Off-Topic for 06/15/2009 – 02:10

Welcome to the Tue, 06/15/2009 – 02:10 edition of Off Topic! You are looking at the next step in the evolution of VCN, the Off-Topic page. Have you ever been frustrated because you had a burning desire to call someone a sandbagger and could only hope to be timely by posting your comment to a photo gallery page or on a page describing a charity ride?

Well, your prayers have been answered! You can post your comment from the home page and it magically comes to rest here with the other orphans from the land of Misfit Comments. The page gets refreshed every day, but not to worry! Each day’s page will be archived and treasured, so you can look back on past pages with pride, shame or disgust-depending on how the day’s conversation went. So post away! We’ve got an internet to fill up.



Finally. I won! I came in first! Where’s my prize money? The photographers? Hello…is anyone there…


Snob sucking on Lance’s nut again:

Unreal. He took Lemond quotes out of context to mock him, even captioned a screen grab of Lemond grabbing a cup of water as him ‘rummaging behind the podium’. What a shithead. When you can’t argue the substance mock the style.


Lemond’s delivery was a little awkward at spots, and the bit where he completely lost his train of thought was a kind of painful. He could probably benefit from a little time w/ Toastmasters. CLEARLY this invalidates his points, no?

Strangely, most of the out of context quotes snobby pulled seem innocuous and self-evidently fair, even w/o context.


sadly, he’s probably voicing some of the same things people outside of the cycling bubble think…


I would hope that an intelligent viewer would recognize that he was talking off the cuff and very genuine. A lot of it was pretty esoteric and would go over the heads of casual fans, though.


Hey, is that Inspector Clouseau sprinting up the right side of today’s Hangover cover photo?


bike snob is really standing on the moral or intellectual high ground by advocating that all haters can suck his balls…


I’m sorry dudes, I understand nyvelocity interest in the Lemond talk — and I get that that interest goes way beyond the fact that he mentions an article posted here… but that Lemond thing is simply embarrassing, is this is the best anti-doping ambassador we can find, then we are in trouble. Style matters.

Math question: two + ten =
Math question cannot be longer than 1 characters but is currently 2 characters long.

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