Playing the Catskills
If you are really serious (or obsessive—same difference) about racing, you won’t be reading this, because you are already at Tour of the Catskills, but for the rest of us there are still racing opportunities.
There are two Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup Prospect Park Series races in Prospect Park this weekend, on both Saturday and Sunday.
If you are tired of asphalt and the racers found thereupon, maybe you’d like to try the Campmor H2H Race #5 Taconic 909 Challenge in Pleasant Valley, NY.
Results from this mornings race have been post on USAC
David Sommerville
Sommerville Sports Results Service
Damn, that was fast. Kudos to Sommerville!
Today’s finish line videos have been posted on YouTube.com
David Sommerville
Sommerville Sports Results Service
Not placed on results?
Either you didn’t cross the line in a reasonable time period (or at all), number pinned WRONG, USAC license number supplied WRONG!
Not on video?
I shutoff the cameras somewhere in the 45-60 second range after the initial record of the group. Anything more and I’m filming 60fps of blank roadway. (boring and it takes 60 clicks on the keyboard to fast forward PER Second, lots of clicks to find someone 10 seconds back from last rider)
Wanna be on the video?
Finish with 45 seconds of the leader of your group.
What’s the best part of roadway to make sure I’m seen on the video and get placed?
The roadway lane NEAR the camera is always better than further away.
Can’t see number?
Pin your number on your SIDE! Use the front chest panel of the side panel as a baseline. At minimum, use the back chest side as a baseline. If you FOLD or CRINKLe up your number it cant be seen on camera.
Other notes:
I’m running the video results and am NOT acting as an Official (I do have a license.)
This means if you have ANY questions, problems, comments, challenges or other please speak to an Official.
Results process is difficult and requires full attention to the job.
Distractions always create mistakes in results.
That was a fun race today until everyone crashed going through the corner at the bottom of the hill on the last lap. That was an unfortunate way to end what should have been a really good race. I hope everyone is OK.
Results posted on USAC
David Sommerville
Sommerville Sports Results Service
So who won the series?
I did.
Vollbach to Mengoni
Here are the final overall stading for the GC, Sprint and KOM Competitions at the Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup:
Congratulations to all the riders!
A big thank you to our title sponsor, the Law Firm of Lucarelli & Castaldi, as well as YES Service & Repairs (Sprint Sponsor), BikeReg.com (KOM Sponsor), BONT Shoes and Neuvation Wheels.
Last but not least a big thank you to all the officials, pacers, marshals, camera crew and everybody else who makes these race possible.
Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena Cycling Club
Race write-up for the final leg of the Pro 1-2-3 Lucerelli Castaldi Cup Series. It was a field of 50 or so probably due mostly to the fact that it went off in the pouring rain. Going in to today’s race, Durso had the overall yellow jersey, Stalin Quitero of JV had the polka dot Jersey and Dioslaki of Team Metra / Cycle’s 54 had the green sprinters jersey. After Savory’s (Mengoni) performance yesterday of taking both of the sprint laps, he was dangerously close to overtaking the lead on the green sprinter’s jersey and showed both promise and confidence for that. Going into today’s final race of the series, Savory had only a 4 point deficit to Stephan Dioslaki of Team Metra / Cycle’s 54 who took a second place yesterday on 1 of the sprint laps and got nothing on the second one. Mengoni had the taste of blood in their mouth. As the race unfolded, Dioslaki marked Savory’s every move knowing what it took to hold the coveted green Jersey. A group of around 10 escaped during the first of the two sprint laps and Dioslaki was content with that as it would assure his lead. Savory attacked hard trying to catch on to the leaders, but to no avail. Dioslaki had him shadowed. Eventually the 10 or so leaders were caught. Big efforts by Gavin Robertson of Foundation and Tom Barnette of Metra drove the pace hard and keep the pace high as the rain continued. A group of three guys consisting of Ricky Lowe Eric Salzer and Kyle Foley escaped with 5 laps to go. Their lead however wasn’t quite far enough for ultimate lasting power. At the base of the hill, Dioslaki in green jumped hard, soloed onward and bridged the gap. The 4 of them organized and pacelined away. The gap on the field opened up wide. The four of them eventually motored away and out of sight of the field. To really seal the deal on the sprinter’s lead, Dioslaki took 1st on the second of the two sprint laps while the 4 of them hammered on. Foley was visibly hurtin’ and so was Ricky Lowe. Dioslaki and Salzer drove onward assuring a hefty lead over the main field. Coming into the last lap, Lowe was barely able to hold on and Foley fell off. The breakaway consisted now of only 3. Lowe was unable to pull through but continued to show a lot of courage and heart. Coming upto the finish line, it was Salzer leading out with a relatively fresh Dioslaki on his wheel. With 100 yds to go, Dioslaki jumped hard. Lowe dug deep and hung on to Dio. As the line approached, it appeared as if it would be Dioslaki, but in true Lowe fashion, Ricky was able to use his thunderous thighs to power ever so slightly ahead of Dioslaki….hurtin’ and in lots of pain, but with just enough horsepower to out-do Dioslaki and take the win.
Ricky Lowe, Die Hard
Stephan P. Dioslaki Metra Cycles 54
Eric Salzer
Kyle Foley holding on after falling off the break and soloing in for 4th
Steve Ward in 5th (but rumor has it that he got DQ’ed for going in the jogger’s lane)
Stalin Quiterio in 6th (but if the above rumor is true, then bump him up one place along Gavin Robertson in 6th
Paul Chooweenman in 7th
John Durso in 8th
In the end, the Podiums were:
Durso in Yellow for overall
Stalin in second for overall
Dioslaki in 3rd for the overall
Dioslaki in Green for the Sprinter’s win
Scott Savory in second
Urieas Vidal of Foundation in 3rd
Relative to the rainy, slippery conditions, it was a high pace as usual.
HUGE THANK YOU TO CHARLIE ISENDORF & Phil Lucerreli and all other sponsors and officials for all your time, effort & Generosity
first is worst, second is best. Marco in your face!!
Watch out for groups of young adults hanging out on corners on Riverside Drive. Be careful out there folks.
i want that apron
Those guys jacked a hybrid. How many 5-10k bikes go by there a day?
I think racers look more intimidating, even you Andy. Also, those low life dudes would not be able to spot the difference, shit, 99.98% of the population can’t spot the difference.
That’s why I carry a .22 caliber mini pump.
Tour of High Bridge on Saturday.
Is it just me or are the processing fees at Bikereg.com slowly creeping up? I mean, for the Lucarelli race in PP, it’ll cost me $3 to register online for a total cost of $36, whereas Charlie will charge $35 the day of the race, and at least I know the $2 (or $3) over the $33 online rate stays local.
Seems like I’m beefing over a few bucks, but if you add those up for a few local races, we could probably be making a contribution to some local worthy cause or keeping it our pockets for some extra tubes (for those of us who still ride clinchers).
Congress wants to cut spending, well there’s my contribution.