Hangover 3/24/08

Section head text.

Schmalz , who lives for bad euro-boy haircuts, goes on vacation and misses this.

Wilson Vasquez takes Branchbrook, Roger Aspholm wins 35+. Fill in the blanks if you can.

Justin Lindine wins Johnny Cake.

Rashad Guerra wins at Prospect, beating Joao Correia who’s been racing with Bissell.

After a record number of photos at Grant’s Tomb, are we going to be shut out this week? Anyone have shots?

Aaron Wolfe shots from Branchbrook!

Two teasers from Andrew Kozak. The rest to follow once he has a chance to edit.



i just met phil ligget. he was eating a muffin and readin the Post by himself in the deli in my building. super nice. he just got in town from milan-san remo (at first i didn’t think it was him given he should be in europe). he’s here to do some voice-over for NBC for some triathlon race. it was a cool way to start my week. i told him about some of the local races this weekend. he was shocked at the 6am start times. he rode yesterday in CT and said it wasn’t too cold.


Brutal race for the As with some big talent in the race. I hear the Bs was no picnic either. The wind, temps, distance (55miles) and course took a big crap on 50% of the A field. For anyone looking to get away from the much shorter and easier BB, Bethel and CP races, try the Johnny Cake series. No sitting in on this course. You loose the wheel and you aint getting back on for the most part. Guys popping off after the nuetral zone it was so fast.

Great race and amazing win by Lindine. He soloed for half a lap.


I met Phil in Philly and approached him on the street. He was totally cool and let me take a picture with him. Such a classy,cool and top-notch guy.


The road the race is on or part of. Some of you guys need to get out of CP and PP. There is a whole world of racing you need to experience. Plus you dont have the a-hole NYC guys yelling “pedal” so they can sit in for a top 30. Johnny Cake does not allow that and the upstaters just hammer.


actually I meant whats the johnny cakes food. I know its a bike race already, because I can actually read.


I believe Johnny Cakes are flapjacks but using cornmeal instead of whatever regular pancakes are made from.

That said, I’d love to do the April 5 Johnny Cakes race. I’ll split gas with anyone who’s driving. Just being able to say “I’ve raced Coxsackie” is worth the price of entry.

Upstate Represent

Races are longer with the addition of an extra little climb each lap. The Koppenburg of Coxackie -:)

When are we going to start hearing about Upstate NY Hardmen kicking ass at Battenkill. Always good for a laugh…

Bike fighter

why havent we had a whole thread about bike-vehicle encounters? So much fun to talk about all those incidents over time (reminded by Hungry’s thread here).


yeah, I mean it’s not like Rashad ever raced outside NYC, huh? Or that Champion guy in the break did Tour of Virginia? Or Joao Correira ever rode in Europe. Or ever bothered to race off the east coast?


cant see the face but from the body language joao looks pretty mellow in those pics. just a ho-hum sunday ride for him


I met a guy out in California who got dq’ed for doing the rodeo when he soloed in for a win in a cat 4 crit. It involved unclipping both feet and kicking them out while holding the stem with one hand and pantomiming a lasso with the other. I think that’s pretty tough to beat as far as ridiculous celebrations go.


I heard that once a friend saw a race where the ride was on the break – with 5 yards to go and the chase group not in site, he got off the bike and pushed the liek bike as he walked and waved his hands. I think he later claimed he had a flat on the rear wheel.


Might have to do with the winner burning some bridges this off season. Regardless, the man is riding super well and should be proud. Interested to see how he fairs in the bigger Cat 2 races out of town. If he hangs with the pack at Battenkill over the climbs he can win the sprint.


Rashad is very impressive with several wins already, maybe the best March (Spring Series that is, which is still worth something, with likely biggest fields) results since ever. I only wish there was a Kissena patch for his leader’s jersey. Kudos to all in that break that day!
On another note, if only AVD could get FBF, Flushing, and Orchard in the series make it the entire season and win something realy worthwhile for the season like a car!…someone where are you? What fun just thinking about it! Discuss…


ahh, the benefits of training for a month is Arizona. i think i’d be nearly as good if i had all day to train in 75 degree temps.


Saturday calls for rain or snow. Maybe all the animals will stay home and the A group will ride at a manageble pace for March.


that’s the opposite of what will happen! poor conditions always bring out the diehards. wishful thinking.

K-Fed Pozzato

Wassup Chumps? Just checking in on you bitchez. My hangovah was from da Cristal I be drinking wit my boyz aftah MSR. Yo, I gotta go get my hair did again. Audi 5.
ps: I don’ts care what no ones said. Rashad’s da mutha-fuckin’ man. Don’t hate da play-ah, hate game game. Out.


Ah, yet another fine display from Mr Guerra. This next salute again shows the struggle, sheer effort, and pain that form the very foundation of his victories. A fitting addition to his impressive (and growing) oeuvre. Does this win appear to be handed to him on a silver platter? I think not. To paraphrase one of my all-time favorite disco divas (and surely yours), he works hard for his money – so hard for it honey. (“Donna Summers (Male Remix)”?)

Remember that after mesmerizing us with the “Humans Are Dead,” he was subject to ill-willed commentary from assorted ragamuffins and rapscallions on this very site; disgraceful commentary, the anonymous slandered themselves with such poisonous banter. And while he endured these anonymous, cowardly slights like a true stoic in public, one should not imagine that Mr Guerra is carved from stone. He is not impervious, impenetrable, inaccessible; while he can shrug off the occasional slight, certainly he must bear the collected burden in some fashion. “No man is an island, entire of itself.” Now, I am not going so far as to suggest that Mr Guerra is the sensitive type, but surely he bears the weight of these accumulated taunts across his broad trapezii.

So his return this week was much anticipated; and he came through with a classical salute, slyly alluding to ancient Greek mythology in the process. Fantastic! (No doubt that with this salute, Mr Guerra was also attempting to remind us all that the word “virtue” derives from the Latin “vir,” meaning man. Well played, Sir.) In the picture, note Mr Guerra’s upturned arms in an arc, forming the bottom of a circle. This is no coincidence, dear readers, for clearly he bears the weight of the entire world – heaven and earth – on his shoulders, and yet still succeeds. Not since Lee Oscar Lawrie’s colossal bronze has Manhattan being graced with such a fitting allusion to the great Titan. This salute, obviously, is:

“Atlas Shrugged”

(Lee Oscar Lawrie’s contribution, for those in need of the refresher course: http://flickr.com/photos/wallyg/2091232914/in/pool-21313476@N00)


That was easily, by far, hands down, THE post of the year. It is nice to see 1 reader of this site has a brain. You, sir, deserve a victory salute of your own.


huh? He started a bike shop last year, and then sold it? What does he do now? Ride his bike all day? Not that theres anything wrong with that…


has a hardwood flooring business. the shop was a side project.

I’m happy he’s doing well this year. Great sense of humor, zero attitude, just talent, hard work and smart racing, and respect for his competition too.


I heard he had a falling out with his business partner and they sold the shop. He’s definitely still friends with all the guys on the team. They hang out at races together all the time.


I heard he drinks aloe vera juice before races. I heard he was born with one ball. I heard he likes dressing up like a woman after dark. I heard he sleeps with one eye open and one foot on the ground. I heard he never sleeps. I heard he’s a really good yodeler…

Can we just talk about something else already?


you can clearly see that the adler guy who crashed had a front tire blow out. That sucks, not a lot you can do when that happens.

The Vulgarian

I’m not a fan of BSNYC, I think he has only about 3 horses, all long deceased, and he refuses to stop flogging them. However, VSP’s syntax is overwrought, like someone trying too hard to sound erudite. BSNYC would never link together so many fancy adjectives. BSNYC, though lacking any novelty past the third read, is a clean and efficient writer. VSP is not.

Mark Twain

Vulgarian has a point, although “trying too hard to sound erudite” is part of the professor’s humor, and apart from the overuse of parentheses, I find the syntax (and the wit) quite similar to bsnyc.

Very pro photos of Branch Brook, but I just don’t get the whole hip-hoppy sound track for images of bike races. Pictures of guys in colorful tights should be accompanied by classical music.

I noticed a few pictures showing
guys who steer their bikes by pulling the STI cables or a slight pressure of the wrists on the tops. A totally awesome look, but I wouldn’t want to be on their wheel when the front tire hits an acorn or a penny or something.


that’s it, they weren’t trying. They were probably in the race just to train, and weren’t interested in winning.


of the champion systems guy sprinting on Rashad’s inside (out of the wind) and concluded that he did not try to come around Rashad? That is an interesting observation.

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