As the Toto Turns 8

At the Armstrong Cotillon

If I remember correctly, Frankie Andreu lost his job with Toyota United right around this time, and there were rumors that a certain someone had pulled some strings behind the scenes.

This one refers to two movies about catty high school girls: Heathers and Mean Girls. That’s why Betsy Andreu is drawn as Winona Ryder, and Tina Fey (who played a teacher in Mean Girls) is in the last frame.

The ‘rear of the the theater’ line is in reference to a particularly tasteless Brokeback Mountain joke Armstrong made when he hosted the ESPY’s.

McConaughey/Armstrong bro-mance, new recurring theme!


schmalz comment

I think this one has our first movie reference, so to people who haven’t seen Heather or Mean Girls; this one is probably a mystery. We are perfectly willing to be purposefully obscure – I’m not sure that’s a great way to write comic strips. This strip also shows our willingness to have absolutely anyone pair up with anyone else. Not sure if we’ve done any animal dating stuff yet, but there’s always hope. And Andy has a thing for Tina Fey…