Off-Topic for 07/07/2009 – 02:10

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Is it on tonight? How will we know that it is cancelled before we start riding through traffic of mad mad Brooklyn neighborhoods?



Seriously, FBF canceled?

I need to go take my daily dose of Fukitol, 1000mg tablets.

Where the hell are we, Seattle?


i actually don’t believe this, think it’s someone playing a joke. called someone who lives near there and they said it hardly rained


it’s dry in seattle, clowdy but dry. has been ice all week. do not move here, stay in NY.


WTF? how is there water on the course? sunny all weekend and no rain?

i know it’s said, but fbf is all i’ve got


Is there an explanation for how water accumulates there when there hasn’t been rain? Not complaining, just curious. Did it rain there actually?


it’s really on, schmalz is lying so he can show up and be one of one in his respective field and get double points. we’re on to your scheme.


Dude…Charlie took a pee. Course flooded. Put it together, you’ve seen the guy in tight shorts, he should be nicknamed ‘Firehose.’


cant we do the weak-a55 triangle course? there must be some way to create a course on fbf that avoids any puddles, though i cant understand where the f-ck water is coming from. dyyyyyyyyying here. help me, charlie i, youre my only hope


I live about 15 miles east of FBF. We have had massive rains for the past hour.

I mixed bottles, packed beers, laid out kit, took nap, woke up to a wall of water outside my window.

I’m so frustrated. I’m gonna go yell at my kids and pick a fight with my wife now.


bunch of road wimps, it’s called triathlon. get off your bike and swim through the puddles. don’t be afraid of water and the mankini.


how ’bout some fast laps in central park tonight for the fbf-depraved? unofficially, say, around 7:45 or so starting at engineers gate if it ain’t raining?


i for one am definitely fbf depraved. but not down w. fast laps during the summer season … too many peds. unsafe.


f the 12-pack of sponges, bring 12-packs of schlitz instead. kinda sounds like schmaltz, but tastes better.


this is the only thing that comes to mind re: floyd

“Listen to me! You have to consider the possibility that G-d does not like you. He never wanted you. In all probability, he hates you.”


i dont know about that, but i do love me some fIREHOSE. schmalz must dig it too, from iowa must love him some fROMOHIO


i f-ckin knew it. nice.

seriously, now, augusta at 6pm – never make it from nyc. how about lakewood by 7pm? is that doable?


dammit. 69 miles, no chance.

im the paint on the road / the weight of your load / with your cracked glass groud / F-CK IT!


It should be abundantly clear to any level-headed observer that the title bout from a fortnight ago has greatly offended the G-ds of FBF. The perpatrators must make amends.


anyone amazed that LAnce-TANA would have donedid 4 laps in 46 min???
11:30 per lap???

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