As the Toto Turns 154

Telekom initiation rites

 A shocking confession lifts the veil of silence.



your name is bike snob, ie, you are smart and funny and make my life better, do NOT stand in the middle of the bike lane snapping stupid ass photos.

Yann Tigweld

Why isn’t Lance listed on Dickipedia anymore? I am really disappointed that Dickipedia may have suckummed to any legalsleeze Lance may have gone spewing their way. I guess LA can’t stand the truth.

Anthony Drainhole

…telekom ???…

…how’s about “tell a judge” ???…

…not so pretty in pink…

…w/ love, bgw…

Armando Swage

Bernard Kohl looks just like Charles Laughton. I kept having weird flashbacks to Ruggles of Red Gap throughout the entire 08 TDF until I figured that out. It will set you free too.

Elias Kevlar

Kohl looks like such a dork in that visor helmet.

And the anti-doping machine is sure heating up over at stolen underground! Turn Pro with P90X! Investigate Lance, too!

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