Firstly, at the CRCA Club race, Karl Roesler of Die Hard – Think Racing won the A race in a field sprint. Greg Waggoner of Sid’s – Cannondale won the B race. Matthew Vandivort of NYVelocity won the C race. Cecelia Pleva of radical Media won the women’s race. Results are here.
At Branchbrook, Melito Heredia of Innovation Bike won the 123 race. Maurice Gamanho won the master’s 35-99 race. Gerry Martinez of the CRCA won the master’s 45-99 race. Jason Bruner of Pure Energy Racing won the first cat 4/5 race, and Nicholas David of Propeller Racing won the second cat 4/5 race. Full results are here.
At the Brooklyn Spring Series at Floyd Bennett Field, Dan Zmolik of AXA Equities won the pro 123 race. Leznek Sniadowski of Organic Athlete won the cat 4 race from a small break. Dennis Schmandter of GBSC won the masters 40+ race. Rod Millot of CRCA won the cat 5 race. Results are in the comments here (scroll down).
The Johnny Cakes Race was also Saturday, but there are no results posted as of this writing.
At Sunday’s Spring Series race at Prospect Park—judging by this picture it seems like Ricky Lowe of Die Hard – Think Racing won the pro 123 race—or he’s about to demonstrate a terrifically funky dance move. Other results expected from the Spring Series Twitter page.
At Bethel, Connor Sallee of Echappe Equipment won the pro 123 race. Ann Marie Miller of Houlihan-Lokey/Sanchez won the women’s race. Akira Sato of EXPO/Superior Energy won the 3/4 race. Joseph Regan of IRSMedic.com/Berlin Bicycle/Best Cleaners/ most sponsor names ever won the master’s 45+ race. Paul LeStage of Taramac Cycling won the cat 4 race. Sam Rosenholtz of Green Line Velo won the first cat 5 race, and Edinilson Da Silva of Navone Studios won the second cat 5 race. Results are here.
Finally on Sunday, Evelyn Stevens of HTC-Columbia, (formerly radical Media) won the Redlands Finale. Story here.
first idiot
crca photos? pleeeease?
saturday floyd pics are on the organic site
i love gina
connor sallee won? damn
There must be two Karl Roeslers that race bikes.
how so?
Pics of the CP B race might show several nyvelocity riders using the rec lane to
move up and regroup as a rule, and not an exception.
The Diehard Guy winning that race does not look like the same Karl Roesler that rode for DC Racing and then Affinity. I am probably wrong though.
that is a picture of ricky lowe, dude, he won on sunday. karl won crca on saturday. they are both on the same team.
yeah funny, until we get kicked out of the park as a result
Is it on this year?
of Evie’s win
Any pics from Branch Brook besides Don Madson?
Wow, impressive. She is living the life we all fantasize about while shivering out of control at 5 am
Barry follows Flecha on the Flanders cobbles.
from Prospect
Multiple “Team Brauer” (aka Sony aka Global Locate) lane violations…just saying…
treat that double white line as a CURB!!! same for the cones…dont go there!!!
and NYVC also caused a crash by grabbing their brakes way too hard that broke some bones on Saturday…
If you are talking about the crash in the C field at the finish line, I was standing at the finish line and it happened right in front of me and it was not caused by a NYVC rider. It appeared to me that the rider in front caught his right clip on the curb (someone standing beside me thought he blacked out) and went over taking the NYVC rider behind him out.
is it official – no crca pics from this past weekend?
The NYVC guys were irritating. Paying more attention to computers than hazards such as the free standing pedestrian signs, causing sudden swerves. Routinely using the joggers lane to their advantage. Also, yelling, “up, up up” but not chasing.
The NYVC rider was pushed into the sign by another racer….he could have held his line but moved over and just nicked the sign with his left knee
van dunk has to lose the cones. to many of them.
what does van dunk have to do wit a crash at a CRCA race?
No one said anything about van dunk causing a crash. Just that there are too many cones.
…from FBF here: http://bit.ly/9cL4EJ
Who crashed?
Bear is out and back without the Tiorati climb. This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. What are they going to do with cars on the course?
It doesn’t sound like a lot of thought was put into this decision.
more fields and both sides of road? what happens with three or four fields collide (one catches another, plus oncoming)?
contingency plans? how are cars going to get around the park?
that is really, really bad. so, after 80 or 100 miles or something on a boring course (out and back, no climbs!?) that will probably not reduce the field very much, the race will very likely come down to the finishing climb, and obviously, positioning going into the climb is important… and the brilliant idea is to have the race to the foot of the finishing climb take place going down a 55 mph descent and into a very tight 180 degree hairpin? that is really stupid.
the climbs are the Lake Welch “old feed zone” (last year’s finish line climb) and the return back up from the 180 degree turn at the bottom of the long fast descent…instead of going up Tiroati, you go right back up the “Steep”…there will be no field after 2 laps max…it will be a death march!!!
CRCA has made some bad decisions over the years, but this one is the worst. I do that race every year, but won’t be involved in this one. If CRCA was limited to this course, they should have made it a TT.
I don’t get it, is Tiorati currently closed to cars?
Do us a favor keep to Prospect Park.
CRCA has no choice……Tiorati is F*d up from the sh*tty winter. Its this course or no road race.
The elevation gain overall is about the same its just a steeper climb over a shorter distance back up to Lake Welch parking lot.
The turnaround is exactly the same. You will take the left of the fork and climb back up……and get dropped if u show.
Now go cry about it.
Because of structural damage to bridges on Tirorati Brook Road, the Palisades Parks Commission will not let the race go up Tiorati Brook Road
Still doesn’t say whether that road is currently closed to cars.
yes, new course is harder. thanks for stating the obvious. for someone that seems to know better, you can explain the safety of having fields on both sides of the course.
where are cars going to go? i can state the obvious that the course will NOT be closed to cars and there will be scores of excitable squids off the back of each field pretending to race.
here is another obvious point…there is a better race to do that day. Iron ITT in New Paltz. might be too obvious for a hack.
They ran the state championships on that course back in 92 or 93. It didn’t go down the hill to the hair pin though. I suspect the climb will really break the fields up, but a big group going down that hill into the hair pin to set up for the finish climb might be a sight to behold. You tube moments a plenty.
ah…so that was the course i did in 94 (as a junior), a week or two after classic Bear. was a nice course and fields were very small (~5 riders in my race).
issue now is going to the base of Tiorati and there will be a lot more than 5 riders in each field.
could have been 94, yeah. When you get this old specific years start to have less meaning.
Was out at riding the (old) course this past weekend. The top part of Tiorati (up by the lake) is closed to cars, and is honestly somewhat jacked.
They could probably just patch over some of the big potholes, but it looks like they probably have some re-paving planned instead.
Also, it’s unclear this race will even have a 4 field, so I’m guessing most of the complaining in this comments section is pointless anyway.
Ugh, whats with all the finishing climbs? Seriously, give us fat guys a chance!
i’m psyched about bear being a pro/1 now. that makes it totally more awesome!
the course is the course. don’t do it if you think its unsafe. now go cry about it.
Field at Bear. You mean that I’ve been doing all this training for nothing! nothing!
Why don’t you check the Bikereg page before you complain about no cat 4 fields?
what a bunch of crybabies. do you go wee wee in your pants when someone says the word “battenkill” too? do you get fetal, start sucking your thumb, rock back & forth and go to the happy place while watching paree roobay?
My bad I meant to type ‘4/5 field’. Of course there’s a 4 field.
Hey No One is going to go pro after doing Bear in the Cat 4s so save your entrance fee and take Mommy to the Diner for Mother’s Day.
I know i’m never going pro, but I love racing, there are other reasons to do it. by your logic, why should 95% of us ever line up?
Mother’s Day is May 9th
be sure to get her one of these:
Tuesday night Floyd start?
May 4th?
FBF starts May 4
Go tell that to the NYAC guy involved in the Johnny Cakes crash.
CRCA made a sh*tty course with this Bear Mnt, period. See, I just had an opinion and I’m taking my entry to New Paltz.
Will Mike Green and the Adler guys come get me for disagreeing with their decision? I’m scared.
CRCA has competition that weekend, so get over it. We don’t have to do Bear. You want us to pay more for the privilege of riding a worse course.
Maybe NYSBRA has something to answer for in permitting races like this.
Jury is still out on Battenkill. Over 2000 riders on course, with yellow line. Hope someone is lighting candles for them.
Cambridge, NY – Organizers of the 2010 Tour of the Battenkill are proud to announce that Vancouver Olympic Gold Medalist Billy Demong will be a guest of the April event in Cambridge, NY. Demong, a native of Vermontville, NY won the gold medal in the Nordic Combined large hill competition and silver in the team competition along with teammates Johnny Spillane, Todd Lodwick, and Brett Camerotta. Demong’s gold – the first ever in the event for the US – also capped an historic Olympic Games for the US team as they captured the first ever medals by an American team in Nordic Combined. Before Vancouver, only 2 US athletes – Bill Koch’s silver in cross country skiing in 1976 and Anders Haugen’s bronze in ski jumping in 1924 – had ever won Olympic medals in any Nordic event (biathlon, ski jumping, Nordic combined and cross-country skiing). Demong was selected to be the USA flag-bearer for the closing ceremonies.
Beginning on Saturday, April 17, Demong will ride the Tour of the Battenkill Ride2Recovery CycleFest non-competitive ride on the course at 9 AM. The Ride2Recovery CycleFest is a benefit ride for wounded & disabled war veterans and will be held the day before the professional invitational scheduled for Sunday, April 18 at 11 AM, where 22 teams from around the world will compete over 2 laps on the difficult, 62 mile course in Washington County, NY. Though he will not be competing in the race, Demong will also be present during the start of the professional invitational on Sunday to help kick off the international event. Demong is also an elite-level road cyclist and has competed in several national-level cycling events including the Tour of Utah, Tour of the Gila, and the Sea Otter Classic.
The 2010 Tour of the Battenkill, presented by Pepsi will be held over two weekends in April: the Pro/Am on Saturday, April 10; the Ride2Recovery CycleFest on Saturday, April 17, and the Professional Invitational on Sunday, April 18. The Pro/Am race on the 17th is the largest road race in North America and expects more than 2,000 riders in 25 different categories competing over the rugged 62 mile course in Washington County’s scenic Battenkill Valley. The Ride2Recovery CycleFest program is produced by the Fitness Challenge Foundation (501C3) in partnership with the Military and VA Volunteer Service Office. 500 recreational riders are expected for the Ride2Recovery CycleFest. The Professional Invitational will feature 22 teams and 200 professional and elite riders from North America, Europe, and Australia competing over a 124 mile course that features 25% dirt roads. All events start and finish in Cambridge, NY where a race expo will provide entertainment, food, sports & fitness vendors at various locations in Cambridge and nearby Greenwich. A live race video broadcast is also planned for the Professional Invitational.
There’s always options. Fawn Grove is also the same day as the Harriman race and there’s always a crit in New Jersey. There’s one down near cherry hill that weekend.
Best april fools story in long time!
got me with that goofy ‘New Bear Course’ story that you put up on the website. Cagey on your part by sending it out a few days early.
Good one, fellas.
The altered Bear course is actually a good course. It would make a great race if the uphill finish is used or if the usual finish is used. Not great to have fields pass in opposite direction but if a single field was on the course at a time it would be great.
bikereg page now has a P12 field instead of P1 and a separate cat-2. What’s the story?
because Adler can’t have their own Cat2 race….so they are actually going to have to ride a smart P1/2 race.
Oy, give it a rest
Bear has never had a Cat 2 only field. What does Adler have to do with it?
if you have to ask…