The Tour may be over, but there’s other accomplishments to pore over, so let’s look deep into the internet and see what happened.
At the Al Toefield Race in Prospect Park, Jermaine Burrowes of WS United won the cat 1/2/3 race. Daniel Diaz won the cat 4/5 race. Rob Brown of Major Taylor Iron Racing won the masters 40+ race. Cheryl Wolf of Signature Cycles/Rockstar Games won the women’s race. Results are here. Photos are here.
At the Tour of the Hilltowns, Mike Maragrite was third in the pro/1/2 race. Kyle Murphy of BH/Comedy Central won the men’s cat 3 race. Emily Spence of BH/Comedy Central was second in the women’s cat 3/4 race. Results are here.
At the New York State Time Trial Championships, Ann Marie Miller of Flouriclasse/Discover Chiropractic won the elite women’s title. Carolyn Mills of Houlihan Lokey won the women’s 35-39 title. George Suter of Die Hard/Think racing won the men’s 45-49 title. Results are here.
At the CRCA club race on Saturday, Euris Vidal of Foundation won the A race. Danielle Kosecki of Asphalt Green won the women’s race. Matthew Wilpers of Sids Bikes NYC won the B race. Ethan Pond won the C race. Results are here.
At the CRCA Club Championships on Sunday, Euris Vidal of Foundation won again with teammates Adam Alexander and Rafael Meran finishing second and third. Kristin Lotito of Houlihan Lokey won the women’s race. Steve Chang of Cycle Life USA/GF Capitol won the B race. Stephanie Kaplan of Asphalt Green won the women’s cat 4 race. Results are here.
I hear Johan Burrowes intentionally took someone out in the 40+ race. Is there any truth to this?
yes ,sad but true
He learned that move from JJ
I heard that bicycle racers use drugs
Only wealthy masters racers who “compete” in Gran Fondos use drugs.
Or local cat 1s that win everything that stay on local teams
I heard an egomaniac architect is paying riders lots of money to sit on anything that moves in crca club races in order to fulfill a lifelong dream. is this true? i find it hard to believe it’s so preposterous.
Howard Roark wouldn’t even go that far
Burrowes took out a Major Taylor rider, hopefully he will get suspended, he needs to grow up and act like an adult.
Roark didn’t the Klout
I enjoyed the foundation show at the club race on sunday.
Gran fondos are where I meet up with dealer.
whats all this Grand Fondo talk? Isn’t that like so 2 months ago?
Johan was chasing the break when the Major Taylor rider was interrupting the chase, Johan chose to fix that problem but the crash really killed the field’s interest in any chasing, since the field was then more worried about the downed rider than the 12 man break. So thanks to Johan the break stuck and the down Major Taylor did the almost “ultimate sacrifice” to insure that his team got the Win and Overall Win. Way to take it on the Hip for the team.
The dude hired to do this in the freaking B field was riding a Pinarello with Campy EPS – really?
Great course.
Blazing! In honor of two great guys, too.
“Don’t talk to me”. Might be time for a 20 day holiday Johan.
You mean this is what goes on in shitty park races, riders actually take one another down to ensure their team wins? What kind of prize money are we talking about here?
getting emotional to the point of making some one crash,cause you wanna win so bad=assault. Worse than doping if you ask me.
How much??? Fucking thousands, but we don’t race for the $$$ we race for the fucking pride. Anyone remember when I tried to beat up matt koschara?
It is this shit pissed me off. You mean Jonathan formerly on BVF and now racing for Major Taylor was forced to crash because Johan from Team United didn’t want the break to succeed because his team wasn’t in the break. Is it this a conflict of interest when the Burrowers brothers organizing the race while racing in it too??? I don’t remember this is happening with the Lucarelli cup race…… Because they want to win in a race they organized??? When do race organizers become this self serving???
I heard Johan crashed himself out while riding in a break the following day at freedom tour. Poetic justice? (although he took a free lap and got himself back into the break and took 3rd).
Never thought there’d be a comparison of cycling to NHL Hockey…
A few years ago a professional hockey player was arrested and charged with criminal assault and battery. He faced jail time and civil penalties for a hit that occurred during a game.
The prosecutors felt the hit was “so illegal” and dangerous that it fell outside the boundaries of the sport — and outside a player’s expectations when stepping onto the ice — that it was criminal assault.
Intentionally crashing somebody out is no different – not to mention what could happen if they were seriously injured or worse.
Get some perspective, race fair, race clean, race safe…some do this for fun, some for glory, and some for both — but we all want to ride away at the end of the day in one piece.
This is the type of third world mentality that sucks. The burrowes brothers need to stop that shit. Maybe this sort of bullyism will work in Guyana but doesn’t work in the Civilized part of the world. These brothers should be banished to the town of Linden, maybe they can start a riot there and burn some shit down.
Anybody want to know where Linden is, just Google – Guyana, Linden, Riots
Das Racist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdWxo3e3Kzk
Horace seems like a really nice guy, though I must admit I don’t know him personally – or any of the Burrows clan for that matter. To that end, I AM glad he promotes his races and racing in general in Brooklyn, Charlie I can’t do everything. Yet, last week when I suggested he separate the 4s and the 5s in his PP races the response was largely either threats or implication that I was some sort of idiot who needed to train more (this is actually true). Now, I don’t for a minute think he was behind any of that, but there is certainly a thuggish specter that arises anytime anybody is critical of a Burrows brother. What the fuck man, who gives a fuck, we wear tights and ride in circles in the park while normal people are sleeping, chill out.
News flash! These are fucking amateur bike races. I just want to finish without crashing, and I want the guy next to me to do the same (even if he is a fucking huge douche) – if I have a chance to finish in the money, great. If not, oh well; better get back out there and train for next time (as long as nothing is broken, you know?).
I don’t know about you fucking weirdos, but I do this shit for fun. You can have the 20 dollar prime if it’s going to be sketchball clusterfuck sprint with bodies on the pavement, I’ll take my face intact; your girlfriend says she likes it better that way anyway.
I heard that Johann Burrowes…ate his wheaties! Good job bro! I’m a female and y’all actin like a bunch of bitches! When I come out to these races I need to see more of the “Men in Tights” on the ground! MAN UP!
aaahh fellas just stop the bullshitting. Burrowes brother are ligits guys thats trying to do something really respectable for the sport of cycling. Insteading of bashing em, help em to make it better. The races thats being put on by Horace is very good and sensible for the sport. It is not perfect yet but seems like he is headed in the right direction. Above all these guys are competitors. The things that they have done already, Charlie I, Van dunk, Greg Avon etc, etc, etc have never done. We are paying dearly for our bike and other equipment but is getting nothing in return. All we are hearing is “This is a training race” in the fucing middle of july, August. Dont be hate people help to build the sport as the brothers are doing, or you can keep paying your wives money to enter into these Charlie I races and get nothing in return. lol even if you dont get any money you will be feed by the brothers. Who else does that for free without big sponsors.. Stop the bullship and focus more on the black man or the milk man or the post man not fucking your wives or girlfriend you silly cat 3,4 or even immature cat 1,2. David Anthony been busted, sorry David i really like you. Even if youre doping i still like u, good guy hallullah,. And remember, everytime you leave a stupid comment your especially you cat 3,4,5s your wives and girlfriend just might be fucking that same person your bashing. Think about what you say and focus man. whats the difference between a 4.5 and a 5.0, hahaha 60 grand cocksuckers. This is from the heart, please spell check
aahh fellas just stop the bullshitting. Burrowes brother are ligits guys thats trying to do something really respectable for the sport of cycling. Insteading of bashing em, help em to make it better. The races thats being put on by Horace is very good and sensible for the sport. It is not perfect yet but seems like he is headed in the right direction. Above all these guys are competitors. The things that they have done already, Charlie I, Van dunk, Greg Avon etc, etc, etc have never done. We are paying dearly for our bike and other equipment but is getting nothing in return. All we are hearing is “This is a training race” in the fucing middle of july, August. Dont be hate people help to build the sport as the brothers are doing, or you can keep paying your wives money to enter into these Charlie I races and get nothing in return. lol even if you dont get any money you will be feed by the brothers. Who else does that for free without big sponsors.. Stop the bullship and focus more on the black man or the milk man or the post man not fucking your wives or girlfriend you silly cat 3,4 or even immature cat 1,2. David Anthony been busted, sorry David i really like you. Even if youre doping i still like u, good guy hallullah,. And remember, everytime you leave a stupid comment your especially you cat 3,4,5s your wives and girlfriend just might be fucking that same person your bashing. Think about what you say and focus man. whats the difference between a 4.5 and a 5.0, hahaha 60 grand cocksuckers. This is from the heart, please spell check
ya know?
The command of the English language runs strong in this thread.
RIP Sherman Hemsley
I like Charlie’s announcement last night, regarding how seriously we should take racing, and that we should keep it in perspective:
“We’re riding circles in an abandoned air field…”
@hiding behind live strong is spell check doping
The last time I checked, the Burrowes brothers didn’t have an ambulance on the scene. And crashes were quickly chucked aside as “is bike racing and you get crashes.” Then, I saw photos of Jonathan from Major Taylor with blood dripping and nothing was done to clean them up…. FYI, the Burrowes brothers won’t make friends this way and I am sure they don’t need friends. Johan from Team United was marked the whole way last night at FBF from the Major Taylor guys… He was later forced to abandon the race.
Don’t run your race like a cat 1 or cat 2 racer. You are a race organizer and you have an image to build. Your racers, regardless their cat levels, are your clients and customers. Treat them with respects, same as when you go shopping at Best Buy. You want their staff to treat you with respects. They don’t need to race in your races just because you are a cat 1 or cat 2 riders. They don’t need to be your friends just because you are such a hardcore bike racers. I don’t care how much payouts you have for the winners but if your team is consistently winning their own races, you aren’t sharing the wealth, period. You are simply recycling the same money. Stop this BS about you are doing something good for the racing community.
Keep up with your elite cat 1 or cat 2 racing mentality when putting out these races…..you will find yourself losing money in running these races because you will get low turnouts…. Please, don’t play the RACE card. Your people deserve better to race in well organized races. They don’t need to throw money into your races just because they are Black.
I’ve probably raced 15 races that Horace has put on this year and they’ve all been great. Maybe some shit goes down in the 3/4’s, but the 123 is great. The Thursday FBF’s are super chill and fun. Not sure what issue anyone has. My only complaint – too many primes. Makes is super hard.
What is your problem so much negative about the Burrowes? This is bike racing either you Win the race or you Lose the race case close. Grow up already.
Horace rocks the mic pretty well
Grow up? Tell that to the Burrowes brothers since they are responsible for the safety of over 200 riders. Grow up? Tell that to the downed rider whose collarbone was broken and his bike was racked….and there was no ambulance. Grow up? Grow up? Tell that to Jonathan from Major Taylor when Johan forced him to crash. Grow up?
Remember you can race in other places beside PP,CP.If you donot like the promoter take you and your Cat4foever license somewhere else, then you will not have to see the Burrowes again case closed. Less Whining and more Training Bro…Grow up
“I like Charlie’s announcement last night, regarding how seriously we should take racing, and that we should keep it in perspective:
“We’re riding circles in an abandoned air field…”
Yeah, then he has a yellow jersey, green jersey, white jersey… that helps to keep it in perspective.
I am calling out on the Burrowes brothers and their ethics in running our races and you are telling me I should close my eyes and to race somewhere else??? How nice….Hehehehe… It only proves my points more dearly.
My point to you is if you DONOT like his races DONOT do them. You are not FORCED to wake up to race at 6am,its a HOBBIE.If you want his races to be BETTER volunteer your time like he is doing and HELP make it better,if your not going to do that then take you and your Cat4Forever license somewhere else to race. Again less Whining more Training …. Grow up
I am the guy Johan took down, and I wasn’t say anything about it here but I feel like I need to because of where some of these comments are going.
This is NOT about Horace, Jermaine, or Paul. They didn’t do this. Jermaine in particular has been helpful to me both in and out of races, at no benefit to himself, and to the extent that I know them personally I like them. They are also very good racers and have done a lot for cycling in NYC.
What Johan did on the other hand was just inexcusable. Deliberate and blatant, and tactically stupid too, because it guaranteed a win for my team. He is extremely lucky he didn’t cause any serious injuries to me or anyone else…..he’d be in world of shit right now if he had. Just piss poor sportsmanship, and I hope USAC suspends him. He’d benefit from the time off to think about it.
I don’t race that much and result isn’t my goal. Surprise!!!!!
While you think I really care about results. Why??? Telling me to train more? I care about riders that I know who was forced to crash by Johan from Team United. I care about riders who are injured by inexperienced, hot headed, arrogant race organizers. That’s why I care and that’s why I will continue to call out on the Burrowes brothers. That’s why. Here, you can stop your insults of my cat4 statues. 🙂 It ain’t working.
“wasn’t going to say anything….”
Thats good you donot race alot ,you must have alot of money in your pocket and time on your hand to keep writing about someone else problems. If you cared SO MUCH like you say you do VOLUNTEER your time to HELP the BURROWES run the races better not put them down(Childish).Man up and HELP the Burrowes out and stop LICKING THE NEXT MAN WOUNDS. Stop Whining and more Training…Grow Up.
P.s I donot care about your Cat4Forever status. Your still a cycling just a WHINING Cyclist…Grow up
I would like to promote a race. A race where anything goes, sort of like a roller derby except on bicyles, last person riding is the winner. Same intensity as a UFC championship fight, Americans love this sort of thing. Trust me it will be huge. Dopers and doping allowed, I will provide the stuff similar to how Ed McMahon provided the stuff to his wrestlers in the WWF. We will call it ROCK HARD RACING and we the spectators will have a BALL. I am trying to get Tyler, Lance and Landis on board.
“Burrowes brother are ligits guys thats trying to do something really respectable for the sport of cycling.”
To Loic Kevlar, Dopers Suck, DiFarras,
If you want to do something respectable for the sport of cycling then:
Pick another sport….hehehe
To Respect,
Grow up, email gangster….HEHE that Chick…good bye
gone riding
Reading these comments makes me want to take up Jazzercise.
I am psyched to ride the Burrowes Bro’s races. Good on Horace for putting energy into the scene. People will always complain, especially a bunch of narcisists (yes I do buy Victor’s photo’s).
Johan, you’re a good guy, just do the right thing; apologize to JP and pick up his repair bill.
JP is dead right, you could have been in a world of hurt right now if things had happened differently.
Are you people for real, someone just got caught doping, tour de france been won by an English guy, Lance Amstrong is under investigation. Holy shit!!! the discussion is about a couple of black guys. A sport thats dominated by white folk, our conversations is about a few black boys that here. If Johann did something wrong im pretty sure its about him and whoever it is. Why dont we stop picking up things and running with it, it moved from Johann to the Burrowes brother to Horace putting on races in NYC. Really, stop the crap that going on and look at our families instead of focusing on someones else. Im not going to lie the Burrowes brothers are Super talented and successful in the things that they do. They are also great guy on and off the bike but competitors. If you have somethings to say, show up at the race and say it or send em an email. This is not a contest between Charlie and Horace because Horace still takes part in Charlie I and Anthony Van Dunk races. Im a cyclist that loves to race and i have really heard of any incident that happen, maybe i left early. If an ambulance wasnt there maybe it wasnt as serious at that moment.. We all know as cyclist , after we crash we jump right back up. Just Stop bashing those brother and speak to them if you have to. This is Horaces second year promoting and hes doing a unbelievable job, there is always kinks and ways to get betta. It like everything in life you get better. We are racing 4times a week in stead of two. We have a few promoters instead of 1 that you are not happy with(no specific invidual). Come on people, if you cant understand what im say you dont need to be racing and you should keep posting terrible things about people. your kids most likely will grow up to be nothing and your wives must be miserable. All im saying is that there is right and a wrong way to do things and this is not the right way. There are a few crashes well each year, ive never seen you focus so much on one crash. Paul broke his collarbone this year, got up cried it off, the guy said “Sorry Paul” Paul said “it cool” and that was that. The same burrowes brothers. Last year Jermaine was lashed off his bike 17 in his elbow and 17 in his knees and no one heard of it oh thats stitches. And no one heard of it because they are not cry a babies. No im not a burrowes brother but a friend that know how to speak because they would never get on this crap and defend themselves. I dont even think they know about your mumblings. DAVID ANTHONY BEEN BUSTED CALL HIM AND SEE HOW HES DOING. DAVID JORDAN DIED LAST WEEK YALL, SEE HOW HIS FAMILY IS DOING. JUST QUID THE BSING.
Where did you learn to speak and write the English language?
Daniel Diaz winning the cat 1/2/3 race has been in the news and also all over internet. I was particularly excited to read about the 40+ race and women’s race. Thanks a lot for sharing the hangover post of the last week. Keep sharing. microneedle skin roller reviews