UPDATE: Finish video now up here thanks to Kevin Scott!
This weekend (well, Saturday) will have champions crowned, parks filled and remote locales sullied by invading hordes of lycra people, so let’s see where these opportunities for glory and havoc are located, shall we?
On Saturday there’s the Big Apple Classic in Prospect Park. Farther upstate in Bristol, NY is the New York State Road Championships race. Up north and out of state is the Sterling Classic in Sterling, MA. And finally on Saturday there’s the Turkey Hill Country Classic in Lancaster, PA.
Saturday is also the Kissena opening weekend, why not let that fixed gear bike loose in its natural habitat?
Gran Fondo!!
Kissena Opening Weekend
Come on Dan, you know you want to come out, just….one…time 🙂
Sorry Alan, I didn’t see the reg page, my oversight. I would love to race track (I have before), but those races are held on weekends, during the day—that’s a no-go for me.
Come on Dan, surely you can get there at Noon on Mother’s Day?
I have raced track, mountain bike (downhill and cross country), and I am currently sharpening up my table top skillz.
He is ladies sprint champ, he did a roller race, so all he needs is track, mnt bike, and BMX race and he will be a complete rider
The Team Throwdown?! (In my best Ric Flair voice) CAN YOU DIG IT??!!
Does anyone know the exact course details? Start? finish? which path will they take to Bear? When they say road closed, does that mean non GF participants can’t ride through?
If you are not doing the GF, what would be the best option to ride across the bridge? 9W? 505? Will Strictly, bunberry’s, Piermont Bike, Runcible all be crowded?
I read the rider’s manual but all I that stood out was how they will prosecute people who steals food from the aid station…
El Fondo is everywhere you want to be.
you know that there are other riding options besides 9W, right? Lots of nice riding in Westchester once you get past the junk miles in Yonkers, not to mention Gimbels if you want to suffer.
I’d like to see a table top on your road bike
Grand Fondo starts on the lower deck of the GW Bridge, then hits River Road, followed by 9w, then through Piermont and Nyack and back to 9W until heading west north of Rockland Lake, eventually hitting South Mountain, then up and over Little Tor, followed by a turn north through Buckberg, then back to 9W to Bear. Return is goes back over Little Tor, hits Gate Hill, 9W and eventually ends up back on River Road and the finish is at the southern teminus of River Road. SO AVOID THE GW BIKE PATH AFTER ABOUT NOON AS THERE WILL BE A STEADY STREAM OF FONDOERS HEADING BACK INTO THE CITY. SHOULD BE A TOTAL CLUSTERF#*K.
Hincapie to Gran Fondo!
Shoot, so the GranFondue people are coming back to the City via the bike path on the bridge? Can’t they just stay on NJ and take the Ferry back? #sigh# Let’s pray that weather holds.
Brent, anyone who’s anyone knows the proper line is “Can. . .you. . .dig it. . .SUCKA!” And its source is not that cracker Flair, it’s the immortal Booker T.
Bin Laden was killed 2 years ago. AVD just reported the results.
I bought some and encourage others to do so. Good stuff.
AXA was rocking the fondo.
Notubes rocked the Fondo
Forget who won, how many meat wagons were called.
sexyist is way more fun than snarkiest
Bin Laden to Mengoni
I try to upload more tonight. For the rest of them, they won’t be uploaded until late tomorrow evening.
Do folks buy your pictures so you make a few bucks for getting up at such an ungodly hour? Or do you just do it out of love of New York City racing?
I hope people are buying the shots from him because he is such an asset to the local scene IMO. Another thing he has an amazing ability to do is read the races. His captions are always right on with what is happening at the event, pretty wild how he picks up on who is trying or dying and then ties them to the photo! He is truly gifted.
P.S. I do not know Victor personally. I just obviously have great respect/appreciation for his work.
So who won? Wait, they must not b done yet?
Simoni at Fondo too
Sorry, I missed some of the messages earlier. Thanks for the continue supports to purchase the photos. Just a bit of incentives for me to shoot the race. For those who don’t know, I was a cat 4 for 4 years. I know many of the old faces. I used to race for Kissena. I am too lazy now to race again, but still ride for fitness.