Central Park, NYC
Section head text.
2009 New York City Spring Bicycle Racing Series:3-15 at Central Park, NY http://www.BikeReg.com/events/register?eventid=7713 2009 New York City Spring Bicycle Racing Series:3-15 Presented by Metropolitan Cycling Association | Team Squiggle Central Park, NY Sunday, March 01, 2009 Online Registration Closes Friday, February 27, 2009 at 9:00 PM E
Anyone know the TT course?
the course is from englewood to alpine and back again.
did the race go on?
YES the race went on. contrary to the popular belief, it was not world war III.
race report from today?
by Easter for sure
Jermaine Burrowes of WS United won after breaking away on lap 2
Neil Bezdek of Kissena 2nd
Your mother slid into third base and I was considering a homer but I had to rule her out since she had you…
come on AVD.
You’re fired.