It’s October and racing is still occurring. Up North, there’s the BattenFall Classic Road Race in Cambridge, NY, followed on Sunday by the Tour of the Battenkill Fall Preview Ride for those who save their racing for later.
Closer to home, there’s the Mangoseed— WS UNited Graveyard Series at FBF on Sunday.
How is the turn out at the Mangoseed races?
There is also Jamestown Classic in RI, though reserved mostly for the old guys…
Awesome – so far podium guaranteed in each race
FBF 123 finish, Horace on the mike.
“Now the race’s done, now we eat”
That’s why those races are so awesome. Thx Horace.
agreed, thanks to Horace and the Burrowes bros for putting on such an awesome event!
Not on bikereg or we united