CRCA Women’s Racing Clinic


Central Park, New York, NY

When I went to buy my first bike, the saleswoman asked me if I was planning to race.
I remember laughing and saying, “Noooo way.” I thought it would be enough of a feat
just to conquer the streets of Manhattan and make it to Central Park! Well that mind-set
changed pretty quickly thanks to the CRCA Women’s Bike Racing Clinic.

Last May, a friend suggested that I sign up for the clinic. Being a newbie rider, and
clueless about all things bike-related, I thought, “Why not?” But when my alarm went off
at the crack of dawn the Saturday morning of the clinic, I was like, “What have I gotten
myself into?” Too late — I was awake. So I rolled out of bed, threw on a mismatched ensemble
of Lycra and hopped on my brand-spanking-new Cannondale. As I rode up Sixth
Avenue, I was filled with nervous energy, unsure of what to expect and convinced that I
had no business plopping myself down on the line of a bike race.

I made it to registration (which was pretty easy to find; just follow the other people on
their bikes in the park at that early hour), and my fears were soon put to rest by all the
comforting, smiling women racers on hand. After signing in, the teams sponsoring the
clinic briefed us on the format of the race and basic safety issues: don’t slam your brakes
on as if you were in a car trying to avoid a collision with a deer! Then we lined up and
raced our hearts out to the best of our abilities, with tips and encouragement by the “real”
racers, who rode alongside us. Afterward there were awards, plenty of loot for prizes,
feedback about how the race unfolded, a Q&A session and a heads-up about the difference
between the clinic and a real USCF-sanctioned race.

It was official — I was hooked. I had my first small taste of the thrill that is bike racing,
and I wanted more. The best part was that thanks to the Women’s Bike Racing Clinic I
felt like I knew what to expect when I did my first real race. And the clinic is a good place
to meet some of the players in the local racing scene, so when you pedal up to the start
line of your first race you will be heartened to see familiar faces and to find out that the
women’s racing community is a place of support and encouragement — beginners are
most welcome!

If you have ever been even slightly curious about bike racing or just like riding your
bike, you should come out and try racing at the clinic, because why not? Without the
CRCA Women’s Clinic, I doubt I would have got into bike racing, and look how much fun
I’d be missing: Now I’m out there racing every weekend and having the best time of my
life. You can too.

-Evie Stevens


Tempted to Try Bicycle Racing? Not sure how or where to start? Here’s the answer: Women from the Century Road Club Association, New York City’s road racing club, are presenting a three-lap simulated race around Central Park. Experienced women racers will ride with the field, providing instruction, assistance and advice.

Many local racers started their careers at this clinic—you can too!

Informational Session: Nervous? On the fence? Clinic instructors will ease your jitters at a Q&A on Thursday, May 28, 7 p.m. at A Bicycle Shop, 163 West 22nd St. (btw 6th & 7th Ave.)

Questions: Email Ashley Prine:

Online FAQ:

Cost: $15

Pre-Register Online:

Race–Day Registration: 5:15-5:30 a.m. at the clinic.

Pre-race meeting: 5:30–5:45 a.m./Post-race analysis: 7:15, includes Q&A and prizes.

Directions: Meet and register in the Rambles parking lot, just north of the Boathouse on the East Drive, north of 72nd St. (Cars are not allowed in the park.)

Very Important: Helmets are required! No aero bars! No sleeveless jerseys! Bring an energy bar and two full water bottles! Eat breakfast!



“Now I’m out there racing every weekend and having the best time of my

…didn’t mention “winning every race i’ve ever entered”


newcomers, careful not to ask any quetions during the clinic or risk getting poked in the eye w a “jackass below”


Cast a wider net to get more out of bed at 5AM by not charging. Drug dealing 101: free taste to get em hooked.


“newcomers, careful not to ask any quetions during the clinic or risk getting poked in the eye w a ‘jackass below'”

no. -1 for reading comprehension.

passive-aggressive, do-nothing jackasses making criticisms thinly veiled as rhetorical questions get a ‘jackass below.’


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