Josh and Dan are off planning a surprise party for Dieter or volunteering for the Trump campaign, I forget which. So James and I have emerged from the bowels of NYVC headquarters to make good.
Summer is starting to yawn and look at its bed, so get your last licks in soon:
In Central Park, there’s a CRCA Points race on Saturday.
Also on Saturday, Prospect Park hosts the last Lucarelli &Castaldi Cup race of the summer in Prospect Park.
Somewhere in Southern NJ there’s the Pine-Cone circuit race.
And if you like racing in circles and supporting good causes (getting kids on bikes), head to Danbury for the Race4Scholars crit. According to BikeReg, Race4Scholars is postponed. No further info, but check their website for details:
Race4Scholars has been postponed.
I guess the nurse that got creamed last year after walking into the pro field still left a bad taste in the towns mouth.