Hopeful Friday 9/5/2008

Section head text.


It’s September and the races with the falling leaves will soon be here, but for now the little sunlight trappers are still attached to their branches, so why not race bikes?


If you are a pro and got yourself an invite, there’s the Univest GP on Saturday. Even If you are not a pro, you still can do the Cyclosportif 100k ride, or just watch the race on the internet.


For anyone with the hankering for two consecutive days of racing, there’s the Tour of the Catskills.


Also on Saturday is the NYC battle of the categories, the Calvert-Toefield handicap race. 


Sunday is a nice day for a change of pace, so why not race your mountain bike at the Campmor H2H Ringwood Fall Classic? You do know what a  mountain bike is, don’t you?



Charlie Issendorf

A reminder that the field limit for tomorrow’s Cadence Calvert-Toefield Handicap Race is 65 riders for the Cat 4 field and 65 riders for the Cat 3 field. The fields will fill up so pre-reg online to reserve your spot:


Also, the race will be held rain or shine. Current forecast calls for a 40% chance of showers in the morning. The heavy rain is expected in the afternoon so we should be fine.

Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena Cycling Club

comm 2

like 28 mph avg first 2 hours…group of 20 or so rips off the front…swede erickson solo bridges to front group crossing a minute gap after first big GPM…on finishing circuit euser and erickson ride away on feed zone hill…euser rides away on last little hill after parking lot section…solo glory in heavy rains!
Tecos Rider gets GPM for the day, Erickson of Cyklecity.se gets my vote for super duper effort…Garmin wins by force of team on a great day, Type 1 and Tecos had 2 guys but could not effectiely chase, gap to 3rd et al, could have been much bigger!

Eustice and his crew were at their finest! Really first rate production!

Must also mention in break goes to Champion System, and Canadien on Race Pro! Beasts!


I’ve always thought of myself as batman + jesus. (Seriously, who doesn’t?)

Except on halloween, when I’m batman + jesus quintana.

“That creep can roll, man.”


LaCorte won the Masters National Track Championship in the sprints yesterday (35-40). Congrats–another great result for the NYC metro community.


Pro1-3 – Favorites have to be Lindine (he lives in Windham) and trains on the loops daily, Roger A and Dan Cassidy.

3/4 – Pignatello, Fierro, Tautkest (sandbagging and should be in the 1-3), Jordan Sagolowski, Berstein, Prinsloo or maybe a local racer who knows the course…

Women – Silke Wunderald or maybe Stevens

30 plus – Favata (pro mtn biker local)

40 plus – Cassan or Kimball

I.M. Wheelsucker

Pro1-3 – Lindine or Roger A

3/4 – Pignatello, Fierro, Tautkest but would be cool if Prinsloo took it. No Cuttler?

Women – Stevens is on a roll

30 plus – Favata a strong pro MTB racer, climber and local who could take it

40 plus – Funk but Kimball looked good last weekend.

50 plus – O Neil


Team Adler, Cuttler, Pascal and a few other daring 3s soon to be 2s are doing the 1-3. That is why it is so lame that the Exodus guys are doing the 3/4.


My money is on Stevens. Does she plan on upgrading her bike soon?

Cuttler is apparently registered in the P/1/2/3.


yeah wtf. I thought we made that clear already:
If you’re a 3 and you’re racing in the 3/4, you’re a pussy.


yeah wtf. I thought we made that clear already:
If you’re a 3 and you’re racing in the 3/4, you’re a pussy.


Was that a serious post? Or irony? Just giving us the ability to practice our new-found amateur internet-posting taxonomical skills?

macho man, with a does of ninja


Dude, as of now, it’s a 3/4 race. So if you don’t want to race with 3s, then don’t race.

But the requestion is: why do you want 3s to race the 1/2/3s?

A. Better chance you get a result
B. Racers should always “step up and race better racers”

If A: that’s the same reasons the 3s are doing the 3/4s – a better chance to do well. So, the type of racer you’re compaining about … guess what, that’s you!

If B: if you race the 3/4s then you are the guy stepping up.

Either way, by griping about it you become what you complain about. The only logically consistent way to proceed is to race without b1tching. “We have seen the enemy, and he is us.”

Side note:
I can empathize with Cat 4 complaints about sandbaggers (sometimes).

I never, ever empathize with Cat 3 complaints about sandbagging.

Similarly, I don’t empathize with Cat 4 complaints about 3/4s races.


If you have aspirations about racing 2’s next season or soon after, you should be racing in the big boy race. If you are happy with being a 3 (and there is nothing wrong with that), then race the 3,4 race. Please don’t think that Alan is giving you any upgrade points unless you are a 4 though. The problem I have is that there are a bunch of (non CRCA) 3’s that have done really well this year that are signed up for this race. What are they trying to prove by beating Cat 4’s when they already have been beating Cat 3’s?


3’s won’t be getting any points and have far more experience with better racers. So you’ll just be cockblocking. Please excuse yourself…


but Alan does recognize park races. I remember doing the first FBF race (3/4) and getting a top 10 result. After the race he wanted to know if you placed 6-10 and what your name was…
Sorry, I had to get my “great defender” status on…


But cockblocka is a funny phrase for 3s racing the 3/4s. But I’m not racing Catskills. Have fun not winning as bitter 4, anyhow.


There are about 20-25 Cat3s in the 3/4 race. I am one of them. I am racing the 3/4s because A) I am not the strongest climber and B) want to have fun rather than worrying about making the time cut that Lindine or Cassidy or Aspholm sets. The 4s have no idea what its like racing a hilly 85 mile race with guys like this in a feild of 30 guys. This year at Johnny Cake (a flat windy course) these guys were shredding the feild apart. Try racing with them when they are now in peak form coming off GMSR on a course with over 6000 feet of climbing each day and very few wheels to follow. For the top 3s this will become a race of survival rather than a competition but these guys are gearing up for the 2s next year. Me, I am happy to be a 3 and do not have the time or talent to be competitive at the next level. BTW – half the 3s in the 3/4 were 4s at the start of the season. With the exception of the Exodus riders the playing field is pretty even this weekend.

With this said, not sure why a 3 who wins the 3/4 against some of the top 3s in the area in field with 25s and 60 4s would not get some upgrade points.

Sexy Wheelsucker

I’m confused, just who are the cocksuckas and who are the pussies? Is this a cycling discussion internets, or porno for under raced over trained douchebags?


“3’s won’t be getting any points and have far more experience with better racers.”

I am basically saying why waste your time with sub-par talent and no rewards (upgrade points)…please excuse youself from the race.


For most of us racing is about having fun first… I would rather be competitive in the 3/4 race and be able to race positive and agressive and maybe hold on for a finish with the leaders (which BTW there will be 4s up in the front group) than do the 1-3 feild sitting in waiting to likely get dropped in the first 30 miles of the race. That leaves you with a 50 mile tempo ride to make the time cut. Yeah – I will pass. Not fun and not worth it. One more thing, the 4s complaining are the same guys who will never upgrade. Top 4s get results and will be 3s next year. Look at the 3s in our race. Most of them upgraded this year (clifford, Peters, Walker). There are a few guys who could race up in the 1-3 and do “ok” but will not be factors in the 1-3 race. I would guess that they want to have fun as well being its the end of the season.

So to all the 4s.. take this as a challenge and have fun.

ho, snap!

that was a sweet mini battle royale! never saw that ending coming. awesome.

macho man came out with the p~ssy comment early, and i was confused as well as to whether he was being serious or not. who knew he was just setting up an elaborate bear trap – nice. wheelsucker pounced on the bait first – i sure wasnt touching it – but you gotta hand it to him, macho still played it cool … just hung the “politely” line out there. dangling the bait, keeping it very low key: as if to say ‘genuine question, i swear’ … no sudden movements.

i saw what was going on though … i was shouting at my screen here at the office: “don’t take it, wheelsucka! just let it lie! it’s a trap!!!” a couple of co-workers heard the commotion and came on over to the cubicle.

sure enough, though, wheelsucka took the bait, hook line & sinker … man, he swallowed the whole pole (obligatory “not that there’s anything wrong with that” line here). i was shaking my head here in my cube. “wheelsucka, what were you thinking. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING.” groans all across the floor. my colleagues were in shock. “classic rope-a-dope,” said larry from IT. “macho set him up, let’s watch for the takedown.”

sure enough, not 6 minutes later at 12:31pm macho man delivered the coup de grâce, calling wheelsucka a ‘c~cksucka.’ he actually threw in a little twist at the end, with the c~ckblocka line, for style points. “world class trolling,” said larry. “draw him in, take him down, do it quickly, and make sure you use a curseword.”

my co-workers all ambled off, dismayed. larry went back to trying to figure out why my blackberry locks up every time I accept a calendar invite. we pretty much thought that was it for the day.

but lo and behold, who was beartrapping whom! turns out wheelsucka only played possum for a minute, and came back strong. “LARRY GET OVER HERE!” I shouted. wheelsucka implied macho’s post was unintelligible … seemed to pay him a small compliment (pulling a rope-a-dope on a rope-a-doper!! … genius!). then dropped the bomb on him:

“Have fun not winning as a bitter 4, anyhow.”

the whole floor went nuts. larry almost wet himself. i heard a couple of other offices in mid-town hootin and hollerin. no one saw that ending coming, I gtee you. epic battle … game/set/match wheelsucka. whole office is heading down to TGIFriday’s on 46th & broadway at 4 to celebrate if anyone wants to join.

macho man

well as far as I’m concerned and after listening to everyone talkin, any 3 racing the 3/4 field this weekend will wear a jersey with “pussy” written all over it.


We did not have this conversation for Unionvale??? Why – because the 4s could do the 4/5 (old and young group) and the 3s could do a 1-3. The strong 4s raced the 3/4 (Cuttler etc) and the shitebags 4s did the 4/5. Nuff said. A handful of 3s got closed out of the 3/4 and did the 1-3. Most got rocked witht he exception of Peppo. Really what the 4s should be asking Dieter is why he wont open up a 4/5 for the shitty 4s.


…for Mike’s result, but I found this:

“Andrew LaCorte (Plainview, N.Y./Sommerville Sports) took home the national title in the men’s 35-39 sprint in two straight rides against Allen Vugrincic “

Charlie Issendorf

Cadence Calvert-Toefield Memorial Road Race
September 6, 2008
Borrokdlyn NY

Category 3-4 Handicap
58 starters

1. Radoslaw Smologa (Unatt)
2. Neil Bezdek (WS United)
3. Paul Carbonara (CRCA/Axis)
4. Hammean Walker (USI)
5. Brian Breach (Chelsea Bicycles)
6. Marc Adam (Champion System)
7. Samuel Schaeffer (CRCA/Sanchez-Metro)
8. Tadeusz Marszalek (Sommerville Sports)
9. Giancarlo Bianchi (Elite Cycling & Fitness/NYU)
10. Raul Galliano (Westwood Velo)

Brief race report: Weather forecasts called for rain but it never came and the annual Calvert-Toefield Memorial Handicap race was a nail-biter to the end. The Cat 4’s started first with the Cat 3’s starting 3 minutes later. The Cat 4’s held the 3’s at bay for the early laps as the Cat 3’s struggled to break the 2 minute barrier. With 7 laps to go in the 50 mile race, a 10 rider Cat 3 group escaped from the Cat 3 field to begin a hard-fought chase of the 4’s. With 4 laps to go they were 50 seconds behind the 4’s and with 2 laps to go they caught the 4’s. On the final lap, Marc Adam (Champion Stystem) escaped. As Marc entered the final 200 meters the field was breathing dowm his neck and with only 50 meters to go he was caught. At the line it was Radoslaw Smologa edging out Neil Bezdek (who started the season as a Cat 5). Paul Carbonara rounded out the podium in third place.

Category 5
19 starters

1. Daniel Perez (Chelsea Bicycles)
2. David Wecht (Tenafly Road Dawgz)
3. Arthur Roulac (CRCA)
4. Max Jiminez (Brooklyn Arches)
5. Aaron Deutsch (Brooklyn Arches)

Thanks to all the marshals, pacers, officials and Cadence Cycling for supporting our races.

Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena Cycling Club

Slam Boom

I use a radar weather site for judging if rain is close by.


This morning at 5:30AM the northern lead of the storm was just touching Washington D.C. Surprisingly the storm has been moving directly north and has stayed west of the city. So far. When I checked at about 9AM I could still see what looked like a center to the storm spiral at about the border between North Carolina and Virginia. You can move around the country by clicking the arrows in the “Adjacent Radars” box. Also the “City,St” entry box.

Slam Boom

I like to know what I’m going to be dealing with. Water’s pretty effective at destroying digital cameras. Not that good for Brooks saddles either though I was considering using my old Royce Union 12 speed. As for the pics, the set looks weak needing a lot of “enhancing.” I don’t think there’ll be anything quick or extensive from me. I did see other photographers there including the ever professional Marco so I think there’ll be plenty to see.


Lucas Euser (Schmalz’s nomination to the lollipop guild) takes his biggest win in his career. Garmin takes 1st,3rd,4th and maybe 5th. I don’t think I saw any Empire guys up there-shocking.


Course is GREAT.Weather(rain) sucked, but that’s part of bike racing,right? Lots of hills, def one of the best courses I have raced – challenging, well run, and all around fun. 99% smooth pavement. In the 3/4 most of those that did GMSR were in the chase group. The finish was a bit of bummer – too many cars around, one could hardly see the official’s tent, let alone the finish line itself.

I heard that Aaron wolfe came in 7th in 3/4, Evelyn Stevens came in 2nd in women’s. A Merrill dude won Masters 30+.


Great course, hard, hard and lots of fun. The 3/4 group had about 80 guys and it was blown apart and had about 25 at the front after the first real climb. I think Pignatello of Exodus won the 3/4 or maybe it was one of his teammates. Berstein of BVF after a suicide break on the first 20 miles of flats was up there also with Aaron Wolf. Peter Hurst of CCC was 2nd I think. A guy from TOGA was up in the top 10 also.

One note on the initial 3/4 break – The other guys in the initial break with Andrew Bernstein totally exploded on the climbs. They were finishing after I changed and was leaving the parking lot.

1-3 – Roger won with Lindine about 2 minutes back and then Cassidy.

30 plus – Galletta and Favata 1-2.

I heard that a field was taken off course by the pace car which is too bad but all in all the race went off well for the first year. The last 3 miles in the 3/4 I think I rode with my eyes closed it was raining so hard.


Amazing race course with great roads and support. For a first year race it went off pretty well thanks to Dieter and the local help. I think everyone was very happy even though it dumped buckets on us at some point in the race. Hard climbs and lots of relentless rollers.

Day 1 was a huge success. I could see this event becoming huge since it takes place in much nicer towns with nice hotels, places to eat and its only 2.5 hours from NYC/metro area. Also not much to race after GMSR.

Day 2 has the 7miler up Susquehanna TRNPKE.

toy settel

Doug Oneil wins 50+ Troy Kimball wins 40+ with Funk 2nd. Greg Galletta wins 30+ with Kurt G. of axis 3rd. One note – the pace car took the 5 man early break 7 mi. off course and the chasing field 5 mi off course. A group of 5 ignored the car and rode the correct course. Then, dieter came up to the break, told us to turn around and motor paced us to the bottom of the 1st climb. The field had already been told to reverse direction and were now in front of the break but well behind the aforementioned 5. eventually the front 5 were told to wait for the now 20 min behind main group. The original break received more pacing after the climb. Eventually, everyone rejoined and it was race on. Impressive that Doug won after all the extra work and miles.


speaking of pussy – did anyone stay at slopes? They haven’t posted the party pics from this weekend’s party yet.

you ignorant slut

Grand Prix des Montagnes
King of the Mountains
same thing, people calm down!
it can be seen easily for yourself, go to their website…


Today was pretty much a perfect race… Killer downhill, killer climb and perfect roads and weather. This race if it continues will soon become an East Coast classic. The loop today was pretty brutal and for the 1-3s I cannot imagine doing that climb twice.

3/4 – Exodus rider wins in a break. Exodus rider wins 3 GC. Cadence monster (6’5) wins the 4 GC. Dropped his break partner and held on in the hills with the main pack of 20.

Todd Cassan wins 40plus..

Not sure about other results…


I’ve done pretty much all the out of town races in the north east>
Catskills was incredible, don’t miss it next year!


What a phenomenal two days of racing! Tough stages….especially today’s course! Some rain yesterday and beautiful weather today made it extra sweet!
A very well run event: From the race director and his staff to the traffic marshalls to the wheel support vehicles, etc. Thank you for putting on such a perfect and leg numbing 2 days of racing!

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