Hopeful Friday 9/24

Ever hopeful as always

The forecast is for a weekend of good weather. Tomorrow brings the CRCA race http://www.crca.net/racing/schedule/ in Central Park: 6:30 start, Boyd bonus points, Cat’s Paw finish. On Sunday morning there’s the Rockleigh Criterium. The online registration http://www.bikereg.com/events/register.asp?eventid=11722 deadline is 11 p.m. tonight.

Home page photo by huggerindustries.


Lucas Headset

1, 3 and 4 are all items that will get you a ticket. Item 2 will be very, very difficult for them to prove in court. Last weekend when I was stopped they obviously lied to me and told me I could not turn left because it was not an intersection. So it is very obvious the cops are only out to harass cyclists. If you get a ticket for item 2, fight it in court. A cyclist is a vehicle and has the same rights, and obligations, as other vehicles. There is no minimum speed limit and it is a downhill run into the left turn. So a cyclist will be going over 25mph. Since you are preparing to make a left and the distance from the light to where you turn left is so short, it is unsafe to try to move over after the light if there is traffic there. So the safest thing to do is move left before the light. They also can’t give you a ticket for impeding traffic if there are no cars behind you, which is often the case.

Mike Green

Below is an important email from Scot Demel received on the crcanet yahoo group about a meeting on Monday to discuss the development of FBF and Gateway National Park.
More info about the plans are here – http://www.rpa.org/2010/04/envisioning-gateway-floyd-bennett-field-and-beyond.html

Thanks to Scot and Millie for taking the lead in trying to get cycling included in the new plans for FBF.

From Scot

“If any racers are available on Monday, it would be a very good idea to attend the discussion on Monday at the Wildlife Refuge.

Those who attended last week can correct me if I am wrong… What is likely to happen: there will be an introduction and the meeting audience will break out into smaller discussion groups. Your ideas about FBF (racing!) will be written down and reported back to the full audience and the end of the evening. The summaries then go to the organizers and the planners for incorporation in the final report.

If ideas about racing are written down, the planners and the park must respond to it in the later report, whether positive or negative. Thus, it is very important that racing is placed on those lists. I’ve attended these kinds of sessions in the past with Parks and other groups. These sessions are a key step in the planning process.

Go out and tell them we want racing to continue and improve at Gateway and FBF!

Figure out who the other racers are in the room, split up, and plant yourselves at as many different tables as possible. Don’t all sit at one table or group. You want “racing” to come up from numerous different tables and groups.

If racing isn’t on the agenda and maintaining a 2+ mile paved circuit, it will be converted to antiques shows, a bird estuary, or other activities that won’t come close to your LT Threshold.

Watch this video for a view of the break-out discussion tables:

Ride your bike all the way, or take the A subway out to Broad Channel Station and walk/ride from there.

The Forum

vo2 min

It is Lisbon’s world, we are just racing in it.
How did Chris Leong crash? He had a major facial injury from what I saw when I rolled by.

Andrew pizza

i saw the sprint finish in cat’s 4 this guy with a black Cervelo flyinggg from far back sprinting, it was a Dave Jordan-Zephyr team rider ?????…they say he’s a very good coach… any pics from this morning race ?

Hassen Pfeffer

Watch out when returning to the GWB on 9W. There were law enforcement types at the turn onto the bridge entrance. Apparently they are cracking down on cyclists who salmon up to the turn and even those turning left after the underpass.

Not sure what the police were saying exactly, because some thoughtful FGX and BH/Guarneau guys coming up 9W warned us away. We u-turned it at the light south of the underpass and came back.

Vincent Rivnut

Fort Lee cops were indeed out in force today – we spoke to them on our way out…sounds like they are going to continue heavy enforcement. Areas where they were actively ticketing:

(1) On the return to the GWB, crossing over oncoming traffic to salmon under the overpass – they were lining up a backlog of cyclists to ticket for that offense

(2) In that same place, even while not salmoning, moving into the left lane ahead of that stoplight right before the overpass. Apparently you need to remain all the way to the right side of the road until the intersection right before the overpass or you get a ticket for impeding traffic. Bottom line – you are allowed to turn left onto the bridge, but don’t move into the left lane before the stoplight

(3) Not riding single file on Hudson Terrace – patrol car was driving up and down Hudson Terrace stopping people

(4) Not making a complete stop at the stop-sign at the end of Hudson terrace.

Aurelien Butyl

Cat4/B field top 3

Antonio Munoz, Jordan/Zephyr
Dean Brizel, Houlihan-Lokey/Sanchez
Len Galata, NYVC

Sorry not having deeper results or if anyone’s name is misspelled, all I could remember at the line…

And Kelly’s husband Mark, raced the Cat5s placing top ten…

Women’s Race
Kristin Lotito, HL/S
Sarah Sauveryfine, CC
Ann Marie Miller, HL/S

A Field/Cat123
Lisbon, Foundation
Gregory Olsen, Adler
Ricky, Die Hard

No idea C field/Cat5 as they were sprinting same time as Women.

Also, someone should call the “Popcorn” Tonka Toy that casued mayhem in the race.
Speedy recovery to anyone that crashed today.

Buddy Elf

Arnaud Helmet

seriously, I do this all the time…stay to right until actually ready to turn left onto the GWB, either way you are not in ay traffics’ way, the stupdumbest thing is to go against the po-po or to ride against traffic directly…fn stupoodiest!!! and stop blocking the ramp onto the GWB itself, get out of the fn way, congregate on the north side of the GWB, out of the way!!!

Wheel Axelpole

Great morning at Rockleigh today. About 40 guys in the 123 and full field in the 4,5. Both races were very “spirited” and a nice job by the promoters getting this done.

Lucas Headset

If you want to pay the ticket, there is a number on the back. Call the court clerk and ask. If you are from NJ, I hope you did not use your drivers license as ID. If you did, they could incorrectly asses points on your license.


Correct, you don’t have to provide a driver’s license. You are on a bike and no license is required to do ride. Also, being a NYer, you do not necessarily ever need to drive, so no need for a license. This isn’t 1970’s Russia where you need to carry papers at all times. I never carry a driver’s license when I ride. I usually do have my USCF license. BUT, with that said if the cops want to be a real pain in the ass they can hold you until they can positively ID you.


I should mention that it is against the law for you to lie to a cop. So you shouldn’t do it. At the same time, there is no law that says a cop can’t lie to you. So you shouldn’t believe everything they tell you.

Maxime Internal Routing

So anyone have a clue how much the fine is? I called and they said it isn’t available for 2 weeks…

Jacopo Lube

The internet keyboard bravery runs strong here. For the other 99.9% of us, if pulled over by Mr. Po Po, we’ll pee in our shorts, cry for mommy, and name our favorite Brittney Spears song if asked by The Man.

Aaron Bartape

I got pulled over on Alpine, just as I reached the top. The cop said to me, ‘SEVEN AND A HALF MINUTES? THAT’S LIKE 2.6 WATTS PER KILO! YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING TO HURT ANYONE AT BEAR WITH THAT?”

Baldo Ziptie

Many of you very kindly sent in e mails to lobby for support of Elle’s Law which was to make injuring a pedestrian while commiting a moving violation a crime in NY rather than just earning a traffic ticket. This legislation has now been passed.

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