Hangover 8/4/2008

Hug thyself.

Anthony "Ricky" Lowe of WS United wins the pro/1/2/3 race at the Cadence Prospect Park series in a field sprint. Radaslaw Smologa wins the category 4 race and Paul Harrison of Propeller Racing wins the cat 5 race. Results here.

At Silvermine, the provisional results show that Phillip Gaimon of Fior di Frutta was the fastest man on the day, with Ann Marie Miller of Metro-Sanchez going fastest among the women. More complete results are here.

At the CRCA races on Sunday, Gerry Martinez of Global Locate wins the 40+ Masters’ Championship in a sprint from a break of 4, Doug O’Neil wins the 50+ Championship. Kyle Peppo of Adler wins the A/B race in a break of 3. Sarah Sauvayre of Comedy Central wins the women’s race. The winner of the B/C race is unknown to us, so if you know how that race turned out, let us know.

No word yet from the New York State Crit Championships, but comments say that Gary Steinberg of Global Locate won the category three race. If you went to Glens Falls and became State Champion, drop us a line and then give yourself a hug for us.



Steinberg did indeed win the 3/4 race he was also fourth in the 30/40+, second in the field sprint behind a two-rider break.

Nathaniel Ward (Targettraining) wins the 1/2/3 and the 30+, and Beth Miller (North Atlantic Velo) wins the women’s race.

It was a fun local race, on a great course, but turnout was poor. I guess people didn’t want to drive 4 hours. Hopefully there will be greater numbers next year!


CRCA B/C race was essentially a C race with a few Bs as most of the Bs went with the A/B race. Same 2 El Puente riders (the Lopez boys)came in one, two as they have in the last three C races.

Can these two guys end the sandbagging and move to the B field already? Is it really that much fun beating up on the 5s every week?

A racer

The combined A/B race was fun. The B riders are better than we give them credit for. It is out of my power level to make the decision but I would be a fan of having more combined races by putting the 40+ers in more separate races. The club has been mixing things up lately and this is just another good way to keep it fresh. It’s probably good for the Bs to race with the As once and a while.

I would be interested to hear from the Bs if they thought it was good or if it was just like racing with a bunch of sandbaggers. Or if the As were rude to them or something like that. What did the Bs think about Sunday?


alan supposedly has sent them to bikereg, and USACycling, but for themoment, they are on pelotoneast.com


I thought those guys raced a smart, if irritating race. the one squirrely guy with teh Mavic cosmics attached throughout the race tempting the group to chase. It did to a greater or lesser extent while the other El Puente guys sit in and bide their time as they envision letting loose their explosive Cat 5 sprint. Once again, game set match.

lowly B racer

Had a feeling that there would be attacks often and early (perhaps to rattle the B’s a bit?) Well it worked. Most (all?)
of us B’s just watched Peppo go off then let several strong riders bridge without a response from a single B. No doubt the group was strong but it would have been nice to see at least one B contest.


But that is the thing. The Bs did a good job in the race and rode safe but they need to learn who the top As are and how the races play out. I have never done a B race but get the feeling that they play out a lot differently than the A races. If the Bs did more A races, they would learn that if they see Adler off the front and then good guys bridge from Empire and Bandit, the race is over. Next time I think the Bs will jump on one of those bridge attempts and get a chance to ride the break.

lowly B racer

Thanks for the beta. BTW, the A’s in the pack were super cool a accomodating. Good clinic on blocking by Blue Ribbon.

Mike Beckerman

Ditto on the A racers being very cool. I learned a lot from them, especially seeing how Bandit and Blue Ribbon discouraged the chase. It would be great if CRCA had a few more races like this. Hopefully, we can practice some the lessons about relentless attacking and team tactics in the B field.


My question: Is this BMW torching just a new expression of disappointment over losing a race, and is Foundation paying so much that it inspires team members to arson when they fail to measure up? Or is it a form of celebration, like after the Lakers win the series? Is GG from LA?


but this BMW torching is probably the best local racing scene story to discuss since the last major Erik rant or the infamous VisitBritain fight or local doping scandal.

See story under A/B race comments.


why did the Velocity guys chase Kyle, then not respond when guys started to bridge across after the Met? not a criticism, just wondering what the rationale was. i know hindsight is 20/20, but this struck me a a little odd.


I too agree with the comments of my fellow NYVC B riders. The A field were GREAT to ride with and would second the chance to get 2 or 3 of these “invitationals” throughout the course of the year… maybe with some points format etc…

Thanks again to the A guys for the opportunity and conrgats again to Peppo!




August 3, 2008

An FDNY paramedic was busted for lighting his own car – a new BMW 535 – on fire in Brooklyn, cops said yesterday.

Glenroy Griffith, 39, set his gray 2008 sedan on fire by Prospect Park’s Wollman Rink near Lincoln Road on Friday afternoon, police sources said.

“He opened the side door of the car, lit a match, threw it inside and walked away,” one witness told cops.

It was unclear why he allegedly started the blaze.

Griffith, a 19-year veteran, was charged with reckless endangerment and arson, then released without bail.


I think torching car counts big for show of enthusiasm, but waving the “spirit hands” would be a lot cheaper. Just a thought.


Did any B’s make the break or place? Didn’t think so. I think the guy who said if there are 50 guys in the A race,the guy who won the B’s got 51st place at the race deserves some credit. That guy called it. Nice job, that guy. B’s should go back into the hole they came from… The B hole, if you catch my meaning.

A Racer

Funny how our memories serve us. Knocking Bs is stupid. Look at the A/B race this weekend. The top 3 – Prensky and Peppo. Both Cs this year or last. Prensky was a Cat 5 in March. Not all Bs are slow. They are just new to racing.


Just wanted to point out two HUGE rides at Silvermine this Saturday. Tony Slokar went 28:03 to crush the 3’s and Michael Beckerman picked up his first race win with a 29:46 in the Cat 4/5. Congrats to both, I thought you guys deserved some public recognition.

Thanks again to Greg Cosgrove, Steve Goldman, Alan Atwood, etc for putting on another great race.

Phil the DBag

What a tool. He wrote this in his blog. Sounds like a major jerk to me.

“As you can see, I won a silly local TT today. It was a cool course, but no major players showed up. I averaged 28 mph for 26:47, beating the next guy by 30 seconds or so. There was a cash prize, but they also gave out trophies. I understand that for the juniors and the other categories, but local promoters shouldn’t pay for prizes for the P12 category. We’re in it for the money, even if it’s just an extra 5 bucks. “


what a total tool. i got cash for my placing in the race, wasnt a lot but its a “silly little TT”. that kid got paid out but, based on his blog, he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread and deserved a large payday for his efforts.

he might also take note that the rider who placed second behind him 30 seconds back is nearly double his age, 20+ years older with a few kids, and a job.

this kid should realize there are 9 dozen other riders just like him, strong, winning local stuff, placing in regional stuff and maybe doing well nationally. im sure fiordifrutta is excited to read that he’s happy to be on board to use them as a launch pad for his expected rise to a big pro contract with a bigger team next year.

Being a winner requires a bit more than horsepower and fast legs.

he’ll grow up. just hopefully it happens fast. his window for his big pro contract is just not that large. Then again, he is “Phil the Thrill”.


You have to be kidding me. He wrote “We’re in it for the money”.

If that is true, he needs to find a new hobby. Even some Tour riders make as little at $50k per year. If he really was in it for the money, he should get a job. I bet a lot of people in that “little local” TT make 50 times what he could ever hope to make racing bicycles. That kid should be embarrassed about what he writes on that blog.


Looks like he took his stupid post down. He is young and stupid. Not realizing yet that most of these races are for the Cat3s and down just out to have a fun challenge. I suspect Will O would have taken him out in the TT if he had raced.


“the rider who placed second behind him 30 seconds back is nearly double his age, 20+ years older with a few kids, and a job.”

Perhaps that’s what makes it silly (and it’s definitely local) to him. There were no other athletes of note there– only local masters.


Damn, missed it. Gotta see it though, someone has to have it cached. NOTHING DISAPPEARS ON THE INTERNETS!


is a nice guy. He just likes to joke around on his website and is not a mean-hearted or elitist. Maybe a bit immature… But, he does not warrant this bashing. If you got a problem with him, maybe contact him directly…


My understanding is that GG ascribes to a south pacific religion called Unagori very similar to the beliefs of the Maori of New Zealand. He torched his car as a sacrifice to the gods to break a curse following a series of unsuccessful sprint finishes and it’s total BS for the cops to interfere with his religion.


Why would you contact Phil directly about this? He didn’t contact the TT directly to call it silly… He did it on the internet, just like us.


From the timing of pulling out of planned race on July 20, sounds like the testers will test anyone who does this as a possible indication that they have high blood levels. Smart tactic.


Sella and his teammates were seriously suspect. It is awesome that he was caught.

Let’s wait on suspect Schumi… suck suck suck

Wheelsucka - the real one

has a new post on his blog:


CliffsNotes ™ version: he made a mistake, owns up to it, apologizes.

So if you called him out before, how about you give him some props now?

Personally, I think y’all ride too much at too low an intensity, and have lowered testosterone as a result, which can lead to excess bitchiness. (Like Cadel snuggling and kissing that stuffed lion … seriously, did everyone see that? That 5hit was creepy.)

I strongly suggest more high intensity in your training, and less volume. Either that or put the damn keyboards away until you have a snack and a nap.

Cat 5 Pro

Phil’s blog post from the TT was fine. All of this armchair pissing and moaning prompted him to remove the “offensive” post and apologize for his allegedly misguided comments… which he didn’t need to do.

He’s got every right to feel the way he feels about a race, the competition, or the promoters. He’s an up and coming young cyclist who’s looking to test himself, and this particular TT didn’t offer competition that would act as a viable barometer for his seasonal goals.

Negative forum threads like this one only serve to dissuade competitive cyclist from voicing their trials and tribulations of bike racing via a related blog. I personally hope that Phil doesn’t take all of your bitchy little comments to heart and continues to both smoke Masters racers 20 years his senior as well as blog all about it the following day!

Good work Phil.

Glenroy Griffith

Blow me you fucking pussy 22yo – make a statement or fade away motherfucker.

See you bitches in Prospect.

Just keep it REAL

While I agree that the comments made by the
Pro rider regarding Silvermine Phil Gaimon on HIS blog may have been a bit too much.
It, is ironic however that the promoter who takes exception to those comments is the same person who has less than nice things to say about the Crits and flat races that are more than a few minutes ride from the well known Hot-Bed for cycling a.k.a. Bergen county NJ…LOL, After all, look at all the tour pros that call that region home… Funny again that this same promoter also had a certain race result ALTERED well after the race and protest period had ended, all to recognize his own efforts of a glorious 25th place finish… But that’s all apparently ok in his own self-absorbed world… Perspective people, perspective… If a cocky young Pro wanted to compete against more suitable competition and was humbly stating so, albeit a bit overzealously… He has the right, especially considering we are ALL a bit carried away with ourselves in this sport… Please save your criticism and or look in the mirror before opening your conceited mouth…

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