WSJ Landis Article

Albergotti’s Prologue surprise

Congratulations to Reed Albergotti, who landed the mother of all scoops again. Should be an interesting prologue, right?

What’s going to be in the article? Who are ‘the others’? Will they corroborate Floyd’s story?


Baldo Headset

Landis stood there at the Brooklyn brewery and lied to our faces when asked if he cheated. He is half a man at most.

Nicolas Supple

maybe he crossed his fingers behind his back while he was telling his story previously, so technically, we wasn’t really lying.

Der Kaiser

He gets stripped of a jersey that was earned just like about every other jersey had been earned years prior. burn it FLandis! Burn it to the ground! muuuahahahahaha! the flames, the flames!

Lorenzo Rivnut

Floyd is a liar by his own admission. So everything he says will be closely scrutinized. But, chances are that most of what he is saying is true. It’s just too bad that he is only sharing it now that he has little credibility.

Maxime Ferrule

So what happens to this website when Lance is exposed? I mean it’s purpose will pretty much cease to exist if Lance gets caught and fades to black.

little person

Why does Sacha Swage below value honor among cheats? Covering up crimes of others does not make you more of a man. If Floyd has come over from the dark side, welcome him and urge him to cleanse his soul of all the lies, maybe then other liers will be forced into the light.

Maxime Ferrule

Ok, fair enough Andy.
But what about Contador. Or do people, and NYVelocity, think he’s legitimately clean?


Contador, no idea. Was told once that regardless of his past, his blood passport values indicate he’s presently clean.


Was also told that Contador wants more testing. His attitude is, the more they test, the more easily he wins. All third hand info, though.

West Coast Reader

Sounds like a fluff piece or do they actually have new info? I don’t think Floyd can give out more info now that the case is pending, then again I’m not a lawyer.

Maxime Ferrule

Wait, so Contador rides for JB on Discovery and Astana and he’s clean while Lance is dirty and doping while riding for the same DS on the same teams?
I have no loyalty or delusions about Lance…but come on. Let’s be realistic here. Landis is about to come out and describe how doping was systematic on team postal and how all the domestiques helped Lance dope. So, Contador was what…in the bathroom when all this was happening on Discovery and Astana?


Remember the transfusion equipment at the Tour last year? Eight riders left (Levi crashed out), seven distinct DNA profiles found. I see two possibilities. LA had his own special doctor, or they froze out Contador, since they were effectively trying to beat him anyways.

Maxime Ferrule

Andy, if I remember correctly nothing ever came of that. They were looking for HGH in syringes also. But it was 7 unique DNA profiles from Astana’s seized medical equipment. There were 9 Astana rider’s, right? So… that pretty much means the whole team was doping, no?


The rumor is that investigation is ongoing, but who knows? Like I said earlier, there were only 8 riders at that point. They either missed one somehow, or only 7 guys were transfusing.

Maxime Ferrule

So the investigation has been ongoing for like 6 months. I would guess if there was any progress it would be known by now. Or maybe they are waiting for some dramatic announcement at the TDF?

Sacha Swage

I don’t believe that any of these guys are clean. I think the sport of cycling is about taking advantages. Weather that advantage is drafting, fancy wheels, weight, taking a vitamin b injection its a spot that lends itself to cheating.

Landis much like Lemond where not smart enough to capitalize in the huge marketing potential of being a winner. Lance for all his faults is a smart business man he is making money hand over fist. Lands feels cheated and he is being vindictive.

Also on a personal level I want Lance and his foundation to be a positive and productive source of income to the cancer community. 62% will get some form of cancer. If Lance by racing brings in $1 or 1 million dollars that might go to help me or my loved one when we get it then I will take it.

I’m not a huge fanboy but I’m realistic in what may kill me and what one person does to give hope to others. I don’t think Landis or Lemond love cancer but I do think they are bitter for missed opportunities and are missing whats important.

Rune Brazeon

When you get cancer, I hope you speedy recovery knowing your treatment is paid for with lies.

Rune Brazeon

When you get cancer, I hope you speedy recovery knowing your treatment is paid for with lies.

Sofiane Brakepad

he should of taken care of floyd $$$, like he and bruynel promised and none of this would be happening. his own arrogance is going to bring him down-i can hardly wait.

meg legrond

if you dope for X number of years, then race “clean” do you still gain a performance advantage from all those years of doping? I would think you would but that’s just a guess.

Bryan Brifter

if you apply 15 spf sunscreen over 30 spf does that give you 45? to 1:23 you are a dumbass!

West Coast Reader

Yes, if you doped all those years you have earned wages to build up to a bigger paycheck later in the career. Even if the rider is not a team leader they’re still racing and earning the dough.

I think most of the riders who won the Giro or Vuelta and then rode scared and clean at a later Tour and bombed are proof of that. Aitor Gonzales, Tonkov, Berzin, etc… but they got the big contract after their Vuelta/Giro win and then just rode on easy street till they faded away or got busted.

Niccolo Topcap

Yeah, when you dope, you are able to train more and harder with faster recovery. Some benefits of this last. Still, its the extra whatever % that you get WHILE doping that goes away almost immediately. Thats important if you wanna win the race. A number of writers have done articles that detail the effect of coming off doping products. Its extreme enough in steriods that we’ve seen murders and suicides, right? Its big, its crazy, and a lot of guys can’t stand it on the way down.

Niccolo Topcap

Im always amazed by those who are able to excuse LA for his likely transgressions because he raises some money. First of all, he has been accused in the past of misusing raised funds, and carrying an unusually high expense ratio for a charity. Second, if I lie to you about something important, its not really pertinent if I helped an old lady cross the street last week. We can lament the effect of LA being caught on cancer fund raising all day long, but it wouldnt change the point we are making about his legacy and honor.

little person

I agree that many in sport cheat, but it doesn’t mean those who donate some of their ill-gained wealth should be exempt from scrutiny. You got to look at the much bigger picture. We all die of something, but do you die as a cheat or as an honest man, only that will ultimately matter.

Once you bend rules for those with power, you end up with the messed up world we live in today, be it wall st, environment, the poor, health system, etc. Example, rules bent for BP will now lead to possibly millions being effected by the oil spill, and yes, some might even get cancer.

Lorenzo Rivnut

You shouldn’t mention them in the same sentence. Lemond did so much for cycling and cyclists. How quickly you forget that Lemond was the first $1million cyclist. Salaries in cycling are as high as they are thanks to him. It’s thanks to Lemond’s efforts during his career that LA is able to get as many endorsements as he does. More than a decade after Lemond retired we still view him as a great American cyclist. I doubt that a decade after LA retires we will see him in the same light. We will remember him as a cheat who was never caught during his cycling career.

Sacha Swage

Interesting points but my perspective is they all cheat. So the question is should there be honor among thieves.

I say yes and Landis is a troll.

little person

Sacha, you watched to many movies. In our real world of little people. who the hell cares about thiefs and their honor code? Real honor should go back to the people that spectate their sorry asses! We should call the shots of how the game we watch should be played and if majority wants a clean game, the players and their managers and their “dope control” should abide! Power to the little people! Without us spectating there would be no sponsors so there would be no professional sport of cycling!

Kylian Bartape

lance the cancer survivor: he’s been blessed and fortunate to win the battle. nobody has any right whatsoever to slight him that victory.

lance the doping cyclist: that’s a different matter altogether. do with that as you wish….

Joe Public (Duh!)

Whatever comes of the pending investigation is one thing. Overall, from every single negative thing I have ever heard or read of LA, starting in 1989 on the USOC development team in Colorado Springs to today, he has come off as an arrogant womanizing douche bag. I’ve had sevreal friends who have known the mofo and he is, by most accounts, NOT a nice guy.

There, enough hate for this week. Now on to the spectacle of the TdF. May the best (doped) rider win!

nigel tufnel

survived cancer. she’s also a physician and therefore helps psople. does that make it ok for her to lie and cheat?

Jelle Fork

Speaking of Lemond, here is his LA TDF prediction:

“My Lance Armstrong prediction? Either he will not start or he will pull out just before the race enters France. I have a feeling that the world of cycling is about to change for the better.”

West Coast Reader

Yes, she can cheat and lie as long as she doesn’t test positive for PED’s or fail a lie detector test.

Sacha Swage

Like I said “I don’t believe that any of these guys are clean. I think the sport of cycling is about taking advantages. Weather that advantage is drafting, fancy wheels, weight, taking a vitamin b injection its a sport that lends itself to cheating.”

Your mom may not cheat she has taken an oath. Its fantastic that she has survived my father did not. Died at the age of 60 my grandmother age 42. Im 41.

little person

‘sport’ does not mean ‘by-any-means-necessary’, racing can only be called ‘sporty’ when cheating is diminished, do you think people would come to casinos if they knew everyone cheated? current investigation is a step in right direction.

West Coast Reader

casinos are rigged, don’t get me started on that. The moment you win big you’re kicked out, scheme or no scheme you get the boot.


casinos harass card counters, bar them or worse. the good ones find a way to beat the casinos. go lance!

Reered Railer

Best I can tell, the tide of public opinion is changing. Two years ago when I mentioned Armstrong random no cycling folks may mention livestrong or TDF and if I said he probably doped they would look very surprised, now when his name comes up people start making jokes about drugs and needles. It has been a pretty big change in the last month or two.

Enzo Setscrew

That article sucked plain and simple. The writing is shitty and it quotes Chad Gerlich, a dude that would suck your dick for crack.

Landis and Gerlach in the same story is sad.

West Coast Reader

Wow Wow and Wow!

Who said there’s nothing? There’s plenty, sure some recap but still more details which I thought describe what some of us were expecting. Sure its not the slam dunk till we get more to fess up but still.

Johnny V advising him to fess up back then, most likely Floyd would of been on Garmin after that, but would Johnny V of backed him up? I’d bet on yes! Lets hope he can now.

This story made my day, was a crappy one at that so far.

Toto McFuzzyBubkin

Is LA is shitty human being and horribly guilty of the worst sins a pro cyclist can commit? Most likely. I’m sick and tired of all this ‘talk’. When someone if authority is ready to nail him to a cross of justice, I’ll dance naked in the streets but until then, all of these cloudly accusations and conjecture evokes emotions strangely reminiscent of blue balls from 6th grade.

lorenzo rivnut

The WSJ article was interesting. It just adds another piece to the puzzle. This story will take some time to play out. I’m sure right about now LA’s advisors are telling him “I told you not to un retire”. Time will tell what really happened.

sir crashalot

… does anyone else find it incredibly annoying tht Mr. Albergotti insists on calling everyone Mr.? Mr. Landis, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Vaughters… He did that in the Lemond Vs. Armstrong article he did a couple of years ago… annoying. Other than that, i found it interesting and informative.

Keano Hammer

While the article may have truth to it, Reed Albergotti seems to be guilty of ambush journalism. He times this piece to come out just at the Tour is starting to incest a wild reaction.

Unfortunately, while this can bring down one individual, it does nothing to further the sport of cycling: it tears down its image and creates another controversy that alientates sponsors, riles the media, and further turns public opinion against cycling.

Frankly, Reed should be ashamed of himself for giving Landis a platform and printing this article at a time when it will be most daming to the sport. Andy and Schmalz are just conduits to this whole process: they want to monday-morning-quarterback a doping investigation by always seeking to bash Lance instead of pushing other aspects of cycling forward like actual racing.

I am not Lance or one of his representatives, just a random cycling fan. This continued snarkiness, and hell-bent fury to attack one man, doped or not, makes this website one dimensional and trivial. I’m done with this crap. Fuck this website, its editors, and the sentional journalism and bias that it produces. I’m no longer reading this crap anymore and just walking away.

Tom Ergopower

The use of “Mr.” is not the writer’s choice, I’m guessing, but likely the style used by the Wall Street Journal that you’d find in all of its stories.

Brent Seattube

As much as I’d like to see Armstrong go down, this article is much ado about nothing. No proof, no evidence, just Landis’s word. So much for the “others” that were alluded to in the ad yesterday – they weren’t even named!

Unless the Feds find something indisputable, I’ve gotta say this just looks like a whole lot of nothing. And shame on the WSJ for trying to overshadow the opening of the TDF with a poorly written, baseless article.

L. Blankfein

is that in my opinion, he has used Livestrong as cloak of benevolence in which to shield his malevolent personality and less than stellar history of obfuscating transparency in the sport. Armstrong’s “fighting for Cancer is all that matters” shtick is in a sense his way of saying, don’t mess with the Poster boy, I’ve earned my right to bury you.


without doping, cycling would be boring. or, i should say, more boring than it already is.

Dong Work For Yuda

I like cheese. And boobs. And the occassional toot of Bolivian Marching Powder. And weed. Hamburgers are cool. Mayonnaise is awesome.

West Coast Reader

What is it with these Mr. Hammer types? They insist its BS and state they are sick of it and won’t read more yet come back again and again? Or are they just part of the rhetoric?

As for Mr. Andy and Mr. Schmalz, keep it coming boys! If the Mr. Hammers do what they state they’re not reading anyway and the rest of us can continue to Quarterback the issues.

Back to the matter at hand. No PROOF! Who’s reading this? Now we have the money from the sale of the bikes to trace. If the sponsors will not back them up on the bike issue the management will have to show what happened to that money gained from the sale of the bikes? Or do the teams get to do what they want with the equipment the sponsors give to them? Maybe. Well at least we have more dots to connect, can’t wait!

Jelle Fork

If you object to the timing of the WSJ article as meant to hurt cycling or LA at the tour, I have one thing to say to you: LA and JBs press conference announcing team Shack, smack on the day it became clear that their current team mate Contador would win last years TDF. Incredibly opportunistic. So fuck them. The WSJ doesn’t owe cycling or LA a thing. Interest in cycling is at it peak during the TDF, so that’s when they run the story. Just like LA announcing team Shack. (Stings a little to get it back though, doesn’t it Lance?)

All LA can do is attack Landis’ credibility. The problem for LA is that Landis got to the point where he had nothing left to lose by coming clean. And of course LA has everything to gain from lying.

One with eyes wide open

Keano Hammer:

You must be new to the sport. 1) It’s not the “reporting” on doping and fraud that is bringing the sport down as you seem to think, it’s the actual doping and fraud. You seem opposed to total transparency.

2) Cycling did just fine when the biggest enforcer of omerta was gone from the sport for 3 years.

Try to take off the fanboy glasses for 2 seconds and look at the facts.


Marching powder for me.

Spent week riding with Floyd after tour win, he had just been busted and had taken to drinking when everyone around him were trying to lift his hopes up, even his lawyer said Floyd could not afford him. However he still sat there and just lied to everyone.

Question . Would he have come clean if his team got into tour of California ?

Also teams often sell off their bikes at end of season for nice profit, it’s not like this is football, these guys earn fuck all really. Not that I think that they earn money personally, one team I know even charge cost to the pro team so they sell them just to get money back.

Lance we all know the answer to that, just wish someone with some proof or credibility came forward, Floyd your word is muck, whether true or not. His testimony does not stand for shit as he lied under oath before and any good lawyer will rip him a new one.

Now where can I buy a fuck off big motor

Useto Lovelance

Never heard about the “missing” bikes and surprised that Trek did not come to Lil Lancey’s rescue.
Also funny to see the picture of Lance riding with the 2004 version of the SRM ($3500) and Floyd riding with a $35 speedometer. Gives more credibility to FL not having access to the good stuff.

Motorized Bottom Bracket

Corporate greed VIA bike makers, advertisers, TV and personalities manufactured by hype have suckled from the tit of LA and Co. for years.

The dope is sloshing around all over the place in veins, bone marrow and any other receptacle [re·cep·ta·cle   –noun 1. a container, device, etc., that receives or holds something: a receptacle for trash.]capable of holding it.

LA is the head honcho mafia boss. Anyone who steps out of line is toast. He has the power and the leverage to destroy any pro or ex-pro who decides to open his mouth and squeal. If a pro or journalist or anyone connected to cycling sticks to the LA program, they get the benefit of the suckling tit.

Landis is on his last legs, but is determined to bring a few with him before he goes down.

What I object to is LA deciding who can ask questions at press conferences and who CANNOT. He is a dictator. And he has a massive empire to control. Hence he needs to keep all those who differ reigned in. Now the cracks are beginning to form. Radio Shack (Smack Store) will pull sponsorship when the whiff of dope arrives at their corporate HQ…… 2010 Tour de Lance will be a most interesting one for sure.


Best I can tell, the sum total of the WSJ’s coverage of this so-far amazing edition of the Tour was last Saturday morning’s sensational (I mean that in the bad way), light-on-new-info fluff piece. Meanwhile, there’s a pretty terrific race going on.

I’m all for bringing down the dopers, past and present. (Even the ones barking orders at Alphonse.) And I’m 99.44% sure Floyd is telling the truth this time. But if the Journal’s sole reason for mentioning the Tour in print is to sell papers by exposing the sport’s dopers, their methods, their secrets, etc., then jeez, I wish it’d really *do* it. Saturday’s piece wasn’t it.

huge applause

well said, I couldn’t agree more. It’s a trend, sensationalism that is (see LeBron’s “the decision” from earlier tonight. Despicable”


“if the Journal’s sole reason for mentioning the Tour in print is to sell papers ”

Whoa … hold the presses … are you suggesting thet a newspaper company is writing newspaper articles designed to sell – wait for it – newspapers? That is a nefarious tactic. Think the NYT might want to break that story?

(Sorry DvB – woke up feeling snarky/dooshy today.)

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