Welcome to the Tue, 11/03/2009 – 02:10 edition of Off Topic! You are looking at the next step in the evolution of VCN, the Off-Topic page. Have you ever been frustrated because you had a burning desire to call someone a sandbagger and could only hope to be timely by posting your comment to a photo gallery page or on a page describing a charity ride?
Well, your prayers have been answered! You can post your comment from the home page and it magically comes to rest here with the other orphans from the land of Misfit Comments. The page gets refreshed every day, but not to worry! Each day’s page will be archived and treasured, so you can look back on past pages with pride, shame or disgust-depending on how the day’s conversation went. So post away! We’ve got an internet to fill up.
you sank my battleship!
hahah..it says ‘
shot..i hit enter too soon. hahha it says ‘boners’
LA is currently at the Boat Pond ramming his Livestrong warship into some kid’s clipper
I ran into Lance at Bunburrys in Piermont. All you NYC Weeners were too busy working for the man to come & hang out with us. He was really cool.
Lance is only here to ask Greg what it feels like to be the greatest-ever American cyclist.
MEEEatLOOOaf!!!!!!!!!! Can we have Farrel meet Toto??? and they can do Funeral/Protour Crashers???
Or the remake of Toto schooling Vino/Borat in a tdf stage sprint???