Hopeful Friday 5/22/2009

Turn, jump, repeat.

It’s Memorial Day weekend and the New Jersey Kermis season is upon us! There’s four straight days of races with lots of turns and racers of all ages and body types in skinsuits. 

Friday night kicks things off with the after work dash to the Manville Madness Race.

Saturday has two events, the Hills of Somerset County Road Race and the US Bicycle hall of Fame Criterium.

Sunday brings the Bound Brook Criterium.

And finally, on Monday is the big one, the Tour of Somerville.





Splendid! Everything I eat is is designed to celebrate the glory and suffering unique to road riders.


website is hard to figure out…

Sheesh, you’d think they’d make it easy to take our money…


The Ralpha is the perfect counterpoint to the cosseted and quick-fix nature of modern life.


Rapha Race is an alleycat for nutmeggers who aren’t too quick on a fix, and to use ‘cosseted’ is to be cosseted.


Alleycat = no permits = Rapha Race

The first rule of bikeclub is you don’t talk about bikeclub, ergo this is merely free marketing for the Rapha line. Where is BSNYC when you need him?


C’mon then, if the cat’s outta the bag 2/3’ds anyway, just give it up already. who is he? i need to know i need to know i need to know i need to know i need to know i need to know i need to know i need to know i need to know


BSNY doesn’t ride for Gotham.
Gotham rides for the Snob. The Snob hardly ever wears a Gotham jersey


Does anyone ride back to manhattan from rockleigh after the thursday crit? or is it too dark out after 8.


clearly whomever posted this is a chick, because they have no fucking clue about the speed difference between pro women and pro men. Those ladies in the photo would probably hang, maybe get in a break, but no way they would be ‘kickin 95% of the pro men.’ Ever. never ever ever. just go watch a crit, and do lap times, pro women versus pro men. night and day.


that could only have been written by a man. No way a woman would defend men with such passion.


Empire won the Rapha Gentlemen’s Race in New Paltz. Prizes included bespoke smoking jackets and mustache combs.


I think most women with their head’s straight on realize the difference in the caliber of racing between women and men. You have to have your head way up your vagina not to notice how slow women’s racing is.


your statement and prior ones have no value simply because one with common sense should NOT compare men and women racers, it’s like saying a banana is longer than a cherry, common, grow up guys…

signed, a secure men, yes there are some of us in cycling 😉


stop reinforcing the oppressive gender binary. This is SO offensive, I can’t believe you guys or gals or non-self-defining individuals can live with this site which furthers the stifling status quo of heteronormative gender classifications. its all just a social construct!


next you’ll tell me that a dog barks louder than a cat, don’t you see your falsiness? Is your ego so fragile that you need to be faster than a woman to feel like a man?


5:57: congrats on finally realizing a practical application of your learned degree in women’s studies from yale: commenting on a ny cycling website for “hopeful friday.” your parents must be so proud!


it is apparent that 4:38 was a serious post, which should be considered funny for other reasons. the emoticon at the end really drove it off the cliff.


I would just like to point out that, as the composer of comment 5:57, I find your assumptions about my education to be highly problematic and exposes some dubious preconceptions that you have about myself and gender politics. Firstly, while I did not earn a degree of Bachelor of Arts while enrolled in a Women’s Studies program, you have once again concluded a logical line of thought that highlights your essential ignorance with regards to the issue at hand. Women’s studies, by its very nature, is not completely comprehensive of the full scope of issue I meant to address, namely our social construct which paints a strictly binary relationship between two and only two genders. In fact, one may argue that it continues to help perpetuate the ageless oppression of the transgendered community. A more apt, yet equally erroneous assumption would have been that I majored in Gender Studies, or perhaps even LGBTQ/ human sexuality Studies. Again, I did not. Secondly, while I may or may not have attended an esoterically prestigious New England university, I can assuredly tell you that it was not Yale. I will chose not to disclose my alma mater, lest it deconstruct the carefully crafted veil of anonymity that this site affords. Thirdly, my parents are very proud of me. I let them know of all my comments on this site, and they keep a running digest to show their friends how fluent their child is in the current intellectual discourse of our epoch.

And Fourthly, it was a joke, iDOT!


sorry, i misspoke, you must’ve been a cultural anthropology major at brown.

by the way, can i have some fries with my big mac?



I’m sorry, I don’t know why you would request such a dreadful cocktail of saturated fat and simple carbohydrates from a luminary of progressive thinking. I only eat the finest organic produce supplied through a local CSA share. In fact, even my hammer gel is a custom fair trade blend made with only free range dextrose, Washington County fruit extract and cage free electrolytes. You really need to check the carbon footprint of your snacking habits. I’m sure that there is much room for improvement.


Its almost as good as the Dress to Get Laid party at Bennington College.

(captcha math question!?!…holy shit!!)

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