We had a lot of races over the weekend, and the results are being tabulated right now. I’m not sure how this process works, but I can only imagine that it resembles the process for reassembling Mike Teevee in the Wonkavision Room-with particles floating aloft and petrified mothers shrieking.
I was able to personally witness some races finishing and I can report them here. At the final race of the the Spring Series, Melito “Pulla” Heredia of Innovation Bikes won the 123 race in a break over Horace Burrowes of WS United; Frank Arroyo of Pacifico won the 3/4 race; and Juan Pimental of Global Locate won the masters race.
In the final standings for the overall, Gary Steinberg of Global Locate won the overall title with his steady results and uncanny ability to rise early on weekends. Gavin Robertson of Foundation won the title for the 123 field, Miguelangel Blanco of Spin City won the title for the 3/4 field.
All other race results are still up in the Wonkavision air, so if you won or placed, please let us know, and help us reassemble this miniature, irascible child of a race weekend.
Mike Teavee
Melito “Doper” Heredia
Very disappointing to see Pulla winning races again. I wish he would go away. He’s done enough damage to this sport for one lifetime.
Going by the movie credits:
He is a racer, busted and time served, why dont you call Mike Fraysee’s boys??? Carmichael? Wenzel? Vogels? Gagioli? There are way more people involved in doping, and accomplice to, you should stop racing if you think Pulla has done anyone harm other than himself. I like his shop and he does great work.
You assume wrongly that he was the only one…or the last…get over yourself.
fuck that. no remorse, no apology, still had (has?) a big poster of himself “winning” univest in his shop. shit like what he did puts big races in a really bad light, and there aren’t many of them.
Vogel? Jeff Vogel used to dope…wow? I guess doping doesn’t neccessarily make you fast
Zane Wenzel Too ? Wow !
I don’t think el jefe is doping for races, but juices for faster NYCC rides.
Bob Marley doped, and enjoyed it.
KISSENA TRACK VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1xFLrPuPq0
I was at the race on Saturday and I have to agree with some other posters here, my first thought when I saw him winning was “doper”.
He might have a great shop, and might be a nice guy, but the racing scene would be better off without him.
Being that the race was on Sunday, I have to wonder who has a doping problem.
Pulla: it is a little weird he has the Univest poster up in his shop. Herriot also won the Univest and a shadow has been cast on him as well. But it most likely is the peak moment in his cycling career.
While I have only ridden with him a couple of times Pulla is nice guy and I guess that makes it hard for me to condem the man.
But unlike Lance, he has served his time and so he should be allowed to come back and race with out everyone picking him apart.
I thought today was Sunday. No wonder no one was in the park at 5AM except for the ladyboys. Shit, I guess I missed another interview.
-Unemployed Cat 2 ex-banker
You left off HOMOPHOBE.
Margarite, Hollenbach, and Johnson were 2nd, 4th, and 8th
Pulla has been allowed back. He is racing and as we witnessed Sunday, he can even win races.
That doesn’t mean we have to like it or welcome him with open arms.
He represents everything that is wrong with cycling.
The guy is a doper and he sucks. He will forever suck.
He is allowed to race, but that doesnt mean we all have to sit around and forget his unrepentant attitude and welcome him. Shame lasts. He can deal with it, though he appears to lack that particular sense. Nice guy or not, he is still lacking a certain honor in my book.
he stuck needles in himself to win bike races, he tested positive for HGH epo and roids
he is going to take heat for a long time. that is totally normal that he is not welcome
why not go for an interview? would make for a good human interest story–doping to win central park races…
He has TALENT. You can’t teach talent!!! Most of us don’t have that.
Yes, he made a mistake…GOT CAUGHT…and served his time…and came back to win again.
He can whip MOST of our asses even without doping. In Crits or road.
MOST of our local dopers just can’t compete at a high enough level to even get tested. He wasn`t always racing against the cleanest guys.So stop crying. Take another look in your own medicine cabinets.
NONE of your coaches can teach you TALENT!!!!
“He can whip MOST of our asses even without doping. In Crits or road.”
And yet he choose to dope. That took “talent”. Sorry, but that dude has no class. Even when he wins, Pulla will never amount to anything.
buddy – we arent talking about his natural talent. We are talking about honor and ethics. Learn the difference. It counts in life, both on the sports field and off.
i’m tired of being tired.
without doping. Big Whoop.
moralizers kind of suck too
the moralizers should go talk to this guy in person. man up, tell him how you feel instead of hiding behind wheelsuckers anonymous. otherwise, shut your pump hole and go ride your bike.
there are other more important issues worth getting into a hissy fit about, like people losing jobs, economy taking a crapper, charities on the brink, etc.
But this is where we talk about bike racing.
Moralizers won`t tell him to his face. He clearly did his time.
Doping = Drugs….ALOT of drugs are used in wealthy NYC….where many pretending-Moralizers live.
Pulla didn’t make a “mistake.” He made a conscious “decision” to cheat. There’s a difference there. He may be a talented rider, but he is also a shameless cheater. If you think Pulla doesn’t know who is against him, just ask him how many guys work with him in breaks or bridge moves.
I’ve beaten Pulla too: we were both racing for the toilet at the Runcible spoon just after the coffee and bran muffin kicked in. I took it by a hair and I was grateful for it.
oh my goodness, no help in a bridge or a break! what an outrage! what’s an ex-offender to do? oh that’s right, he beat them anyway.
you are correct…he did know what he was doing.
Anyways…Very few riders work in breaks because 95% of the NYC fields believe that they’re super spinters. including me.
LA gives out his email addy by mistake…
yeah, uh, the whole point here is that there’s more to the sport than winning.
I`m having a team called Prospect-Central Wheelsuckers next year.
That way we’ll win all the races…and beat Pulla.
Frankly, I don’t see a whole lot in him since his return. Last weekend he couldn’t hold a Master’s wheel in CP and was apologizing to the other rider (I know, I spoke to him).
He uses the one-day stuff readily and cheaply available through Dominican resellers here in the city. Easily explains the pack-fodder-to- winner racing. Like last year in New Britain – nothing all year, then manages to get away solo from 20 man group and win by 30 seconds. No testing, $1500 prize…you do the math.
talent has nothing to do with bike racing, that’s the wrong word…
you don’t need talent to win a bike race
talent isn’t trained, and thus doesn’t play a role in winning a race.
dedication, strength, and motivation are all important.
nobody wins a race by having talent, they win races because they’ve trained forever and are extremely motivated. talent is the wrong word.
hahhah yeah that new britain crit was some BUUULLLSHIIIIIT
talk to a-rod’s cousin, he’ll hook you up.
“talent isn’t trained, and thus doesn’t play a role in winning a race.”
that’s some pretty bad logic, right there.
you don’t need to go to a-rods cousin…too hard to reach…just go to wall st
just go to any ivy league school
None of you know anything about what happened and y’all just make up stories based on stories and assumptions and pretend to know something. You beg, threaten, push for him to tell the story…what, so YOU can feel better? He has no obligation to make you feel better about your own shortcomings and the fact that you cannot win a race. So, keep making up stories if that helps you with your issues and continue to b**ch about something three years old…I’m sure it will make you a better rider….
Troll. I call BS on below.
and don’t have the balls to ever say anything to someone’s face. I have no respect for you…
or is thast intended irony?
People take a lot of EPO and steroids in Ivy League schools…? Huh? What doesn’t add up here.
If you want doping products, go to a state school. Tons of ‘roid use in the gyms there.
On the UCI site
violations > 2006
page 3 of the PDF:
25.05.2006 Melito Heredia Dominican Republic DOM19700613 EPO IC 17.09.2005 Disqualification and
Ineligibility – 2 years 25.05.2006 – 24.05.2008
Mr Heredia was not forthcoming with additional information last year when I asked him on behalf of the CRCA, so this sanction has to speak for itself. Mr “Fools” and Mr “Full of Sh*t” did not sign their names: BS indeed.
Ken Harris
you ARE an idiot making assumptions from what you see, as not all is black and white and YOU of all people should get that…..the hate you continue to display does not make you look pretty
For those who care about the racing that occurred over the weekend, this dude had a helmet cam during the Ephrata crit:
Also has some Battenkill video on his site. Dope!
wtf are you talking about? he posts a link to a factual document and desribes a converstation he actually had and you call that hate? hard doseof truth is wh it is.
dexatrim vs http://www.supersizedcycles.com/bikes?gclid=CPPixqDkkZoCFUpM5QodezikFg
How high and mighty whitey of you. Do you tell your banker buddies the same about how the ecomony has been damaged?
Leave it alone, it doesn’t matter.
Harlem, Roach Racing…enough said…
USA Cycling is chock full of dopers and enablers.
Nobody is innocent. At least Pulla served his suspension without crying foul (Floyd, Tyler)…
Excuse me now while I take a 20 minute shower…
Why do you have a problem with Ken? He just posted a link and some information. There wasn’t a lot of editorializing there.
I suppose the presumption of editorializing is on the part of CRCA demanding more information, when according to USAC he served his time.
Ken is a successful racer and he has the balls to post his name. Till you can post your name up here about a real subject, in this instance it is about a cheater, then keep your weak hating to your self.
Pulla is a nice guy, but he cheated and till he comes clean about he will always be branded a cheat.
I dont put my name up here because my results suck for 20 years of bike racing and I dont want you guys to know I take this seriously.
If I had half of Ken’s results I would post my name up here. But the best I can do is finish the rocket ride in the first group. Which is nothing to brag about.
And for the dumbass who made the comments about wall street and the Ivy league schools- tell us something we dont know! Cheaters are all around.
He did win a few CRCA open races (Mengoni and Bear Mountain), during the year he tested positive.
I ride my bike because I love it and I’ve found a great deal of success in sport with only desire, time, and commitment. I don’t always win, but I do what I do…dive, run, ride…whatever it has been, because I love the moment. A win was just a bonus. What others choose to do is theirs to deal with, but they cannot take my moment. It may sound hokey, but if winning was my only motivation I’d be a very unhappy camper.
Why would you defend a cheat? He cheated us locally- These are people he raced with and against on a weekly basis.
End of discussion.
He can come back and race (some suspect results for sure) but don’t defend the actions of someone who cheated. There is no moral defense to it (ie self defense).
It is what it is.
Pulla cheated.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just congratulate the winners of their respective series yesterday? Plenty of guys and gals raced in Ephrata, Prospect and Kissena to great results without as much as a slight mention. Meanwhile the discourse on the site degenerates into a name-calling pissing contest because of one rider’s regrettable past, his personal choices in handling the issue, and other people’s assumptions about what the truth is (the truth is widely available online, anyway–as ken points out). I understand that many people feel betrayed by the actions of riders who chose to cheat and win. These negative emotions return in force when said rider returns to racing and wins without the slightest suggestion of remorse or regret for their past mistakes or choices or transgressions. But, can’t we just move on without the sniping? That being said, there are plenty of people racing well and working hard who get no mention because this nonsense casts a shadow over everything.
Ken H makes a good and valid point, and I applaud his courage for signing his name. This man-child responder with his ethical black hole of a character and reverse racist BS comments is a dirt bag, plain and simple. His comments suggest he is likely a DR or other latino rider just defending his buddy reflexively, but does so with no class, no point, and no basis. I actually feel sorry for him, as he clearly has had no mentoring in character building. Too bad we have people like that among us, harboring thinly veiled racism and championing “the win” over all else.
Ken is a good leader and an upstanding character who does us all proud.
I hate it when people talk like going to bike races is a right people have in the way that breathing is a right. Pulla served his suspension and is “entitled” to come back and do what he wants in the races? Give me a break – racing is a privilege and Pulla abused it. For the rest of it, it represents something pure that we can go and do on weekends and feel good about, but with Pulla there, it just feels dirty. Makes me want to take a 20 minute shower with Ken or something. If he still has the poster up at the shop, that’s just further testament to the fact that he doesn’t care about what he’s done. If it was me, I would draw some pointy devil ears on the poster and a really small pair of balls.
it’s been a busy day here at work.
What’s everyone talking about?
Wow, accusing someone of “thinly veiled racism” and then calling someone a “likely a DR or other latino” and talking about the lack of “mentoring” (code for no daddy). Get in the shame line.
Stuff like that has absolutely no place on this web site, you’re no better than those you’re critiquing.
And, oh, you earned it: Your an idot.
as in no gray….not a racist comment
My Hincapie jeans are giving me visible thong lines
When Pulla attacks now he does not hold off an entire pro team for 50 k to take an NRC win
i do not se him winnign univest , bear, and mt holly with his “Talent” unless his “Talent” involves a needle
Weekend results:
Evie Stevens did a 24:30 in the Ephrata TT, without near the aero equipment of her male counterparts.
She beat all the 55+, all but two 45+, all but two 35+, all the 4/5’s, and all the 4’s.
The previous best Women’s time was set by Kim Geist in 2006 at 26:53 and Kim is out current US Individual Pursuit Champion.
USAC needs call Evie up to the National Team immediately, so that she can continue her development.
someone please tell me who that astana-kitted guy is?
and how did this guy get away with the old backhand shift maneuver on bezdek?
backhanded shift: awesome. haven’t seen that in awhile…
Evie is awesome and a really nice person but there is no point in comparing TT times from a few years back when conditions may have been different.
But I agree: I hope my USA cycling dollars go to her and help her get some real support.
you f-ing moron… doping IS black and white. you do it, or you don’t. there are no bullshit sob stories, nobody cares why you did, nobody feels bad for you
you doped. straight up and down. black and white.
so shut the hell up.
Actually, two Cat 4 men had better times.
Sandbaggers, I’m sure.
is that the time of your post or your age? such a rant could only be possible by an angry, inexperienced loser
tell me….what’s really bothering you. I know a great psychotherapist to help you with your mother.
Evie posted a better solo TT than most of the Men’s p/1/2 Team TT times. Same course.
Well done Evelyn
Calm down with the accolades. It’s Monday and it’s time for anonymously tearing one another new assholes.
the ephrata results page is giving me a headache
Damn near beat Peppo the Battenkiller, newly minted as a 2.
careful…”psycho-therapists” could be dopers too…
Congrats Evie!
doping is cheating, except everyone cheats. If your not cheating you are not trying…
I can buy carbons everything, but a little blood for $50, and everyone gets on their high horse.
Why not make a toeclips and wooden wheels league?
Remember “Aero” levers?
adler was racing a TTT. evie was racing alone.
17:11, speak for yourself – especially when what you say is false. Many people do care why others dope and how they feel.
Ken, don’t you have the right to disqualify people from CRCA? You follow USCF/UCI rules but you also follow CRCA rules which can be a lifetime ban for those who are not wanted.
pulla is not in the crca, you’ll notice…
But CRCA has Signature, SBR and Terrier to make up for it!
Duus Saeshil
should then be enough for you to leave him alone
So much local positive stuff. Evie may end up being the best rider ever to pass through CRCA and won again this week. Ann Marie may be the best over ?? (can’t give a women’s age) rider in the world and won Quabbin.
Harping on Pulla and going after Lance, while some of Andy and Schmalz’ stuff has been interesting and well done, it’s so negative. I’m beginning to wonder what’s the point.
Besides blood doping first became big in the 70’s. No one’s ever going to sort out who was doping and who wasn’t. The 70’s is even before Lemond, blood doping first got notice with Lasse Viren in the 72 and 76 Olympics. At least Mercyx was clear of that but no one thought anything about popping uppers during that time.
For Godsakes even Willie Mays was known to keep a special bottle of green liquid energy stuff around, Who cares and it invalidates nothing.
taking epo. Dude got caught.
Most of us on the local scene don’t like the idea of it.
Dude comes back and wins a race.
Hard not to think about dudes violation of the rules.
“Doping invalidates nothing” ?? Is that a double negative? Are you are saying that doping validates everything? Or, are you trying to make the case that its ok to dope because everyone is doing/does it? He won and cheated, but because he’s served his time, the fact that he damaged his own reputation should be ignored forever and the cheating didn’t matter because everybody cheats? Brilliant logic.
People crucified Tyler Hamilton on here- are their “good” dopers and “bad” dopers? East German women with beards “bad” – bike racers who serve suspensions and come back “good”??
Yeah! Dude. Let’s get him. Dude Dude
people doing things they’re not allowed to do
ride in the joggers lane
cross a yellow line
take your hands off the bars
you all violate the rules
one thing is clear, people would rather bitch about pulla and this meta doping argument crap, than talk about the other stuff that happened this weekend. what does that say? what does that validate?
he beat 52 minutes, or whatever, without even eating meat or drinking milk!! that invalidates my whole food pyramid upbringing.
how Jesus was crucified
That a bunch of the NY Velocity cat 5s went up to Quabbin and raced out of town instead of doing another park race. Maybe they actually get a kick of of racing just for the sport of it…
What’s cooler is they all drove up in their own BMWs.
Evie and all of Radical Media, sooo tubular!!!
Colin and all of Sanchez/Houlihan, yeah brah!!!
step it up in your training boys and girls, the “real” racing is about to begin!!!
Jumpin’ Jiminy and BearClaw Predictions?
Somerville and Harlem???
Woo hoo!!!
TRL Rules!!!
Carson McDreamie
Interesting the read the original NYVelocity thread about Pulla winning Univest. https://nyvelocity.com/content/race-results/2005/univest-grand-prix
So I guess no one wants to talk about the crash in the sprint of the 4s race that took down a jogger? No one wants to vent about idiots sprinting for 20th place? No one wants to fret that we’ll be banned from Prospect Park? This place has gone to shit.
Hope the jogger’s okay.
Class move from some jerk-off on the Wendy’s team (#527 if I remember) in the A race. Dude advanced up the jogger’s lane in the final 150 meters, probably managed to take himself from 40th to 30th with that blistering turn of speed.
Nice job champ, you and your team spent the entire race at the back, except when you did some gay-ass aero tuck on the ‘downhill’ to move up five spots every lap and then you decide to sprint for ‘not last’ in the jogger’s lane?
what the fuck is the wendy’s team. that’s why i don’t race stupid open park races. you have retarded teams coming out of the woodwork with no accountability whatsoever.
who are these people and who lets them race bikes?
No quite a stupid park team. They’re from South Jersey
Metra/Wendy’s presented by Victor Homes
Jason Snow races for them.
That be them…white shorts. The jit move up the jogger’s lane infuriated me, particularly as it was just blatant, not doing it for safety or any other quasi-justifiable reason. Unless he really, really thought that it would help him pass the 30 guys between him and the finish.
Oh and BTW square hamburgers?
Dude was sprinting for a baconator and a large frosty post-race for best team finish.
The Cadence Tuesday Night Race Series at Brooklyn’s Floyd Bennett Field stats a week from today – next Tuesday, May 5.
UPDATE: Sprint Competition Added To Cadence Tuesday Night Race Series
More info at: http://www.customcyclewear.com/fbfsprint.htm
Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena Cycling Club
Thanks a lot Charlie and to the whole crew who puts the races on.
ok, not trying to be all CRCA-ist but when i look at the park race photos i’m kind of bewildered by all these weird teams. it seems like some of them exist just to race in prospect park
Yo cock-ass! The CRCA isn’t the only cycling entity in the world. Those dudes drive in from hell at ungodly hours to make our races more interesting. Maybe there are no park races where they’re from..
Don’t hate, participate!
i pre-empted my comment by saying i’m not trying to be that way, i just had never heard of the team. but thanks for posting.
these guys drive from south jersey at an ungodly hour to try and sprint in the joggers lane. fuck them and fuck you!
there is also an anti crca bias because the races are closed, and open only to members. a lot of guys can’t, or don’t like to marshal in order to participate. if you are in manhattan it’s no big deal. if you live further out, i can understand the imposition.
No! You’re the cock-ass remember?
so are you saying there is a cock IN my ass, or where my ass SHOULD be, there is a cock? and then what is in place of my cock on the front end?
just trying to sort this all out. also please keep defending stupid racers.
Because CRCA members have raced in Central Park dozens of times, we know the course by heart, and we know the consequences if we break the rules. Out of town racers are welcome, of course. But they are not going to be familiar with the parks, and frankly what do they care if racing is suspended in one of the parks because someone crashed into a pedestrian in the recreation lane? They don’t rely on Central and Prospect Park for local affordable racing.
What is the best way to get to the FBF races from Manhattan? Is it an epic trek on the bike or an ok ride?
is a great ride if you like a nice warmup and know a good route. I wouldn’t take Flatbush unless you have traffic skills.
If you’re not a cat 5, ride from Manhattan to Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn no later than 6p. Big group meets there to ride together to FBF.
Thanks! So Grand Army by 6 and then I can get towed out there. I won’t ask how to get to Grand Army…I’m hopeful I can figure that one out by myself.
What happened with the crash in the prospect 1/2/3 field on the last lap? Someone (I think it was a blue ribbon rider) skidded into the barrel barriers at the turn following the downhill. Took out multiple barrels and NAILED the marshal who was standing on that corner. Anyone get hurt?
I think you answered your own question..
No the question was if anyone ended up hurt or in the hospital. The marshall got hit square by the rider who going at least 25mph. Not casting blame as its a bad turn and there was sand on the road. Worst crash I’ve seen which didn’t involve the sound of breaking carbon or grinding skin on pavement. I’m curious because it was the type of situation where everyone might have walked away or carted off to the hospital – more CASCAR than bike racing and a little different than your standard broken collar bone stuff.
This year, there are an inordinant amount of 5:45 a.m. start times. I am not sure who decided on this. However, this has not historically been the case. Here are some reasons not to have a 5:45 start:
1. Excludes riders who do not live in Manhattan due to additional commute time.
2. Increases likelihood of crashes because riders are both more sleep deprived and are riding longer distances — many of these races are points races.
3. Makes it harder to get a full group of marshals, making the course more dangerous.
4. As fields get shattered, there will be riders all over the mark, many of which will not have motos. This will be dangerous.
The CRCA leadership needs to have some historical perspective. Kyoo Min started the craze of longer races in the spring…these made reasonable sense. However, the current schedule seems to be set by guys who don’t have a clue.
Just my 2 cents. Interested in opinions.
i can’t believe you wrote such a long post about the difference b/w 6am and 5:45am start times.
You must be a noob..
check past schedules…we must be out of the park by about 8:30.
who wants to race for 3 laps in the midseason??!
Looks like it did move back:
`07 Schedule:
June 16 Sat 6:00, 6 laps
June 23 Sat 5:45, 8 laps
June 30 Sat 5:45, 8 laps
July 7 Sat 6:00, Maltese
July 14 Sat 6:00, 7 laps
July 21 Sat 6:00, 7 laps
July 28 Sat 6:00, 7 laps
July 29 Sun 6:00, 7 laps
Not sure if he’s a noob…actually seems to have a point.
2,3,4 are red herrings. agree w/ 1. time is all relative. 15 minutes at 5:45am is worth about an 1.5 hours of afternoon time
is when registration opens. the race starts at 6:30.
not registration time. Wow, that’s crazy early. Nope, not doing any of those from Brooklyn. Thanks, CRCA.
where can i drop the kids off at the pool at that ungodly hour?
Sat, June 19 6:00am Individual Time Trial (2 laps)
Sat, June 26 6:00am A (7, Team Cup), B/C (6), Women’s clinic
Sat, July 10 Lou Maltese Memorial (USCF race)
Sun, July 18 6:00am A (7), B (6, Points Race, Team Challenge), C (5, Points Race)
Sat, July 24 6:00am 2-Person Time Trial (3-laps, Team Cup/Team Challenge)
Sat, July 31 6:00am A (6), B (7, Team Challenge), Women-3/4 (5), Men’s Clinic
Sun, Aug 8 6:00am A (7, Team Cup), B/C (6), Women (5, Team Cup)
stay in bed then
Everybody walked away fine from that crash in the 1/2/3 — but whoever swerved over forced Tadeusz, who was the series leader at that point, into the barrels and out of the race.