As the Toto Turns 226

Teams walk out!

 Teams walk out!


Palla Gel

damn, ocho already?! this was a good one, but with this much drama (and religious significance) this week, i’m hoping for no less than toto et deux

Matteo Dropout

…”a legend in his own mind”…

…guy’s pushing a “world cycling scene” as a legacy & looking more “bernie ecclestone”-ish at every turn…

…& bernie’s done nothing but piss on F1 for years…hopefully mcquaid won’t get too far down that same road…

…just sayin’, with love, bgw…


Just, WOW! …Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling…babies come from*


Cunt-astic Millar, and my man Karpets! Of course you need to re-do his hair. Then again with him, that has to be done every 2 months.

Nice one.

Corentin Housing

I really hope that was a female fire fighter out of uniform sliding down the pole. 🙂

Richard Roma

Your doing it wrong. You, Millar, I’m talking to you. You just cost me $6,000. You stupid fucking cunt. Whoever told you that you could work with men? I’m going to Lemkin, I don’t care whose nephew you are, whose dick you are sucking. You fairy, you company man. You wanna learn the first rule, you’d know if you ever spent a day in your life. You never open your mouth until you know the shot. You’re a fucking child.

West Coast Reader

Everyone should of had an earpiece!

McQuaid should just let the real passport list out with the not so stable test results. The teams would fold the next day, as in ride with not earpiece, well ride if they’re not on the list.


mcquaid is off the freaking deep end. truly vindictive, unstable guy. just what you want in an executive.


Could someone please explain the GLOW and BAAS caps on Bjarne and Wonderboy? I don’t get the references. Me stoopid.

Dong Work for Yuda

This….is the cccentral s-s-s-crutinizer….Joe and his bike pals have no time for play as the buzzards gather overhead….

Romain Liner

yet another reason to hate her

“I got hit by a bike on a sidewalk!” co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck said.


rocks. about the only thing that schmalz and I agree on. (except he was more of an old school, fabulous moolah fan.)

betsy andreu

Where did you get that photo of me pole dancing?
Lance is the president of BAAS Austin chapter. Just an fyi…

Matteo Dropout

…in most commonwealth countries, the word “cunt” is used by both men & women & it’s no bigger a deal than any other derogatory slang…

…use it here in america, it’s like dropping a fucking bomb…

…”BAAS” = ‘Betsy Andreu Appreciation Society’…i always kinda wondered but never thought to ask…now THAT is funny….

…with love, bgw…

Lenny Nipple

Do i get it? Hog is a good guy now becorse he is against pat who at last is doin the rite thing?


Good Toto….

The Pat McQuaid drawing likeness is by far the best of the rest. Even close up on the banner page it looks really good. Doesn’t he wear glasses though?

Eva Maria

I’d ask if the pole dancer was Johan’s wife but this one’s boobs are real so I’d say she is not Mrs. Hog.

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