Winter argument

The weather outside…

Now that the chillier temperatures have come, it’s time to bundle up the onions and hit the road in close chilly formation with teammates. What is your best piece of cold weather gear? It is a special pair of gloves, some booties, have you bought winter shoes? Are winter shoes the most overpriced piece of winter gear? How well does partial inebriation work against winter chill?



Alan, where do you go in Florida? I want to knock on your poolside cabana and bug you about when results will be posted and when i can get my upgrade and stuff…..


I stuff an extra skull cap into my pants to keep the boys protected from the wind – allows me to wear a medium thick type of pant under my bib shorts and still stay ok in the package area, which is basically the key to any ride, right? Works down to the mid 20s or so, and below that its trainer indoors for me anyway. Actually anything under 30 is pretty much indoor, but at least you can start in the high 20s if its early and going to warm up to 30s soon… You guys that ride in the low 20s are nuts – my legs cant even get any blood flowing at those temps – not worth it and Im not sure I even get a workout that way. Rather sweat inside in just a bibshort than freeze my boys with 10 pieces of clothing to wash afterwards.


do you even need booties with those sidi winter shoes? how low (temp-wise) can you go with those shoes before getting the usual numb feet sensation? are they incredibly warm, or equivalent to a good pair of wool socks, regular shoes & a good set of winter booties? i have each of those 3 items but my feet still freeze in 35 degrees or so. thanks.


I like to use a small camel back worn inside my jacket. Fill it with water, rum, or what ever. It stays nice and warm… I can’t stand sipping icy water on a long cold ride.


I used them last winter and was not impressed. Full disclosure, I tend to have poor circulation in my feet and they get chilly in my normal cycling shoes in the mid to high fifties. I found that below about 47 degrees, I still need to use chemical toe warmers and a booty over the Sidis for my toes to remain comfortable. Below 35, I need to have a couple of toe warmers in each shoe with booties over them.


alan atwood you need to stop rip off cyclist at kissena track
you take money for the race and you don’t pay out shit


That is a tragedy, very sad to hear.

Thoughts & prayers to his family & friends.

Be safe out there…everyone.


Meet for this ride, in demonstration that cyclists are not road kill! We have been training on this road for over 20+ years and it has only gotten less safe over this time as drivers are more distracted/inept and cars/trucks get bigger, tragic!!! Outrageous!
Godspeed Camille! You will be missed but not forgotten!

EVERYONE! WRITE YOUR LOCAL, STATE, NATIONAL officials!!! For yourself, your families, your community!


Seriously. Amfib Gloves, Amfib booties all are amazing. Craft makes sick baselayers. Gore makes good stuff too. Castelli also does.


I can wear the Sidi winter boots with a neoprene Pearl Izumi cover and normal summer socks in temps like last weekend and my feet are fine. My poor finger are a different story, even with AmFib gloves and chemical warmers.


Pearl Izumi lobster mits. Crappy bike feel, tough to tap the shifters, but my fingers stay warm even below 20. Correct, what’s the point? I’m Russian, I like to suffer.


Interesting criticism, considering Alan is the OFFICIAL not the PROMOTER. Ive never seen anyone criticize the promoter at Kissena, by the way. He seems to have the only game in town, so its a wonder he doesnt charge MORE. Ever think about that? Or do you just think you have a right to race track for a few bucks? Entitlement is the new bane of our democracy.


Unless the promoter is a complete jerk, ala David Butterfield in PA, they should receive nothing short of absolute appreciation for the hard work they go through to bring you safe, fun events. I challenge anyone who has the nerve to pick apart the thankless efforts of a promoter to try to put on a race. It’s not an easy task.


At the velodrome? Just curious…

Hey – anyone who criticizes Alan is a piece of shit. Alan is tireless in his efforts – take the numbing cold and rain this weekend at Staten.

Oh – in case you were confused Mr. 11-26 17:51 – You are a piece of shit. Try signing your post next time.

Eric Robertson

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