Tokeneke Classic


East Hartland, CT

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Course Description

Start Line will be in front of the East Hartland Volunteer Firehouse.

Finish Line will be towards the top of Rt 20 / N Hollow Rd, (about 1/2 mile north of the start, just north of the junction with Rt 179/Granville Rd in E Hartland).

KOM/QOM be on the first lap, at the same location as the finish line.

Feed Zone is a few hundred meters before the finish line on Rt 20 / N Hollow Rd. NOFEEDINGOUTSIDE THE FEED ZONE

FinishingClimb we’vereceived many (well, one or two) questions.The Tokeneke finishing climb, unlikeUnionvale orHousatonic or Longsjo/Fitchburg, is part of theloop and all fields except Cat. 4/5 will traverse it once or twice before the finish. (At theend of the fist lap it will be the KOM/QOM.) The climb itselfis not overly steep – about 2.2mi at a consistent 5% grade.Seethe Race Profilefor a comparisionwith otherlocal races.

Course:Theracers start in front of the E Hartland volunteerfirehouse and then proceed south on 179, in a clockwise directionaround the reservoir. At the junction of Routes 179 and 219, the racerswill bear right onto219 South. The race will move in a clockwise direction sothat atintersections the racers turn right, thus avoiding having to crossother lanes of traffic. At the intersection of 219 and 318, the racewill bear right onto 318West and will go over the Saville Dam. Just past the dam, therace will turn right onto Beach Rock Road. At the corner ofBeachRock and 181, the racers will turn right and travel north on Route 181.In West Hartland, the race will proceed east on Route 20, completingthe lap by returning the racers to the corner of Routes 20 and 179 inEast Hartland.

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