Hangover July 2, 2012

Stuff happened

It was an active weekend’s worth of riding in circles, so let’s see who rode those circles the fastest.

At Saturday’s CRCA Central Park Classic, Brian Breach of GS Mengoni USA won the pro/1/2/3 race. Juan Aracena of the CRCA won the cat 3 race. Josh Sakofsky of BH/Comedy Central won the cat 4 race. Renee Engelhardt of Innervention Fitness/Stan’s NoTubes Women’s racing Team won the 3/4 women’s race. Results are here. Photos are here, here and here.

Also on Saturday was the Tour de Medford where David Casale of Tri-State Velo Amoroso’s Racing Teem won the cat1/2/3 race. John Durso of Colavita Racing won the 35+ race. David Hudson of Mambo Kings Racing/D&Q won the 45+ race. Ilya Cantor of MTBNJ.com – Halter’s Cycles won the cat 4/5 race. Chris McGinley of Peddler’s Shop Racing Team won the cat 5 race. Results are here.

On Sunday at the CRCA Club Race at Central Park, Abraham Soler of Foundation won the A race. Raquel Miller of Houlihan Lokey won the women’s race. Sergio Aguirre of Dave Jordan Coaching won the B race. Knowl Johnson of Sids Bikes NYC won the C race. Results are here.

There’s no results posted yet for the Dash for Cash at FBF, so if you know who won, let us know.



Luchino Grips

yesterday evie stevens won a stage of the women’s giro d’italia, and now wears the pink jersey. she beat emma pooley and marianne vos, among others.

Tristan Crank

David Casale of Tri-State Velo Amoroso pussy won the Medford race. Sat in the break the whole time crying about being tired and not taking a pull.

Mathias Tank

not really sure who “won”

if by first person over the line on the last lap, Jose Cruz.

if by person with the most money, Team W.S. United. They managed to win every preme except two or three.


how are you tour de france wannabes doooing today? whats wrong if WSUnited win the dash for the cash every lap? as they say Yous have to be in it to win it.

tour black

I think these WS United riders Germaine and Paul should be in the Tour De France, but unfortunately they don’t allow black riders in the Tour De France.

Wave Ring

mad respect to united. those dudes are strong as shit. i think it’s awesome that they can promote a race and make some extra money by pretty much dominating it.

Tuskegee Airman

Quote from

…..I think that’s why we don’t have black cyclists competing at the Tour De France level. In order to have a place on a team, a rider must convince a Sponsor that they can make a positive contribution. The peloton doesn’t seem to want any black riders. The races that feed the TdF don’t seem to have a lot of black riders. The sponsors don’t seem to want any black riders.

Baldo Crank

The W.S. United crew are fantastic at having mechanicals at strategic moments to get rest periods.

Rim Job

cycling is like all sports. sooner or later the best will rise to the top. is this sooner or later?

Eliott Bartape

The USDA is withholding the photos pending an investigation of widespread bovine growth hormone usage at FBF. Witnesses have testified of seeing at least 4 riders with several nipples protruding through their team kits.


I’m taking a day off from writing the FBF, it’ll come, don’t worry. is this you Ernie?


FBF Results. Here are the results and updated overall standings for last night’s race:


LEAD CHANGE ALERT: Rob Brown (Major Taylor) has moved into first place in the Cat 3-4 series and will be wearing yellow next week.

Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena Cycling Club


….and to think that I got into buying a $5000 Trek bicycle and getting into racing all because of this cheat Armstrong and his associated rats – Hincrapie, Vonder Veld, Zabrwhiskey, Leppermieher.

I want a refund.

Tom Threadlock

This is for ‘Rats’. I’ve never let what goes on with other people doping, lying, or cheating interfere with my enjoyment of bike racing. i still have fun with it.


This is for “Thread Lock” – it is all about economics mi Amigo. Lance and his cohorts were allowed to escape the clutches of regulation for what they brought to the sport in terms of an American audience, increased sales in products such as bicycles, health products and associated services. Not to forget the Nissan Leaf. I am sure you were in some way influenced by the hoopla during the golden years of Lancey boy. Maybe you bought Optygen to increase your endurace all because it was endorsed by Discovery Channel Racing team.


There was a guy taking pictures of this Tuesday’s Floyd race – anyone know where said pictures may be viewed?

Lorenzo Tracknut

where said pictures of me in my mighty morphin power rangers costume may be viewed by my friends and co-workers

Ryan Threadlock

No, that one was from earlier on in the race. I’m looking for some shots of the finish.

Dylan Ferrule

cat 4 winner was def Jacques Cormier of mtl. People prolly wanted to know about 123 I imagine

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