Hopeful Friday May 17, 2013


I am by nature a vituperative person, it’s my default setting, and today my ire has been raised, so I’m going to strike back and just half ass my way through this Hopeful Friday posting, because punishing myself is the smartest way to show the way I feel.

Saturday, CRCA club race, Central Park, like every other CRCA club race.

Saturday and Sunday, Tour de Syracuse, it might be a state championship thing, do I care enough to look it up? No, no I don’t.

Sunday, the Campagnolo Grand Fondo, which I will be participating in, but only after I have to drag my ass to Manhattan to pick up the registration materials at some expo, because mailing is, I don’t know really hard, and doing same day registration is just unfathomable.

There, my ire has been lowered somewhat, look for me to be flipping off the Hudson River from the West Side Bike Path today.



Martin Stiff

I guess they comped you Schmalz, because I can’t imagine you forking over $200 to do this Fondo thing. You’re not that dumb and way too cheap.

Matteo Ziptie

Can others pick up your GFNY packet? I have to go and get mine and can bring yours to CRCA tomorrow if you’d like. But it sounds like you need id, so maybe not.

Cosimo Bartape

Gran Fondo, really, whats next The spartin run, zombie race…. Give me a break with these stupid Fondos.

Matteo Vincenzi

how can you be a Floyd guy and a Fondo guy???? no no no… you can’t come back to fbf if you do that fondo

Simone Tubie

My ire has now been raised. Went to pick up my GFNY packet and they give you a wristband you have to wear until Sunday. I refused. That will interfere with my social agendas. It would have been nice to know that in advance. Don’t see it on their site. So now I have to go back tomorrow. I think doing this was a bad idea. It’s my own fault.


A logistical question, if I park in Weehawkin, and ride to the bridge (which I assume can be done), will the walkway be open to cross the bridge? Or will I be waiting until 6?

Ridolfo Tracknut

Last year, they arranged for the sidewalk on GWB to be open all night before the Fondo. No idea if that’s the case this year, but it seems likely that they would do it again…

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