Bruyneel video

Here’s an interview

3:22 worth of magic with Johan Bruyneel, at the phone in press conference for the Tom Danielson and the Vuelta. I’m too cheap and lazy to pick up a voice recorder.


Toni G

This is cool.
Great question, and very interesting answer.

I love the follow up question about the music.

"did he lose a bet" was also awesome. very funny You made Johan laugh


Eki’s hairstyle is the prototype for all post-Soviet cyclists….peer pressure is intense in that part of the world. He’s like the anchorman, or the first-adapter. Soon we will all sport the doo.


Lee – whoa, whoa, whoa! Just because someone who’s a DIRECTOR doesn’t like the radios (becuase it would diminish the importance of his job), it doesn’t mean he’s right. Johan likes radio, I still disagree.


He did raise those same points about safety. He would know. Its true, his job position makes his opinions a bit biased, but there no denying the fact that ultimately if the rider doesnt have the legs it doesnt matter. I cant wait for the day when your team enters an event that allows radios. If the masses of your competitors are using’em would you be the only rider to refrain? Would you rely on your god given talent to race read without the constant stats update? do tell!

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