There’s always racing
There are races far and wide and even right next door this weekend, so let’s take a look at the weekend’s opportunities.
Saturday there’s the King’s County Circuit Race at FBF for those that can’t get enough FBF. Saturday also has the beginning of the two day Giro Del Cielo in Sussex County, NJ.
Sunday has a CRCA club race in Central Park, and round five of the Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup in Prospect Park.
Quintero to Watkins Glen!!!
Quintero to Terrier Tri club!
Last time I was at Watkins Glen was ’73 at Summer Jam. Saw the Allman Brothers, The Band, and The Dead. I was definitely doped to the gills.
Lube this!
Will there be any call made ahead of time for Kings County? NWS has a flash flood warning for our area today.
These “vitamins” are expensive, I don’t want to waste them, so please give plenty of notice of rain outs.
3hr 30min from NYC to Watkins Glen race track outside of Binghamton for the Corning race tomorrow. Go! (I’m not the promoter)
My teammate keeps talking about doing this race. Its 3 hours to Binghamton. Another 1 1/2 to Watkins Glen. 4 1/2 hrs. Not 3 1/2.
My bad … yes 4.5
I’m good friends with a few guys on my team. Meaning we talk on the phone, train together, and occasionally socialize. The rest I rarely if ever see outside of a race. I don’t know how or how much they train, and I don’t know if any of them were using. Of the guys I’m friends with I doubt any are or have been using PEDs (none really have their ego invested in this in a way that would indicate that as an option), but given that we’re all adults with busy lives and families I have no way of knowing with an element of certainty. Rather than looking at elite local teams as a place that encourages drug use perhaps the problem is something like a high percentage of riders who get to that level have a disposition that inclines them to a win at any cost attitude. Take a team like foundation or mengoni who look for very competitive riders who can potentially go up to the next level. Do all the guys on those teams have the sorts of relationships where they know what the rest are doing? I’m not sure I can say that about my own siblings.
Too much yelling and too many threats of physical nastiness in the A field.
Backyard badminton for me from now on.
OK – So the dope news about L.Q. has stolen the headlines and has caused a complete and total saturation of NYVELOCITY.COM to the point of almost melting down the internet. So – If you’re totally done with that and sick of reading about it, here’s a race write-up from today’s Pro 1/2/3 Lucarelli Castaldi Cup Prospect Park Race. (Huge thank you out to Charlie Isendorf for another superbly run race!!)
Two laps into the race, a large split developed. It consisted of some 25 or so racers. The field, however soon latched back on. On the 3rd lap, Nik Masulak of Team Metra / Cycles 54 was testing and pushing real hard. After repeated attacks by him, a breakaway consisting of 8 guys developed. This group soon pulled away from the main field as each guy took his turn and driving and hammering forward. The breakaway consisted of JP Partland Kisenna, Nik Masulak Metra / Cycles 54, Jason Walters Guardian, Willie Schneider VO2MAXOUT, Stephan Dioslaki Metra / Cycles 54,?? 50 guy from Die-Hard, and another ?? guy from a Blue & Black Uniformed ?? Team (I think Eastern Mountain Sports). They quickly hammered out a big gap on the field. Nik was definitely dictating the pace as he took the longest and hardest pulls each time it was his turn. During the breakaway, Dioslaki managed to scoop up one of the KOM laps plus both of the Sprinters Jersey laps which handily put him in the overall lead for the Green Jersey. With around 3 laps remaining in the race, a chase group caught on to the leaders. By then, both of the ???? guys described above were visibly cracking while JP, Dioslaki, Nik & Jason & Wil were holding strong!! The guys that bridged up and latched on (or should I say leached on) were Paul Burrows of United, Stalin Quitero of JV and Raffie Urzadowski of Northeast. Surprisingly, this didn’t do much to help the breakaway as there was a great deal of disorganization that resulted from the new guys. Rather than everyone taking their pull, as they were systematically doing before, the new guys kind of sat on, kind of pulled, kind of attacked and most of all, kind of messed things up a bit. Regardless, the gap was so big by then, it didn’t really matter that much. Going in to the final lap, things slowed and things began to just coast along as the finish-line approached. It was Urzadowski who jumped first with a super hard effort with around ½ mile to go. He appeared to be on to something as a gap was opening. But it wasn’t long until Dioslaki responded hard and caught him. It was the two of them but not for long. From there, blasting up from the rear came a well rested Paul Burrows and Stalin Quitero from their non-pull hibernation status. It was again Dioslaki who reacted jumping hard onto the train. Inching ever so close towards the finish line it was:
1. Paul Burrows United taking the win,
2. Stalin Quitero JV in a tight 2nd and
3. Stephan Dioslaki Metra / Cycles 54 almost overtaking but having to settle by less than a bike length for 3rd place.
4. In 4th was JP Partland Kissena or Wil Schnieder or (?? not sure…someone please help me out with this place??)
5. Nik Masulak Metra / Cycles 54 in 5th.
6. In 6th was Jason Walters GUARDIAN
7. Raffie Northeast (pretty sure)
Surprise of the day was no representation by Mengoni in the breakaway
See http://www.crca.net/2011/06/62611-results/
Chabanov tests positive for peanut butter at America’s Tour of Dairylands, traces of chocolate milk were also present in the urine sample provided.
MAX KORUS, little brother
So I was riding into the finish today – not spriting – but riding hard to the line as I was too far behind to contest the sprint and some fellow B field racer who was alongside me decides to sprint for 30th place, cuts me off, clips my front wheel and down I go. So crashes happen, I’m a bit bloodied, modest bike damage, totaled helmet – but, luckily no serious damage.
Two thoughts: 1) learn how to sprint and if you insist on sprinting for some less than 10th place, please don’t take somebody riding in down in the process
2) If you’re involved in a crash, let alone the cause of a crash and someone goes down, its is common courtesy to check in on the rider.
I don’t know if anyone else got caught in the crazy traffic jam leaving the Giro del Cielo crit on Saturday, but it turns out big crime happens in little places: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43541193/ns/local_news-new_york_ny/
Ethan, if you were not top ten, then why were you sprinting? Riding hard for what reason? You can ease across the line just the same.
alex, charlie, avd etc should make that point loud and clear at the start of every race. i think some guys know they have no shot but the adrenalin is pumping, maybe they still have some legs and just go for it. don’t
if i’m out of the top 10 (sadly, almost always) but close enough to the sprint where i can see the action, maybe in the 10-30 range, I still stay on the gas until the line….i think it’s dangerous to ease up too much because you can get rear-ended. it’s a fine line but you have to calibrate it based on how far back you are. Masters and 1/2/3s usually know how to do this, 4s and 5s often don’t.
I barely made it around the crash up to the finish in the B field today. Totally lost my chance on a good finish, not that I would really stand a chance against the strongest sprinters in the B field.
My team mate had to hit the breaks hard as well. We continued our way up to Cats Pawn together -kind of sad that we did not get to sprint and feeling lucky at the same time not ending up in that big mess.
Up on Cats Pawn we had a good view on the final spring and saw our our other team mate come in second. Riding down towards the MET finish, no one around us- suddenly this dude hit his front wheel against my rear wheel. Luckily I did not go down myself. Both of us where utterly surprised by what had just happened.
Some advise for people who do not pay attention to what is going on around them:
Know when you are tired and do not try to push for 110%. You become a danger for yourself and for others.
If you are causing a crash do not be surprised others who you take down with you -or as in my case, almost take down- are angry.
Charlie I usually tells us not to sprint for 30th place, and even if he didn’t, those guys who would sprint for 30th place would likely do it anyway. In addition, inexperienced riders generally have a skewed perception of the amount of riders in front of them at the finish.
Three indisputable facts:
1) You never checked to see what happened, kept riding and did not inquire about my condition
2) when I asked you if you were involved….you denied it
3) You ride for L-R Jordan
You are completely without fault…rest your conscience.
2 months to cx season
The Lisban discussion isn’t likely to go away until they announce what he’s being banned for.
Schneider placed 4th as requested.
real names
imagine a court of law:
Please DO NOT state your real name
please DO NOT tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you …
imagine what information could be processed if this was a mature, grown up, discussion…
sorry forgot where I was…
“I don’t know if anyone else got caught in the crazy traffic jam leaving the Giro del Cielo crit on Saturday, but it turns out big crime happens in little places: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43541193/ns/local_news-new_york_ny/”
You know what else happened? Some dude on a motorcycle went down at exit 19 on rte 80 and the shut the road down and landed a chopper on the highway – i saw it…prolleh mo likeleh
Some numb nut lost it in the turn at Floyd this weekend. Took out myself, an Organic Athlete rider, two Jordan riders, and two other riders – didn’t recognize their kit. One Jordan rider had something sticking out of his collar bone, the other riders seemed ok aside from some road rash and broken equipment.
People need to learn how to corner and move through the field safely.
i am that jordan rider taken out on the last lap of the 4 race who “had something sticking out of his collarbone.” luckily, nothing broken, just an ac separation. prolly out for 2 months.
my situ could be yours in any race or ride. be safe, and never forget that we stay rubber side down through skill and trust and luck.
peace and chain grease,
Hey – anybody see the final results for Saturday results at Floyd and do we know if that was a USAC sanctioned race and placing counted towards upgrades?