In the Giro of Jersey, there were many, many racers; and quite a few of them did very well. Meticulous Mike Magarite of Empire won the overall in the 1-2-3 race, with Lisban Quintero of Foundation third overall. In the Category 3/4 race, Filip Capala of Capala Brothers/Polska finished third overall. Sal Abbruzese of Blue Ribbon/ finished second overall in the Master’s 35+ race
Complete and exhaustive results are here.
At the Cadence Cup race in Prospect Park on Saturday, Vladimir Estevez of Champion System won the Pro/1-2-3 race, BVF went 1-2-3 in the 4 race with Alessandro Matteucci, Christopher Barbaria and Sheldon Warner. Neil Bezdek won the 5s race. Results here.
In the CRCA A race Saturday, Armand Della Monica of Bandit racing wins ahead of Reed Albergotti of Adler and A Race debutante Colin Prensky of Sanchez-Metro. Jamie Nicholson-Leener of Deutsche Bank wins the women’s race; Matthew Diczok of Setanta wins the B race, and Alistair Seibert wins the C race.
Rumor also has it that there was a certain awesome individual back in the CRCA A field…
Alessandro Matteucci is sand bagging!! How many races has he won this year?
who is the dude on the home page?
In the back of the “A” field?
you must be new
Someone is finally addressing the issue of sandbagging. When we finish, can we discuss how sketchy the riders are in the higher categories?
Couple breaks, couple crashes, some random dudes, one commentator yelling “ADLER” post crash, but kudos to adler for getting 3 guys in the break
i was thinking the same thing about matteucci
nice win by Troy Kimbal in the 35+
Is it just me, or do those guys just keep getting stronger at every race? Adler seems to be quickly becomming a force to be reckoned with in the NYC peloton. So pro.
I think I’m having Deja Vu
King comes back and Bandit Racing wins again.
Congrats to Armand! Great win.
King doing a Woody Harrelson impression?
Anyone who didn’t go race Whiteface-Wilmington, and instead opted to ride yet more laps around Prospect/Central Park missed an awesome race, with tough climbs, screaming descents and scenery to rival the Alps.
I hope this race is back next year, so more people will get the chance to see what the Adirondacks have to offer.
still no pics – no more bikes for Marco!
i’m sure most didn’t go to that race because of the $$$/time it takes to get there. jerk.
jeez…give the guy a break…he just started racing again last August after 20 years off.
and maybe they’ll force him to upgrade but then what’s the point having a series if by winning a couple of races you get bounced upstairs
George Carlin has died…
Congrats to Mike M and to Lisbon. You guys are ripping it up this year.
Rode a smart race
has history shown a break can ever stick in a B race?!
there were several earlier this season
I have a house there and didn’t go. looked like a field of 15 in the masters.
good job putting 3 in the break. sorry about team mate crashing, coulda been anyone on the mud in the apex of the corner. stop hating and start riding harder, faster, smarter if you want to go up the road…
$$$/money? I save money every time I leave this city. Anyway I don’t think that’s a concern to these fellas that break Zipps every weekend.
A great race but only worth it if you make the weekend out of it. Too far to go for the day. If you are looking for a getaway its worth the trip. Great hiking, riding, fly fishing, and lots of affordable hotels and nice places to eat. If you race Saturday and then use Sunday to relax its a nice trip. I will go back next year for sure as it is one of the best road races in NY. Neutral water by team Placid Planet was also cool. Great job to them standing in the pouring rain to hand dropped riders a drink. Pretty cool day in saddle…
Alessandro Matteucci (42)
06/15/2008 – Harlem Cat 4
3 Alessandro Matteucci
05/13/2008 – Cadence FBF – Cat 3/4
4 Alessandro Matteucci
05/10/2008 – Big Apple Bicycle Classic – Cat 4
7 Alessandro Matteucci
05/03/2008 – Cadence Prospect Park Series – Cat 4
1 Alessandro Matteucci
04/20/2008 – 2008 New York City Spring Bicycle Racing Series – Cat 3/4
3 Alessandro Matteucci
03/23/2008 – 2008 New York City Spring Bicycle Racing Series
7 Alessandro Matteucci
Conclusion: Bravo, welcome back. Good results in park races. Hope you continue to improve. Stay Cat 4.
Colin Prensky (23)
06/14/2008 – Housatonic Hills – Cat 4
2 Colin Prensky
06/07/2008 – Balloon Festival Classic – Cat 3/4
2 Colin Prensky
05/25/2008 – Hartford Downtown Criterium – Cat 4
3 Colin Prensky
05/11/2008 – 2008 Bear Mountain – Cat 4
3 Colin Prensky
05/03/2008 – Jiminy Peak – Cat 4
1 Colin Prensky
04/13/2008 – 2008 NYC Spring Bicycle Racing Series – Cat 3/4
1 Colin Prensky
04/07/2008 – Criterium de Bethel – Cat 3/4
4 Colin Prensky
03/16/2008 – 2008 NYC Spring Bicycle Racing Series – Road Race – Master – 35-39
1 Colin Prensky
Conclusion: Awesome season in parks, crits, and out-of-town hilly races. You have 55+ points. 30 is a mandatory upgrade. You’re closing in on *double* the points. And 3rd in the A field this weekend? C’mon. Upgrade to Cat 3.
Great race to Nick Bruno, Andrew B and Steve Pingree in the Pro1-3. The race had a really nice vibe and great course that had everything from rollers, flats, long gradual hills, steep kicking hills and even some crit like turns. Finishing climb was on par with Unionvale just a bit less steep. I hope next year is even bigger.
Dude is strong on the flats and the hills. If he upgrades to Cat 3 he will be a 2 by next fall the latest. Stop hating on the guy as he is new to racing and keeps you slower 4s motivated. As for the 3s, we welcome you. We are losing some of the big guns (Pettit, German, Larose, Merrill, Hoffman) and need some more guys to chase…
Are more possible with the right team representation. I think they were easier to come by due to a spring lack of fitness and racing prowess.
Everything that looks promising is chased down right away. Get your sprint on dude…
What’s with all the hate of winners?
the final break in the B race in the last lap looked promising, it seemed to have representation of each team. people need to WORK!
All the strong/smart racers have upgraded already. Boring.
lets speculate on how fast a 4 will upgrade to a 2. Cause 4 races are basically the same thing as a P12. You’re all idiots.
not true. couple of strong guys in the b field on the verge of upgrading. the rest seem to be park race field fodder.
wow, empire got the jersey and had 3 guys in to 10. Rite Aid had one guy in top 20 and lost the race.
No, that last break just dangled because the peleton sat up for a few minutes it wasn’t even close to making it. That race had “sprint” written all over it.
Junior kid pretty strong…he was holding his own in original break and in larger group…what’s his name?
Looks like next year will be a 2 day event. Maybe more will make a weekend trip out of it. Cant wait
the break looked like it had plenty of gap to succeed plus only a couple of guys did any work to pull it back
Still arguing over a CRCA B break? Really… please get a clue.
Good to see everyone on Saturday. And yes, I was back at the back of the A race. You guys should try it back there sometime. You don’t have to ride as hard but you can’t see anything that is going on upfront. I didn’t even know ADM had won until I was done bragging to him about my 20th place and giving excuses.
I’m worried that pics like that front page are floating around and will hinder a CRCA presidential run. Nobody will vote for a crazy guy in a cowboy hat.
I don’t think anyone is arguing about the break. B riders are allowed to discuss their races here too, asshole.
Don’t vote for Jeff King – he uses a pussy magnet
And yes you are arguing not dicussing if you read below…
Neither do 3’s and I’m sure you’re a 3. I only need 10 top ten finishes to talk shit like you.
Damn, talk is cheap now..only 20 points.
Remember, you’re still not proven until you at least make 2.
Who is he riding with? Is this for real?
he is riding for team naive, you dipshit!
Yes. Right after I sell our bandit HQ to the guy we sold the GWB to last year.
Armand is using something. His legs don’t look normal. You can see each muscle fiber. I can’t believe steroids, or whatever, are taking hold in the CRCA
Andy/ Dan – I hope you don’t delete the dip $&!# comment about Armand.
Armand is on something – his bike – early in the morning, working hard as he flies past people during his intervals.
Nice ride on Sat. morning ADM.
Funny stuff all around haters.
Ever seen Roger Aspholm’s legs? Discipline, diet, and a lot of training can do amazing things for you. You should try it, before making completely unfounded doping comments.
I’m not surprised by drug use in the CRCA, performance enhancing or recreational. I’m just surprised that the drugs have made someone so flipping retarded that they accuse ADM of doping.
he’s on viagra, that’s why they censored the photos from saturday
Another hilarious write up on the Bandit site. Love your guys humor.
They might have won on Saturday, but they don’t own the park. Foundation does.
Thanks Inson
I’m glad someone posted that article.
Check out the comments —
We need to spend less time tearing each other apart and more time being responsible and united, because there is a lot of anti-cycling energy in NYC dedicated to restrictiing use and even eliminating races. Organize your clubs, support Ken and CRCA’s efforts, and start thinking like a community instead of a bunch of free agent idiots.
Ten top 10s in CRCA race Bs do not count dude. Cant upgrade to 3s by beating 9 Cat5s.
BTW – you need to chill out.
i call bs on that troll
no cat 1 cares that much about that to post
typical Cat 1 comment. He doesnt even know enough to realize that Bs are all 4s, but is happy to downplay the result from a B race just the same. Go back to your fast races and leave the B comments to those who know the basics.
OMG. ADM has to be so psyched. Id be so fired up if I were fast enough to be accused of doping for CRCA races. It is pretty funny though that nobody says that about JKIA, even though he wins half the park races over multi years! Just awesome, ADM!
can’t we all agree that we just like to see pictures of ourselves racing at mediocre speeds? alas, there is yet to be a photo-fix for my jonesin’
another monday, another awesome thread. yikes.
no way that doping comment was serious. for real, though, i drank a big cup of coffee before the race- does that count?
has some real doping bombs…
uh, not that I see. Must have been deleted.
we should take over the comments section there and show the dog-walkers who knows how to e-trash-talk!
let’s just post this again:
We need to spend less time tearing each other apart and more time being responsible and united, because there is a lot of anti-cycling energy in NYC dedicated to restrictiing use and even eliminating races. Organize your clubs, support Ken and CRCA’s efforts, and start thinking like a community instead of a bunch of free agent idiots.
where is this dog walking article. I cant find it online.
it’s on this page sherlock
have to do with bike racing. Is this a crossover from VS. Sunday races then bull-riding…?
the comments are getting good!
don’t underestimate the influence of the nutbag dog owners on park policy. there are more of them than us, they are more committed and even more insane. if you value this thing of ours, get involved. also, show some judgment when using the park especially when it’s crowded.
Glad the writer of that story didn’t hit the ESG qualifier in Prospect a couple weeks back. Yikes.
Imagine angry neurotic parents.
These people consider their pets their children.
They should watch the Dog Whisperer. He would tell them that they’re not people.
He might even say get a life and a place in the country where a dog can be a dog.
Has anyone noticed the overwhelming smell of dog piss in the summer?
The city is no place for a dog. If you’re lonely try
yeah, those dog owners can be seriously angry mofos! Amazing that they think their dog has more right to roam free than we have a right to ride perfectly straight and visible down the middle of the street.
Really, what serious racer is riding in CP after race hours on the weekend. Why would you put up with that craziness when you can ride north to NJ or Westchester for better roads and no crowds. The cyclists they speak of are mostly non-racers who have no clue.
“Really, what serious racer is riding in CP after race hours on the weekend. Why would you put up with that craziness when you can ride north to NJ or Westchester for better roads and no crowds. The cyclists they speak of are mostly non-racers who have no clue.”
I only use the park if it’s getting dark and I haven’t ridden all day.
i suspect it dosen’t much matter to militant anti cyclists. crca, sub team kit, sbr, tri met, discovery, seven eleven, etc, we are all the same
no one reads NY Mag anyway. That thing is a waste of trees. The staff is a bunch of teenagers just out of college living their daddy’s trust funds and whining about shit, trying to sell mags with sexy covers, but nothing worth reading on the inside.
the issue is that we get blamed and penalized when Freds screw up. The issue of cyclists bad behavior may not be our fault, but it is our issue to deal with.
Why no mention in the article that joggers don’t actually run in the joggers lane?
Re: Pedestrians what’s wrong with the other 800 acres of Park to stroll in?
yes. doesn’t matter whose fault it is – it’s whose problem is it. we’re always one speed bump away from no park races
i’ve pointed out to other cyclists after they buzz someone through a red light, they’re not helping … just imagine how well those conversations went. i think if we exerted direct peer pressure like that regularly, we could be effective. but frankly i prefer minding my own business and dont feel like going around telling strangers what’s what
so what do y’all do, and what do y’all recommend we all do? tell some guy buzzing peds that its not kosher, and feel like a nag and get annoyed every ride? or let it slide and feel like you’re part of the problem not the solution?
when the park is closed to traffic, do traffic lights still apply to cyclists? seriously, all other laws regarding the roadway seems suspended then. the boathouse trolley and other park vehicles don’t stop at red lights at night? pedestrians jaywalk more. joggers run down the middle of the roadway? do you guys get tickets when the park is closed or just when it’s open?
i’ve seen cops ticket when ‘closed’ (ie before cars are in). at the downhill before 72nd st. good place to slow cyclists down – dudes come through there way too fast, not a lot of visibility.
i stopped there the other day – red light, guys in crosswalk, weekend afternoon – and another cyclist buzzed through there and yelled ‘what the hell are you doing’ at me
wait … come to think of it, mebbe he yelled at me because i wasn’t wearing a helmet. he was though. mebbe he was teaching me a safety lesson.
ack! ack! no – i retract that. where’s reverse on this thing? please, don’t take that as an invitation to get into a helmet argument
nyvelocity is bad enough but spilling our dirty laundry in new york magazine makes no sense. Whoever set up the interviews for that article should seriously rethink what they did.
Let Empire and Foundation compete in races not in scandal sheets.
because he stopped at a red light due to peds nearby on the west side at 81st St. And his collarbone was broken. Other cyclist was an idiot.
Last year some cyclists (triathletes, led by, among others a guy whose name rhymes with Goni Alogetta, in case you know him) blew a light on the east side one morning and scared the crap out of a ped who was crossing the street. I yelled at this group, and they stated berating me for riding w/o a helmet and with headphones. Hey, if they want to think that’s dangerous, go ahead, but I wasn’t the one threatening other park users.
I wont’t speak to the law about red lights, but unless we have a special permit to use the road (such as in races) pedestrians have right of way in the park, esp. if there is a red light and they have green.
In follow-up discussion Goni Alogetta said that since no one was hurt it wasn’t a big deal. I disagree.
i’m for alwaysgiving peds the right of way i just don’t want to get a ticket at 9pm for running lights that only cyclists are expected to obey.
veer into whether Foundation pays its riders?
Have to agree with Faber, no mention of one of the most contentious issues between cyclists and runners which is when cars are in the park, runners do not leave space for cyclists to ride in the rec lanes.
that cowboy on the front page is scaring me
shaw, usually in the am for a couple of consecutive days once a year, netting a ton of guy at once. haven’t seen it at night or sporadically. wouldn’t sweat it
I saw ADM doing a wheelie up HS Alley without a helmet on – what will the children think?
I can’t risk getting pulled over, I have warrants.
Freds are goofy guys riding around with mirrors on their helmets
The “problem” in the park are racer wannabes, type-A hammerheads and a few real racers
More stories — three weeks ago I’m riding through Central Park on a crowded afternoon, crawling on my way home.
Some dude out for his weekly “workout” buzzes me, then heads between two lades on hybrids or 3-speeds or something who are riding about 3 feet apart. They’re naturually spooked, wobble and all three of them fall down. One of the ladies was hurt.
The guy, who was not a racer I recognize, then has the gall to say “they didnt’ keep straight”
WTF dude, get a clue!!!! He tried to shoot a 3′ wide space between two recreational riders.
I urge everyone who sees this sort of riding to not tolerate it and denounce it.
just a matter of time before a mom with a double wide, a jogger, a cyclist, and a car have an tragic convergence in horse shit alley. cars have no place in the park – ever.
A simple solution…no I don’t have one (sorry, but not my style anyway).
The only way I see this not coming to a terrible head, is that we have to role models about how we use the park. Yes we race, but we race only when we have the permit, we marshal and we are respectful to other park users.
I don’t ride much in CP, but in PP and I do chase down riders who are riding in an unsafe manner when there are others users out there, and I explain why something they’ve done is unsafe. I don’t mind getting yelled at by other cyclists (maybe it is because I am cat 4, I’ve gotten used to it). I thank pedestrians who wait for me to pass before they cross. I certanly don’t do hard workouts in the park at any time when there are going to be more than the regular users (you see the same people over and over again at 6am in PP).
People treat each other not they way they want to be treated but the way they feel they’ve been treated. If you are proactive and treat people nicely it will eventually come back to you.
let the flaming for my naive cat 4 attitude begin…
oh, and jft is right, sort of…
Both the freds who don’t know the rules and ride all over the place regardless of how fast or slow, but also the hammerheads out for intra-cranial world championship flouting the rules, make us all look bad.
were they wearing helmets?
Stopped at light.
Me: “Excuse me, but isn’t HOV in effect?”
We both gaze at the line of stopped cars. Most have a single driver.
Park Cop: “There is no HOV in the park”
Me: “Ever?”
Park Cop: “Never”
Me (pointing at HOV sign 25 feet away): “So that sign over there should be taken down?”
Park Cop: “Um, yeah. I guess”
Me: “The cops are giving HOV tickets at the top end of the park”
Park Cop: “You still need to stop”
Me: “I am stopped”
Park Cop: “Oh”
Ironically – its the pedestrian on the newly purchased bike that really is the problem not the club member.
Call me a pussy, but I stop at every red light in the park, regardless of time. I need to do this about 4 times, and then I’m on my way up to the GWB. I lose about 5 minutes, but don’t scare anyone shitless. CP is simply not a good/safe place to train.
Have you ever ridden on a rail to trail? It is about 10 feet wide with lots of pine-cones. And lots of people. You never can really get up any speed. Or the west side bike path? The landscaping is great, but it is hardly fun to ride on.
CP would look exactly like one of these tracks if there were no cars in the park.
Just suck it up and stop at the lights. Give pedestrians the right of way all of the time. Regardless of how stupid or erratic they are.
And ride hard elsewhere
One time I was riding thru cpk and came upon the summerstage crowd where cops were stoppin bikes.
i stopped my bike, got off of it and walked across. I kid you not, when I started walking the cop flinched to grab me then realized i wasnt riding and jerked his hand back. friggen funnnny as shit.
I hopped on my bike after crossing and rode on. Others realized this and did the same.
I secretly felt like eddy haskell.
Since NY cyclists are apparently a cultish cabal of hedge fund owners, can’t you guys just buy a couple 1000 acres near town and build a CP replica? $3000 per year membership?
No seriously. I’ll personally make sure you get your upgrade if you give transportation alternatives $5M for a car free CP with big bike lanes and skybridges for pedestrians. Or even $4M?
Pinarello, the new Colnago
Yeah dude…that already exists, and it is Called Connecticut! Come on out, 50 minutes by train, 4 acre zoning, race in CRCA and prospect races on weekends, tuesday night at bethel, no fucking people anywhere to bother you, just deer and squirrels, open roads, and most importantly …. TONS OF BUFF DIVORCED COUGARS WHO WANT TO POUNCE…and actually like riders.
I knew this hedge funder, got hit by a cab one year, then moved out to Rowayton, home of all things preppy and vineyard vines…he couldn’t ride harder than 8 mph after his accident, but had the ksyriums, and nice cannondale, used to ride in his gear to the Seacoug as he called it….Rowayton Seafood, and have a quick cocktail in his bike shorts on a saturday, and would pretty consistenlty take home some cougar who was looking for a man to notice her after her 10 hour trainer session at the equinox…ahhh….CT! The burbs aren’t all that bad my friends
Wow. CT sounds like paradise. Anyone need someone to clean their pool?
Yeah right. There are like 10 HF guys in CRCA or whatever, out of like 600 members. The avg CRCA rider is way more the freelancer or artist or backoffice guy on Wall St, not some megabucks fat cat. OK, so there are a few of them. Not setting the tone. Most CRCA guys are way too geeky and social misfit to do much else than ride a bike too fast. HF guys are seen in CP riding in the drops on way too expensive bikes while “training” to break their personal best at the next Tri event. And when you yell at them, they go NUTS, because nobody talks to them like that. Nobody! Yup, look to Tri Guy for the HF connection, my friend.
Agreed. The NYMAG article made the CRCA out to be some banker freak fest.
As a recent CT transplant, I want to call BS on the “yeah dude” post.
The roads are poor, mostly cracked and broken, especially at the shoulder. The drivers are so angry about the traffic situation that, once they get some clear road ahead, they are NOT slowing for any cyclists. Also, the roads are so narrow that there really isn’t room for “sharing” the road. In the winter, they don’t salt the roads, they SAND THEM. So, from the first light snowfall of the year, say mid-December, until well past April, the roads are covered in a heavy layer of (often wet) sand. CT is the state of drivetrain despair.
It snows more in CT (except for the Gold Coast) so often when you get Thursday or Friday rain in NYC, there’s snow on the ground in CT. So while your heading out for a chilly but dry weekend ride up 9W, we’re suiting up to get on the trainer in CT. (Can’t risk the road because they don’t salt, remember, so there’s guaranteed ice on the road).
Let’s say you live somewhere near Bethel, as I do. To make this weekend’s CRCA race (5:45 start), you would have to get up at 3:30am at the latest. That’s 30 mins to suit up, gather stuff, mix bottles, load bike, eat something, etc. It takes me longer to get out of the house before a race, but maybe you can do everything in 30 minutes and be out the door. Out the door by 4:00am, to get to CP at 5:15, find parking, shoes, helmet, bike, etc, roll up to registration, and hit the start line with zero warm-up. Prospect takes that much longer from the Nutmeg state.
Tuesday nights? CT has Bethel, NYC has Floyd. Anyone who’s done both knows that FBF is way more fun than Bethel.
And the Fairfield county cougars, while aggressive, aren’t that buff.
So while CT has it good points, from a cycling perspective, I think Ian Hunter said it best.
“…I think its the best, locked in the middle of New York City on Central Park ‘n West”
I think that article got it wrong as well but lumping the afternoon HF hammers with CRCA members, most longtime CRCA folks have had the whole “respect our fellow park users” drummed into our heads for as far as I can remember, and I have been a member since 93.
Statements like this make marriage and commitment hard.
I get more attention now that I’m married (9yrs) than ever before. Where were all these chicks when I was single?
And it was easier to get a guilt-free ride in….
yeah babe, I’ll be right there…
as a resident of CT, it’s real nice, but not as nice as you’re saying (keep in mind, i might be jaded… but..).
the roads are pretty terrible, and since you speak the way you do about CT, you clearly haven’t met CT REDNECKS
they run you off the road, and you die. there are more assholes in huge trucks than there are cracks in the road.
NYC = fewer roads to train on
CT = more roads, but more assholes.
nobody “likes” cyclists in CT, either.
So get a divorce, move into a shitbox efficiency, pay alimony, and do your best fighting for the few cougars without raging herpes.
I take issue with the person in the article with the quote that the racers were
To everyone outside of our world, we are a bunch of dorks in lycra. Whether you are doing hill repeats on HH or riding 2-abreast through Piermont, someone out there is going to bust your balls for being out there doing what you love. I once had a full beer thrown at me while out riding solo along a country road in Bucks Co, PA. I nearly shit my bibs… riding along, minding my business then POW! Right in the helmet (see jft… it probably saved my life). The jackasses in the CRX yelled, “Lance Armstrong FAAAAAAAG!” as they sped by.
Many of us have enough stories about idiots yelling at us to “get a job” while riding at 2PM on a weekday, getting driven into the shoulder by some asshole on his cell phone in a Canyonero, or getting asked a dozen stupid questions about the Tour because you’re the “biker guy” at the office … enough to fill this forum with a lot of dumb posts like this one.
Face it… we’re a strange, dysfunctional bunch but at least we have each other. So the next time you start bashing each other for petty differences or questionable riding remember, the wandering tourists, joggers, stroller-mafia, dog people, hipsters, weirdo rollerskate dancers, and the rest of the CP regulars still outnumber us. So stop complaining and ride your bike.
PS> For something really interesting, go to
CJIA endorsed
New York Magazine is the biggest piece of shat rag in the city. Regularly focuses on the 10,000 morons living in NYC giving the other 8 million or so a bad rep.
once some guys in a pickup pulled along side me in stony point. this was at the light where 210 meets 9W. when the light turned green the guy in the passenger speed hocked a loogie right in my face. you should have seen the look on his face when I pulled up next to the truck at the next light. I don’t think he anticipated that a bike could keep up with a car for even a short distance. he yelled at his buddy to go, and they blew the red light. I’ve heard of quite a few of those beer bottle incidents happening up in Harriman. Of course, folks in general are filled with road rage and are forever cutting one another off and going ceaselessly dumb shit that they would otherwise not do when not behind the wheel of a car.
Regularly focuses on the 10,000 morons living in NYC giving the other 8 million or so a bad rep.
Home of the dumb, naive, fatties….everybody has a story about some redneck guy in a truck, buzzing by you with a blow horn or luggies in the face….it is unfortunate, but why I am so disenchanted with people, and prefer to be as far away from as many of them as possible.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present: The New York City Bike Racer!!
will o’donnell’s position is at fault here
here’s the way to solve this whole mess. always allow cars in the park, but only in one lane on the outside. That way, people will realize they are walking on a road, not a pedestrian zone. And cyclists can have the entire lane of traffic on the inside. And maybe some cars will run over those annoying miniature dogs that New Yorkers seem to love so much.
Could someone please refresh my memory of what the different age groups are of horney older women chasing me? Cougars are the old ones right. Are leopards the 30-40 year olds..?
Isn’t the point of the article to create an emotional reaction that will sell magazines? Why are you guys getting fired up about this?
Cougars are 40ish divorces – everyone should know this already.
Just curious if they post those on this site
….or getting asked a dozen stupid questions about the Tour because you’re the “biker guy” at the office
This thread is actually getting pretty damn funny. Its more fun to slam rednecks, cougars and lame reporters than just each other. Not that we cant slam each other. If we didnt, wed be Tri guys, right?
The Cyclist’s Lugee Mask
Face shields arent just for motorcyclists anymore. Perfect for those CT riders dealing with bitter pickup truck drivers.
Lady rolls up to me as I am riding on the side of the road, slowing into a red light with 6 cars stopped in front of me, she honks…I break, she stops and puts herself into 7th position at teh light, she is fat, pale, smoking a butt, and she goes…i go, what, why are you beeping….”You are in teh road, use teh sidewalk”….”No sh&^ I am in teh road lady, that is where you fing bike, what are the two words that make up sidewalk, side and walk, you fing walk on a sidewalk you stupid bitch.”
that was the incorrect response. correct response is “it’s illegal to ride on the sidewalk, i’m right where i’m supposed to be. you fat fucking whore.”
Well for starters, how about cops ticket pedicabs going the wrong way in the middle of the road in the busiest sections of the park? Then stand at crosswalks, and ticket people jaywalking against the light in front of oncoming cyclists. Then ticket all the douches that think its appropriate to ride backwards in the park and give you rude looks like you’re in the wrong. Then, ticket the cyclists that buzz a ped in the cross walk. I promise you, we’d get the fewest tickets.
I think some reporters should follow cyclists around for a week and see the straight up aggression from EVERYONE else in the city. Too bad we are the only ones not making it dirtier.
in 26 days!!!!!!!! weeeeeeee
Running a red in CP – $200. and you must appear in court. It is a criminal misdemeanor, not a traffic violation.
That’s smart!
Has anyone here ever attempted to use a bike lane? Good lord what a recipe for disaster. Every other block the lanes are jammed with double parked cabbies, UPS trucks, and Mr. Softy trucks(um, JFT…). It is like the driving hazzards video from drivers ed class. Then we have the DOT Commissioner telling us she wants to put more bike lanes in NYC to make it more commuter friedly. It is safest to just ride with traffic like every other vehicle on the road.
lol- on “inncorrect response”
pez cycling has put together for you to explain why I don’t talk to you.
Sarah is getting some hate on Gawker:
I’ve had enough of sara chubb.
is she nationally ranked in last place?
The safest way to ride in traffic is right in the middle. When I got my mountain bike I read that in the manual…It really works also, I move much faster and there are no double parked or turning cars.
I got a ticket in CP for running a red light. There were no cars in the park either. The police set up a red light trap. They were cool and told me that if I didn’t get another ticket in a year then it would thrwon out. My ticket was eventually thrown out but it was a hassle.
on USA cycling. Means shite!
you read your bike’s owners manual? It came with a manual? you own a mountain bike? so many things wrong with that situation.
it’s not the dog walkers fault, it’s ugli. can’t control the bike.
if they all just upgraded they’d be pro by now, and they wouldn’t even be in the park making shit worse for all of us.
Okay you little weasel, tell us about how you finally did master cornering in off-camber downhill turns with mud piles in the apex of the turn. I’m dying to hear…
She’s ridden some of the biggest races in the US.
We should all be as ambitious as she is.
Fast fast runner (in the past at least) too.
Cyclists are completely respected there. Drivers always yield and are friendly.
But love the music
is not listed on uscf results website, no license, nothing.
Hi, the very gifted Sarah goes by Sarah Chubb in her professional life and Sarah Chubb-Sauvayre otherwise. I’m sure you’ll find plenty of excellent results to suit your anonymous commenting needs….
Meanwhile, just one humble thought: I wish some folks could dedicate the energy they devote to ripping people to more constructive efforts, like the preservation of park use by cyclists. Whatever anyone feels about the story in New York magazine, it’s very obvious that we all have a public relations problem, fairly or not, and we definitely need everyone’s help in improving relationships with the community at large. There’s no sense in arguing the problem; let’s try to solve it. Sorry to be corny.
i was just curious about Sarah, but thanks for straightening me out. i am a relatively recent transplant to this community and just like learning about people who make what it is. Good riders (especially women, who get so little respect) deserve all the credit that they’ve earned by working hard.
Jason speaks the truth. I add that its incumbant on all of us to speak to cyclists in CP that behave badly. Even if they go crazy and yell at us, basically as a NY defense mechanism, they will still get the message and feel chastised once its all over. They might just think twice the next time they go to buzz a crossing pedestrian, and this might in the end keep park racing a viable option. Dont be total dicks about it. Just politely tell them what they did is disrespectful and dangerous and illegal if the light was red. Then back off and ignore rude replies. I do this and sometimes jet ahead, and sometimes stop for a minute to get some separation and avoid a conflict.
about chastising the reckless, is that it demonstrates that not all cyclists are like that, and that some of us care about sharing the park
I totally went off on the guy I saw crash down two other women (mentioned far below) about how we can’t ride fast when the park is crowded and shouldn’t buzz people. He may have gotten the message. I hope some of the crowd around us did.
Otherwise you’d know that you’re supposed to tell Jason to go eff himself, that Sarah is overrated and that Ugli crashes a lot. Now make fun of a triathlete, throw out an unfounded doping rumour, and please don’t ever apologize again. Sheesh.
She is way cuter than that – you guys are brutal!!!
I mastered off-camber, downhill, hi-speed cornering in the mud by racing lots of cyclocross. You should try it. After a while you get used to a little “Tokyo Drift” action. I hit that mud patch too on Saturday. Bike got a little loose, no drama.
Was that whole new york mag article just an attempt by nyvelocity to get some pr no matter how negative for cycling? You’ve dragged down this community by encouraging snarky behavior on this site and now you’re trying to smear us to the whole city.
I didn’t think anyone would find out that we control New York Magazine! But did you know we also control Highlights magazine? Now do as we say or Goofus gets it!
Where are the pics at?
Where are the white women at?
UGLY is way faster than you, and likely did not have his cross tires mounted last saturday. I’ve won a few cross races.
one doesn’t need to master off-camber, downhill, hi-speed cornering to have avoided creating that crash. just don’t ride directly into an oily/muddy glob sitting in the middle of the road.
I’d punch you guys in the gut everytime I see you. Arguing about a crash and other trivial matters. What a bunch of dweebs.
Nice Dan. Full Control.
I like the Foundation hate. (Actually all the hate, there’s lots! Dogs, cats, whatever, they all HATE.) The problem is Inson is a still a scary Ive League evil super-genuis that rules the outside world.
Ugli still can’t ride & cat 4’s are worse, move on.
Lets bag the subteams and get the night ride working again full bore!
lets go anonymous. Like this posting. Who’s to know??
Bicycling mag had a good article….It sounds like most of us would like it in Holland. Anyhow, the article is about good biking cities, and facts like 40K commuters in cars takes up 12 lanes while 40K on a bike equivalent distance and time takes up 1 lane, then it hits the obesity issue, hits the issue that if 10% of people commuted by bike we would need no more foreign oil, i mean the stats are disturbing.
For me it seems like every single one of us should be helping, embracing, encouraging the average joes to hop on basic bikes….so that this country gets more bike friendly and we have a better world to throw on our spandex and throw down on our carbon rides.
Anyhow – good article.
Cadence Tuesday Night Race Series
June 21, 2008
Brooklyn NY
Pro / 1-2-3
54 starters
1. Edwin Morel (Gotham/TOGA)
2. Euris Rafael (Caico)
3. Alex Bremer (CRCA/Empire)
4. Robert Lattanzi (CRCA/Sid
Not June 21.
Too bad for the critter that met its end on CPH early Tuesday morning; appeared to have fallen from an overhanging branch…made for good bunny (racoon) hopping during sprints up past the Cat (is that a jaguar?), maybe protecting its turf?
Posts that shouldn’t be posted.
Interesting that many of the CRCA club “leaders” who disdain this site did such a good job in portraying the club as a bunch of elitist boobs who can’t get along with each other or anyone else in the New york Magaizne article. They really outdid some of the worst stuff ever on nyvelocity
Considering that it was obvious the NY Mag writer was seeking to stoke fires on an issue for which the same article could have been written in 1988, our sophisticated colleagues bit pretty hard and followed the writer’s script with impressive naivety.
workshop scheduled at the CRCA site
i just love how Insen denies paying riders for winning, when their riders have told me he does.
from the ny mag article:
i race to my dealer’s apt when i need a fix, cutting through the park to terrorize pedestrians and joggers on the way, of course.
Alessandro Matteucci is sand bagging!! How many races has he won this year?
who is the dude on the home page?
In the back of the “A” field?
you must be new
Someone is finally addressing the issue of sandbagging. When we finish, can we discuss how sketchy the riders are in the higher categories?
Couple breaks, couple crashes, some random dudes, one commentator yelling “ADLER” post crash, but kudos to adler for getting 3 guys in the break
i was thinking the same thing about matteucci
nice win by Troy Kimbal in the 35+
Is it just me, or do those guys just keep getting stronger at every race? Adler seems to be quickly becomming a force to be reckoned with in the NYC peloton. So pro.
I think I’m having Deja Vu
King comes back and Bandit Racing wins again.
Congrats to Armand! Great win.
King doing a Woody Harrelson impression?
Anyone who didn’t go race Whiteface-Wilmington, and instead opted to ride yet more laps around Prospect/Central Park missed an awesome race, with tough climbs, screaming descents and scenery to rival the Alps.
I hope this race is back next year, so more people will get the chance to see what the Adirondacks have to offer.
still no pics – no more bikes for Marco!
i’m sure most didn’t go to that race because of the $$$/time it takes to get there. jerk.
jeez…give the guy a break…he just started racing again last August after 20 years off.
and maybe they’ll force him to upgrade but then what’s the point having a series if by winning a couple of races you get bounced upstairs
George Carlin has died…
Congrats to Mike M and to Lisbon. You guys are ripping it up this year.
Rode a smart race
has history shown a break can ever stick in a B race?!
there were several earlier this season
I have a house there and didn’t go. looked like a field of 15 in the masters.
good job putting 3 in the break. sorry about team mate crashing, coulda been anyone on the mud in the apex of the corner. stop hating and start riding harder, faster, smarter if you want to go up the road…
$$$/money? I save money every time I leave this city. Anyway I don’t think that’s a concern to these fellas that break Zipps every weekend.
A great race but only worth it if you make the weekend out of it. Too far to go for the day. If you are looking for a getaway its worth the trip. Great hiking, riding, fly fishing, and lots of affordable hotels and nice places to eat. If you race Saturday and then use Sunday to relax its a nice trip. I will go back next year for sure as it is one of the best road races in NY. Neutral water by team Placid Planet was also cool. Great job to them standing in the pouring rain to hand dropped riders a drink. Pretty cool day in saddle…
Alessandro Matteucci (42)
06/15/2008 – Harlem Cat 4
3 Alessandro Matteucci
05/13/2008 – Cadence FBF – Cat 3/4
4 Alessandro Matteucci
05/10/2008 – Big Apple Bicycle Classic – Cat 4
7 Alessandro Matteucci
05/03/2008 – Cadence Prospect Park Series – Cat 4
1 Alessandro Matteucci
04/20/2008 – 2008 New York City Spring Bicycle Racing Series – Cat 3/4
3 Alessandro Matteucci
03/23/2008 – 2008 New York City Spring Bicycle Racing Series
7 Alessandro Matteucci
Conclusion: Bravo, welcome back. Good results in park races. Hope you continue to improve. Stay Cat 4.
Colin Prensky (23)
06/14/2008 – Housatonic Hills – Cat 4
2 Colin Prensky
06/07/2008 – Balloon Festival Classic – Cat 3/4
2 Colin Prensky
05/25/2008 – Hartford Downtown Criterium – Cat 4
3 Colin Prensky
05/11/2008 – 2008 Bear Mountain – Cat 4
3 Colin Prensky
05/03/2008 – Jiminy Peak – Cat 4
1 Colin Prensky
04/13/2008 – 2008 NYC Spring Bicycle Racing Series – Cat 3/4
1 Colin Prensky
04/07/2008 – Criterium de Bethel – Cat 3/4
4 Colin Prensky
03/16/2008 – 2008 NYC Spring Bicycle Racing Series – Road Race – Master – 35-39
1 Colin Prensky
Conclusion: Awesome season in parks, crits, and out-of-town hilly races. You have 55+ points. 30 is a mandatory upgrade. You’re closing in on *double* the points. And 3rd in the A field this weekend? C’mon. Upgrade to Cat 3.
Great race to Nick Bruno, Andrew B and Steve Pingree in the Pro1-3. The race had a really nice vibe and great course that had everything from rollers, flats, long gradual hills, steep kicking hills and even some crit like turns. Finishing climb was on par with Unionvale just a bit less steep. I hope next year is even bigger.
Dude is strong on the flats and the hills. If he upgrades to Cat 3 he will be a 2 by next fall the latest. Stop hating on the guy as he is new to racing and keeps you slower 4s motivated. As for the 3s, we welcome you. We are losing some of the big guns (Pettit, German, Larose, Merrill, Hoffman) and need some more guys to chase…
Are more possible with the right team representation. I think they were easier to come by due to a spring lack of fitness and racing prowess.
Everything that looks promising is chased down right away. Get your sprint on dude…
What’s with all the hate of winners?
the final break in the B race in the last lap looked promising, it seemed to have representation of each team. people need to WORK!
All the strong/smart racers have upgraded already. Boring.
lets speculate on how fast a 4 will upgrade to a 2. Cause 4 races are basically the same thing as a P12. You’re all idiots.
not true. couple of strong guys in the b field on the verge of upgrading. the rest seem to be park race field fodder.
wow, empire got the jersey and had 3 guys in to 10. Rite Aid had one guy in top 20 and lost the race.
No, that last break just dangled because the peleton sat up for a few minutes it wasn’t even close to making it. That race had “sprint” written all over it.
Junior kid pretty strong…he was holding his own in original break and in larger group…what’s his name?
Looks like next year will be a 2 day event. Maybe more will make a weekend trip out of it. Cant wait
the break looked like it had plenty of gap to succeed plus only a couple of guys did any work to pull it back
Still arguing over a CRCA B break? Really… please get a clue.
Good to see everyone on Saturday. And yes, I was back at the back of the A race. You guys should try it back there sometime. You don’t have to ride as hard but you can’t see anything that is going on upfront. I didn’t even know ADM had won until I was done bragging to him about my 20th place and giving excuses.
I’m worried that pics like that front page are floating around and will hinder a CRCA presidential run. Nobody will vote for a crazy guy in a cowboy hat.
I don’t think anyone is arguing about the break. B riders are allowed to discuss their races here too, asshole.
Don’t vote for Jeff King – he uses a pussy magnet
And yes you are arguing not dicussing if you read below…
Neither do 3’s and I’m sure you’re a 3. I only need 10 top ten finishes to talk shit like you.
Damn, talk is cheap now..only 20 points.
Remember, you’re still not proven until you at least make 2.
Who is he riding with? Is this for real?
he is riding for team naive, you dipshit!
Yes. Right after I sell our bandit HQ to the guy we sold the GWB to last year.
Armand is using something. His legs don’t look normal. You can see each muscle fiber. I can’t believe steroids, or whatever, are taking hold in the CRCA
Andy/ Dan – I hope you don’t delete the dip $&!# comment about Armand.
Armand is on something – his bike – early in the morning, working hard as he flies past people during his intervals.
Nice ride on Sat. morning ADM.
Funny stuff all around haters.
Ever seen Roger Aspholm’s legs? Discipline, diet, and a lot of training can do amazing things for you. You should try it, before making completely unfounded doping comments.
I’m not surprised by drug use in the CRCA, performance enhancing or recreational. I’m just surprised that the drugs have made someone so flipping retarded that they accuse ADM of doping.
he’s on viagra, that’s why they censored the photos from saturday
Another hilarious write up on the Bandit site. Love your guys humor.
They might have won on Saturday, but they don’t own the park. Foundation does.
Thanks Inson
I’m glad someone posted that article.
Check out the comments —
We need to spend less time tearing each other apart and more time being responsible and united, because there is a lot of anti-cycling energy in NYC dedicated to restrictiing use and even eliminating races. Organize your clubs, support Ken and CRCA’s efforts, and start thinking like a community instead of a bunch of free agent idiots.
Ten top 10s in CRCA race Bs do not count dude. Cant upgrade to 3s by beating 9 Cat5s.
BTW – you need to chill out.
i call bs on that troll
no cat 1 cares that much about that to post
typical Cat 1 comment. He doesnt even know enough to realize that Bs are all 4s, but is happy to downplay the result from a B race just the same. Go back to your fast races and leave the B comments to those who know the basics.
OMG. ADM has to be so psyched. Id be so fired up if I were fast enough to be accused of doping for CRCA races. It is pretty funny though that nobody says that about JKIA, even though he wins half the park races over multi years! Just awesome, ADM!
can’t we all agree that we just like to see pictures of ourselves racing at mediocre speeds? alas, there is yet to be a photo-fix for my jonesin’
another monday, another awesome thread. yikes.
no way that doping comment was serious. for real, though, i drank a big cup of coffee before the race- does that count?
has some real doping bombs…
uh, not that I see. Must have been deleted.
we should take over the comments section there and show the dog-walkers who knows how to e-trash-talk!
let’s just post this again:
We need to spend less time tearing each other apart and more time being responsible and united, because there is a lot of anti-cycling energy in NYC dedicated to restrictiing use and even eliminating races. Organize your clubs, support Ken and CRCA’s efforts, and start thinking like a community instead of a bunch of free agent idiots.
where is this dog walking article. I cant find it online.
it’s on this page sherlock
have to do with bike racing. Is this a crossover from VS. Sunday races then bull-riding…?
the comments are getting good!
don’t underestimate the influence of the nutbag dog owners on park policy. there are more of them than us, they are more committed and even more insane. if you value this thing of ours, get involved. also, show some judgment when using the park especially when it’s crowded.
Glad the writer of that story didn’t hit the ESG qualifier in Prospect a couple weeks back. Yikes.
Imagine angry neurotic parents.
These people consider their pets their children.
They should watch the Dog Whisperer. He would tell them that they’re not people.
He might even say get a life and a place in the country where a dog can be a dog.
Has anyone noticed the overwhelming smell of dog piss in the summer?
The city is no place for a dog. If you’re lonely try
yeah, those dog owners can be seriously angry mofos! Amazing that they think their dog has more right to roam free than we have a right to ride perfectly straight and visible down the middle of the street.
Really, what serious racer is riding in CP after race hours on the weekend. Why would you put up with that craziness when you can ride north to NJ or Westchester for better roads and no crowds. The cyclists they speak of are mostly non-racers who have no clue.
“Really, what serious racer is riding in CP after race hours on the weekend. Why would you put up with that craziness when you can ride north to NJ or Westchester for better roads and no crowds. The cyclists they speak of are mostly non-racers who have no clue.”
I only use the park if it’s getting dark and I haven’t ridden all day.
i suspect it dosen’t much matter to militant anti cyclists. crca, sub team kit, sbr, tri met, discovery, seven eleven, etc, we are all the same
no one reads NY Mag anyway. That thing is a waste of trees. The staff is a bunch of teenagers just out of college living their daddy’s trust funds and whining about shit, trying to sell mags with sexy covers, but nothing worth reading on the inside.
the issue is that we get blamed and penalized when Freds screw up. The issue of cyclists bad behavior may not be our fault, but it is our issue to deal with.
Why no mention in the article that joggers don’t actually run in the joggers lane?
Re: Pedestrians what’s wrong with the other 800 acres of Park to stroll in?
yes. doesn’t matter whose fault it is – it’s whose problem is it. we’re always one speed bump away from no park races
i’ve pointed out to other cyclists after they buzz someone through a red light, they’re not helping … just imagine how well those conversations went. i think if we exerted direct peer pressure like that regularly, we could be effective. but frankly i prefer minding my own business and dont feel like going around telling strangers what’s what
so what do y’all do, and what do y’all recommend we all do? tell some guy buzzing peds that its not kosher, and feel like a nag and get annoyed every ride? or let it slide and feel like you’re part of the problem not the solution?
when the park is closed to traffic, do traffic lights still apply to cyclists? seriously, all other laws regarding the roadway seems suspended then. the boathouse trolley and other park vehicles don’t stop at red lights at night? pedestrians jaywalk more. joggers run down the middle of the roadway? do you guys get tickets when the park is closed or just when it’s open?
i’ve seen cops ticket when ‘closed’ (ie before cars are in). at the downhill before 72nd st. good place to slow cyclists down – dudes come through there way too fast, not a lot of visibility.
i stopped there the other day – red light, guys in crosswalk, weekend afternoon – and another cyclist buzzed through there and yelled ‘what the hell are you doing’ at me
wait … come to think of it, mebbe he yelled at me because i wasn’t wearing a helmet. he was though. mebbe he was teaching me a safety lesson.
ack! ack! no – i retract that. where’s reverse on this thing? please, don’t take that as an invitation to get into a helmet argument
nyvelocity is bad enough but spilling our dirty laundry in new york magazine makes no sense. Whoever set up the interviews for that article should seriously rethink what they did.
Let Empire and Foundation compete in races not in scandal sheets.
because he stopped at a red light due to peds nearby on the west side at 81st St. And his collarbone was broken. Other cyclist was an idiot.
Last year some cyclists (triathletes, led by, among others a guy whose name rhymes with Goni Alogetta, in case you know him) blew a light on the east side one morning and scared the crap out of a ped who was crossing the street. I yelled at this group, and they stated berating me for riding w/o a helmet and with headphones. Hey, if they want to think that’s dangerous, go ahead, but I wasn’t the one threatening other park users.
I wont’t speak to the law about red lights, but unless we have a special permit to use the road (such as in races) pedestrians have right of way in the park, esp. if there is a red light and they have green.
In follow-up discussion Goni Alogetta said that since no one was hurt it wasn’t a big deal. I disagree.
i’m for alwaysgiving peds the right of way i just don’t want to get a ticket at 9pm for running lights that only cyclists are expected to obey.
veer into whether Foundation pays its riders?
Have to agree with Faber, no mention of one of the most contentious issues between cyclists and runners which is when cars are in the park, runners do not leave space for cyclists to ride in the rec lanes.
that cowboy on the front page is scaring me
shaw, usually in the am for a couple of consecutive days once a year, netting a ton of guy at once. haven’t seen it at night or sporadically. wouldn’t sweat it
I saw ADM doing a wheelie up HS Alley without a helmet on – what will the children think?
I can’t risk getting pulled over, I have warrants.
Freds are goofy guys riding around with mirrors on their helmets
The “problem” in the park are racer wannabes, type-A hammerheads and a few real racers
More stories — three weeks ago I’m riding through Central Park on a crowded afternoon, crawling on my way home.
Some dude out for his weekly “workout” buzzes me, then heads between two lades on hybrids or 3-speeds or something who are riding about 3 feet apart. They’re naturually spooked, wobble and all three of them fall down. One of the ladies was hurt.
The guy, who was not a racer I recognize, then has the gall to say “they didnt’ keep straight”
WTF dude, get a clue!!!! He tried to shoot a 3′ wide space between two recreational riders.
I urge everyone who sees this sort of riding to not tolerate it and denounce it.
just a matter of time before a mom with a double wide, a jogger, a cyclist, and a car have an tragic convergence in horse shit alley. cars have no place in the park – ever.
A simple solution…no I don’t have one (sorry, but not my style anyway).
The only way I see this not coming to a terrible head, is that we have to role models about how we use the park. Yes we race, but we race only when we have the permit, we marshal and we are respectful to other park users.
I don’t ride much in CP, but in PP and I do chase down riders who are riding in an unsafe manner when there are others users out there, and I explain why something they’ve done is unsafe. I don’t mind getting yelled at by other cyclists (maybe it is because I am cat 4, I’ve gotten used to it). I thank pedestrians who wait for me to pass before they cross. I certanly don’t do hard workouts in the park at any time when there are going to be more than the regular users (you see the same people over and over again at 6am in PP).
People treat each other not they way they want to be treated but the way they feel they’ve been treated. If you are proactive and treat people nicely it will eventually come back to you.
let the flaming for my naive cat 4 attitude begin…
oh, and jft is right, sort of…
Both the freds who don’t know the rules and ride all over the place regardless of how fast or slow, but also the hammerheads out for intra-cranial world championship flouting the rules, make us all look bad.
were they wearing helmets?
Stopped at light.
Me: “Excuse me, but isn’t HOV in effect?”
We both gaze at the line of stopped cars. Most have a single driver.
Park Cop: “There is no HOV in the park”
Me: “Ever?”
Park Cop: “Never”
Me (pointing at HOV sign 25 feet away): “So that sign over there should be taken down?”
Park Cop: “Um, yeah. I guess”
Me: “The cops are giving HOV tickets at the top end of the park”
Park Cop: “You still need to stop”
Me: “I am stopped”
Park Cop: “Oh”
Ironically – its the pedestrian on the newly purchased bike that really is the problem not the club member.
Call me a pussy, but I stop at every red light in the park, regardless of time. I need to do this about 4 times, and then I’m on my way up to the GWB. I lose about 5 minutes, but don’t scare anyone shitless. CP is simply not a good/safe place to train.
Have you ever ridden on a rail to trail? It is about 10 feet wide with lots of pine-cones. And lots of people. You never can really get up any speed. Or the west side bike path? The landscaping is great, but it is hardly fun to ride on.
CP would look exactly like one of these tracks if there were no cars in the park.
Just suck it up and stop at the lights. Give pedestrians the right of way all of the time. Regardless of how stupid or erratic they are.
And ride hard elsewhere
One time I was riding thru cpk and came upon the summerstage crowd where cops were stoppin bikes.
i stopped my bike, got off of it and walked across. I kid you not, when I started walking the cop flinched to grab me then realized i wasnt riding and jerked his hand back. friggen funnnny as shit.
I hopped on my bike after crossing and rode on. Others realized this and did the same.
I secretly felt like eddy haskell.
Since NY cyclists are apparently a cultish cabal of hedge fund owners, can’t you guys just buy a couple 1000 acres near town and build a CP replica? $3000 per year membership?
No seriously. I’ll personally make sure you get your upgrade if you give transportation alternatives $5M for a car free CP with big bike lanes and skybridges for pedestrians. Or even $4M?
Yeah dude…that already exists, and it is Called Connecticut! Come on out, 50 minutes by train, 4 acre zoning, race in CRCA and prospect races on weekends, tuesday night at bethel, no fucking people anywhere to bother you, just deer and squirrels, open roads, and most importantly …. TONS OF BUFF DIVORCED COUGARS WHO WANT TO POUNCE…and actually like riders.
I knew this hedge funder, got hit by a cab one year, then moved out to Rowayton, home of all things preppy and vineyard vines…he couldn’t ride harder than 8 mph after his accident, but had the ksyriums, and nice cannondale, used to ride in his gear to the Seacoug as he called it….Rowayton Seafood, and have a quick cocktail in his bike shorts on a saturday, and would pretty consistenlty take home some cougar who was looking for a man to notice her after her 10 hour trainer session at the equinox…ahhh….CT! The burbs aren’t all that bad my friends
Wow. CT sounds like paradise. Anyone need someone to clean their pool?
Yeah right. There are like 10 HF guys in CRCA or whatever, out of like 600 members. The avg CRCA rider is way more the freelancer or artist or backoffice guy on Wall St, not some megabucks fat cat. OK, so there are a few of them. Not setting the tone. Most CRCA guys are way too geeky and social misfit to do much else than ride a bike too fast. HF guys are seen in CP riding in the drops on way too expensive bikes while “training” to break their personal best at the next Tri event. And when you yell at them, they go NUTS, because nobody talks to them like that. Nobody! Yup, look to Tri Guy for the HF connection, my friend.
Agreed. The NYMAG article made the CRCA out to be some banker freak fest.
As a recent CT transplant, I want to call BS on the “yeah dude” post.
The roads are poor, mostly cracked and broken, especially at the shoulder. The drivers are so angry about the traffic situation that, once they get some clear road ahead, they are NOT slowing for any cyclists. Also, the roads are so narrow that there really isn’t room for “sharing” the road. In the winter, they don’t salt the roads, they SAND THEM. So, from the first light snowfall of the year, say mid-December, until well past April, the roads are covered in a heavy layer of (often wet) sand. CT is the state of drivetrain despair.
It snows more in CT (except for the Gold Coast) so often when you get Thursday or Friday rain in NYC, there’s snow on the ground in CT. So while your heading out for a chilly but dry weekend ride up 9W, we’re suiting up to get on the trainer in CT. (Can’t risk the road because they don’t salt, remember, so there’s guaranteed ice on the road).
Let’s say you live somewhere near Bethel, as I do. To make this weekend’s CRCA race (5:45 start), you would have to get up at 3:30am at the latest. That’s 30 mins to suit up, gather stuff, mix bottles, load bike, eat something, etc. It takes me longer to get out of the house before a race, but maybe you can do everything in 30 minutes and be out the door. Out the door by 4:00am, to get to CP at 5:15, find parking, shoes, helmet, bike, etc, roll up to registration, and hit the start line with zero warm-up. Prospect takes that much longer from the Nutmeg state.
Tuesday nights? CT has Bethel, NYC has Floyd. Anyone who’s done both knows that FBF is way more fun than Bethel.
And the Fairfield county cougars, while aggressive, aren’t that buff.
So while CT has it good points, from a cycling perspective, I think Ian Hunter said it best.
“…I think its the best, locked in the middle of New York City on Central Park ‘n West”
I think that article got it wrong as well but lumping the afternoon HF hammers with CRCA members, most longtime CRCA folks have had the whole “respect our fellow park users” drummed into our heads for as far as I can remember, and I have been a member since 93.
Statements like this make marriage and commitment hard.
I get more attention now that I’m married (9yrs) than ever before. Where were all these chicks when I was single?
And it was easier to get a guilt-free ride in….
yeah babe, I’ll be right there…
as a resident of CT, it’s real nice, but not as nice as you’re saying (keep in mind, i might be jaded… but..).
the roads are pretty terrible, and since you speak the way you do about CT, you clearly haven’t met CT REDNECKS
they run you off the road, and you die. there are more assholes in huge trucks than there are cracks in the road.
NYC = fewer roads to train on
CT = more roads, but more assholes.
nobody “likes” cyclists in CT, either.
So get a divorce, move into a shitbox efficiency, pay alimony, and do your best fighting for the few cougars without raging herpes.
I take issue with the person in the article with the quote that the racers were
To everyone outside of our world, we are a bunch of dorks in lycra. Whether you are doing hill repeats on HH or riding 2-abreast through Piermont, someone out there is going to bust your balls for being out there doing what you love. I once had a full beer thrown at me while out riding solo along a country road in Bucks Co, PA. I nearly shit my bibs… riding along, minding my business then POW! Right in the helmet (see jft… it probably saved my life). The jackasses in the CRX yelled, “Lance Armstrong FAAAAAAAG!” as they sped by.
Many of us have enough stories about idiots yelling at us to “get a job” while riding at 2PM on a weekday, getting driven into the shoulder by some asshole on his cell phone in a Canyonero, or getting asked a dozen stupid questions about the Tour because you’re the “biker guy” at the office … enough to fill this forum with a lot of dumb posts like this one.
Face it… we’re a strange, dysfunctional bunch but at least we have each other. So the next time you start bashing each other for petty differences or questionable riding remember, the wandering tourists, joggers, stroller-mafia, dog people, hipsters, weirdo rollerskate dancers, and the rest of the CP regulars still outnumber us. So stop complaining and ride your bike.
PS> For something really interesting, go to
CJIA endorsed
New York Magazine is the biggest piece of shat rag in the city. Regularly focuses on the 10,000 morons living in NYC giving the other 8 million or so a bad rep.
once some guys in a pickup pulled along side me in stony point. this was at the light where 210 meets 9W. when the light turned green the guy in the passenger speed hocked a loogie right in my face. you should have seen the look on his face when I pulled up next to the truck at the next light. I don’t think he anticipated that a bike could keep up with a car for even a short distance. he yelled at his buddy to go, and they blew the red light. I’ve heard of quite a few of those beer bottle incidents happening up in Harriman. Of course, folks in general are filled with road rage and are forever cutting one another off and going ceaselessly dumb shit that they would otherwise not do when not behind the wheel of a car.
Regularly focuses on the 10,000 morons living in NYC giving the other 8 million or so a bad rep.
Home of the dumb, naive, fatties….everybody has a story about some redneck guy in a truck, buzzing by you with a blow horn or luggies in the face….it is unfortunate, but why I am so disenchanted with people, and prefer to be as far away from as many of them as possible.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present: The New York City Bike Racer!!
will o’donnell’s position is at fault here
here’s the way to solve this whole mess. always allow cars in the park, but only in one lane on the outside. That way, people will realize they are walking on a road, not a pedestrian zone. And cyclists can have the entire lane of traffic on the inside. And maybe some cars will run over those annoying miniature dogs that New Yorkers seem to love so much.
Could someone please refresh my memory of what the different age groups are of horney older women chasing me? Cougars are the old ones right. Are leopards the 30-40 year olds..?
Isn’t the point of the article to create an emotional reaction that will sell magazines? Why are you guys getting fired up about this?
Cougars are 40ish divorces – everyone should know this already.
Just curious if they post those on this site
….or getting asked a dozen stupid questions about the Tour because you’re the “biker guy” at the office
This thread is actually getting pretty damn funny. Its more fun to slam rednecks, cougars and lame reporters than just each other. Not that we cant slam each other. If we didnt, wed be Tri guys, right?
The Cyclist’s Lugee Mask
Face shields arent just for motorcyclists anymore. Perfect for those CT riders dealing with bitter pickup truck drivers.
Lady rolls up to me as I am riding on the side of the road, slowing into a red light with 6 cars stopped in front of me, she honks…I break, she stops and puts herself into 7th position at teh light, she is fat, pale, smoking a butt, and she goes…i go, what, why are you beeping….”You are in teh road, use teh sidewalk”….”No sh&^ I am in teh road lady, that is where you fing bike, what are the two words that make up sidewalk, side and walk, you fing walk on a sidewalk you stupid bitch.”
that was the incorrect response. correct response is “it’s illegal to ride on the sidewalk, i’m right where i’m supposed to be. you fat fucking whore.”
Well for starters, how about cops ticket pedicabs going the wrong way in the middle of the road in the busiest sections of the park? Then stand at crosswalks, and ticket people jaywalking against the light in front of oncoming cyclists. Then ticket all the douches that think its appropriate to ride backwards in the park and give you rude looks like you’re in the wrong. Then, ticket the cyclists that buzz a ped in the cross walk. I promise you, we’d get the fewest tickets.
I think some reporters should follow cyclists around for a week and see the straight up aggression from EVERYONE else in the city. Too bad we are the only ones not making it dirtier.
in 26 days!!!!!!!! weeeeeeee
Running a red in CP – $200. and you must appear in court. It is a criminal misdemeanor, not a traffic violation.
That’s smart!
Has anyone here ever attempted to use a bike lane? Good lord what a recipe for disaster. Every other block the lanes are jammed with double parked cabbies, UPS trucks, and Mr. Softy trucks(um, JFT…). It is like the driving hazzards video from drivers ed class. Then we have the DOT Commissioner telling us she wants to put more bike lanes in NYC to make it more commuter friedly. It is safest to just ride with traffic like every other vehicle on the road.
lol- on “inncorrect response”
pez cycling has put together for you to explain why I don’t talk to you.
Sarah is getting some hate on Gawker:
I’ve had enough of sara chubb.
is she nationally ranked in last place?
The safest way to ride in traffic is right in the middle. When I got my mountain bike I read that in the manual…It really works also, I move much faster and there are no double parked or turning cars.
I got a ticket in CP for running a red light. There were no cars in the park either. The police set up a red light trap. They were cool and told me that if I didn’t get another ticket in a year then it would thrwon out. My ticket was eventually thrown out but it was a hassle.
on USA cycling. Means shite!
you read your bike’s owners manual? It came with a manual? you own a mountain bike? so many things wrong with that situation.
it’s not the dog walkers fault, it’s ugli. can’t control the bike.
if they all just upgraded they’d be pro by now, and they wouldn’t even be in the park making shit worse for all of us.
Okay you little weasel, tell us about how you finally did master cornering in off-camber downhill turns with mud piles in the apex of the turn. I’m dying to hear…
She’s ridden some of the biggest races in the US.
We should all be as ambitious as she is.
Fast fast runner (in the past at least) too.
Cyclists are completely respected there. Drivers always yield and are friendly.
But love the music
is not listed on uscf results website, no license, nothing.
Hi, the very gifted Sarah goes by Sarah Chubb in her professional life and Sarah Chubb-Sauvayre otherwise. I’m sure you’ll find plenty of excellent results to suit your anonymous commenting needs….
Meanwhile, just one humble thought: I wish some folks could dedicate the energy they devote to ripping people to more constructive efforts, like the preservation of park use by cyclists. Whatever anyone feels about the story in New York magazine, it’s very obvious that we all have a public relations problem, fairly or not, and we definitely need everyone’s help in improving relationships with the community at large. There’s no sense in arguing the problem; let’s try to solve it. Sorry to be corny.
i was just curious about Sarah, but thanks for straightening me out. i am a relatively recent transplant to this community and just like learning about people who make what it is. Good riders (especially women, who get so little respect) deserve all the credit that they’ve earned by working hard.
Jason speaks the truth. I add that its incumbant on all of us to speak to cyclists in CP that behave badly. Even if they go crazy and yell at us, basically as a NY defense mechanism, they will still get the message and feel chastised once its all over. They might just think twice the next time they go to buzz a crossing pedestrian, and this might in the end keep park racing a viable option. Dont be total dicks about it. Just politely tell them what they did is disrespectful and dangerous and illegal if the light was red. Then back off and ignore rude replies. I do this and sometimes jet ahead, and sometimes stop for a minute to get some separation and avoid a conflict.
about chastising the reckless, is that it demonstrates that not all cyclists are like that, and that some of us care about sharing the park
I totally went off on the guy I saw crash down two other women (mentioned far below) about how we can’t ride fast when the park is crowded and shouldn’t buzz people. He may have gotten the message. I hope some of the crowd around us did.
Otherwise you’d know that you’re supposed to tell Jason to go eff himself, that Sarah is overrated and that Ugli crashes a lot. Now make fun of a triathlete, throw out an unfounded doping rumour, and please don’t ever apologize again. Sheesh.
She is way cuter than that – you guys are brutal!!!
I mastered off-camber, downhill, hi-speed cornering in the mud by racing lots of cyclocross. You should try it. After a while you get used to a little “Tokyo Drift” action. I hit that mud patch too on Saturday. Bike got a little loose, no drama.
Was that whole new york mag article just an attempt by nyvelocity to get some pr no matter how negative for cycling? You’ve dragged down this community by encouraging snarky behavior on this site and now you’re trying to smear us to the whole city.
I didn’t think anyone would find out that we control New York Magazine! But did you know we also control Highlights magazine? Now do as we say or Goofus gets it!
Where are the pics at?
Where are the white women at?
UGLY is way faster than you, and likely did not have his cross tires mounted last saturday. I’ve won a few cross races.
one doesn’t need to master off-camber, downhill, hi-speed cornering to have avoided creating that crash. just don’t ride directly into an oily/muddy glob sitting in the middle of the road.
I’d punch you guys in the gut everytime I see you. Arguing about a crash and other trivial matters. What a bunch of dweebs.
Nice Dan. Full Control.
I like the Foundation hate. (Actually all the hate, there’s lots! Dogs, cats, whatever, they all HATE.) The problem is Inson is a still a scary Ive League evil super-genuis that rules the outside world.
Ugli still can’t ride & cat 4’s are worse, move on.
Lets bag the subteams and get the night ride working again full bore!
lets go anonymous. Like this posting. Who’s to know??
Bicycling mag had a good article….It sounds like most of us would like it in Holland. Anyhow, the article is about good biking cities, and facts like 40K commuters in cars takes up 12 lanes while 40K on a bike equivalent distance and time takes up 1 lane, then it hits the obesity issue, hits the issue that if 10% of people commuted by bike we would need no more foreign oil, i mean the stats are disturbing.
For me it seems like every single one of us should be helping, embracing, encouraging the average joes to hop on basic bikes….so that this country gets more bike friendly and we have a better world to throw on our spandex and throw down on our carbon rides.
Anyhow – good article.
Cadence Tuesday Night Race Series
June 21, 2008
Brooklyn NY
Pro / 1-2-3
54 starters
1. Edwin Morel (Gotham/TOGA)
2. Euris Rafael (Caico)
3. Alex Bremer (CRCA/Empire)
4. Robert Lattanzi (CRCA/Sid
Not June 21.
Too bad for the critter that met its end on CPH early Tuesday morning; appeared to have fallen from an overhanging branch…made for good bunny (racoon) hopping during sprints up past the Cat (is that a jaguar?), maybe protecting its turf?
Posts that shouldn’t be posted.
Interesting that many of the CRCA club “leaders” who disdain this site did such a good job in portraying the club as a bunch of elitist boobs who can’t get along with each other or anyone else in the New york Magaizne article. They really outdid some of the worst stuff ever on nyvelocity
Considering that it was obvious the NY Mag writer was seeking to stoke fires on an issue for which the same article could have been written in 1988, our sophisticated colleagues bit pretty hard and followed the writer’s script with impressive naivety.
workshop scheduled at the CRCA site
i just love how Insen denies paying riders for winning, when their riders have told me he does.
from the ny mag article:
i race to my dealer’s apt when i need a fix, cutting through the park to terrorize pedestrians and joggers on the way, of course.