It was another busy racing weekend in the parks around NYC, with venues both old and new seeing clusters of Lycra-clad action.
At an experienced venue – Central Park – with experienced racers, David Taylor of Blue Ribbon won the CRCA 40+ Master’s Championship. Doug O’Neill won the 50+ championship. Steve Marmo of Setanta won the B race, Kevin Rooney won the C race and Dara Kiese of Radical Media won the women’s 3/4 race. Results are here.
Another experienced venue – Prospect Park – saw Amaury Perez of GS Mengoni win the Cadence Cup Pro/1-2-3 race, with Sean Barry winning the cat 4 race and Scott Savory winning the cat 5 race. Overall standing are here. Pictures are here.
At a new venue – Governor’s Island – Filip Capala won the category 3/4 Tour of Governor’s Island. Results are here. Photos are here and here.
No word from Christiana or Tokeneke, but rumor has it that Alvin Poblacion of FGX won the cat 4 race at Tokeneke.
Mark Alden won the 40+!!
Nice win, but that doesn’t exactly warrant two exclamation marks. He was the gosh darn race favorite. Please try to reserve such punctuation for the dark horse win.
L’ Evie:
sheesh has anyone at USA Cycling noticed that Filip Capala has over four times the upgrade points needed for a “mandatory” upgrade? You can call him a sandbagger but sandbaggers can not exist at such an extreme if USA Cycling doesn’t follow their own rules
You must have the back of his head memorized by now, huh? Loser. Go back to:
and read the response you got there, muppet. Downgrade to the 4s if you can’t win.
I’m not sure how you can defend him. He is clearly violating the rules that govern the category system in usacycling. I don’t race with him but I welcome him to the p12s. So don’t also tell me to downgrade to 4.
Brett Cleaver 2nd in the Cat 3 race and also took the KOM.
Stop whining because you keep losing to the Kid man up and start training harder,instead sitting at you computer and writing silly comments.Why watch another mans results look at your own results and see what your doing wrong that your WINNING.
“I don’t race with him but I welcome him to the p12s.”
Ha! OK, let me get this straight:
– You’re a Cat 2, or Cat 1, or possibly a PRO
– You really, truly miss Filip
– You are looking forward to racing with him
– You are also extremely vigilant about following the USACycling rules
– You’re looking out for all the poor, disadvantaged, underwinning Cat 3s.
Thank for the laugh, little man. Now downgrade to the 4s, you Cat 3 squid upgrade vigilante.
According to Alan Atwood. If a request is submitted with the minimum amount of points, it is considered but may be denied. Once the mandatory level is reached, it can not be denied. The rider must request the upgrade. USA cycling will not automatically or mandatorally upgrade anyone. Having said that, Filip has no business racing a 3/4 race when there is a 1,2,3 or just Cat 3 availible. He has tremendous talent and racing a 3/4 field is be sandbagging for him.
You can stop whinning also. If your a Cat 1,2 why are you quoting the rules who cares.So he’ll upgrade when he’s good and ready and start taking your entry fee money too.You need to man up also if you a “Cat 1,2” and stop acting like a sorry cat 3,4.
Nice break in the Master’s race. Congrats to David Taylor.
“USA cycling will not automatically or mandatory upgrade anyone.”
Not true at all.
We have seen riders upgraded on the spot by officials after a race finish. Robertson and Smologa come to mind.
The reality is no one gives a crap the complaints posted anonymously on this site.
If you actually stepped up and brought it up to Alan and Filip in person, on the spot, the issue would get addressed… which doesn’t mean Filip would be upgraded, but a resolution/agreement would likely be reach.
Is upgrading at the end of the season
Cant wait for all the complaining to stop
How can someone that has never won that race before be considered the “gosh darn race favorite”?
Classic Adler on Saturday. Ken drives the break then him and Olsen can’t even figure out how to work together to beat David Taylor. Adler is like the bad news bears.
This heralds the dawn of a brand new day for NYC cycling. Finally, we can attend races with a greater feeling of safety and security, comforted by the conviction that transgressors will be brutally punished by the great Squigilante for their lawlessness. (Or, if not actually punished, at least mentioned a day or two later anonymously on a bunch of different threads.)
We will soon unveil the “SquidSignal,” a searchlight / distress signal to be broadcast from the top of the NYVeloCity Hall of Injustice. It will broadcast a picture of a giant squid on the clouds above New York City anytime a racing infraction thrusts itself upon our great metropolis.
Top 10 things (besides ‘bagging) that the Squigilante will police for USACycling pro bono:
10. Making sure that National Champion jerseys are only worn in the correct events. (1N5(e))
9. Relegating riders who make any progress unaccompanied by a bicycle (1Q9.)
8. Disqualifying racers without handlebar plugs (1M1(d))
7. Disqualifying racers with advertisements on their jerseys that are NOT racing members of sponsored clubs (1N5(b))
6. Disqualifying racers unnecessarily delaying the start of a race (102)
5. Aggressively policing the cut-off in Central Park for violators taking a short-cut (1Q3)
4. Disqualifying racers who curse during an event (1Q5(b))
3. DQ’ing riders who don’t “holdja line!” (finally! 1Q6. No rider may make an abrupt motion)
2. Keeping a watchful eye out for Kissenas trying to sneak into CRCA races (1J12: Club Membership Fraud. No rider may enter a race as a member of a club who is not a member in good standing of that club)
1. Making sure Alan Atwood doesn’t hoist a pint at a cyclocross event (1Q13. No person with official responsibilities … shall consume alcoholic beverages.)
(I imagine the Squigilante’s superhero costume consists of a pair of polyester royal blue coaching shorts and a clipboard to write down each infraction – your mental depiction of the Squigilante may vary.)
And Xavier in with 2nd? Living proof that there’s nothing you can’t do with a killer stink eye. Master of the nasty stare-down. Nice race for BR.
It’s “whining” not “whinning”
It’s “you’re” when you want to say you are, such as “If your a Cat 1,2” or “look at your own results and see what your doing wrong that your WINNING.” (what does that even mean?”
It’s “Adler are like the bad news bears.”
I refuse to give credence to any of your (please note correct usage of y-o-u-r) arguments unless you upgrade from Cat 5 english.
That Squid Vigilante better make comment of the day!
Please note that – given the global nature of cycling and our audience – “Adler is like the bad news bears” is perfectly cromulent. (Collective nouns can take singular verb forms in British English.)
You’re still Cat fo’ gramma po-po. Upgrade denied.
Adler is like the bad news bear.
Smologa has been upgraded? Doesn’t he just show up every mid-summer, win every race he’s in, mostly PP, and then disappear again. I thought he was a 3 already.
why put off today what you can do tomorrow? no, wait, why do today what you can’t put off til tomor….no, shit. i don’t know
Who cares about grammer on this site but you.Did Filip take your entry money too.Stop worrying about grammer and ride your bike GRAMMER BOY.I know who you are GRAMMER POLICE you need to be exposed.Your name is SPIT OUT THE BACK.
he’s been doing the ‘show up mid-season’ thing for the last 3 or 4 years in the 4’s-collects a bunch of wins, some cash, and then he’s gone. I think he was told to upgrade-should never have been in the 4’s from the start-former pro or something
“grammer” — that’s funny.
i like pierogies
Tokeneke results: http://www.bikereg.com/Results/2009/08/09-Tokeneke-Classic-Road-Race.asp
I’m so sopriced that you can’t spell “grammar”.
What is your problem? Stay off the refresher button on the computer and go train for Filip.Grammer winner Cycling LOSER.
as of today, filip has 88 upgrade points
So how many points do you have? Ok he has enough points to give you and your girlfriend GRAMMERGIRL so you both can upgrade.Then you can be the SPIT OUT THE BACK BOYS! Loser
that an otherwise beautiful weekend of racing from Tokeneke to Brooklyn (with a stop in CPK and Governor’s Island to boot) has to be dragged through the mud with this incessant banter about a 19-year old.
Enough or I’ll ask Andy to send to your room – ‘The Off Topic’ box.
How about that poor rider who lost his crank, HIS CRANK!, about twenty-five seconds into Gov Island. What a way to ruin a nice boat ride….
In other news, who here is skipping GMSR to do the Tour of Catskills? I’m curious what effect having a similar race around the same time (two weeks later) and closer to NYC will have on GMSR.
June, get in here with that vacuum!!
Ward Cleaver
As long as the GMSR and the Tour of the Catskills are not on the same weekend, there will have no effect whatsoever on each other.
They are hard races, but they are not grand tours. What a Cat 4 level question.
it’s more of a financial question than anything else for some. GMSR is an expensive weekend if you ain’t winning no prize money.
you wonder why nyc racing is considered such a joke? it’s not enough that most of you guys are slow and fat but the ratio of trash talk to talent is off the scale.
for such a learned bunch of experienced and talented racers, i’m shocked that you can’t figure out how to beat one man shows like jett, smologa and capala. so of course you whine for forced upgrades.
and you call yourselves racers…losers. stop pretending and just start recreational riding again.
Every facet of life here becomes a contact sport. You think beating the Polish kid is tough, try getting your kid in to preschool.
Pete Hurst – Rapha Racing – 2nd at Tokeneke
Any results on the Christiana race ?
Needs to get on a team like Bikereg.com for next year. He is super strong and has no teammates in the climbing races.
you don’t really need teammates to do well in a lot of those races. look at the results.
Why do you want a teammate in the mountains? Might steal your bottle. Or your team car.
So, what might be the negative form of sandbagging? Racing where you are in over your head? Can anyone come up with an appropriate name. See, for example, picture #9 on this link:
Immanuel Kant
Any pictures from the Saturday CRCA race in CP….please?
You get NOTHING! Sir, and like it.
Gina was out in Brooklyn shooting the PP race.
Yet, she was sighted at Gov. Island yesterday so if you sacked up and rode the 3/4 race there is possibility a shot of you.
sandbagging <> bluffing
Ray has sent his rider to infiltrate WS UNITED.
You are jealous because your team doesn’t get invited anywhere.
I don’t wanna bust my ass to get to the park at 5:30 if there’s no chance of getting a photo for my Facebook page out of it.
I am not sure what you mean Immanuel? Are you referring to Champion System? Or Batley?
Anyway – as an FYI – we got a guy in 7th place at that event. You might have seen him at our local racing too – winning at that.
Immanuel Kant – I take it you came back from the dead too… Just noticed your last name. Clever and yet stupid at the same time.
Moved to Off Topic
about Sandbagging:
Masters 35+ (cat 1-4) 66 miles 53 starters
1 Mark Alden CRCA/Blue Ribbon-Translation.com
2 Monte Frank Cycle Fitness
3 Will Schneider VO2MAXOUT.COM
is posting his own racing results again, I was waiting for this.
3rd place – hard race – very hard. Hats off to Mark too.
Race to train or train to race?
how do put a photo on this?
what game play?
Congratulations to Rob Lattanzi. 6th in the CRCA Master’s Race. Almost got around 50+ Champ Doug O’Niell in the sprint. Way to go!
how do i shot web
go rob!
WOW your amazing Spiderman!!!
shoot me some web bro!
jesus, 5pm! the chances of that pic ever becoming even remotely relevant were probably 0
how do become relevance
new yorkers all over the place in north carolina crits. champ-sys, mengoni and empire all represented and brought home results.
Lattanzi and O’Neil are two of the most consistent local riders, year in and year out. Always on the podium.
Congratulations to Tony Slokar for winning the Croatian elite national TTs.
Well done, Tony
i’m assuming that 5pm is not 4:43pm but is just responding to him
This from a local newspaper photo caption:
(08.08.2009)–(names cq’d)–Brothers Horace Burrowes, 36, and Paul Burrowes, 28, both from Brooklyn, NY, watch cyclists as they ride on W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in the men’s 50-mile twilight race for the Presbyterian Hospital Invitational Criterium in uptown Charlotte on Saturday, August 8, 2009. Horace was pulled from the race after a teammate bumped him and Paul pulled out because the race was faster than he had expected. – YALONDA M. JAMES – yjames@charlotteobserver.com
No matter, with other riders placing, the Big-City wannabes are improving. Ya’ll come back to the provinces, now.
absolutely correct. some of you really don’t know how the internet works, do you?
B.T.W., Tony Maisto is a real class act, no matter what the outcome of a race. Congratulations on an excellent season, officer!
the security of anonymity.
dets please…
Peter Hurst beats out Jamey Driscoll and Alistair Ratcliff to WIN NEW ENGLAND ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS.
This kid is going to get picked up by a pro team – only a matter of time.
Congrats Slokar!!
Dude those pros where taking luch and waiting for real racing?
can somebody please post a link to these results? i can’t find them anywhere.
What did Slokar win? The Croatian National Championships were in June.
I really have to congratulate the local teams like champion, ws united, empire and even the one and only rider from mengoni for showing up in North Carolina. It was very interesting to see all the pro teams being threated very proish and looking at the local teams to see that they have to do mostly everything for themselves. It is very easy to bash when you dont even know whats going on in real cycling today. Congrats to Euris from champion for saturdays racing, empire was also there, and to United and Jermaine eventhough he was not feeling well, he hanged in there. I know because i offered him a beer after the race. Then on sunday, which was a difficult race in that heat 98 degrees on what was a very challenging course. I raced in the 35+, our local teams also was there. One of the ws united riders was at the top of the sprint, dont know which one but you people can check for yourselves. We need to stop bashing each other and congratulate for trying.
hmmm… maybe, but there’s a lot of guys who can come in top 10 in a local road race.
Filip has moved up to Cat 2 so you little cat 3/4 girls can stop crying.
or you could stop crying that he had every right to remain a 3?
Geez, I’ve worked so hard to become a 3/4, and now I can’t even cry about things?!? At least as a 5, I didn’t even know enough to realize I was being ridiculed.
Diligently training 3-5 hrs/wk, drinking only imported beer, and now “squigiliante” has become a dirty word. Oh! the humanity…
i heard a CRCA subteam will be riding squigilante team bikes next year?
That’s awesome, he’s still a recovering sandbagger.
Now onto bigger problems. What’s the deal with Durso sandbagging? Yeah he’s a cat 1, BUT he’s a former Pro. For the last 5 or so years he comes over to Prospect Park and beats up on local 1’s & 2’s and rising Dominican Super Stars AND he’s in his 40’s. I mean WTF? Shouldn’t he be racing Masters? Let the guys with the true talent shine!
-Local 1
Alvin Poblacion is a sandbagger
I would say there are 10
They will be riding unmarked bikes in anonymous kit next season. Members will be “tapped” in seceret initiation rituals which will rival that of the Skull-and-Bones Society. You will not know who they are, but they will be the policemen (and perhaps, policewomen) of the peloton, with direct access to Alan and USAC, so that DQ’s and mandatory upgrades can be strictly enforced.
They will be watching: results lists, points rankings, yellow line/jogger’s lane violations. All will be seen. All will be enforced. You cannot hide from the squigilante. Call us Legion, for we are many.
Can we get an interview with Euris Vidal and the guy who won a road race on a mountain bike?
would be sandbagging if he won ALL the masters races
That was the dumbest post of the day
My post was S-A-R-C-A-S-I-M. Who really cares who upgrades, downgrades or whatever? If you have trouble trying to beat someone in your race who wins a lot and then go blaming it on “sandbagging” or “not upgrading”, well, then it totally defeats your reason for racing.
Is that competing with SRAM?
Contrary to a prior posting, G.S. Mengoni USA sent 2 riders (Dave Wiswell and Neil Bezdek) to the Giordana – Crossroads series in North Carolina Dave and Neil Scored the following results:
Dave Wiswell: Second Place, NOS Crit. Statesville, NC (1st Amateur)
Third Place, Cabarrus Crit. Concord, NC (1st Amateur)
Neil Bezdek: Winner, Hanes Park Crit. Winston Salem, NC (Category 2/3)
Attached is a photo of Dave on the Podium of the Cabarrus Crit and a photo of Neil winning the Hanes Park Crit.

John “MR.I.” Issendorf
dude i’m sorry but that’s not how sarcasm is spelled.
Dudes, such common knowledge that Croatian TT nationals are in August and Croatian road nationals are in June. Please.
I have to say, you guys are perceptive & quick. It only took one post. Good for you, now go upgrade and stop sandbagging my spelling.
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Tony Slokarasm
double points at fbf, yawsa!
yessir, and no rain til late!!!! damn, flatbush ave is gonna be hotter than a mofo though….
that’s why i take a boat to FBF
USAC: https://www.usacycling.org/results/index.php?year=2009&id=1363&info_id=19140
BikeReg: coming…
Don’t forget, next week races start 10 minutes earlier than normal: Cat 5’s start at 6:20 and the rest start at 6:50. Don’t be late!!
Very cool!
Thanks Alan, and thanks to Charlie and the rest of the crew!
Neil Bedzek – pwnd
i dont get it
“what is pwnd?”
there is an entire internet out there, you should try it out sometime.
i thought it was easier to ask the person who said it. dick.
yeah, that’s easier than using google.
Will be just a little tougher to leave work early under the ruse of going to the shrink for my standing Tue session. It is therapy…right?
The ‘squitos be bitin me at the floyd bennett feild mon
“pnd” on the USA cycling website means the rider has a pending category change request
“pwned” is internet gamer lingo for “owned”
What does P&P stand for?
yeah, and typing the answer is a lot harder than being a huge, throbbing dick, you dick
you want me to type out the wikipedia entry?
do your own typing, ignoramus!
must be the same guy who wants schmalz to type out the podcast interviews
pulled and placed
or – spit out the back !
but your explanation of pwned would be so much more thorough and complete, what with all the years and years of experience…
so the guy who usually wins the cat 5 races was “pulled and placed”? What does that mean?
since it’s a women’s team…yummy!
Evie won stage 4 of 5
1 132 STEVENS Evelyn USA 4h 01′ 05” Ã 00′ 00”
2 2 ANDERSON Kimberly TCW 4h 01′ 05” Ã 00′ 00”
3 32 BACCAILLE Monia MIC 4h 03′ 17” Ã 02′ 12”
..to move up nicely in GC:
1 2 ANDERSON Kimberly TCW 10h 22mn 02s
2 132 STEVENS Evelyn USA Ã 01mn 19s
I cant wait for a new Evie Interview. In 1 year she has done more in cycling than most domestic pros. She is now winning at the highest pro level in Europe. I think the World Championships course will suit her well and would love to see her get the start. Amazing ride for her. She needs a cover on VeloNews.
is it this time of the summer?
EVie-liscious…what what! E, to the V, girl you tasty!!!
you are gross
holy sh1t. wow. congrats! her ascent has been mind-boggling.
also, i dont think that 3:03 was gross, but if you’re concerned and annoyed that he’s contributing to the objectification of women or focusing on the wrong physical attributes on this site, ok. in which case – to even out the score by making another gustatorial observation, this time about a dude – i’ll just say that i think schmalz is barely edible (sorry bro)
I am entirely edible, but only partially digestible.
Evie – that is pretty amazing…simply amazing
That shit is off the f’ing richter scale!! GO EVIE!
Evie – you know what I find cool about this whole process with her….shows you now, in this day and age, with the internet, news, and how fast word travels. If you are truly good, like exceptional like she is…you will be discovered and ultimately very few things hold you back.
NO ONE HELD HER BACK…crushes local scene, CRCA, couple invites, wins, US Team, Europe…in the span of 4 months.
NO POLITICS….you crush – straight to the top.
I find that refreshing.
i like how you guys think she even reads this site. you are talking to yourselves!
I thought chicks could not be pro just elite?
( ) (
) ( )
( ) (
Keep it clean
what’s disgusting?
if she reads it or not don’t matter, we can still cheer and be happy for her no? The fact that she not only made it into a 10 women break out of 70+ in the field to put 28 minutes on the rest and then attack the break with 30k and get another 2+ minutes on remaining break and then to out-sprint the only women who caught you…that is awesome!
US National team did loose one DNF rider today but she still has 4 teammates to help her tomorrow. The leader Kim, also from US, still has 5 teammates…can’t wait!
so even in a top female pro race they only get a field of 70? wow. what gives ladies?
it’s an invite only race for teams. the organization has to pay all teams’ their room/board for the race (expensive). teams have to pay at least some of their travel expense (expensive). UCI races cannot charge entry fee to teams (at least according to the regs). It’s a UCI 2.2, which is lowest ranking they offer. this usually means lower budget races (compared to Philly and Montreal), with lower prize lists.
just guessing that the number of teams is limited by which teams could afford to go or found the prize list worth the trip, and how many teams the organization could provide for.
if only the RadioShack’s, Garmin’s, and BMC’s emulated Columbia and Cervelo, then there could potentially be more than 70 riders in Route de France.
the idea was mooted to require all ProTour teams to field Women’s teams, as well as be connected to an U23 Men’s team. of course, this idea didn’t go very far.