Vino-f-in-kourov Argument

Section head text.

I don’t know about you, but Vino is dead to me. His preposterously stupid blood shenanigans have put me off forever. What’s to argue? I would love to have Vino come clean and explain what the hell he was thinking, but I have a feeling he won’t. So, does he have to pay back 1 year’s salary? Do his teammates have to? Will his DS have to also? It was also a great plan to have Walter “Telekom took a lot of drugs” Godefroot direct the team also. But Walter excused himself from Astana before the Tour, staying only in a advisory role, so he may skate again. Good old Grodie, maybe Tinkoff has an opening?

Breaking news! Vino denies testing positive for Vodka!



If I believe Floyd, but don’t believe Vino (who hired Landis’ lawyers) am I a hypocrite?

2nd. Has there been any discussion of Vino getting a bl0od transfusion by the attending doctors at the french hospital at the stage. That’s an obviousexplanation if that happened.


I train in my non-team kit all the time. Mainly it’s because we didn’t get that many team kits and they are kinda dorky looking.

Dawn Strumpet

Speakin of dopin, when I find Stagg he is gonna need alot more than Washington Square dirt weed to deal with what he’s got coming his way…. and now i hear he is whoring around Manahattan I WILL find him.


When The Ric asked me to bring a box of SIDIs to him at the Tour de Trump. I opened it up and the thing was full of Sbarros. The Ric was pissed when I threw it out. He was like, ‘You know how expensive that sh-t is, bro?”


Rasmussen pulled out of Tour

Yellow jersey Michael Rasmussen will reportedly not be at the start of the Tour de France’s 17th stage Thursday morning according to L’Equipe. He was withdrawn from the race by his Rabobank team for reasons which were not specified. Rasmussen won Wednesday’s Stage 16 finishing at Col d

Ben Harris

I saw Ric Stagg smoking a joint off the back of the peloton at the last CRCA race, but he didn’t finish well, so it must not have been very good sh*t.


I am clean, limpiecito.

Esos ataques extraterrestes eran limpios. Clean, whistle clean.

…. hey, Johan…


Now I’m curious. How many guys that we compete against, cat 1-4, dope? … Steroids, Testosterone, hgh, epo


This year’s winner is even more irrelevant than last year. What a farse.

Contador better not dare wear the Jersey tomorrow — but, I’ll bet he’ll be force to, because of sponsors… like it matters…

Ben Harris

Isn’t it not a question of whether doping is good or bad (I assume we all agree it’s bad) but whether it is worth risking the entire sport on these endless and fruitless witch-hunts.

While I hate to become a fatalist like High Horse, I think the point is valid. If cycling doesn’t clean up its act from a PR standpoint there isn’t going to be any racing to watch, or sponsors to pay the bills.

I would love to be proven wrong on this, but I would bet doping in the lower levels of cycling is more common than at the lower levels of almost any other sport (except baseball) and the media attention that the sport heaps upon itself with these unmanaged PR scandals can only add to and not hinder a young riders interest in cheating.


Let me ask a serious question?
How much doping is there in amateur cycling?
What percentage of us are doping to get better results at the local races?
EPO, blood doping, roids, testosterone, HGH, whatever.


If you allow doping at the top level of the sport, you’re going to have some disconnect somewhere. Is it that a guy like Frattini can’t ride the Tour of Georgia because that’s a doper’s race? That’s a loss for him.

Or is it that he can’t ride Mt. Holly cause he races with dopers in Georgia, which is a loss for more local guys and the level of local competition.

Think about it


please. . .
try to be more respectful.
imagine your identity is attached to your post before you hit “submit.” perhaps that’ll help.

reality check

Hey JFT – It doesn’t matter what crappy domestic pro comes and races Bethel with you, there is no connection between you, the pro-tour riders and the TdF.

Tennis and golf both have a variety of levels building up to the highest pro level, but that doesn’t give my crappy club-level game any connection to Wimbledon, Federer, Agusta or Tiger.

It is for fun.


is also going through quite a bit of battering around doping. I don’t notice it as much as I am not really interested in the other sports but from time to time you hear of track and field athletes that are busted. It is my perception that the most grueling of all the endurance sport has to be cycling and therefore I think the effect of performance enhancing drugs are the most evident in cycling. I also feel the most cheated by cyclists who dope. I couldn’t care less if a baseball player can now hit the ball 20 yards further or if a soccer player can run for 90 minutes non-stop but never scores a goal anyway. If a cyclist do his magic in some mountain stage and put 8 minutes on his rival and then you find out he cheated it really spoils it for me.


Wasn’t cuffed. He was taking away by the police. The pictures look quite sad, however. Reports say he was arrested, but perhaps it was for his safety?

… whatever, if he cheated, off with his head//


“”bike racing is a participatory sport”
Is water also wet?!!!! ”

What I said is not that obvious since so many people here are writing about the sport as something they watch but don’t do. Pro Football is not like that — even pro and college football is not like that. There is almost no connection between players at our local level (if they exist, which they basically don’t) to the top-level game in that sport.

So it’s worth pointing this out. Bike racing is somethign we do (or at least I do), not just something I watch.


I don’t entirely agree with high horse, but I do think cycling could use the services of a good crisis PR firm to play up the fact that it is the only sport earnestly fighting doping, even though it means scaring away sponsors and fans. I don’t think reporters in the mainstream media get that.

Jon Hicks

Eurosport says French police arrest Moreni and search team hotel. not sure if getting busted is standard operating procedure for testosterone. not sure if Vino’s blood doping is worthy of such treatment.


I think someone should cuff Ben D so he cant write such long posts.

I also say Ben D should be encouraged to dope so he can get out of the 5s.


Even just accepting it at the highest level of the sport, is that bike racing is a participatory sport. I’ve been in races with former and future Tour de France winners.

We have sucky old guys like me racing better guys Blue Ribbon who racethe Mengoni team who race Colavita who race the Navigatorss who race CSC who race the Tour.

Where do you draw the line when there is interaction across levels in the sport?


To High horse:
Your post and resoning are so flawed I don’t even know where to begin.
So I won’t.
Go away.


Did you see the way AssMuffin hit midget boy and the brown goblin, “…like he just stepped away from the breakfast cranberries…”


Makes all bake racers from Cat 5 to Pro look bad because the general public thanks that we all use illegal performance enhancing drugs if you race a bike.

to high horse.. good argument and statements.. the otehr guy should go back to his wine coolers and front porch.


is that the UCI waited till after today’s stage to announce the latest positive. Moreni and Cofidis had to hump their asses over the Larrau, the Marie Blanque and up the Aubisque only to pack it in at stage’s end.

Only in cycling.


“Makes all bake racers from Cat 5 to Pro look bad because the general public thanks that we all use illegal performance enhancing drugs if you race a bike.”

Funny. The only drug people think I’m using (or should be using) is Rogaine.


“There is not a problem with doping in cycling, there is a problem with doping in professional sports.”

No, there is a problem with doping (and cheating) in life.

High Horse

There is not a problem with doping in cycling, there is a problem with doping in professional sports. Cycling is the only sport foolish enough to destroy itself in pursuit of the white rabbit called clean sport. Baseball, football, tennis, soccer, etc. all suffer from massive doping problems, but the managers and owners of those sports are smart enough not to destroy their golden goose by continually dragging their sport through the mud. they punish offenders, make a modest effort to stay ahead of the more basic methods of cheating and get on with the business of entertaining people.

Cycling does itself a massive disservice by continually pointing out that its doping controls don’t work, and trying to make itself perfectly “clean”. Football uses very limited testing, and punishes the people that get caught. they don’t place the pursuit of a perfectly clean sport above the sport itself.

Pro sports are fantasy. Most of us dreamed of playing professional sports as a child and still follow them to keep that small part of our childhood alive. We all train and race as part of this fantasy to give our lives a bit more color and personal fulfillment. Not a single one of us is even close to being a pro rider, no matter how fast we think we are.

Everyone needs to realize that sport is for entertainment. Follow the tour, chear for riders that you like, boo at riders that get caught for doping, and stop worrying about whether or not the sport is corrupt. Sports is for fun, enjoy them. I for one would rather enjoy cycling for what it is, and not worry if people that haven’t been caught yet are guilty. Cycling has turned itself into a farse in its sisyphus-like pursuit of clean sport. No other sport is clean so why would cycling be?


Here are the list of clients supervised by Tony Rominger: Matthias Kessler, Patrick Sinkewitz, Vino and Kloeden. Not kidding.


Floyd supporters are pretty dumb.
UNION cycliste International!
Also, there is an association of proffesional cyclists. I forget the name of it. Moser is the cheif, I believe.
Hamilton, Basso and worst of all FLoyd have brain washed you.
And lastly, while slipstream’s effots are to be applauded, I hesitate to celebrate a team w/ a strong anti-doping stance. Most of it is P.R
Look at T-Mobile. All that talk of turning over a new leaf while keeping the same doctors on the payroll rings hollow to me. Also, Sinkewitz.
And CSC is supposed to be clean? I call B.S.

a non-doper and a Floyd supporter

Baseball and Football are backed by Unions as well as other pro sports like Hockey and perhaps Golf… Cycling is not unionized and it needs to be to combat the UCI, USADA and other anti-doping ASS-ociations.. I am not saying that having a union makes using performance enhancing drugs okay.. I am saying that it would certainly save the integrity of th riders and keep our sport from becoming more tainted.

Chat 3

Ben D wrote: “The problem with cycling now is there is a code of silence in the peleton where there is no outrage at the concept of cheating one another. Why? because everyone is cheating, and pro cycling has devolved into who can dope most effectively and not get caught and then turn that into a winning ride. Why else would a guy like Pierro not be utterly outraged last year? He had his TDF victory stolen from him from a doper right?”

Absolutely right. There’s rarely any outrage in the peleton over the dopers who are caught. And let’s not get caught up on “everyone”. OK, maybe its not everyone, but its probably any serious GC contender. Look at the podiums for the Grand Tours the last five years. Its like the Who’s-Who of Suspended Dopers.

Alex R.

I agree that doping is a huge problem, but the way things are done now is also a problem. We have tests that are open to interpretation. We have labs that can’t follow proper procedures. We have labs that cross out numbers and add in other numbers. We have labs that are allowed to do a second test to confirm their original results. All of these problems add doubts to the results. You need to make sure you have some really solid tests before you start to institute such strict sanctions. It also means that athletes won’t have excuses.

As far as sponsors go, you need to think about what motivates thier sponsorship. They are looking for some advertising space. If a clean athlete doesn’t get them lots of exposure, their money is wasted. If the sport continues the way it is going, the money is goind to dry up. Then again, if you look at baseball and football, they obviously have drug problems and are doing very little about it. They still get huge ratings and a huge amount of advertising money.

Ben D

What I was originally going to write about before I found out that this was the TDF results page and not the Vino argument thread is that cycling essentailly needs a new generation of cyclists with a new culture of riding clean. The problem with cycling now is there is a code of silence in the peleton where there is no outrage at the concept of cheating one another. Why? because everyone is cheating, and pro cycling has devolved into who can dope most effectively and not get caught and then turn that into a winning ride. Why else would a guy like Pierro not be utterly outraged last year? He had his TDF victory stolen from him from a doper right? Well, he wasn’t outraged cause he new he would be a hipocrite if called Landis a cheater. As soon as Puerto broke he probably burried his dog in the back yard and incinerated the dog tags. I think there will continue to be doping as long as the peleton maintains the attitude of it being each individual riders business what they decide to do with their body and no concern to the group as a whole.

In addition to continued testing, I think there are two things that would discourage doping in the future. For one, I like the idea of a whole team being kicked off or disqualified for the positive result of one rider. While somewhat draconian I think this would serve to put every team-members hard work and careers at risk and would work to self-police teams. You wouldn’t look the other way if you thought all of your training and sponosrship potential were being put at risk by some cheat on your team.

Secondly, I think race organizers should play a more selective role in inviting teams to their races. For example a team like Slipstream, while not the best team, should be an atractive invitee to a race because of their high-profile commitment to riding clean and rigourous in house testing. Also sponsors should look to invest in teams not necessarily with the best racers but ones that gaurentee clean riders and have high standards and testing.

Ben D

I’m putting together a lynch mob to get that anonymous spoiler! What do you think this is the Pony Express! Do you think you are doing us a service and were all just sitting around fretting, “I wonder who won the stage today….. I guess I’ll never know.” What a dickhead. Between Vino being a cheat, the chicken wearing the yellow jersey, and loser spoilers, this tour is fucked. Please go back to your other online activity of cruising Myspace for underage boys. Dopers suck but not as much as spoilers!

Ben D

I’m putting together a lynch mob to get that anonymous spoiler! What do you think this is the Pony Express! Do you think you are doing us a service and were all just sitting around fretting, “I wonder who won the stage today….. I guess I’ll never know.” What a dickhead. Between Vino being a cheat, the chicken wearing the yellow jersey, and loser spoilers, this tour is fucked. Please go back to your other online activity of cruising Myspace for underage boys. Dopers suck but not as much as spoilers!


I support the no spoilers idea, but also think its generally a bad idea to hang out surfing on a cycling website during the Tour and expect to hear nothing about breaking news in a chatroom. Call me crazy.


however, i doubt you would say that to my face. and if you would let me know and I’ll arrange a meeting.


I meant ‘we miss you, puny.’
I didn’t mean to imply that Andy was getting fat.
Well, not then anyway.


is that just bad translation, or did Vino suggest that because of his crash he had enormous amounts of blood in his thighs? That’s my problem too much thigh blood not enough head blood.

Also 1 in 4 chance doping control non-negative for testosterone in stage 11 is the Chicken. How many are suprised?


Vino will suffer a true Khazak punishment. he will walk through town nude while old women beat him with rotting Yak Legs. He will then have to listen to kelly clarkson songs for a week. Yekshemesh.


I was about to get a T-Shirt done up with “Vino is thea’ Man” now it will be “Vino-fuck-ov”, pathetic and my TdF is now dying a horrible death.


…..kid ourselves everyone would need a little boost for a physical endeavor of that magnitude. Maybe it’s ridiculous to expect any human being to perform at the top levels for that event purely on training, some recovery food, sports drinks and gels…..the brutality of the event/expectations of sponsors, fans lends itself to calling on “mother’s little helper”

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