Hopeful Friday 9/11/2009

Bear wars?

We are facing a moist weekend ahead, but those who have maintained their motivation will be undaunted; while the rest of us will be sleeping in and digesting meals meant to boost our blubber layer for the upcoming winter months.

On Saturday, there’s the category war known as the Calvert Toefield Memorial Road Race in Prospect Park with its handicap format pitting cat 3s versus their excitable cat 4 counterparts.

Also on Saturday, there’s a CRCA Club Race.

Sunday brings the end of season drama of the Nancy Morgenstern Memorial 2009 Fall Bear Mountain Road Race.

And if you are old – you can race both days in Rhode Island at the Bob Beals Omnium in Charlestown, RI; and if you are not old, and very pro, you will be racing at Univest.

And on a skinny knobby note, there’s the 2009 NYC CX Season kickoff party, which is not technically a race unless you are in the waffle eating contest.


Chad Feldheimer

181 BORONOW, Eugene USA19670918
183 PEREZ, Amaury DOM19850317
184 BEZDEK, Neil USA19841005
185 DIAZ CORRALES, Andres COL19840120
186 SALLEE, Connor USA19900704
DS BORONOW, Eugene USA19670918


I feel as prepared as I can be for Univest at this time of the year. It’s a shame the race is so late, but everybody has to deal with it. I’ve been racing since February, so it’s been QUITE a season this year. I got some good results, I’m pretty much ecstatic about how this year went (… except for Gila). I got 10th at nationals, I got cat 1, I got top 10 in pretty much every crit I did this year, my ween got huge…

Customs Agent Smith

Hi, I’m looking for a Mengoni rider named Rafael Adolfo German Meran. Can anyone please tell me where he is?

Thank you for your help,

Agent Smith

The Wicked Witch's Husband...

don’t want to race in the rain tomorrow.

Will The Feldheimer think less of me if I take a pass?

Adrien Grips

Posted on his blog / website:

From: Stephen Sallee [mailto:sesallee@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2009 3:47 PM
To: Keith Williams


If any teams happen to ask for my information, can you please send them in the right direction?

Check today’s crit results.



From: info@williamscycling.com
To: sesallee@hotmail.com
Subject: RE:
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 19:08:15 -0700


You need to focus your attention on respecting people. Your career on the bike will be short lived if you do not learn curtsey, respect and manners. Without these basic attributes, you will develop a reputation within the industry. Fast guys are a dime a dozen, it’s the other attributes directors want.



From: Stephen Sallee (sesallee@hotmail.com)
Sent: Mon 8/03/09 12:02 AM
To: Keith Williams (info@williamscycling.com)

Thank you for another overreaction email. Now, I’ve had it.

First of all, Keith, let’s not forget that I simply asked you for a derailleur. Not a bike upgrade, not carbon wheels that all your boys receive, I wasn’t immature about it… I simply asked you for help a week before my first U23 nationals. You ignored me. Respect? Manners? … Really?

I honestly cannot believe that you have taken it upon yourself to let me know what my personality is missing, especially since you don’t know me in the slightest. It’s actually unbelievable. Are you my father, Keith? Having shown your true colors in this LOUSY and immature derailleur situation, I decided to show you the same amount of respect which you had shown me. Please, ask ANYONE on the northeast racing circuit about me, and they’ll tell you that I am a homegrown, country boy with fine manners, respect only for people who show it to me, and I’m unsure of this “curtsey” you speak of. I actually believe that showing is for girls.

So, yes. You blatantly ignored me when I cried for help. The FIRST TIME I cried for help. You showed me NO respect as a person, and all I did was tell you I was pissed about it. I’ll say it a thousand times – I have respect and manners ONLY for the people who show me the same. Just because you have a company and you think you’ve hit the bigtime does NOT mean that I will simply grovel to you and show you (now) undeserved respect and manners. I did previously, because you showed me that same respect. Mine ended when yours did, so don’t you dare accuse me of that.

My only reputation in this industry is a guy you don’t want on your bad side. Treat me with the same respect, and you’ll get a lot of it. Everybody knows that.

Now, I’ve completely lain it out – if you somehow deem it necessary to say anything more, go ahead, but I think what I’ve said pretty much covers the situation. So now I won’t see you on the flip side. You’ll see me though, just wait.

Connor Sallee

Customs Agent Smith

I’m trying to return a suitcase to Rafael Adolfo German Meran. Please have him contact US Customs at JFK.

Thank you.


instead of (repeatedly) making an obtuse reference 99% of us don’t get, why don’t you just say what you want to say, agent smith.

Provenzano Ferrule

USA Cycling announces elite women’s team for Road Worlds :

Elite Women
Kristin Armstrong (Boise, Idaho/Cervelo-Lifeforce) – Time Trial and Road Race *
Amber Neben (Irvine, Calif./ Equipe Nürnberger) – Time Trial and Road Race *
Kimberly Anderson (Santa Barbara, Calif./Columbia-High Road) – Road Race *
Mara Abbott (Boulder, Colo./Columbia HTC) – Road Race
Meredith Miller (Fort Collins, Colo./Team TIBCO) – Road Race *
Evelyn Stevens (New York, N.Y.) – Road Race
Jessica Phillips (Aspen, Colo./Team Lip Smackers) – Time Trial*

Guido Helmet

That Sallee post is the most fun rant I’ve read on this site since the whole FBF fight thread or the old helmet debates! Thank you, Connor, for providing a bit of levity to my day. Now go spend some time studying and “practicing your words” so you can graduate college with more than a 9th grade writing level. Your inability to express yourself effectively in writing makes your otherwise potentially valid points harder to accept at face value. Also, though I’m not sure it qualifies as a personality flaw, your appearances on this site are developing a reputation for over-eagerness in reaction to other comments. A bit of pause before to react to criticism will serve you well over time. Honestly. Still, thanks for the laugh.


I used to defend Sallee when he got attacked on this site. It didn’t seem fair to go after a high school kid. But airing dirty laundry with a sponsor on his blog is not smart, especially when it makes him look like a tool.

Adrien Grips

Connor Salle referring to himself:

“My only reputation in this industry is a guy you don’t want on your bad side.”


Ilias Liner

It really sounds like Connor is in dire need of an old fashioned beating…..next time you see him, if there is a tree nearby fetch a switch and kindly adminster the need whoopin’.

Enzo Ceramic

damned entitled kids these days. they think they deserve everything. bad parenting, media culture–i don’t know what drives it.

now if you’ll excuse me, i’m off to get fit for my new serotta meivici, then yell at my team manager why i’m not getting my team kit for free next year.

–excitable cat 4

the industry

seriously, WTF??!! since when are amateur racers part of an industry? I would love to hear the reaction if I went to my NY URBAN league basketball game and started talking shit about a shoe contract…

lost at lbs

We should feel sorry about what happened to Rafael, SOme people are happy, but this young man is a well behave and educated individual, talented cyclist surround sometimes by the wrong people. IF he goes to Spain and make it there, he’ll be better than “racing” here and working full time on a bike shop fixing “cyclist” s bike to people 1/2 his talent and education. Again, we should be sorry about what happened to him.

Thomas Torque

After Marka Wise got Connor into the Tour de l’Abitibi twice and paid his expenses he viciously ridiculed her on a website. It was appalling. This kid needs to grow up and learn to treat people with respect. He actually thinks what he does is cool.

Myween Gothuge

did mengoni not learn their lesson after bunde? they are looking circumstantially doped to the ween these days.

Dirk Diggler

Have this kid Connor call me. I just read his blog:

“…I’m pretty much ecstatic about how this year went…my ween got huge…”

There might be a role for him on my team next year.

Guido Helmet

So the new “vanishing twins” excuse is going to be “Look how well behaved and smart I am!” Then they can shrug one of those patented European/French shrugs and add “I should have been a little more careful who I chose to hang out with. All these bad influences…”

Yeah, it sounds like really great behavior…

Myween Gothuge

why does it suck for “the Is”?

it sucks that such a disconnect can possibly exist between a team’s director(s) and its riders. especially after this has happened to them in the past.

let the lunatics take over the asylum and suitcases full of drugs will be confiscated at the airport.

embarassing. i feel bad for bezdek because he is true talent.

Johnson Tube

They had to make room for the Cat 5 field and take resources from the women’s fields. Just what we need Cat 5’s at Bear. An advanced race for un-advanced riders. The women should sue!

Chad Feldheimer

“Just what we need Cat 5’s at Bear.”

good descent training. the EMT should wait at the hairpin to collect cat 5s.

Charlie I.

Calvert-Toefield Memorial
September 12, 2009
Brooklyn NY

Category 3-4 Handicap
44 miles
34 starters

1. Johan Burrowes (WS United) 1:48:24
2. Hammaen Walker (CRCA/Major Taylor)
3. Lennard Katz (Kissena)
4. Lynn Murray (CRCA/Major Taylor)
5. Edward Burlem (The Coffee Den)
6. Robert Brown (CRCA/Major Taylor)
7. Tadeusz Marszalek (Sommerville Sports)
8. Daniel Lim (CRCA/Die Hard)
9. Kevin Yarde (NCC)
10. Willie Payton (WS United)

Category 5
17 miles
16 starters

1. Jeff Owens (Kissena)
2. Misha Chiporukha (Unatt)
3. Oswalde Perez (Chelsea Bicycles)
4. Bruce Mussen (Unatt)
5. Juan Orrego (Strictly Bicycles)

Thanks to all the marshals, registration volunteers, pacers and officials!

Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena Cycling Club


What happened to the etiquette of not attacking a GC contender suffering a crash or a mechanical? Haven’t seen that courtesy extended since Hamilton tried to neutrazlize when Lance caught the mussette.

Guido Helmet

Thanks for that. Ive been totally Jonesing to have the 9-11 attacks re-investigated. Its really what needed after all. Who DID attack us, anyway? Inquiring minds…

Clubber Lang

Nothing like a 19 year old, 140lb BAG O shite THREATENING – YOu “dont want ME on your bad side” … very very intimidating.

This Kid needs to go away.


AUGUST 10, 2009

I’m pretty much done for the season. I have really no interest in training, and I don’t really feel like challenging myself anymore. As of now, I’m riding and racing for fun (and a little bit of money from crits), because I’m literally able to ride a crit and do top 10 without training at all. Nationals crit? No training the week prior. I honestly can’t remember when I’ve done above 2.5 hours not racing. My usual ride consists of thinking about going on the rollers or the occasional hour ride outside, or 2 hours with Graham.

I’m still doing Univest, and I’m psyched, but I know I’m going to get raped in the road race. I want to do really well, but not badly enough to get on my bike and do something about it. I’ve had a LOAD of success this year and I’m completely content with that. I believe I’ve associated with enough people this year that my results will get me on a good team next year where I won’t have to worry about paying for everything.

Needless to say, I won’t be doing any huge traveling anymore this year. I’m staying local and doing local races. DEFINITELY not doing GMSR, because it’s climbing heavy, and I’m just heavy. I don’t want to climb anymore, because after Tokeneke, I have realized that I just can’t climb in 2009. Maybe 2010 will be better for that, lolz.


Velocity Nation should sign Salllee to write a column immediately. He’d be the Glenn Beck of this website — the insanely popular guy you’d love to hate. His comments/hits would be off the charts. Plus: ween enhancement advertising opportunity.

Thomas Torque

You do not get deported if you are caught bringing drugs into the country, you get arrested.
Anybody know what this about Mernan refers to. Right now it does not make any sense.


he was cough with a large amount of a pill to prolong sexual activities, a friend told him to bring some for him and the pillls were so cheap that he made the poor choice of buying all the money. he got arrested for one day and deported back because he was in a possetion of a large amount of a controlled suntance(non-narcotics)

Evan Plug

the problem with connor is that he thinks he thinks he’s a lot better then he actually is. there are a lot of talented younger guys who don’t have the attitude.

funny haha

feels n-titld b cose he born on 4th of July…now I get it!
I think Connor into Scientology!
word to your Momz!
Maybe he join Rick James (Bitch) tribute band!

Ivan Bentspoke

It’s amazing that Connor thinks he’ll come out looking good badmouthing Keith Williams on his website. Keith gives back as much to the sport as just about anyone in the business. Plus he is just a super nice guy.

Thomas Torque

We all act like stupid kids on this site, well most of us but it feels damn weird and a little sickening, when we’re dealing with a real kid.


Why did the women’s race at Bear get cut short by one lap? Can’t we have longer races that reward women who actually train more than 2 hours at a time? The difference between 3 laps and 4 laps of that course is pretty significant.

The men 1,2 field is small but they are still racing 81 miles. It is pretty frustrating paying $45 for a race that gets cut short for “resource problems.” I would like to know what resources they are short on that keeps us from doing another lap.

Goro Rivnut

I would like to thank Charlie I and ALL the organizers/marshals for their work.Getting up early in the morning setting up and all the marshals and pacecar drivers.I know most people don’t give thanks to these great people for what they do for us.They also have to keep repeating the same thing over and over about not hanging around the joggers lane after the race.THANKS!

Bent Overmi

“i’d wager to say the PROS crash less on descents than cat 5s. just a guess.”

Tell that to Menchov. Maybe not on descents but how bout twice in one stage. Fun to watch though.

Chad Feldheimer

hey you obtuse fucks–take 100 pros, take 100 cat 5s, send them down the bear descent into the hairpin and let me know what happens. idots.

Bent Overmi

The Feldsters got his dander up. Easy there Chad. What happened to the etiquette of not attacking when someone’s just shucking and jivin.

Jasper Fork

Connor is going Nowhere in this sport….not even remotely good enough….will be a average rider on decent regional team and disliked by pretty much everyone a la David Taylor….and his posts to Keit make me cringe…total tool

Johnson Tube


When C Evans flatted in today’s stage 2 GC contenders were dropped (Danielson and ? forgot second) anyway, the leaders didn’t have the luxury of being about to wait or slow for Evans. Not that they would have if every contender were together but they might have.

Connor Sallee

just wanted to say thanks for all the love on here.

also, my blog went from 2000 to 12000 in a day. that’s amazing. thank you.

Connor Sallee

look, guys… i DID go away. i seldom post on here, and if i do, it’s a joke under an anonymous name. i post on my blog as an escape from schoolwork, videogames, and bike riding. i don’t advertise it, and it’s primarily for my friends. i don’t expect anyone to read it other than people who know me, and thus, i feel as if i can post my mind. however, you have found it, advertised it, hated on it.

so judge me, hate, whatever. i’ve been a ghost for 2 years, but everyone continues to make fun of me on this site. should you choose to continue, i’d advise you to actually get to know me as a person rather than an identity. i ride and race for fun, and i’d rather go to dental school than go pro… it’s unlikely that i will go pro, and it seems that everyone is already confident about this fact.

so, keep riding the bandwagon that proclaims, “connor is a douchebag,” when none of you have met me nor even seen me.



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Matteo Bottle

let’s leave the child alone; he is inconsequential, really. plus, he stinks. someone else will change his diaper.

Ivan Bentspoke

Well, hopefully, Connor has learned a lesson about the consequences of blogging.

And to all the other aspiring bloggers out there, no one gives a shit about your training or race results. You just seem like a self-absorbed tool once you start blogging about yourself.

Guido Clearcoat

Seriously How the f**k is this NOT cheating???

“We took a shortcut that cut off about a mile of the race, and then we joined up with a bunch of other guys, total of about 10. I fell back from this group, but coerced some lady to let me hold onto her car as she brought me the 10 minutes back to the group (uber sticky bottle!!!). We then made it over the last KOM, and finished in town. We were too far back, about 10 minutes or so, as the lead group had already begun their circuits. We got time cut, weak!”



it is not cheating to be in the caravan.

it is not cheating to take a bottle (sticky or otherwise)

it is not cheating to cut the course AFTER YOU GET DROPPED !!

but is is very stupid to think yu are gonna get a fininsh time after and be able to start the next day if you do all the above in a stage race

so conner you are pretty stupid

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