus on endurance sports? Just seems a bit unlikely to me. How hard would it be to get a doctor to say you have some low grade asthma so you can get the benefit of an inhaler before racing? Not hard.


Having asthma as a child can increase your lung capacity since your body can respond by overdeveloping your lungs.


Any pics from the weekends CRCA race in CP…..

Forget about the haters…. 99.9% of us racers love and appreciate ya work!!!!!

David Carr

Just a thanks to all the NYVelocity racers who came out to marshal to make the rescheduled CRCA TT happen. It was a perfect day for a race. Congrats to O’Donnell on another win overall. Since I’m a cat. 4, I’ll also send out particular congrats to Patrick Littlefield and Mike Beckerman on great rides (that beat me). Not as many people as in June, but a lot of the fastest still showed up.



Asthma is a chronic condition where the bronchi (the tubes that connect the outside world with the main mechanism of oxygen exchange) constrict and cannot EXPEL air. Attacks of asthma are brought on by triggers. Sometimes, the only trigger is exercise. With increased exercise, mouth-breathing increases and the air that hits the lungs is colder and drier than air breathed through the nose. This can cause an asthma attack. Exercise in cold air increases this effect.

Asthma is considered a “Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.” Over time, the alveoli (the air pockets which are responsible for allowing oxygen exchange) can lose elasticity and become stretched out. If it is not treated, the alveoli can become very stretched out and cause “blebs,” which are big balloons which take up space but do nothing for oxygen exchange.

So, the lungs do not get “stronger” to accommodate the disease. They become weaker and the person becomes accustomed to having lower blood oxygen tension. The chest can expand into a “barrel chest,” filled with these dysfunctional blebs and not much more.

When people start to take other medicines (like many of us do when we get a little older) such as beta-blockers for high blood pressure, these can worsen asthma since the sympathetic nervous system encourages the airways to stay open. When we block part of that system, we worsen asthma.

Treatment for asthma includes inhalers to reduce inflammation and to decrease spasm. There are medications which can help, also. Few of the treatments would be considered “pleasant.”

So it’s possible and plausible that many of these endurance athletes have bronchospasm and symptoms of asthma which is brought on only by extended exercise.

Hope this clarifies some things.

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