Name: Corey Morenz
Category: 3 Road
Race Age: 31
Current team: CRCA/Health Warrior p/b RK&O
Day Job: Healthcare Actuary
How you got into cycling: I figured it was the best way to win the quad-off. In addition, my parents had both been into cycling for years. I was in college at this point and hadnt been on a bike much since I was a kid. One summer while watching the tour de france I was inspired and asked my dad to borrow his old 1970s Motobecane. I took it for a spin to the next town over where one of my friends worked at a local deli/ice cream parlor to bum a free ice cream cone. From there the beautiful relationship between cycling to eat and eating to cycle was born. Being able to ride with the old man was also a plus.
How you got into racing: While doing a summer internship I started participating in weekly Tuesday night group rides out of Manchester, CT. I remember being amazed the first time we averaged 20mph… from there I was hooked on the rush and competitive nature of riding fast in a group. Soon riding with even the fastest 40-something friends wasn’t enough, so i bought a one day license and entered a local race. I dropped my chain on the first climb and finished mid-pack, but it didn’t matter – I was hooked.
Favorite local course and why: I think the time of the day and the company are just as important as the course, so my ideal ride is an early morning river road ride on a weekday with friends/teammates. Riding river road during the week makes you feel like an overachiever compared to doing Central Park loops and no one is egging you on to ride further to Nyack or Bear like on the weekends. The vibe of the ride is so different based on the sunrise, the weather, season and what type of riders you are with. Having an excuse to drink even more coffee and eat poptarts and pastries for breakfast is also a plus. I had a coworker ask me once why I was always so happy and smiley on Wednesdaymornings (the day I typically do this ride) when I got into the office. Once I explained the ride to him, he totally understood even though he wasn’t a cyclist.
Greatest achievement racing: Taking a victory lap with my team mates after soloing away for the win with two laps to go in the Cat 3 Orchard Beach field, then watching my teammate Roger Parmelee win the field sprint to put us first and second on the day. My only regret is I forgot to throw a double bicep flex after… or rip my jersey off… Now if only I could win another race.
Worst memory of a race: Quabbin Reservoir road race, 2011 (or 2010? I’ve barred the memory from my mind as well as I could). First time riding on carbon wheels and worst weather possible. It was pouring rain at the start and about 33 degrees (just warm enough so it didn’t snow. We wished it would just snow). We had a two mile neutral descent to start the race and there were at least half a dozen times where I didn’t think my brakes were going to work in time and I would crash into the guy in front of me. In some ways I wish I had – instead I suffered through 10 miles of racing until my hands were numb and then really not being able to break. I did a u-turn at that point and road back to the race start where I sat in my car with the heat blasting until feeling returned.
Goals/Aspirations: I’ve started working with a new coach with a hybrid athlete philosophy aimed at being able to train and compete in my two passions concurrently: powerlifting and cycling. It’s been a year of adaption to say the least. I no longer go uphill very fast and figuring out work/rest cycles and nutrition has been challenging. But hey – if you can’t look good on the podium, whats the point right?
What’s the most fun thing you missed out on in order to do a bike race: Turning down invitations to weekends at the beach in the summer because there were bike races going on. Luckily I’ve since reassessed (see response above) and no longer make these kind of newbie mistakes. Which way to the beach??
F’ing Quabbin 2011. Do you remember McGarrity bragging about his waterproof socks, and then 5 miles in his socks were full of freezing water that wouldn’t drain?
How about the time you road in Pink Pants?