I’m at my e-perch, nibbling away at a little millet and trying to figure out what happened over the weekend at the races. There were a lot of them, and most do not have their results posted, so let’s dwell on the positive and mention the races that have their results posted.
At the CRCA race, Lisban Quintero of Foundation won the A race; Alejandra Madrinan of Comedy Central won the women’s race; Leszek Sniadowski of Organic won the B race; and Matt Hughes of NYAC won the C race. And if my calculations are correct, (taking mapmyride’s Central Park distance at 6.35 miles and the race time at 1:45:34) the A race averaged 28.83 mph for 8 laps (which sounds a little off – if you have the park distance at 6.07, you get 27.56 mph). If you have a more accurate distance for the park, feel free to let us know. Results are here.
On Sunday at the Cadence Prospect Park Series, Sanchez Beriguetto of Ortiz Celado won the Pro/1/2/3 race at 1:36:46 – I have no idea what the average speed for that one is – as I am too lazy to calculate the speed for two races. Victor Polonia of Innovation Bike Shop won the cat 4 race, and David Gardiner of Kissena won the cat 5 race. Overall standings are here.
The Owasco Flyer results are in and posted here.
There are no results posted yet, but I know for a fact that Kevin Brubaker of Pacifico won the cat 3 race at the Keith Berger Memorial Crit.
i always get just under 6.1 miles as a distance for the loop
my powertap says 27.5mph for the race
Yeah, its pretty much right around 6.1 M – 6.35 is crazy talk! Im not gonna argue about hundredths decimal point, but its maybe just shy of 6.1 M if anything.
huh. i always get 6.15
6.15 at 1:45:43 is 27.92 mph
no wonder i got dropped! i was going 27.43mph on average.
CRCA junior Ben Salibra won Owasco and teammate Bill Golembieski was
finish photo:
Ken Harris
Yes, you’d be about a half mile behind.
Here’s something to think about. Remember how last week’s race was neutralized because of a crash? And how despite the fact that everyone probably wanted their money back Charlie assured us that (and I quote):
“The prize money for 3rd to 10th places in today’s race will be carried over to next’s weeks Cadence Cup Prospect Park race on Sunday, June 28.”
Well, do you realize if you raced last week and raced this week that you essentially paid 60 dollars for the same prize money that someone who didn’t race last week and raced yesterday only paid 30 for?
Not very fair if you ask me. Charlie, what say you? Discuss.
you didn’t have to race.
Mull this over, 9:52. You’re a dick. Most promoters wouldn’t even offer to carry over the prize money. Crawl back in your hole.
yeah, and what about the interest accrued on that prize money all week? you think he paid that out on sunday? not likely. charlie’s laughing all the way to the bank.
9:52 you are out of your mind stupid. You really want to obsess about fairness on race entry fees? You get yourself up and ride yourself to the line and pay your own money based on your own free will. If you dont like it, dont race. Charlie has to do all the work to set up a race whether it finishes or not. He has no obligation to give you your money back for any reason once a race starts, as far as I can see. He solution was entirely fair and even generous, from my perspective. You are a cheap wanker. Get a clue. Whats fair – have people pay double fees this week? You race for free? Honestly. thats just stupid either way.
Lap Times 13:31 13:01 13:22 13:07 13:10 13:49 13:00 13:08
Lap Times 15:17 14:39 14:03 14:09 14:34 14:38 14:05
Lap Times 14:21 14:23 13:59 14:20 14:36
what if prize money was eliminated? And replaced with something else, medals? your name engraved on a cup?, tshirts identifying you as a winner or top placer?
9:52 spent his formative school years getting a ribbon and being called a winner just for participating. he can’t help it.
Can be found here.
you mean it’s narcissism that drives my having on the web a personal facebook, myspace, linkedin, & youtube page, as well as a blog, all created by and dedicated to me?
but i love myself! is that so wrong? mommy and daddy did cashout refinancing several times on their home throughout my childhood and early adulthood to afford me the schooling and luxuries i deserve, as well as cosmetic improvements for them.
Colin Prensky won the /1/2/3 at Kissena Trace Omnium.
Greg Barbieri won the 4/5 with Gavi Epstein second.
some pics at http://www.crca.net/2009/06/crca-takes-to-the-track/
factor in that it probably takes ~15 seconds to clip in and get to the met from a dead stop at cat’s paw
Men 1,2,3,Invited 4s
1, Colin, Prensky, CRCA/Sanchez-Houlihan Lokey
2, J Gabriel, Lloyd, Van Dessel Factory Team
3, Antony, Slokar, CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing
4, Todd, Scheske, MVP Healthcare Cycling
5, Frank, Mesi, French Meadow Bakery/Fortistar
6, Daniel, Lim, CRCA/DieHard-ThinkRacing
7, Ian , Stanley, Major Taylor
9, Nelson, Li, Sommerville World Sports Team
10, Steven, Tinston, Westwood Velo
Men 4,5
1, Christopher, Barbaria, Brooklyn Velo Force/ GQ Racing
2, Gavriel, Epstein, Champion System Racing/Cycles Gladiator Wine
3, Jody, Pogue, Kissena
4, Matthew, Hughes, NYAC/CRCA
5, George, Suter, CRCA / Die Hard-Think Racing
6, Michael, Mahesh, Visit Guyana
7, Mike, Wilpizeski, Kissena
8, Scot, Willingham, CRCA/Sanchez/Houlihan-Lokey
9, Jon, Linchitz, Kissena Cycling Club
10, Patrick, Littlefield, CRCA/FGX Racing
1, Christine , D’Ercole
2, Laura, Summers, Horst Benidorm PRC Cycling Team
3, BrittLee, Bowman, Kissena
4, Heidi, Reijm, Kissena
5, Caroline, Gaynor, CRCA/PROASSHIT.dk
6, Leah, Oppenheimer, Colavita Racing
7, Inge, Hoonte, Kissena
8, Chloe, Chepigin
9, Stephanie, Torres, Sommerville Sports
StarTrack Youth Program
1, Anthony, Freemin, StarTrack
2, Roberto, Cordero, StarTrack
3, Jonathan, Zhang, StarTrack
4, Laszlo, Sandler, StarTrack
5, Jose, Montoya, StarTrack
6, Carl, Feng, StarTrack
7, Alexandra, Wong, StarTrack
8, Melanie, Seah, StarTrack
9, George, Nunez, StarTrack
10, Benjamin, Zhang, StarTrack
Wiswell — anyone see Wiswell acting like a baby with Daddy trying to get him into the race on Sunday….Charlie just put th ehand to the Dad like “Spare me”
A baker’s dozen Kissena guys in the cat 4 field at Prospect, and no one places top ten. Way to work togethoer, peeps.
you must be pretty brave putting out david’s name like that. oh wait, you remained anonymous, nevermind
hey where are they posted?
usually listed an even 6.2mi/10K…this is what CRCA calls it for their race distances.
five posts under yours, genius
when NYRR does a 10k, they usually start/finish in one of the transverses, i think – in other words, they have to add distance to the loop to get the 6.2.
I get 6.13 consistently on my computer with the wheel/tire size adjusted.
they still have the green jersey though, no?
I meant the usual PDF with the breakdown to the individual events asshole
i think they are up at kissena.info
By default. Their leadout failed. Here’s a hint, you don’t need to pull on the downhill, but keeping speed past the lake helps.
“Well, do you realize if you raced last week and raced this week that you essentially paid 60 dollars for the same prize money that someone who didn’t race last week and raced yesterday only paid 30 for?”
No CRCA Cat 3 riders at Fitchburg? C’mon guys. Best stage race in the east and your going to the beach? Very weak.
the best stage race in the NORTHeast is GMSR.
I bet that 9:52 person is a lot of fun to hang out with at a party.
No, no, no you guys have it all wrong. Charlie did pool the money from last week’s race and put it into this week’s race, with the exception of the two riders in the break who took the first two spots. Then on Sunday the additional money was added to the usual purse. He then broke it down in the money spots in accordance to whether or not you rode in last weeks race. Therefore people who rode last week got 100 percent of the cash if they top 10’d and those who did not race last week got 50 percent of the cash. Alternatively he also discounted the entry fee for those who raced last week but also gave 50 percent to these people. If you paid an additional ten percent he would also allow you to get 110 percent of the money from both this week and last week. He then took twenty percent as a ‘promoters fee’ since he reduced his fee because he did not give himself a fee for a payout last week, either. But he only took 50 percent of his full fee and not 100 percent. Next race he will pay himself 75 percent of the fee and riders will get 50 percent unless they did both races, in which case they get 100 percent. Or free entry to the final race of the year, which will pool all nine races.
there aren’t many Cat 3 teams in CRCA right now. but i am surprised pacifico isn’t representing.
I took a few (very few) pictures of the P123 field at Kissena yesterday.
They can be found here:
there are very, very few rules around here and that jackhole broke arguably the most important. the correct response is silence.
Complete results of Kissena Omnium
lol what what?
Can I get a What What!
What’s up with cupcake? Why isn’t is time posted? Saw him doing a 200TT then he was gone for the rest of the day. What the matter he didn’t want to race Prenski? Was his time that off that he packed it in?
which one is cupcake?
that’s MR. CUPCAKE to you.
…almost singlehandedly keep local open racing going. He makes nothing doing it. Any complaints about money are very, very misguided.
Thank you Charlie.
Would open racing registrations decrease if Charlie did not pay out cash prizes, and could instead keep that money as small reward for what he does?
Would there be less fighting and improved attitudes if not racing for cash?
Let’s be serious — makes nothing at all? Charlie’s a great guy and runs great races, but he’s not doing it as a charity. When Kissena handed its races to him, the club gave up any claim to any profits from the races, and the connection with Kissena is now just in name only (a fact not widely known by club members, who are pressed to help out at races for the good of the club, so helping Charlie’s bottom line).
You got dropped b/cuz you suck.
By: Wheelsucker
Mon, 06/29/2009 – 9:41am no wonder i got dropped! i was going 27.43mph on average
great, great flame … to a sarcastic comment. and it only took 7 hrs to think of it. 5:02: hilarious, and timely.
Not everybody spends their entire day reading and refreshing the Hang over page to view the newest comments.
you’re a mook.
Sorry, way too old to be a mook, kid.
idot powers of the world, unite!
Fitchburg is a dump of a town and a way over-rated stage race.
so he promotes races in prospect and FBF. BFD. Super boring races and shitty venues. Get over it.
You, sir, are an ass.
Prospect Park is a “shitty” venue? Really? CAn you name a better venue for a circuit race in the tri-state area (besides central park)? You’re smoking some serious crack.
Jerk Store!
Maybe Kissena “handed” Charlie the races because promoting them is a pain in the ass, and good race promoters are a rare breed.
whether Charlie is making “nothing at all” or “very little” (more likely) as a race promoter, is irrelevant. If anything, it probably helps him promote Champ Sys, which is his day job.
I can’t believe anyone would begrudge race promoters, especially good ones. Did it ever occur to you that there’s a reason why there are several hundred NYC residents willing to get up at 5am to race, but only a handful willing to promote it?
last I checked shitty venues don’t usually sell out, have you seen the attendence at FBF and Prospect lately? Obviously your opinion is not shared by majority of racers…
prospect is not a shitty venue per se, it’s the morons who race there that are shit! zing!
Charlie actually doesn’t even take money for these races. His salary is paid for by a consortium of pro teams including Cervelo Test, Garmin, Milram and Columbia/Highroad, which want him to scout the local Prospect Park races for talent. Each week he sends the directors video of outstanding performances.
You should ask him about it.
personally, I think CP is a more interesting course, because it’s more varied and longer…but PP is still great for what it is…fast and smooth pavement.
count your blessings.
is anyone sending fbf videos to the ufc or boxing promoters for future talent?
because you guys dont mind settling for crappy races. And to do them every fucking weekend, holy shit…
not enough smack talk on this thread
need new content like C VDV pre-tour innervuuueee
kudos to the promoters. i don’t care if they make a fortune. i do care if they don’t make anything or even lose money, because last time i checked, when you lose money, you go out of business. unless you’re general motors. or a big financial institution.
Where can I get some of that serious crack? I’m getting tires of the kid’s stuff that I’ve been smoking.
it’s true, fitchburg sucks some serious ass.
and i want some of the serious crack that guy is smoking. meth doesn’t do it anymore.
when you say, “sucks serious ass,” what exactly do you mean?
cunning linguists want to know.
how can i tell which burrowes brother is the troublemaker?
anybody know who that guy who broke away in the cat 4 race at prospect was?
Funny that you know inside info that ‘club members don’t’ but don’t even know or seem to process that those helping race for free and that kissenas race at a discounted price, sooooo, not in ‘name only’ and also not helping his bottom line. I have no idea what you think club members are ignorant about.
Can we talk about the rumble again?
9:37, which breakaway?
All the guys complaining about Charlie should try putting on a race. It’s more work than you imagine. There is a lot that has to happen before and after the race. Not mention the headaches you have to deal with during the race. Then think about getting to the course at least an hour before start time to make sure everything is set up properly.
While I doubt, and hope he isn’t, working for free, he earns the money he makes. You should also compare the races he puts on to the ones put on by others at the same venues. You will notice Charlie does not have as many races as others. That means he makes LESS money. But he does that because he wants to keep the races safer.
You should count how many races Charlie promotes in NYC. He puts on a large percentage of them and if he gets fed up and quits, there will be a lot less racing
the guy who got caught maybe 50 feet from the finish during the sprint i didnt even know anyone was away when we caught the rest of that break away. i think he just rode away from everyone, and almost away from us
Tonight’s Floyd race – are the WBA and WBC belts both on the line? Or is it just the IBF?
I know Charlie handed this over to USA Cycling, but I’ll be pretty annoyed if the pugilists from last week are allowed to race this week. Those guys are a joke.
Until USAC officially announces a suspension, I think the pugilists are allowed to do as they damn well please. Unless Charlie bans them under his own discretion — pretty sure the officials at FBF would back him up.
Kind of like a mini-Boonen situation.
Why the negative writing again about FBF incident.Its over and done with it takes alot of energy to write negative comments on people you don’t know of or about.Give it a break already.What do you want to see happen the Burrowes get suspended. I think the Burrowes make the race competitive and they compete to Win.Can that be the problem why its always negative comments because they like to Win or is it ANOTHER REASON?
then they can appeal, any disciplinary action and/or possible length of suspension. During this time they are allowed to race, and only if the event is an invitational, can they be excluded until due process has run its course.
If you don’t like it, don’t race! Those are the fair and just rules.
If they apologize to each other, Charlie, and all the participants, it should be over and done with…but it apparently is now in the hands of the Federali
how long of a ride it it to fbf from the brooklyn side of the brooklyn bridge? about 45 minutes or so?
“that guy who broke away in the cat 4 race at prospect”
Chris Zaverdas. Dude’s a junior too. Give him a couple years.
45 is plenty of time. Alternately be at Grand Army at 6:00 and ride out with the group that meets there. Some bomb Flatbush, some go the old man way.
thanks 9:42.
“why its always negative comments because they like to Win or is it ANOTHER REASON?” you are really on to something here…you are right! there is ANOTHER REASON…and that reason is throwing fists at a bike race. If you can not be thrown out of the Floyd Bennet series for having a fist fight…what does it take? I think of the constant reminders to stay out of the joggers lane and to ride safely or ELSE! So if I drift into the joggers lane I can get suspended. If I change my line during a sprint I can get suspended. But, If i take my fists and smash them into someone else’s head…its cool as long as I apologize? Didn’t a Mengoni rider almost kill Adam Myerson a few years back with one punch to the head? I’m sure Adam was “cool” with just an apology.
“Didn’t a Mengoni rider almost kill Adam Myerson a few years back with one punch to the head? I’m sure Adam was “cool” with just an apology.”
Mercer was suspened.
US rider, Scott Mercer has been given a one year suspension by the USCF after the assault incident involving him and Adam Hodges Myerson last month. Myerson suffered damage to his skull after Mercer struck him in the head and was taken to hospital where he was operated on. He has since made a good recovery and even contested the US Criterium championships a few weeks back. Mercer was given an immediate 1 month suspension which was later increased to a year by the USCF board.
USA Cycling announced Wednesday that Boulder native Jonathan Baker has been given a three-month suspension for his actions during the US Cyclo-cross national championship race in Kansas City in December. Baker tangled with fellow competitor Adam Myerson during the race, and while trying to extricate his bicycle from the wreck, threw a punch at Myerson’s head.
Does the guy have a sign on his head that says, “If you’re going to hit me, hit me here?” Unlucky dude.
yea i heard about him too. hes only 15. i think he wore a yellow and blue kreb jersey with the longish hair. charlie wrote about him by the results
sounds like he really rubs people the wrong way
Myerson is a good guy, he’s just been doing this bike racing thing for a while and insists on proper etiquette. One could learn a thing or two by his example.
Point taken.But this is a band wagon type of issue one person says Suspension then a chain starts. It was possible over and done with at FBF,but with the always NEGATIVE feedback about the Team this was the icing on the cake.The pressure was put on the promoter and here is what the out come leads to possibly getting suspended for a month or so.There have been fights before at FBF,PP,CP but why now do people want to see the BURROWES suspend so bad ? And again I ask the question is it because they race to Win or ANOTHER REASON?
(ps i’d hope everyone out there races to win, no?)
it was for “another reason” – the fight, dipshit.
they seem willing to do anything to win. constantly involved in questionable dealings – fights, yelling, extra free laps, jumping back in after missing a few laps, etc. implying it is race (ANOTHER REASON) is weak. No one complains about any of the other very talented African American racers out there, or even other riders on the same team. Some of us even voted for an African American.
FBF clearly discrminates against transgendered racers. When’s the last time you saw one? Exactly. It’s an outrage!
feed trolls and they grow
As your writing your statement do you notice that your writing negative about the team also? Like you also have a radar on the team to see when they do something bad or not by the “RULEBOOK”then you can post a NEGATIVE COMMENT.If you had that many complaints about the team free laps and yelling and jumping back in the field,protest like a man or woman and Sign you name to the Protest against the offending rider you have 15min to protest.Your statement the other African -American riders but which ones can you name that race the Pro 1,2,3 locally that compete as hard as the Burrowes that you post negative comments about ?
I’m more tired of this than I am tired of being tired.
you don’t need radar to see a rider taking a shortcut to jump back into the field after getting a flat. i seen it with my own eyes, brother. you guys don’t play by the rules. i’m not going to contest anything because you’ll probably punch me.
1238 is gonna take a few swings tonight
of being tired of this
12:44, I’m a little scared already. i don’t want to use the “S” word, but you may wanna ease back on those, um, prescriptions.
let’s get rrrrrrready to rrrrrumble!!!!!!
nuh uh … i got jed to virtual-hug 08:49 and offer him a free beer after 08:49 gave him a noogie. i will have wsu & foundation hugging and weeping before the 7:05 start time tonight
let’s get rrrrrready to have a hhhhhhhhuggie!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard Jed and CJ share a Snuggie.
cross training for a strong core, helps you with stability when climbing, sprinting, and handling gut punches at fbf:
I have nothing against the Burrowes or Gavin. I have something against people who settle some issue within a training race with their fists, and then who can’t be calmed down for around 10 minutes after. I usually don’t have any teammates or family at FBF, so if they decide to punch me, I’ve got no back up. Yeah I don’t have to race FBF if I don’t like asshole-ish behavior, but really is that the decisions we should have to make. Race with fights or race without. Stupid. Venture into the rec lane and you get banned. Punch somebody and you just have to say it’s all cool afterwards.
And how do we know they have kissed and made up. We expect Bunde to come on here and fall on his sword but why aren’t we asking for a mea culpa from the children involved in this incident??
I just sign up simply for the opportunity to punch Adam Meyerson in the head.
but he was looking a bit doughy at Harlem.
and he dropped a bunde bomb while he was at it! talk about a suckerpunch, that 5hit knocked me right of my chair. no doubt jared’s sitting at home somewhere with a ringing headache now thinking “wtf … howd i get involved here.” i better go get larry…
You think there are no transgendered riders there, but there are more than you think. With as much lycra as there is in bike racing did you expect otherwise? You can thank their surgeon for doing such a good job.
One has to wonder why the Burrowes attract so much negative attention. There are many strong aggressive riders in the area who don’t attract as much negative attention. They might be great guys off the bike, I recall they were responsible for fixing some of the holes at FBF a couple years ago, but on the bike they are doing something that brings out the worst in some other racers.
love the hawaii chair ad, and just one click on youtube to this:
Weather looks ok/sort of, presume FBF is on?
i don’t think they would call it on the threat of a storm
weather dot wrong has changed the forecast 3 times in the last 15 minutes. sweet…
well, should be fun either way.
Showers with a possible thunderstorm early, then variable clouds overnight with still a chance of showers. Low 52F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.
it’s not raining there (yet), just called the helicopter guys.
weather.com 15 min details:
7:00 cloudy, 10% chance
7:15 cloudy, 25% chance
7:30 thunderstorms, 65% chance
7:45 thunderstorms, 85% chance
8:00 cloudy, 35% chance
8:15 cloudy, 10% chance
the little lightning picture looks scary!
Now the worst is a 65% chance at 6:30 with another 60% chance at 7:00 and a 50% at 8:00.
Riding an aluminum bike on a runway in a lightning storm is probably worse than golfing in one. Or you could just hide under a shrub. Tough call…
what is this the weather.com chat room
can someone photoshop in some boxing gloves over the storm cloud?
i heard WSU is bringing flowers, balloons, and candy to FBF
thunder dunder!
Stay out of any breaks with Schmalz. He’s got an aluminum plate in his head.
I heard that Charlie is bringing a fleet of battery-powered wet-vacs to suck up the excess water on the FBF course.
This is worse that Wimbeldon used to be…
sham wow will save the day!
Its raining downtown put extra pins through your number
Carbon fiber oars not recommended…
it’s raining, it’s pouring, schmalz is probably snoring…
wear the garmin dishwashing gloves and wash teacups in the soapy water
the storm is over.
Get out there.
Must be tough to be around a guy who has his once weekly event of joy rained out, but he has to put that energy to work somehow…no?
i don’t know about schmalz, but without fbf, i retreat to a life of quiet desperation. or doing mindless loops in central park. whichever comes first…
i love the rain. i love the wind. i love fbf.
i do not love flooding.
3hrs r/t in the car to get blueballed. ugh.
rained out AGAIN? can’t you find a better course on long island? i mean if guys are driving 3 hours r/t to be blueballed….
who’s Adler and why did he ride a smart race?
there should be more races at cedar creek park on LI. once a year doesn’t make sense. great course.
That’s why it was cancelled!
UFC permit wasn’t filed on time.
The rain had nothing to do with it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Send that doper supreme back to TX!!!!
Let Boonen loose on Cav!
Bring back Horner!
Crush Ligget and his moronic siamese twin Sherwin!
Check http://www.steephill.tv/!
Keep CRCA races 7 plus laps all season long!
Crush local haters who whine, complain and train INDOORS!
8:30, 3hrs is due more to traffic than anything else. come out to ny and do fbf once. you’ll see why we keep coming back.
fitty/fifteen, am i supposed to crush local haters who whine & complain, and then i should go train indoors?
fifteen looks funny when you type it out.
and who had no name – the horse, the rider or the desert?
I’ve been through the desert, on a horse with no name.
I’ve been through the desert – on a horse – with no name.
I’ve been through the desert, on a horse, with no name.
FBF cancelled?
10:12: “it felt good to be out of the rain…”
great song!
You know where he is:.
Rumor has it that he set track record, again, then went home!
Just over 100 riders took to the line in the 40-44 men’s road race making it the largest field of the competition. Mid-way through the 10-lap affair four riders, Roger Aspholm (Haworth, N.J./Westwood Velo), Nico Toutenhoofd (Boulder, Colo./Excelsports.com), David Harward (South Jordan, Utah/Porcupine-Specialized Racing) and David Henderson (Columbia, Mo.) were able to gain time on the field. As the contest moved into the final laps, a small group of chasers formed including Craig Romer (St. Helena, Calif./Team Specialized Racing), Stephen Spanbauer (Louisville, Ky./Calistoga Racing), Stephen Ferretti (Crestline, Calif./Sho-air-Sonace) and Daniel Casper (Northfield, Minn./Grandstay Hotels). They began slowly closing the gap but were unable to catch the leaders until some confusion ensued with the front group missing the turn into the finish. Tootenhoofd and Harward were able to quickly get turned around, but the chase group was surging. In the kick to the line Romer, Casper and Ferretti grabbed the medals in one of the event’s most interesting finishes. An officials’ jury was quickly formed and after thorough investigation, the results were deemed to stand as each rider crossed the line.
Roger Aspholm won this race but got screwed by piss poor officiating and course marshalling. ALSO, there were 98 riders registered, with 8 no shows…90 riders started this race…not over 100. Aspholm attacked solo on the 2nd or 3rd lap, then was caught by a group and then that was reabsorbed a lap later. Then he chilled until attacking at the base of the only long hill (about 600m long with a ~4% grade??) 1 mile from the finish of the 5 mile loop coming into to go…so 16 miles to go in the 50 mile 10 lap race. Photos at http://www.dooleymann.photoreflect.com The lead break never got the bell, was shown 1 to go twice, was lead around a whole 11th lap by the lead motorcycle, was told by the motorcycle, they still had another lap, was not told by and official when they did miss the exit to the finish that they should turn around and go back…just lame. Roger was in a 4 man move then attacked that because they were taking shorter pulls, sitting up…you know Roger had that shit wrapped. Only 1 guy went with Rodg, and they had 13 seconds on the next 2. The guys who won and podiumed went from 2 miles out on the last lap…not close to the same league of race agression. I was in the race, and talked to Rodger.
Bummer, but remember even Nationals can end like a Park race. No surprise there. Way to go USA cycling.
State Throwdown…..Someway at the end of the season there should be an East Coast championships road race and crit but done by states….so CT, NY, NJ bring a state team…throw on a state jersey. One road race and one Crit.
State Teams….what are they….say 15 riders.
Empire Team
Amaury Perez
Jermaine Burrowes
Neil Bezdek
Etc. Etc.
Enease Freyre
Pete Hurst
Alistair Ratclif
Craig Luekens
Bryan Borgia
Matt Baldwin
Matt Incognolios
Jamey Driscoll
Josh Dillon
Robbie King
Etc. Etc. Etc
You left of some studs upstate –
Corey Burns
Andy Guptill (only real pro in the state)
Nate Ward
BTW – this race is called Bear Mtn without the Canadians
Not Bear….I mean like team jersies…where if you have Jamey Driscoll on your team you are gunning for him to win. If you have Enease Freyre and Pete Hurst and Butts, those are you marked riders for the podium.
A La World Championships
Does anyone know if rockleigh’s cancelled tonight?
wow that sounds like an awesome idea
umm. Gavi lives in NJ
Who knows the top 10 from NJ — is Aspholm a NJ guy? Gavi in NJ?
No pros – so Driscoll cannot ride for VT