Hopeful Friday 4/10/2009


Like a lodge of FRS-filled beavers, the weekend holiday and a high-profile broken collarbone have conspired to reduce the spring cascade of area races to a mere trickle. 

For those with the means and time to travel, there’s the Chris Hinds Memorial Crit sponsored by Fuji in Charlestown, RI on Saturday. Also on Saturday (and serving as a test to my classiness) is the Johnny Cake Spring Series Race in Coxsackie, NY.

And on Sunday, there’s the Spring Series Race in Central Park.

And that’s all—loathsome beavers!




Attempts to recapture a runaway beaver have been put on hold because too many people are trying to catch a glimpse of it.

The beaver escaped from a pen on a farm in Coxsakie. Its tracks
have been found 20 miles away on the banks of the Hudson. Dick
Everhard, the animal’s owner, had been planning to set traps baited with the scent of johnny cake but is now waiting until public interest dies down. “We want to get this done efficiently.”

There are still so many people looking for the beaver down the river. We’ll leave it three to four weeks, he said.

Mrs. Everhard commented, “ I hope nobody snatches my beaver before he can find it.”


Keep it up and I’ll come up there and eat your lunch.

Nothing worse than an anonymous Internet poster.

Well, actually, a gnomish web master who spoils a race for the viewing public is worse.

But that’s old news…


Why are you worried about someone elses jersey ? Do you want one or something A**clown.I think he got it from your girls house since you was worrying about another mans jersey A**clown.www.jerseywatcher.a**clown.net


Jason must be covering P-R for somebody? As for Giancarlo, so what if he wears a Nat’l jersey to warm up? He wasn’t racing in it.


Cool pic–local guys gone Belgian. Would love to be there myself!

Maybe NYVC honchos can get a quickie interview/photos from the adventure???


it is indeed Scott Demel…he wrote the following:

“Rode about 80miles today, about 23mi on cobblestones…. more appropriately called just “stones”. These are incredibly difficult to ride. It’s like nothing I have ever experienced before. The stones just beat the hell out of your body. Towards the end, your mind starts to lose it “Oh, not another section of pave” and you are ready to give up. Unexpected tidbit – my fingers were actually starting to cramp up from holding onto the bars. Whether holding near the stem, on the hoods, or the drops didn’t matter.

For your race viewing insight, note that the rapid succession Sectors 5, 4, and 3 are probably the worst, with long Sector 6 right before. And yes, Sector 18 (Arenberg) is terrible, and partly uphill.

Saw Milram, QuickStep (they were all business) and Liquigas out on the route. Even rode with the Bouyges team for a while (friendly and even stopped for a waffle at our van). They totally dropped us once the pave sections started!

At the end of it, we rode the Velodrome (500m around, OK concrete surface, with the 200m mark on turn 3… cause I know the trackies want to know)…”



I am a Cat3 and have no desire to go any higher since in 2 years I can race 35plus and get my ass handed to me by Roger A & Co. However, I have a real problem with this TT Vegan Clown going from basically Cat5 to Cat2 with no races at all except a handful of Cat 4/5 TTs and a few top 20s in Cat4/5 crits. Meanwhile, there are guys slaying themselves week in and week out to get that Cat3 upgrade. They race out of town and get denied.

To all the Cat2s out there, good luck racing with this guy. He is clueless….


vegan dude has no life.

but hey, more power to him for telling everyone about it.

he’ll get his ass handed to him in cat. 2.



do you have an rss feed to his journal or some shit? Seriously, he is lame, but just ignore him!!! (copping his style)


Very Hard to go from Cat5 – Cat2 when you dont race. Then tell everyone how you were “hoping for a Cat1 upgrade”. Takes away from anyone who has earned a Cat 2 or 1 license. But hey, he did hold his own against the old Cat5s on Steel Huffys over in the Phillopines.


For those of you nosey enough to care, no, I did not earn that jersey (I wish!). I was given that jersey from a former us team member, Matt Decanio who was my mentor back in Miami. I wear it because it was given to me as a gift and its cold out. So yeah, now you know…..anymore questions?

Oh yeah, thanks to 14:18 and 15:10 for watching my back

-Giancarlo Bianchi


Remember when Blake Longacre got his cat 1 upgrade with nothing more than out of the top 30s and DNFs. If you scam enough you can get the upgrade, it’s always been like that. Getting it legit is harder… always is.

But you can get a cat 3 upgrade with number of races entered.


I’m thinking of going with the cycling.tv coverage tomorrow for Roubaix, commercial free and some Maggie. I loves me some Maggie.


NBC affiliate channel has been airing coverage of the Tour of the Basque Country this week. 1.5 hour block of each stage. Seems like limited commercial interruptions (compared to Vs), no pre-empting the broadcast for some other “sport”, and a re-broadcast in the pm in case you missed. DVR users rejoice! You can actually set to record based on scheduled air time, and get the race coverage, not a 20 min cut-in of Indy car interviews, or lose the sprint finish coverage for hockey. Maybe Vs can take a clue and rebroadcast coverage (in it’s entirety, as advertised) at a non-conflicting time slot. I’m sure I can miss that 2 am Tred Barta re-run…


Why don’t you ask him in person since you put the mans Name on Broadway (Giancarlo Bianchi)(Where did he earn National Jersey) A**clown? Sounds like your going to cry did A**clown hurt your PACKFILLER FEELINGS.Man up and go train in the rain A**clown.www.growsomeballs.A**clown.org


Stop using so many exclamation points in your blog posts. sheesh, that is so not cat2.



The comments on this site are so angry. I get so sick of it. Why do you guys hate all the people who race bikes with you?

Go ahead and start flaming me “then leave!” etc.

I will


you really are in a state of denial, I feel sorry for some of you that really seem to have a chip on your shoulder, picking on other guys, calling them out here, just to stroke your own poor ego. Please don’t use these comment sections for mental help because your problems need professional help and posting here just seems to make your problem worse… never mind your hate turning off many normal readers…

and now NYers are not haters, just those that think so…


Toga, as well as FGX and Kingpin, all placed in the top 5 at Johnny Cake. Word is that one of the upstate teams had four guys in an eight man break, but that our local guys were able to hold off their attacks.


Your an iDot!

sorry you don’t get the joke, 18:55, now we will rise up with our mighty bruised egos and take out our new york assholier than thoughness on you! prepare yourself for the beat down of a lifetime.


I don’t know about the B race.

Justin Lindine wins the A race, with Roger A second, and taking the overall series.


for tomorrow’s race
readem and wip

1) Martijn Maaskant of Garmin-Slipstream.. in a solo atack

2)The Boner

3)Heinrich Haussler of Cervélo right behind Tom…. he cant beat Tom in a 5 man sprint

Oh yeah no George H in the top ten..something else happened that he missed the break
lata see you all in the AM


nice work james. funny that someone comes here to post initially about kingpin and fgx in top 5 but no one mentions james winning. hey CRCA, you are not the world.


CRCA poster didn’t know who won and rather reported on the results that he/she heard from a friend who was at the race. CRCA certainly knows that we are not the center of the world. That spot is reserved for Lance. He tells us that all the time.


I was rolling with 6km left in a solid break of 6 guys and all of sudden some dude in a _kit pulled a “Flecha” in the back corner!

Friends dont let friends pull a “Flecha”.



one must give an example of its use in a phrase to be sure.
If it involves screwing yourself out of contention – I’d say the variant holds true.


Toga, as well as FGX and Kingpin, all placed in the top 5 at Johnny Cake. Word is that one of the upstate teams had four guys in an eight man break, but that our local guys were able to hold off their attacks.

Wait, how did you guys let them get four of their guys in the break? Was that their whole team? And were you able to hold off their attacks for the win?


Just bragging a little for one of the most humble cat 4 riders in the area…that is if he still is a 4!
Once again, well done JS.


There is nobody even close to him in terms of the next George for the classics, gives some respect!
who will have won KBK, GW, 3 Days De Panne, and podiumed both Flanders and Roubaix… then there is Tour Stages and Yellow Jersey, and US too many vicotires;
go get a late pass!!!
George still has 3 more great years and is finally on a team that can ride the clssics, not that shit from Astana/Disco/Postal??? Ya better watch out!


Hey where can I get a viewing of Paris Roubaix?? Any place on the web that’s streaming it? Just tuned into VS and caught the last 17k.


is a great rider and I hope he enjoys continued success on Columbia. But I think it is pretty unreasonable to think that at 35 he is going to beat the likes of Boonen, Haussler, Devolder, et al. It’s not that we wouldn’t like to see him win, it’s just that, realistically, it’s very unlikely.


tafi, tchmil, kelly, zootemelk,
George CAN WIN, if he so desires and has the motivation…
his biggest obstacle is his age will prevent being more expolosive when even riders on his team are already winning classics at 21 years old!
does he NEED to win, NO WAY! He is legendary, even in Europe, but he gave his best years to Lance and the Tour…
quel dommage…

Tyler Farrar, Taylor Phinney, look for the U23 team


that keeps him from winning roubaix. it’s because he is unwilling to risk losing, so he won’t win. he never puts it on the line until he is out of contention.


talking about the guy who didn’t win and talk about the guy who won? I know you guys reaaaaally wanted your local hero to win but he gave his shot(again) and lost. How about that Boonen?


Boonen got really lucky, he’s strong, but when everyone behind you falls or gets held up by a crash; that’s a really lucky day, I’d say.


Yes, but isn’t that part of this race?
Besides, he wasn’t just sitting in a pack letting others dictate the race. He attacked like “danimal”!


his aggressiveness kept him ahead of those crashes. If was riding more softly and hiding in the pack he’d be taken down too.

Luck is what we call it what happens when training meets strategy.

Mr. Miyagi


It is good to be first in the cobbles, but I really wanted to see a tactical finale with Pippo, Boner and Thor battling it out.


as lucky as boonen was to have had that crash happen, consider that pozzatto’s strategy was to do nothing but sit on boonen’s wheel and wait for the finish. given his situation as the most marked man in the race, boonen did *exactly* what he needed to win, which was to stay on the front and press the pace, go with everything he could, and stay out of trouble. can’t speak to how hincapie or anyone else matches up to boonen in terms of sheer power, but that seems beside the point – boonen might or might not have been the strongest guy in the race but when it came down to it, he took it to his rivals, which is what george and others didn’t or couldn’t do. you sit on and suck wheel (even if it’s some serious, high quality wheel), you’re that much more likely to have something shitty happen to you.


totally sucks. It’s completely legal and completely lame- just another form of pure wheelsucking (in which someone gets in a four man break and does not pull for example, also legal and lame). Most of the time it results in what happened at the Ronde, where neither guy gets anything. At a minimum it is very annoying and makes the shadow look like tool, which Pozatto does in my opinion. He got his assed kicked in the most embarassing way – mano a mano for 15K. Catch me if you can…and he didn’t.


an amazing result, to say the least. but not done with “style”, which is very un-Italian. 🙂


how about the fact that boonen rode 30k with a broken spoke (32 14-gauge straight pull spokes, handmade FMB tires), whereas george had to stop and get a change when he broke one of his.

it’s true what pozzatto said, that if you’re out front you get a convoy of police and camera motos, so no wonder boonen covered the last 10k faster. but that’s why you ride at the front at paris roubaix.


oh yeah, well chuck norris could do it while riding a wheelie, and kicking ass of those spectators who insult & taunt him.


Godwin’s Law (also known as Godwin’s Rule of Norris Analogies) is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states: “As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Norris or Ass Kicking approaches 1.”

Ironically enought, the captcha is TT


will there be a convoy of police and camera motos for my solo finish at battenkill?

and why are we still talking about this in hopeful friday, stop living in the past.

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