August dog days
Hopeful Friday 8/20 Tomorrow brings the Mengoni Grand Prix. The Men’s Pro/1/2/3s and 3s, both filled, start at 6 a.m. Other categories, including the Women’s, are still open. The kids’ races start at 7:30 and 7:45. In New Jersey, there’s the Medford Township Police Officers’ Association Tour de Medford.
The Lou Maltese Memorial and the Fifth Annual NYC Team Invitational come Sunday at 6 a.m. New Jersey offers the Course de Marlton-Evesham-Marlton, with online registration open until 2 p.m. Saturday.
men pro 1/2
1 Lisban
2 Peppo
3 Butts.
a beak will develope with 1 and a half laps to go.
I bet it will quack
I’m looking to buy a spot into the P-1-2 Mengoni Grand Prix this Saturday so I can get myself into that prediction for the top 3. If anyone out there is willing to sell their spot (for whatever reason…too expensive…family commitments…too early in the morning…salmonella poisoning/stomach virus….chickening out etc etc), please call Stephan Dioslaki 973-296-2568 or email me @
Get me in and I’ll promise to mix up the top 3 that’s predicuted.
INJURED AT WORK? Call Lisban Peppo & Butts
more of a tweeet than a quack
bring your big ones to the real juniors race tomorrow
crashes a lot is he a 4? I have a great idea!! (he should race the 1-2-3 field is prospect park 🙂 soooo much safer.
CJ @ Maltese FTW
sportswear sponsors the NYvelocity team, that’s why he crashes a lot. anyone associated with that team is sketchy. just look at FGX – all ex-nyvelocity (sketchy) riders. i swear it’s true. i’m very scared when i race with nyvelocity in the women’s field, the 4 field, and 5 field, but not in PP. for some reason, i feel safe racing there.
Not all NYVCTY
Duncan and Littlefield – Razorfish
Shaw – Empire
empire to FGX? no offensive to FGX, but isn’t that moving backwards?
who is in the photo? Can’t see with my little laptop.
#1 Ricky Lowe
#2 ?
#3 ?
Who cares????????? Ricky will winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
peppo is OVERRRRRRRRated. Crashes a lot. Cannot handle bike in a sprint and rarely gets into the sprint!!!
“isn’t that moving backwards?” – totally.
how can i be sketchy if i’m riding last wheel all the time?
the other poster is misleading too. i was on Ny velocity initially. if NYVC’s are truly sketchy, i think it’s probably because the team throws together a bunch of excitable cat 4’s and 5’s without a mix of other categories and experiences like other teams have. you start as a 4 on other teams and there are typically other cats there to help be an example, or at least cat 4’s with some experience. NYVC’s a great program but it does lack more experienced riders to show the way.
Bezdek, Ricky, Jermaine, Smith, Melito, Foley, Rafael Meran, “Adler”…
A break needs to go in first 2 laps to get a big enough gap to withstand the last 2 lasp onslaught of wannabe sprinters…
95% chance it will be a smaller field sprint (50 riders), only 80 starters, so…there you have it.
Bezdek, Ricky, Jermaine…
I predict a big crash in the final sprint.
I predict I’m not going to be able to mix up the top 3 spots you’re all predicting unless someone lets me buy their spot really soon.
If you’re out….I’m in.
Call 973-296-2568 or email me @
Get me in and I’ll promise to mix up the top 3 that’s predicuted.
why is “Adler” in quotes?
not me
someone give DIO their spot.
thanks for the support man!! you think I’m annoying now, you ought to see me while I’m charging up the hill @ the Prosepect Park races!!
yo dioslaki you are really annoying right now. go back to jersey.
Does DIO listen to DIO?
DIO listens to the little voices inside his head. So YES, Dio does listen to DIO.
gonna address a few things posted here:
about shaw – why the hell do you care what team the guy races on? keep your man crush to yourself and mind your business. NOBODY posting here is a pro, and if you are, you need to stop worrying about which team a local cat 3 or 4 is racing on and focus on winning a race.
about nyvelocity – guys new to the sport (and some not so new) mostly good guys, go out, train hard, show up at virtually all the races, try and work together, and by my guess have graduated riders to just about EVERY local team, including adler, mengoni and even United. EVERY team has guys that could work on holding a wheel, including some of the so called big name “teams.” guys crash in pp/fbf every weekend. in fact, 1-2-3 dudes not only crash but then argue like little kids after the race. unless you’re going to volunteer your time to give clinics or support the CRCA training sessions, stop with the condescending BS.
about FGX – same thing applies. small team of 3s and 4s that race hard, respect their fellow riders and place at their level. haven’t seen anyone do anything that would warrant the stupid ass comments posted here.
last, to big bob – if you’re scared to race, stay home. your fear is what makes things sketchy. there’s a weekend ride with NYCC up to the runcible with your name on it.
Yeah, but what about Dio???
Dio should figure out how to use
DIO was playing hopscotch when Mengoni reg opened.
no….Dio was playing Rage Against the Machine when Mengoni Pre-reg opened.
sarcastic. it should be obvious that I can’t race in the 5’s, 4’s and the women’s field. As for my comment about Hincapie, did you really take that seriously?
I love the FGX guys too- especially CJ. I have a man-crush on his bacon-laden ass.
… try and work together…
inexperience + the above = danger
McGuire Lisban
the win was by a break away today @ Mengoni. Don’t know who was in it or how many or who won…that’s all I got for now.
My bet though is that Durso Burrows Gavi Epstien and , Butts was in there….anyone????
no butts in the break
1. Rafael meran mengoni
2. Gavi Epstein foundation
3. Tony hall Adler
4. Ricky Lowe die hard
5. Scott savory Adler
Rode a smart race.
champ sys why didn’t you chase that shit down? why didn’t sean smith sit on the front and push 400w for 30 minutes? LAME!
why is adler in quotes
how many guys were in the break away?? hard to fathom that Ricky Lowe made it…that would suggest only 3….????
I believe “Adler” is in quotes because it is not the full name of the team. The full title is actually Jonathan Adler Racing.
I mean if had to guess… That would be my explanation for “Adler” being in quotes.
Kudos on the smart racing.
yes “three” riders in the breakaway
Littlefield here.
Team NYVelocity is a team for riders new to the sport of Road Racing. So of course, in most fields, they will be a bit less experienced than those around them, and maybe not completely comfortable with some of the situations that can happen in a race. So what? Were you never a beginner?
Alex, Cisco, Nobby, Mike Sherry (and later Matt Richards) have done more to bring new riders to the sport, and teach them the right way to ride at speed in a group, than any other team or club in this area. I still remember my first rides with Norbert O’Rielly and Cisco, getting drilled over and over on how to ride a tight, efficient rotating paceline. I don’t think I’ve ever spent as much time since then working on the basics with my teammates.
Shaw and I were on NYVelocity v1.0, with Etsu, Niko, Kendall, Rick Hall, Brownlie (the first NYVC rider to win a race), Justin Brown, Reed Rubey, Chris Mecray, Chris Price and Willie Payton (the first NYVC rider to make cat 3). I think, with one exception (Adam Duncan who came to AA/Razorfish from Merrill Lynch), everyone on FGX came out of the NYVC program. Most are still racing 5 years later, which I think says a lot about the quality of the program.
Andras (Neil) Gipp didn’t race for NYVC, he started with Metro/Sanchez, then joined Affinity before we tricked him into joining FGX!
give it a rest
Fair point.
1. Kwesi Daniel (13) – Star Track
2. Camille Casino (12)
1. Thea Keppler (11) – Keppler Architecture
2. Jorge Arenas (11) – Star Track
3. Christian Mairena (11) – Star Track
4. Angel Molina (11) – Chelsea Bicycles Team
5. Nathan Neale (10) – Star Track
6. Parker Chea (10) – Star Track
7. David Baez (11)
1. Brandon Torres (8) – Star Track
2. Ismael Abdullah (9)
3. Charlize Casino (9)
4. Samuel Ginsburg (8)
1. Axel Keppler (7) – Keppler Architecture
2. Jaclyn Olsen (7) – Adler Junior Development
3. Gianni Rodriquez (7) – Sid’s Bikes NYC
4. Prince Crane (7)
1. Luke Olsen (5) – Adler Junior Development
2. Arlo Cyran (5)
3. Frank Perera-Modica (4) – Radical Media/CRCA
4. Matthew Ginzburg (4)
5. Magnus Jordan (4) – Dave Jordan Coaching
Special thanks to Wendy Nickerson (registration) & Rick Spear/Target Training (water bottles).
Hope to have some video to share soon!
people are seeing it
Didnt Meran get deported from the US last year for trying to smuggle in Viagra??? He was here then he wasn’t… Can anyone say suspect?
yeah, i’m starting to think that that’s what all the “out of league” comments are getting at. broken ass english suggests otherwise, though.
there are a lot of racist fucks out there.