Women’s Clinic Wrapup

Section head text.

by Kristi Roberts

Many riders from the New York Cycle Club have graduated into racing with the CRCA; Sunday we were reminded of that fact when Fabienne Gerard, sporting a NYCC jersey, won the CRCA Women’s Introduction to Racing Clinic. Second and third were Jaime Windrow and Michelle Hughes.

Over twenty-five women attended and the field was full of impressive fitness. On the second lap there was at least one dangerous break, but a big effort back in the pack closed the gap. In the post-race talk, Sarah Chubb noted that while Gerard seemed to have help set the high pace throughout the race, before the finish line she sat back and let others do the work, setting herself up for the final sprint. Two NYVelocity riders attempted a leadout, an excellent effort but premature.

Riders from Comedy Central/Sid’s Bikes and Radical Media provided coaching to riders who stayed with the main group and to those whose first experience with racing is familiar one to even veteran riders-that of being dropped. Unfamiliarity with close riding seemed an issue for everyone. Luckily, besides the beginner’s clinic, the CRCA  

provides group coaching for all members (hint, hint). And in the post-race talk, a NYVelocity rider introduced her team and invited any and all interested beginners to check it out.

Once again, the clinic offered excellent prizes and premes:  a one month bronze coaching package, a VO2 test, and two free indoor classes from Cadence; a tune-up from A Bikes; a fit from Mike Sherry; a helmet from Sid’s; a massage from Beth Renaud; water bottles from Piermont Bike Shop; nutrition products from Hammer; and clothing from Sheila Moon. 


Concerned onlooker.

I saw an ambulance tending to what looked to be one of the participants on Cats Paw. Is the rider OK?

kelleigh- Comedy Central

I haven’t spoken with the rider since Saturday, but she appeared fine. She was a bit scraped up and got some attention from the EMTs for her cuts. Otherwise, sadly, it was her front wheel that took the hardest hit. So if anyone’s selling some wheels, I know a potential buyer. Thanks for your concern.


I’m doing fine, thanks for asking. Just some road rash and yeah, a trashed front wheel 🙁 Even with the crash, that clinic was really fun! (Though it only lasted a lap for me.)


I’m doing fine, thanks for asking. Just some road rash and yeah, a trashed front wheel 🙁 Even with the crash, that clinic was really fun! (Though it only lasted a lap for me.)

kelleigh- Comedy Central

I haven’t spoken with the rider since Saturday, but she appeared fine. She was a bit scraped up and got some attention from the EMTs for her cuts. Otherwise, sadly, it was her front wheel that took the hardest hit. So if anyone’s selling some wheels, I know a potential buyer. Thanks for your concern.

Concerned onlooker.

I saw an ambulance tending to what looked to be one of the participants on Cats Paw. Is the rider OK?

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