If meteorology is to be trusted, there’s a delightful weekend in store for the Lycratically inclined. Soaring temperatures and skies filled with sunshine will eliminate the need for long sleeves and crowd the roads with sparkling paleness.
On Saturday, there’s a CRCA club race, which has been changed to a Met finishing scratch race instead of the scheduled points race. There’s also a Spring Series Race in Prospect Park on Saturday. Those who have cars and the will to punish themselves can do an early park race and then drive to do the Johnny Cakes Race in Coxsackie. Those who really desire an escape from the circumnavigations of public lands can drive to Charlestown, RI for the Chris Hinds FUJI "Sunshine" Criterium.
Easter Sunday is more sedate racing-wise, with a Central Park Spring Series race. Bethel is taking a week’s hiatus, but those who enjoy bikes and television that shows bikes can both imbibe and look at bike racing at the Flanders viewing party at BXL.
Upon review by the officials, the result stands. Even with three exclamation points.
i don’t know, it’s overly emphatic being all caps and 3 exclamation points….could indicate doping
or a cat 4
don’t forget the unforgettable:
Sandy Hook Time Trial – The Prologue to Your Season
not sure if wearing these in nyc whilst riding would get one compliments, or get the shit kicked out of oneself…
are you kidding? these are the most prized high-tech compression socks around! All the guys with power meters wear them under their tights, garters are oprional but many consider them their good luck charms.
WTF happened to the much ballyhooed Cat. 2 only field at Bear Mountain? http://www.bikereg.com/events/register.asp?eventid=10568
Yeah, I like Rapha, but there’s nothing like a retro jersey to get you going.
i love me a slurpee from 7 eleven.
Here she is, figure you might as well see the rest of the retro: http://www.coraskinner.com/
OH MAN! A woman in a retro jersey on my favorite SW:TESB sheets! Uh oh… I just made sticky mess in my pants. MOM! UNDERPANTS! NOW!!!
anyone got results yet from the 123 race in Prospect park this mornining????
Looked like Durso soloed off the front for the win.
Very quick. Now about those pictures …
AWESOME! http://kotaku.com/5508520/f1-driver-plays-modern-warfare-2-while-riding-a-bike
any more details on prospect park today besides Durso soloing off the front for the win?? Was it a breakaway or was it the field?? 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th places???
get off the couch and race and you would know results
That was Mark Light who won the race
Light!! Wow!!! Where the heck did he come from?!?! I guess the guy with the couch comment didn’t do so well…sorry to hear that.
he was first to the fuzzball. so there’s that….
Who’s saying get off the couch and you’d know the results? Have they ever actually been to a city race? Timely and well broadcast results aren’t actually a 5 boroughs forte.
Tom Luzio (Wonder Wheel) out of a break with a teammate and 2(?) Axis riders.
No Axis riders placed Bernie McGarry and Alan Buday of Brauer Mick Management placed 2nd and 4th
1. Luzio – WW
2. Bernie – B/M
3. Orcutt – Axis
4. Alan – B/M
5. Larry – HP
break was 8 with 2 from each of those 4 teams
There was a nice p123 break of 20 seconds with like 10 guys from many teams represented but it got reeled in on last lap. Was someone chasing down their own teammates? Mangoseed had a guy in the break but guess points for leader’s jersey were more important…
break caught inside last km
“Twenty-one day Guarantee If we donot post the results
after 21 days after the event the riders who place get
one free race.”
The SS results from week one are still MIA. Good luck collecting on that though. You can get free entry to that race Anthony puts on in the middle of November.
Hey guys, any photos from this morning at PP? Thank you
On cyclingreporter.com
Stomps Hard for the Classics this yr. he’s got the soldiers and and totch equipmnt lined up nicely.
2010 yr of the Hincapie!
Wow. Still no complete results from Saturday’s race? I guess we can hope for Sunday’s results by next weekend.
Any flickr photos from Saturday or Sunday?
Why is it so hard for Van Dunk to update the results and series points totals.
25 to 33 dollars and his website was last updated for 3/21 races. The twitter is like a bad joke.
How freakin hard could it be? The guy really must not give a damn.
Someone else should be given a shot at running the Spring Series.
Its unbelievable that Charlie I is stuck at Floyd until May while this bozo has 10+ dates in Prospect and Central.
sell a number for the series and if the racer loses it charge him/her $5 bucks to replace it.
Simple right, saves the pins, the hassle blah blah but not Van Dunk this guy just makes things as difficult as possible.
5:27. You must be new in town. Welcome to NYC!
I don’t know why you ass wipes always complain about avd and results. Get a grip. They’re insignificant, b.s. park races with minimal pay-outs to people who place, and a lot of work with minimal profits to the promoter. Be thankful someone even bothers putting them on because the number of people who care about park races, or what the placings were, is less than the number of people who actually raced. Get a life outside of the 6 a.m. local amateur cycling scene and you’ll see the frivolous nature of your whining.
If it’s so much work for minimal money why does he do it?
By the way its not NYC, Charlie I has his results up in a professional manner by the afternoon the race takes place.
VD just doesn’t care enough to do the right thing.
also no one outside of the guys that do these races care about the results and that includes Battenkill and the “big” out of town races……
But the promoter should post the results for crying out loud he knows what they are…its written down 15 minutes after the race….he is just lazy.
Does anyone ever come up with drug positives at these races?
Can you recall the names of any dq’s?
We are seeing plenty of dq’s in the Grand Tours…at least enough to keep riders and DS’s on their toes. Is it effectively “anything goes” with the Classics and other UCI races?
there is a lot of profit for this races. USA cycling only charges 25 dollar, and the officials 75. there is a 3 dollaars for insuranse and the motorpace is like 75.00 x 4. The mashalls look like pick up from a local shelter, so weak they can’t even blow the wistle hard enough. I think that one field is enoug to cover everything. The only free things are the pictures of amazin people like Andy,Gina and Victor,
i was thinking as i picked up my number on saturday in PP that yeah it’s early to get up at 530 and roll 7 minutes to the park but these people must have gotten there at 4 something and set the tent up in the dark and it wasn’t all that warm either, it usually isn’t for spring series. there are much easier ways to make a living. I’m just glad that there is someone to put on these “BS” park races for those of us who don’t have time to drive 2-3 hours or more to race.
Well to get the results faster you volunteer to help with the race and post them yourself, but then again if you see them for yourself you won’t post them either as you’ve seen them so why would you bother?
Most race results hardly get posted because the interested parties are only interested in their or friends results and then could care less about the rest, and why would you? The guys putting on the race are usually dead tired afterwards or have consumed too many adult beverages to really have the motivation to do it.
Or that’s been my experience.
van Dunk has the results! The result sheets are complete 15 min after the races are over. he has video cam and only takes top 10, top 6, top5, top5. This isn’t battenkill where he is scoring 2500 racers its 26 places in 4 fields plus series points based on money.
All he has to do is post it to the website by lets say wed of the next week and no one say anything……but his website and twitter are 2 weeks behind.
Quit making excuses for the guy.
1) If you know you can’t follow through on delivering results, don’t promise 21-day results and twitter results. just say you’re putting on a bare bones training / racing series and tell the races to not expect much.
2) I’m sure he could easily recruit a cycling dork to post the complete results online within an hour of the last race finishing. for free.
If you think the profits are so great, why don’t you promote your own races in the park? Read up on what is necessary to put on a race and do it. You will make a lot of racers happy by adding another race to the local race calendar.
Some of the numbers are off. Officials cost more than $75. Chief ref is at least $80 and other officials are at least $50. Not sure how much moto pacers get. Marshals are quite a bit as you need to have at least 40 in central park. So the fixed costs of putting on the race are pretty high. If you have to cancel a race, the promoter has to eat all those costs, so there is a risk.
$5 for a lost number is not bad. Having an extra set of numbers for dummies who lose thier’s costs money. The promoter has to keep extra sets of numbers. Most won’t get used, so he needs to cover the cost of the entire extra set. No reason he should eat the fee.
If you want results, you should stick around after the race. The officials will post the results in a conspicuous location so that all participants who want to see them can see them and if necessary file a protest.
If posting the results, and video, to a website is so easy, why don’t you offer to do it? Wait till the results are official and then copy them down. Simple stuff.
Obviously Vandunk has a deal with the parks for the dates.
He is obviously making money or he would have bailed long ago.
As far as results, he has a website, twitter etc just post em already. Geez.
Was Bernie McGarry racing in a Global Locate kit on Sunday in the masters? No 352 kept moving out way into the other lane and making up spaces, over and over again in the 3/masters race and I wondered who it was. But then 352 is not listed as on Global Locate, but on Braver/Mick on the results (and a DNF — was he caught in the crash)?