Do you hear that straining sound? That’s the sound of what seems to be every possible cycling venue filling with helmet topped people duck walking their way to registration tables. Succinctly put, there’s a lot of races this weekend.
But let’s start locally and work our way out in to the world. In Central Park, there’s the CRCA race, plus the Men’s Racing Clinic. In Prospect Park there’s the Blistered Butt Road Race.
If you’re in the mood to become a champion and have the means to travel, there’s the NY Capital Region Road Race which is the 2009 New York State Championship.
There’s also the Blueberry Time Trial on Saturday in Hammonton, NJ.
Also starting on Saturday (and ending on Sunday) is the Tour de Millersburg Stage Race in Millersburg, PA, which is a two day stage race.
Which finally brings us to the more sedate offerings of Sunday, there’s the NJBA Team Time Trial in Upper Freehold, NJ, and the weekend’s last chance for a glorious championship at the New York State Time Trial Championships in Tioga Center, NY.
And lest we forget – go Evie!
when will Evie release her bloodwork?
Evie is all hard work and determination. That’s an insulting insinuation.
chill out – I think the person is joking
Probably best to keep nyvelocity an Evie free zone. Unfortunately too many creeps can’t enjoy the best cycling story maybe ever to come out of NY, and yes that includes George. Evie would be nuts to expose herself to the abuse that gets delivered on this site. Too many jaded jerks.
why shouldn’t she? proof she is forreals! consider it a complement peeps wood eve-n contemplate such a thing.
Maybe splain how she improved in little over a year from 2nd in a CRCA clinic to Fitchburg/Cascade/2ndTT Nationals/Euro stage win for USA National team?
I think she is the best since EE (Elizabeth Emery), National TT and World’s 5th!
I think she will go very far, best of EVErything to you Evie!
(Any relation to Tabatha?)
Nuthin but LOVE for ya!
She rose rapidly because she’s naturally talented – she didn’t race bikes until she went to the women’s clinic. It follows logic that if someone with a lot of natural talent for racing bikes started racing, they would rise rapidly.
I wouldn’t say her story is better than George H. George has a list of Palmaries – been at it longer – won a stage at the Tour, and got 3rd at Paris Roubaix. And that is to name a few.
Also there are a whole lot more male cyclists than female at that level – simple fact. Doesn’t mean the women’s racing isn’t hard – just that in men’s racing,there mores top talent, making it harder at times to determine who can win. Often its up to the team – not the individual rider – which you typically see in women’s races.
Evie is a tremendous boon to women’s cycling. Her rise to the top of the field in such a short time isn’t new to American Cycling but, for sure is RARE and AMAZING when it does happen.
I just hope Evie is able to keep it up for a few years and being that she is young, ripe at 26, we might see Evie one day be crowned World Champion. Maybe sooner than you think.
In response to blood-work. I doubt it. It appears that Evie trains hard, trains correctly, has good coaching, and is smart enough to realize that doping is not only dangerous and stupid, that at some-point, she will be busted. Just like what happened to another sensation – Geneviève Jeanson.
I’m a big Evie fan and not suspicious, but how do you have the combination of strength, energy production (mitochondria), and elite oxygen delivery system to rise to the top of an endurance sport and not discover this until now. You think this natural ability would have been discovered when she was a teen perhaps as a runner.
When will Slokar release his blood work? Too many questions, we need proof!
Slokar’s bloodwork will only reveal traces of shrimp and white wine.
Congratulations to Slokar’s podium in the Balkan Games Road Race UCI2.2 last week. What an amazing result.
1. Ivan Stević (Serbia)
2. Dragan Spasić (Serbia)
3. Antony Slokar (Croatia)
speaking of slokar, it does not seem like he is defending his win last year at the capital region road race?
Evie rose fast BECAUSE of the CRCA Clinic. That shit is tough yo.
Dude doing C races all year with a couple of results is signed up for the men’s clinic.
Slokar won as a Cat 3. This year he is a cat 2 and does not have much of a chance winning on that course with Roger A and company racing. The registration is way down this year also for this race. Too bad as it is a good one.
is that the definition of sandbagging? or an example of a new racer looking to meet/work with more experienced riders to hone his craft? 5hit, we all know As and Bs we wish would take to the clinic…
EVie is the proof that we don’t recruit effectively. She is clean as snow white, look at that smile!
but when a black/latin man wins a road race, he must be doping!
When this crowd accuses, it reflects the deep self loathing of NYC…
Is fat and slow this year. What happened to him?
Look who was discovered last year…
All C riders should be doing the clinic, and quite a few As, and Bs (Inson, Paulie, all of Adler/FGX, etc.)
Just saying…
It is called the Men’s Clinic not the C Clinic. According to Mike, this is for men new to racing and “newer C riders.” C races have had coaching with them all year.
somebody put 12:17 into babelfish please…
with that anonymous whining/sandbag calling sounds like you’re ready to upgrade already … welcome to the cat 4 nyv idoterati. squid.
APA / NIMH Release, August 14, 2009: DSM-V to Include New Disorders
The American Psychiatric Association believes it important for mental health practitioners to have the benefit of the following draft revisions to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV. Although DSM-V is not scheduled for completion until 2012, the following new categories of disorder, developed after a lengthy study of comments on this website, have been identified, and will be included in the forthcoming revision.
1. Evie Stevens Disorder Level 1 — ICD Code SSP (“sad, sorry and pathetic”).
Persons who missed their George Hincapie moment, and are eagerly grasping their Evie Stevens moment. Diagnostic criteria: excited conversation including phrases such as “I rode with her,” “I knew straightaway she was something special,” “She asked for my advice about what wheels to buy,” etc., etc. Usually combined with dismissal of others’ claims to know ES, to the point of wanting to silence others talking about ES (e.g., suggesting an ES “free-zone”). In therapy, often express anger at missing GH moment (e.g., “Every fat fuck on a bike claims to raced with GH ‘back in the day'”).
2. Evie Stevens Disorder Level 2 — ICD Code SSF (“Sieglinde / Siegmund fantasy”).
Persons who, under the guise of seeking to protect ES, are using ES to explore an older brother – younger sister incest fantasy. Diagnostic criteria: warnings to others to stay away from ES and to not express negative thoughts about ES; setting themselves up as arbiters of appropriate reactions to ES’s success (e.g., “insulting insinuation”); emphatic statements that her success is due to her inherent moral qualities (“hard work and determination”). In therapy, sufferers often admit to seeing ES as “perfect little sister” and their desire to put a “brotherly arm” around ES.
3. Evie Stevens Disorder Level 3 — ICD Code VC (“very creepy”)
Persons compelled to tell others of their sexual interest in ES, although still attempting to preserve “deniability.” Diagnostic criteria: public celebrations of ES’s success making creepy references to her physical characteristics (e.g., “I love every ounce”). At this level, the condition seems to be characterized by a profound bipolarity: an urgent sexual attraction to ES, but the realization that (as some put it in therapy) that the sufferer would quickly be “dropped” by ES.
APA / NIMH acknowledge that these guidelines are subject to revision and are a work in progress. But, as the coordinator of the Evie Stevens-DSM-V project, Prof. Helmut Winkerwaffenschmidt states: “The New York cycling community is so ‘fucked up’ about how to respond to the Evie Stevens phenomenon, we thought it imperative to provide some guidance now, rather than wait until 2012, by which time irreversible injury could be suffered by many unfortunate persons.”
consider watching this your therapy:
and Team USA is 3rd ahead of team Columbia!
there’s no f-ing way that evie would touch drugs (this year…) because she bought her first bike this year. you don’t really think about drugs until you’ve been doing it for a while.
seriously, who drugs right off the bat? NOBADDY
Perhaps the reason she didn’t know this until recently is that she was busy getting an Ivy league degree, playing high caliber tennis and becoming a successful investment banker. This isn’t a former Easter Bloc country where kids are tested early on and herded into particular sports based on their physical attributes. It’s a free country where people do what they feel like doing and often times serendipitously realize they have natural talent. For every person like Evie who is lucky enough to figure it out before she dies or gets old, there’s probably 10 more who live a full life without ever knowing what natural talents they have.
dont feed the idoterati! they’re grumpy today, it’s nice & sunny out
Is a big p*ssy. How many races must we watch him lose and whine about losing because other guys didn’t let him win. If he rode like Yens V., he would have won a lot more races. But he rides like a p*ssy.
She better get back to NYC soon, she has to marshal on the 23rd.
“Could you use it in a sentence please?”
“I yens for some White Castle.
The yens strengthened against the dollar today.”
I vote for that being the best missed marshal excuse ever
ES: “I couldn’t marshal because I was beating the top women racers in the world at an international stage race in France”
Mike Green: “tell it to the judge lady!”
Slokar’s blood might also contain goat ejaculate and scrapings from chicken anus, as both are known herbal performance enhancing drug in his native Croatia.
I told and saw Evie when she was sitting in our men’s Pro,1,2,3 SS races that she was going to be off the charts this summer! You go girl(LOL)
~Will S.
Can a person really be “too busy getting an Ivy league degree” to ride a bike? Too stoned, perhaps, but too busy?
“Would you like to come for a bike ride Evie?”
“Not today. I’m too busy getting an Ivy League degree.”
And what’s with the Ivy League part of it? Can you be “too busy getting a Brooklyn College degree” to ride a bike?
“Would you like to come for a bike ride?”
“Not today. I’m too busy getting a Brooklyn College degree.”
I’m not sure. Maybe that doesn’t sound right. But where’s the dividing line? Cooper Union? BU? These are subtle matters, but obviously important.
But playing “high caliber tennis” is a different matter.
“Do you want to come for a bike ride Evie?
“Not today. I’m too busy playing high caliber tennis.”
That makes obvious sense: everyone knows that “high caliber tennis” players don’t have time to bicycle.
But the problem is compounded when a person is both getting an Ivy League degree and playing “high caliber tennis.”
“Not today. I’m too busy getting an Ivy League degree and playing high caliber tennis.”
If either one is sufficient reason not have time to ride a bike, then how can a person do both?
As always, many questions, few answers.
ok, you got me. i laughed at that. then felt bad about myself.
along those line, though, based on his last post we’d have to classify Will S. as having Evie Stevens Disorder Level 1 — ICD Code SSP
Is responding to my earlier post. Hilarious. Love it. Touche.
That is so FREAKING hilarious!
She also worked at a HIGH CALIBER FIRM – was it Lehman?
attagirl / attaboy 4:26 … that’s the attitude
Wow. I have one question for you guys regarding beloved Evie: if a male started out last spring as a Cat 5 and was now winning UCI races 1 year later, what would trusting and non-cynical New Yorkers say about him?
The last person to rise up so quickly in cycling was Genevieve Jeanson. It took her 6 years of racing to test positive for EPO (which she had been taking since the age of 16).
Evie is beating people who live at altitude who train 30 hours a week. How is she utilizing oxygen more efficiently than them?
So, in other words, if you don’t live in altitude and train 30 hours a week, you will never ever win. and if you do it means you are doping.
listen, I may not know Evie all that well, and I certainly can’t attest to what she does in private, but i think its pretty lame of you to insinuate stuff like this. She has never been anything but gracious and down to earth while everybody else stood around scratching their heads as to what they were witnessing. The image of somebody picking up a sport for fun, as a “hey why not?” moment doesn’t jive with what you are suggesting (even if they turn out to be really, really good). If you have any evidence besides weak conjecture, I’ll listen. Otherwise, leave the fans (and protagonist) of this unfolding story alone.
never to this degree has this site/community praised and devoured one of our own…very sad forreals!
nice work. funny posts. best hopeful friday in a long time. evie is raising the bar here.
I think you guys have it all wrong. Evie isn’t ON dope, she IS dope. word. fuck you hater assholes for even insinuating shit like this.
Jeannie Longo of Grenoble, France, first came to the United States to compete in the Coors International Bicycle Classic and Ore-Ida Women’s Challenge more than 20 years ago.
Longo, who was part of the Celestial Seasonings/Red Zinger team, was already the best women’s cyclist in the world. She was in her mid-20s then, fiery, charming and tough on the bike. She was the first athlete I ever noticed examining the content of their food and drinking only bottled water.
Like a lot of the French of the time, she wore an ascot with her non-cycling clothes. She sometimes called her competitors “silly girls.†Her rivals may still not like her, but they respect her. She’s known as “Queen Jeannie.â€
Longo and I like each other. She’s afforded me several one-on-one interviews and I’ve kept track of her career, periodically searching Google for her results.
Earlier this week, Longo, age 50 and arguably the greatest cyclist in history, claimed her 56th national championship and successfully defended her national individual time trial tile in Saint-Brieuc.
Longo, who has more than 1,000 career vicrtories, was among the 10 oldest athletes competing in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Here’s the list:
Hiroshi Hoketsu, 67, Japan, equestrian
Laurie Lever, 60, Australia, equestrian
John Dane, 58, USA, sailing
Susan Nattrass, 57, Canada, shooting
Mark Todd, 52, New Zealand, equestrian
Iain Murray, 50, Australia, sailing
Luan Jujie, 50, Canada, fencing
Jeannie Longo, 49, France, cycling
Ralf Schumann, 46, Germany, shooting
Dara Torres, 41, United States, swimming
Here is why Evie isn’t doping. I saw her crush the competition last year at GMSR. She reached the peak on a Cannondale with a triple crank. That bike must have weighed 20 pounds. Why would she spend the money on doping and ride a heavy ass bike like that?
Folks dope when they have nothing to lose. The bike is their life, and all of their self worth is tied up in racing.
Evie can always just hop off the bike and go back to making $150k a year.
It just wouldn’t make sense.
wall steet to blow steet
3:07 had it covered
Adler rode a dumb race.
Hard to justify that unless you’re Lisban.
no, they were wrong tactically. The only way Ken was going to beat him would require a crash or flat on Lisbon’s part. They should have reshuffled the deck to get a bigger group off. At the least they should not have been blocking, which always is baffling at local training races.
don’t know what tricycle school you went to but being in a two man break is always better than a 5+ man break, unless the other 3 are your teammates. Do you think in big boy races Cancellara would not have gone into a break with Hushovd? Of course he would and Saxo would block (mark others) their hearts out.
“Lisban” not Lisbon. Lisbon is a city where they speak Portuguese and drink port.
You can’t beat him if you can’t spell his name. Actually, you probably can’t beat him in a Club race unless your last name is Rahn, Malloy, or Alexander.
No need for Adler to block with a 2 minute gap. BR’s “chase” brought that gap up nicely.
Seems Adler rode a dumb race for BR, unlike last week.
Again, it’s Lisb-A-n.
A two man break where you will NOT win compared to a 4-8 man break where you have a chance? Different race philosophy, but go ahead with the name calling. . .
How dare those Adler guys not help me win! Waaa!
the only thing that adler reshuffling the deck would do is add more non-adler guys that could possibly place 2nd or 3rd in front of Ken. It’s not like Lisban would have much of a problem sprinting to win out of 5+ break either. Sure if Ken had a teammate they could tag team but you take what you can get.
i think if he knew the gap was 2 minutes, Ken could have either sit back to tire Lisban in last 2 miles or gone Cancellara on him over last lap with an all out effort to drop him. But hey, neither of us was there so who knows…
Blistered Butt results?
ken races his own race, whatever the other adler guys do has no real effect on the outcome on the race…maybe their blocking is a little annoying to people chasing, but they take park races seriousy. sure legit teams like empire and foundation don’t block in the park but if that’s what they need to do to feel like they participated in ken’s result.
way to go peppo, reed, and matt. you guys really showed everyone how strong you are. getting into the blue ribbon train and sitting up, you really helped ken win. his gap was two minutes opposed to 1.5 minutes. i hope ken splits the purse with you and buys you all beers for your hard work. you deserve it!
I didn’t see Adler blocking anymore than Foundation or any other team. Blue Ribbon just couldn’t close a gap with a chase. They had 4 or 5 guys rotating on the front and a few more in the field. Plus, had one in the break (for a bit). 5 against 2 seems pretty fair?
BR may not have brought them back, but they worked the field over enough for a second break to get away and took 3rd overall. All the guys that sat in or “blocked” all race should have been all over that move.
The “move” was Loftus from Adler going up the road. They certainly did not work the field. This discussion is pretty lame.
BR – nice work getting 3rd.
peppo didn’t make the break because he would have tested positive for beet juice. adler rode a smart USADA dodge.
many dudes are really happy just to be up the road,
only thing adler could have done is what we all should do. if the city s best sprinter is in the break then make him do all the work.
no one should be pulling pretty much any of the foundation guys around in a break. they all can sprint very well.
but week after week guys are just so jazzed to be in a break that they do all of the work for the sprinters anf hand them the race on a platter
how about for once when lisban or Alexander bridges. just sit up, see what they do, if you go back to the field then great attack again, make them bridge again, or better yet let your teammate counter and make Lisban bridge again.
this will show the better sprinters that you are not goint to ride a break with them at all. and they are gonna work thier ass off if they do
this is why you very rarely see sprinters in europe in the break , because as soon as they are in the break guess what everyone sits up and goes back to the field.
it is rocket science
BR’s intention was certainly not to work over the field. We initially had a guy up the road with Ken and Lisban and he couldn’t match the pace and came back to the field on the 2nd lap on the west side. It was hard for the team to get a good chase going because Adler and Foundation were doing a good job of disrupting any solid rotation. It was obvious by around the halfway point that the break was not going to get caught so I asked the guys to keep the pace high enough to keep things together so that I could try a last lap attack and go for 3rd place (which I managed to do). I saw Loftus (who by the way is pretty savvy and frequently makes the moves) up the road near the Met. (last lap) I figured that it would be a good time to attack and a very strong guy from Rapha (sorry I don’t know who was who), a guy from Foundation and my teammate Xavier went with me. We quickly caught Loftus and the break worked hard to establish a solid gap. I was very proud of the team to work for me like that – I had to get something out of the race.
Fun race. Foundation disrupting the only decent rotation we had going was a bit cheesy but that’s racing. Blue Ribbon did a nice job driving it at the front. Adler all over the place. Season coming to an end. We’re going to have to find something else to bitch and moan about soon enough!
Can we talk about Ralpha and make this discussion complete?
A big congrats to a super cool guy and strong racer. Shane Moran of Westwood Velo WINS Capital Region c4! We missed racing against him at Tokeneke last week because he was off doing bigger and badder things. He is a diver for the NYPD and was answering the call of duty after last weeks tragedy over the Hudson River. Way to close out the season in style. You earned it so here it goes…. Sandbagger!
Looking forward to racing with you soon!
(to be reposted on the Hangover page)
Nice job man!
4:42 — rapha guy is Bryan Borgia. Pretty consistently in the top – certainly not afraid to attack randomly and often.
Need some help please: around noon today in Central Park on the west side someone on a road bike crashed into a good friend of mine, hooked his front wheel and he fell over, causing serious medical issues (broken femur, neck injury, etc). My friend was riding a hybrid bike, in the left lane, and the scofflaw passed him on the left and swung right. The culprit didn’t have the decency to stick around and instead took off. If anyone saw anything or hears of anything that could help identify the person, please email me at jpmnycca@hotmail.com. Thanks a ton.
Hey 9:53pm – Do you know what that cyclist was wearing? Anything that stood out about him? If no one saw him hit your friend perhaps they saw him ride in the park during that time and recognize him.
Did he actually get up and run away? If so that’s so disturbing and I hope your friend is OK. I am very sorry for what happened.
brett cleaver is the cat 3 NYS road champion, ya heard?
10:12–thanks. Unfortunately, my buddy can’t recollect anything, i.e. if road or tri bike, fixed gear, team kit, etc. He had a concussion, and thank goodness was wearing a helmet, which was cracked but clearly saved his noggin.
Accidents happen, yes. But this was just so disgusting in that the culprit just did it and rode off. Police said there were 3 major accidents in CP today. We haven’t heard from police report yet if there were any witnesses who were able to describe in detail who caused it.
Be careful out there everyone…
p.s. the guy who crashed was riding a white hybrid bike and is in his mid-60’s.
How the heck does a nice guy like MA get stuck on a team with a bunch of grumpy old balls?
Ha, *grumpy old balls*, that’s a good one. Anyway, the BR team rides well and their results prove it.
Congrats to David Taylor for a fine win in the 35+ at Capital Region RR. Oh and nice work to Mark and X for their fine places yesterday.
Congrats on 7th X Man, that is awesome!
I agree with the old balls comment. Those old guys are grumpy and mean. The frown in races and complain after races. No way to enjoy this sport
Wow, there sure is a lot of hate on this site. Maybe folks need to go ride their bikes more?
On this thread alone there is hate and innuendo towards:
Evie, Slokar, Peppo, George Hincapie, Inson, Paulie, Adler, FGX, BR, and Rapha
I heard Brett Cleaver drilled out his earlobes.
Hopefully someone will sue nyvelocity so they start requiring a login. Boggles the mind all the hate this site festers and it would all stop if people were forced to stop being cowards and actually had to be accountable for what they say. It’s amazing how tough people can be when they don’t have to own up…
is such a lonely word…
Whos is going to pay for the pile up in the B field? I heard the douchebags on NYVC caused it…
……..pictures from CRCA CP race?
It’s time for my self-appreciation session.
unfortunately you’d have to sue the entire internet. quit being such a squidgilante crybaby.
cat 3 state champion? isn’t that like the tallest dwarf award? not to take anything away from winning a cat 3 or cat 4 race, but they’re not championships.
then why did they give him a medal? he is a champion! can’t you see?
Typical POS posting on this site.
Make up your f’ing mind douche. Is he the tallest dwarf or are you not taking anything away from him? I suppose Taylor isn’t a NYS champ either because he “only” won the 35+ race?
Hey 1:52 f-face that pileup was caused by a guy on Metro. Hit the cones, lost control and did a face plant taking down his team mate and 5 NYVC crew.
Metro guy who caused it broke his carbon frame in two and went to the hospital, and causes his teammate to break both his Lightweight (really, in a cat 4 park race?) wheels.
Since you clearly don’t know WTF you are talking about, STFU about NYVC a$$clown.
chill, how about we are just glad that nobody was more seriously hurt than a cut that required stitches and maybe a broken rib or two. its a bummer when crashes happen. its even more of a bummer when folks get all defensive and/or accusatory. Unless we are talking about an Insondent, relax. nobody really cares whose fault it was.
You can STFU up too BAM. Crashes may be part of racing but pointing the finger at a team and calling them a bunch of douchbags without basis or reason is not.
any race is an achievement to win, but a category 3 field is made up of people who aren’t good enough to be in a higher category. a 35+ race is open to anyone who is 35 or over. a junior race is open to anyone who is in the appropriate age group.
Heard this one before and unless you’ve raced a 35+ open race (assuming you’re some “kid” who is under 35) you don’t know. Definitely harder than a Cat 3 (except up the hills) and much more tactical. A win in this Cat doesn’t get the respect it deserves.
Chill out. I will never STFU, by the way. being called a douchebag is actually more a part of racing than crashing. you missed my point entirely. do you think that anybody read this and thought, “you know what, that anonymous prick is right, NYVC team is made of douchebags!” by the way, some people might find douching to be highly refreshing in such a way that a whole bag filled with douches might actually be a welcome sight. I myself prefer the classic bidet.
excitable defensiveness never ceases to sorpice on this site.
“a category 3 field is made up of people who aren’t good enough to be in a higher category.”
Wrong. All Pros, Ones and Twos were once Threes. Cat 1s weren’t born as 1s.
Congrats to Brett Cleaver. I watched him climbing the last k in second position confidently reeling in the leader. That was a tough course.
i have never, and will never ride for NYVC. please stop invoking my name in your petty finger pointing.
NYVC’s fault, but if they were riding at the front (horrors!) they never would have went down. It’s the safest place to be.
Scott Willingham wins 45-49 age group, Gregg Olsen wins 40-44.
Mike Margarite of Empire makes the podium at Elite Crit Nationals!
Any news on where Will Schneider placed?
Jake (sakonutz alum) and Andy Myerson (breakaway alum) top 5
That’s Adam, not Andy.
Congrats to Mike on the podium in Chicago.
Why am I not asleep?
armstrong managed to beat a 44 year old leadville local
Nice win at Capital Region RR.
For those that think Cat 3 is easy here is a list of guys who you had to beat last year in the 3s:
Will O
Most of the Embrocation team
These guys to name just a few are all very strong Cat 2s now a year later. Cat 3s are made up of strong guys who dont want to go any further due to age and family obligations and the rest are younger guys flying up the categories.
which of those categories does olsen fall into?
This one time at band camp…
Inson deserves all the hate. He a menace who should be suspended for reckless riding.