For sheer epicness, the Tour of the Catskills dominated the weekend. Aurelien Passeron of Garneau Club Chaussures Ogilvy Renault, hometown unknown but suspiciously Canadian-sounding, won first in the overall standings (Pro-1-2 Men’s). Local racers Sean Smith of Champion System Racing came sixth and Roger Aspholm of Westwood Velo nabbed ninth.
Local names appeared throughout the individual categories in the GC results: In the Cat 3s, Kevin Rooney of CRCA/Houlihan-Lokey Sanchez finished eighth. In the 4As, Benjamin Cornish of CRCA/NYVelocity took third, followed by Jason Voigt of Brooklyn Velo Force in fourth, Chris Gurr of CRCA/Setanta, fifth, James Mahlmann of Brooklyn Velo Force, sixth, Francesco Arbolina of CRCA/Teany, seventh, Nathan Archibald of Brooklyn Velo Force in ninth, and Timothy Voake of CRCA/Teany in tenth. In the 4Bs, Andrew Dunn of NYAC won fourth, with Ryan Johnston of Kissena Cycling Club ninth and John Anthony of NYSketches in tenth.
In the Masters 40+, Rob Lattanzi of Westwood took third, with David Taylor of CRCA/Fuoriclasse Racing-Discover Chiropractic in seventh. In the Masters 50+, Doug O’Neill of Deno’s Wonder Wheel took sixth, with Al Blanchard of Westwood Velo coming in ninth. In the Cat 5 under 35s, Matthias Kornuralp, unattached, took fifth, and in the Cat 35+, Peter O’Hagan won sixth place.
Exhaustive results for the stages and classifications are here.
In Central Park on Saturday, Anthony Lowe of Diehard-Think Racing won the As, with John Suscovich of NY Velocity taking the B race. Teammate Mathew Vandivort won the C race. Ann Marie Miller of Houlihan-Lokey/Sanchez took the Women’s contest, which unfortunately involved a nasty looking crash at the southeastern bend of the loop. We wish the victims a prompt recovery. Full results are here, and Dan offers his special insights for the A race in his catch-up column today.
The NJBA TTT results are here. If anyone has results for Saturday’s PA Masters State Time Trial, let us know.
the results seem to be missing for saturday’s race at catskills
See the link for Alan’s 31-page rundown of the Tour.
full results are here:
the 31 page doc doesn’t have the prologue or stage 1
The Prolouge, Stage 1, Stage 2 and Over GC listings can be found on Anthemsports.us.
The MC announced FL as a TDF winner…get a load of that! I think you could hear a mouse fart after that….
BikeReg and anthemsports.us will have all 3 days.
Looks like FL ain’t saying much
nice job tifoso
“who doesnt belong: contador, schleck, or armstrong” has become reaaaaaally ambiguous now
….is French and was formely on Saunier Duval and Aqua/Sapone teams – explains the whoopin’ he laid out.
Thanks for enlightening me.
…..Floyd wasn’t the only TDF rider at the Catskills
I don’t want to be a jerk but the woman’s CRCA race did a 17:13 first lap. Those ladies are good athletes but they have to pick it up.
Great job Ricky Lowe…. With AXA trailing behind!!!
“I don’t want to be a jerk, but on second thought, I do”
the wheels of the bus go round and round….
I don’t want to be a jerk but our CRCA B-Field was only slightly faster than the C-Field for the first five laps.
vive le tour!
Sub 15 minute laps is fast for a C race.
and many of the stronger killer Bs were focused on catskills
how fast the women’s field was going?
the c-field has done all sub-15 min laps for the past three races, the first two of which were in much hotter weather than this past saturday, making this last race feel easy in comparison
every year, as far back as i can remember, c field eventually does sub 15 laps and needs afirmation that they are the best c field ever. here is pat on the back lads.
a total menace. as a group, they are extremy sketchy. they try to race like pros, but they are not
the NYVC team causes all the crashes. they really should be banned from racing….just saying,
and hope everyone involved heals quickly and can afford the equipement expense…just saying…
…this year’s C field is the best looking ever.
the women are working on developing a better system to train new racers. the ny velocity girls are very strong but also very dangerous. it is true that they have caused all of the crashes this year.
re: the C Field – this year’s CRCA unattached kits are definitely better looking than those from 2009. The color scheme and overall look is pretty tight. IMO they actually look better than a few of the subteam kits.
all that matters is that one looks good whilst racing, at any speed, celebrating the glory and suffering of road riding.
Covering club races on this site = Epic Fail
Is race their damn bikes. How is it possible, that cat4 racer is attacking the ‘field’?! Once they actually start racing their bikes and go faster then 20 MPH the novice women won’t be around to crash them. How’s that for an idea?!
you can say that again
Waaaah Waaaah Waaaaah
The NYVelocity development program has been a strong contributor to new racing blood in the area for the better part of 5 years. Their B field team has been the best or one of the best in the CRCA each of those 5 years. Every year we also field a women’s team. Women’s racing is always lagging behind because there just aren’t enough female riders. Regardless, each year we do our best to put more women in the ranks. At this point we have women who have been through our system on most of the big teams in the area. The NYVelocity women’s team riders are not dangerous. These anonymous posts are silly, and there were no NYVelocity riders responsible for the women’s crash on Sat, though one of our riders was seriously hurt. It should also be noted that they finished 2nd in the race. Women’s cycling is always struggling for enough participants, constantly having to merge fields because of low turnout and in general never getting the same attention that the men’s fields get. More riders, trained and taught correctly is the fix for this. The women’s field needs to stop acting like the men’s Cat 5 field, blaming every other rider for being “sketchy”,
Just saying
Francisco Liuzzi
get a clue Mr. Nipple, when CRCA has 700 members they are the biggest audience of nyvelocity.com and deserve to have their events covered. I’m sure even you can manage to sift through the avalanche of local CRCA news.
You are delusional if you think the NY Velocity girl did not cause that crash. And with a position that your squad needs no coaching I guess the women’s field will only include your team from now on because a lot of the girls will not race unless the situation is addressed.
And if you read the post it said that the women’s NY Velocity team IS strong but being strong and not knowing how to race is like a bull in a china shop.
What sounds worse – Floyd Landis, TDF winner or Oscar Pereiro, TDF winner?
unless francisco was racing in the women’s field, he has no first-person evidence of any value regarding the crash.
any post with an actual name signed at the bottom has more value than your continued anonymous posting
you should talk to your athlete involved before posting
knowing an author’s real name does not magically give additional value to his statements. FL wasn’t in the woman’s field, and he has an axe to grind here, so his statement about what caused the crash is … in logical terms … bull$hit. and whether or not you know my name doesn’t alter that fact.
Mr Bartape:
NYVelocity (or maybe it’s only Tifoso) agrees with you that club races “deserve†coverage. It just looks pretty silly on a non-CRCA site. Of course, if you are a Cat 4, I am sure it makes perfect sense.
here we go … what has been prophesied for ages … could this be the beginning of the Second NYVeloCivil war with ‘cisco again a major protaganist? someone get brother historicus back from his sabbatical!
Don’t forget to include the ratio between NY Velocity racers vs. everyone else. There are so many of them it would virtually be impossible for none of them to get results.
damn i’ve missed you.
anyone seen toni recently?
no one has mentioned the dead guy yet. apparently there was a man hanging by a noose in the gazebo just north of the crash
He must have anticipated this thread
Look guys, I hate to break the obvious to you but Bs and Cs are going to crash a lot. They are not really racing as much as they are practicing racing. Once they get to the big show, they will have figured it all out.
You don’t “win” a B race as much as you “avoid the crash and get the hell out of there as fast as possible”
That’s why Bs try to ride hard. They are trying to get to the finish line so they can get the hell out of the way of the crashes.
NYVC Results Weekend of 7/31
Tour of the Catskills – 3rd overall GC, Cat 4, Ben Cornish (highest CRCA)
CRCA A Field – 6th, Mitch Jacaruso
CRCA B Field – 1st, John Suscovich, 7th, Ryan MGarity
CRCA C Field – 1st, Matt Vandivort, 6th Patrick Burns
CRCA Womens – 2nd, Anneliese Haines, 6th Renee Engelhardt
4:26, very well played.
robin @ 4:19, discussing dead guys in central park is taboo around here. (unwritten rule #7).
toni, if that’s really you, what reason did you once give for being afraid to use your real name? (extra credit bonus question: what did you ask mother historicus after the harlem race?)
Mr. Nipple you totally missed my point, let me give you an example, if most of the tv news watchers watch it for tomorrow’s local weather, all news stations report the local weather, even thought 24 hour weather is available elsewhere. I’m sure if there were Kissena only races with say 200-300 racers, they would also get covered here, it makes supply/demand sense.
and we have yet to hear from anyone who even claims first hand knowledge of what happened, anonymous or otherwise. Instead just vague accustations…
Cisco writes:
“Women’s cycling is always struggling for enough participants, constantly having to merge fields because of low turnout and in general never getting the same attention that the men’s fields get.”
While I agree with the “low turnout” assertion, my experience on the CRCA board leads me to think that attention per rider by the Board is in the following order, Junoirs, Women, A-C field (tie), B field. My intuition is that this order is reversed in terms of absolute numbers of nyvelocity posts, thus compounded when considered on a per rider basis.
The problem is not the attention, it’s range of rider experience in a single field.
You might have had a point except in the C’s at least there were only 2 velocity riders . . . You may find them listed below
Oh, it’s the real Toni. I don’t want to give my name because I was afraid people would make fun of me behind my back at CRCA races if I made spelling and grammer mistakes. Those grammer people are mean.
The Best Thread yet! I like it when people complain about the obvious, crashes at a race, never! Its like people that complain of rain when there’s black clouds overhead and there’s thunder in the background noise. Humans cause bike crashes get rid of them and guess what, not crashes! Who else besides me saw the Tour? No crashes in the pro peleton right? Then a bunch of amatures line up and race they will be crash free, right? Maybe its just me but isn’t there crashes out on the highways, even streets and even parking lots! Unless anyone was actually in the race when the crash happened and saw it, no one will know who/what was the real cause.
Unwritten Rule #7, a new one for me.
The NYVC development team brings lots of new posters to these comments sections. Are some too excitable – wondering in March when Bear registration opens – sure they are. But in general they’re strong posters who just need a little more time on this site to improve their comment skills. But it’s simple. If you don’t want to read their posts, just read a few comments ahead of all of them, or stay at back of the comment section. You shouldn’t be getting in a flame war mid-page anyway.
I’d blame AVD for the horses.
I’m racing with spurs from now on. Giddy up!
Well done again to Dieter for another well organized race.
Race was well run, well marshalled and was relatively incident free. The horse incident was unfortunate, but I am not sure there is anyone to blame for that. Frustrating for those riders, no doubt.
Great job Dieter and crew and well done to all the NYC racers who did so well.
anybody actually there for horsegate? did the rodeo cause a split in the field?
Love it that Sean smith took 6th in the cat 1,2 field at catskills and people were knocking him for trying to upgrade from cat 5 field just about 3 months ago,
Great job Sean,
great job, indeed. incredible natural talent.
interesting twist in the making…
I was in the field. No split in the field. Everyone stopped.
Once the horses were under control, a few guys got a big head start and drilled it while the rest of us were maneuvering around a copious amount of shit in the road. They should have eased up but I can’t say what they saw or heard coming from behind them. Having said that, the winner had 1:30 or so on the lead pack at the KOM and held that margin for another 25 miles so he didn’t get a cheap win. Anyone who says that is just wrong.
i disagree with post 10:19
i was in the field, in 6th or 7th when the horses spooked.
the top 5 guys kept going; i went through on the grass on the right-end side. i shouted at the leading riders to stop but they could not hear me. another rider passed me and told me he was going to catch the group and tell them to stop (he never did.) i soft pedaled for a few minutes and when i did not see anybody coming up nor could i see the people in front, i decided to keep going (i was with another rider at that time, who flatted right then.)
on a long straight i could see the leaders hammering. there was a huge split with the main peloton. 20 or so riders caught me coming up in several little groups. i must say the winner of the stage was decided then. not to diminish the fact that the 2 that survived rode for 30 miles and through the rollers maintaining their advantage. chapeau.
Agree with 11:26 am post. I was also in the field. The horses caused a split. It also was the reason the support car moved up in the field and wasn’t there to give me a wheel when I needed a wheel because I waited.
If it was a minor accident or mechanical, that’s one thing. But guys being trounced by horses is another. Its cat4 for christ’s sake. If placing in a cat4 race because someone was trampled by a 1000 pound animal makes someone feel better about himself, I guess its worth it.
No surprise here:
what the f. why the hell would you stop?
i would like to state unequivoally for the record that if a bunch of spooked horses ever blocks 95% of the field in any road race i am in, not only am i not stopping for you muppets, i am going to attack every single one of you b-tches like my life depended on it. no surer sign that G*d is trying to give me that sweet, sweet victory.
Too many
Must ‘locals’ have a vowel at the end of their last names to dope and get caught: BlancO, BundE, HerediA? Just sayin’
Not a local!!!
“Alberto Blanco, an athlete in the sport of cycling, committed a doping violation and will receive a two-year suspension for the offense.
Blanco, 29, of San Mateo, California,”
By vowel logic, Kyle Peppo is in danger and Amaury Perez is not. I’d reexamine the premise. And you missed Juan PinedA.
Mr I says the finish line is the bottom line. The results are predictable.
This thread is right up my alley. Just wanna make sure you are all wearing your helmets like good boys and girls. Oh, and stop worrying about sketchy riders. The day the CRCA fields are devoid of sketch is the day there are too few riders to hold separate field races in the park. Enjoy!
Chris M
Posting from the comfort and safety of NJ, where I ride free of worry about witnessing bodies, getting hit by cabs, and mixing it up with sketchy women.
For Mengoni, the pursuit of winning low level pro and amateur races (that nobody in this country cares about anyway) comes before the pursuit of character building and personal honor. That much is clear.
You guys are a bunch of idiots. That was in 2008 and he was on Champ-Sys at that race. With Chad Butts and Gavi Epstein. Are you going to call them dopers too or judge their character? Go back to trolling.
gavi epstein wasn’t on friggin champ sys in 2008. mengoni is a bunch of dopers, remember that guy they brought to GMSR last year? what a joke
Unconfirmed rumor is that a NY Velo rider caused the women’s crash. It was one of the new riders who crossed wheels and went down in front of her team mate and two other women. The rider that caused the crash apparently was not hurt as they did not get taken away in an ambulance like the other riders were.
It is pretty obvious that SOME of the NY Velo riders are in well over their head and trying to do things they should not be doing. They should be sitting in for a couple of races watching the dynamics in a race before they try to do anything.
Very unfortunate to see Mengoni name dragged down like that, legitimate claims or otherwise. Fred such an important place in history in the development of US cycling on the national & world stage.
They really should be a junior development squad, nurturing young local talent for the future. What’s their mission now, competing for wins in Central Park races with doped up 20-30 somethings? Sad.
just because champ-sys was stupid enough to throw money at the guy and send him to china doesn’t mean that mengoni was any smarter. it’s amazing how unscrupulous these guys have been in putting their teams together, year after year.
Andres Diaz, the Colombian ringer with Mengoni at GMSR (2009), has never been caught doping. Just b/c he kicked your a.s there and whipped your butt clean at FBF doesn’t make him a joke or a dopper. Plus, his last name ends with a consonant…
Sorry, he was sent to the race where he tested positive by Champ-Sys. According to the internet, he was on CRCA/Foundation in 2008.
So lets hate on all the local teams now pls
That was by far the funniest post I’ve read on this site in a couple of years. And I agree 100%. Let some horses run onto the road and block the field, I’m dropping my head and I’m gone! What!
Epstein and Butts don’t end in vowels. Now Bencivengo does…..
I’m joking of course.
More dopers are likely to use Shimano and Campagnolo than SRAM. It’s true, I read it on the internet.
These cat 4s need to do a CRCA clinic
Yea, more dopers use Shimano and Campy, but only SRAM users use Motorized Doping. HA!
“For nothing can seem foul to those that win”
Diaz is at a Pro team, got 12 at Cascade and is a hard working cyclist( famous for comming from BM to FBF and win solo). NOw why don’t we put mmoney from promoters to make doping test at local races?. Mengoni was the flagship of New York cycling culture, now is just a “let’s see what happends” “Team”(people sharing the same jerseys), it is not even a team. Last week the lost the sprint with 3 people on a break a way. it is time for Mr I to make a change and aim to better races and search better cyclist with potential. FOundation seem to be the team aiming at big races with no big results. Cycling in NYC is a joke even tho a lot of people are doping BIG TIME.
If the Drakulas were to drop by unanounced every now & then by Prospect and Floyd Bennet, the scene would suddenly diminish to a standstill
Did anyone shout “HOLDJA REINS”???
No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself
“Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.”
well, i don’t know about Ultimate success, but it’s quite possible for yourself to cheat myself out of cycling success
Brain surgeon = funniest comment in ages. TY!
my favorite character in this whole episode – who every cat 4 should model himself on – is the dude who “passed me and told me he was going to catch the group and tell them to stop (he never did.)” that dude is a genius and probably the eventual winner. “hang back here boys, no need for all of us to tire ourselves out. i’ll do everyone a solid and just chase them down myself, tell them to stop, and we’ll turn around, come back, and re-start this whole race over. even stevens, i swear. no need to thank me. see you soon.”
nothing the guys up the road could do would have stopped someone from getting trampled
ok @5:39pm: Do everyone a favor and kill yourself.
Wait, so somebody attacked when a horse dropped a deuce? Majorly uncool.
Thanks to everyone for coming to Catskills last weekend. I hope everyone enjoyed the racing and the area. It sure looked like some fun from my perspective (except maybe the horse incident…). The goal is to grow & improve the event in scope & quality over the next few years. We’ve already worked out course improvements for 2011 that include:
1. Revised SATURDAY Devil’s Kitchen stage to a longer, 63 mile course with another significant climb & a DK finish climb (no 6-7 mile denouement back to Hunter).
2. Somewhat longer Friday Prologue TT in Tannersville
3. Windham’s Catskill Epic RR moves to final stage / Sunday
4. Sprint competition (‘wanted to this year but we felt the KOM leaders would dominate).
2011 Date 7/29-7/31
Thanks for coming.
I’d like a petting zoo at T of C please.
How about doing away with the TT and instead have a crit on so that there would be some incentive for the non-mountain-goats to enjoy the stage race?
would that be a two-way petting zoo?
It was an awesome weekend Dieter. Congrats!
much, much improved from 2008
I really don’t understand the guys calling for a crit or a flat TT on a stage race called the Tour of the Catskills. If you are a clydesdale, you know you are in for a load of suffering when you sign up for this race. There are plenty of crits, TT’s and flat races around for you. Leave the hilly races alone. Let the scrawny guys have their day. You’ll have plenty of time to beat up on them at PP/CP/FBF.
They should make it a 5-7 day stage race with 2 TTs (one flat and long and one like this year), 2 road races and a circuit. that would be Epic.
some of us have jobs moran
Sucks you don’t get vacation time, idot.
Racing was A1 – but please include 2 plastic bags next year – had to cut it in two to stop the kids squabbling over the race souvenir.
Favoritism towards clydesdales aside, it would provide much more of a spectator atmosphere than a prologue that really only starts in town. A prologue doesn’t really invite people to come check out what’s going on. Matter of fact, it must look downright bizarre if you don’t know anything about cycling. Lastly, Lord knows the sleepy town of Tannersville could use a day of fun crit-style entertainment.
Catskills format is fine as is. I thought this year’s event had a great overall “vibe”. Adding and extra day (or more) of racing totally changes logistics for travel, time off work, etc. It’s a great regional event, and should be embraced and kept as such. You want “epic”, go do RAAM, RAGBRAI, or one of the Rapha Gentlemen’s events.
3 days, 2 road stages and the prologue TT is a manageable event, both from a promoter/resource and from a racer standpoint. Extending the prologue TT a bit and re-configuring the RR stages is OK, since all of these stages have impact on the time-based GC. Circuit races and crits are nice, but don’t really have impact on time-based GC. Save the crits for the points based ominum events.
Oh yea, and I agree with keeping the TT within the realm of a “road bike practical/preferred” course (like this year), rather than a full-on aero type thing. Flame away if you must, but it’s just easier for everyone who doesn’t have space or budget for multiple bikes (it’s been discussed here before).
I was in the p12 race. I’d like the final stage to finish with the climb up devil’s kitchen (or another hilltop finish elsewhere – climbing in to tannersville from the east would work too! – but make the stage a bit tougher leading up to the climb, perhaps two climbs before not as steep but with long grinds. That would guarantee some fireworks for the finish.
stage one was great as is. i found that to be the hardest day and it’d be nice to have a comparable difficulty on the last day.
the TT was fine as is, I think. it’d be nice if it stayed leaning towards non-aero with a hill climb.
was french u23 national champion once, rode for saunir duval. Guy rode the Giro and the Vuelta in the same year and I believe made it 3/4 of the way through a Tour de France. Says he left Protour because there was way too much rampant doping. Which is odd, cause now he races amateur in the US….
I just want to echo comments to leave Devil’s Kitchen for the last day and to add some intermediate climbs before it. My suggestion is to partially run the Catskill Epic course backwards (like in 2009), from the climb up Washington Street all the way to crossing over NY-23. This solves finding intermediate climbs, getting road approvals, and descending down NY-23 both days. The downside is for all other categories except the P/1/2 it is essentially Saturday’s stage backwards with a finishing climb. The climb up NY-23A is also great, but I’m not sure how to add that and Devil’s Kitchen without going down NY-23 multiple times.
Logistically, I see why having the finish line in Hunter instead of the top of Platte Cove Road is advantageous, but if it could somehow be arranged to have the finish there for a true mountaintop finish and then let the riders roll back into town after for the awards ceremony, I think it would create an awesome atmosphere of fans lining a good chunk of Devil’s Kitchen. Maybe next year we’ll see some guy in a Devil’s costume?!
Hi Cameron,
Great minds think alike….
The plan for Saturday’s stage next year is to have a true, DK mountaintop finish.
Hunter Mtn to Prattsville via 23A
County Rte 10 (descended this year, but a difficult climb featured in 2009) to County Rte 20
Rte 20 to Acra and State Rte 23 to Hearts Content Rd / CR 31
CR 31 to SR 32 to Blue Mountain Rd/West Saugerties
Platte Cove Rd to the finish atop DK (still working on details of the exact finish location)
Sunday’s stage will be almost exactly like this year’s Saturday stage in Windham.
Thinking of a Thursday Pro/1-only circuit race in the Village of Saugerties. Maybe.
for a bunch of reasons, just to clarify
“that guy [Mengoni] brought to GMSR last year” is a former professional and multi-time national medalist in both track and road events, as a junior, espoir, and senior. He’s been winning races since he was 15.
What’s the “joke”? That a great rider wins a (mostly) amateur race (GMSR)? Would it be a joke if some of your hero euro riders came to Floyd Bennett and crushed everyone? Would you suspect them?
Your bias is apparent. So let’s turn it to a different angle:
A bunch of NYC riders have tested positive. That means YOU are also suspect, and a joke. Do you like that?
Dude can fucking shred too, you can’t dope that
Enjoy, my buddy captured our 4B horse incident on his camera.
Note the hip check, and the guy in the middle of the road getting trampled.
Who were the douchebags who did not stop for this? I would like to mock them in person.
That horse video is so 4 days ago!
That’s it. The neighs have it!
I was the marshal just down the road from where the crash occurred – right in horseshit alley – I didn’t see it happen, but I HEARD it happen and looked up and saw wheels and bodies flying, then called 911. Anyway, I have no idea who caused it, and won’t blame NY Velo – though I will say, that I’ve been wary of them in every race I’ve been in this year, whether it’s in CP, PP or FBF.
CRCA should have neutralized the field in that turn, at least till the ambulances and other vehicles cleared out – they were there for a long time, sometimes totally blocking the road. But no – they just let them keep barreling over the horse shit into a virtual parking lot. Not good.
The best part of my morning – as I’m screaming my head off trying to slow the fields down in that turn, some dude comes stumbling over the rocks behind me and says “hey man – come over here!” Yeah, right. Then he says “no, seriously – come here – there’s a dead body up here!” Yeah, right. So, I walked over and knocked on the window of one of the rollers parked by the accident and told him what was up – and sure enough – some dude had hung himself up in the woods.
Good times.