Interbike ’06: Swoops

Section head text.

Swooping top tubes bother me. I think they’re ugly, I’m pretty sure they’re heavier, and I’ve never gotten an acceptable explanation for their existence. For once I’d love to hear a manufacturer ‘fess up and say they did it for looks. Here’s our hall of shame.

This is the only acceptable swoop.

Schmalz sass italicized.


chris y

I hear Fondriest has gone belly-up. Bianchi is even going "over the shark"..I hear they fired all the old timers and have brought in the new young minded we have carbon this and that…they make an amazing steel frame..the boron steel pinella that they will not sell in the u.s. market this year…a shame because it is the nicest riding bike I’ve ever been on…rides better than the Ti Bianchi I currently ride. But a 3lb. steel frame won’t sell in the face of 2lb carbon. When you break down the weight difference of a bike and rider…the frame weight becomes a 1% difference. It’s a sad day when taiwanese carbon puts hand made italian steel out of the u.s. market. but that’s globalization! learn to love it! and those ipods that are assembled in China by workers who make $15 per month or what apple calls "the local standard wage."

that’s all I got….


They aren’t belly up, but they were bought by Torpado (another large italian manufacturer. ) I hear they’ll be back in 2007. I hope so, cause I own two of them , and they’re the most fantastic bikes i’ve ever ridden


I’ve never studied the mechanics of bike frames, but I have studied biomechanics, specifically of the human skeleton. There is a slight anterior bow in the femur, but no appreciable bowing in others.

While the whole "flexing" argument appears to make sense in the lab and for vertical movement, if there is any real impact from front or back, the bow would cause the frame to crack more easily.

I might choose to stay a fad behind the times with this one.


Alex R

How did you guys get a picture in the Specialized booth? They had bouncers at both entrances and the ‘no pictures’ signs all over the place. On the plus side they also had Ned Overend in their booth.


I am making a carbon(over tricast core) first design had a swoop down to meet the tail. Looked good i thought. I then realised that it compromises the strength. Now I am making the top tube drop through the bottom tube towards the headset.. I bet Cervelo P3 rocks your boat!


Since one of the ideas is to split strings not into words, but hopefully into phrases more semantically informative than the words they are made of, doing that better should mean better suggestions, and avoiding what essentially are word n-tuples should make for smaller data and slightly faster querying.

shemales pictures

Since one of the ideas is to split strings not into words, but hopefully into phrases more semantically informative than the words they are made of, doing that better should mean better suggestions, and avoiding what essentially are word n-tuples should make for smaller data and slightly faster querying.

Will MacCormac

I am making a carbon(over tricast core) first design had a swoop down to meet the tail. Looked good i thought. I then realised that it compromises the strength. Now I am making the top tube drop through the bottom tube towards the headset.. I bet Cervelo P3 rocks your boat!

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