Vino Argument

10derly yours 4ever

 So Vino’s back and racing the Vuelta. Meanwhile, Rasmussen is left hanging in the wind. Both denied their guilt, both served their suspensions. Is this a case of money talks, or is Razzy’s annoying personality keeping him from finding a team? Will you be rooting for Vino, or just rooting for him to spark some fireworks with his attacking?


David Lube

Vino served his time, and if he rides clean from here on, then one has to let him make his comeback. He’s an exciting racer — maybe the most aggressive around.

David Lube

Vino served his time, and if he rides clean from here on, then one has to let him make his comeback. He’s an exciting racer — maybe the most aggressive around.

beatrix potter

Is this the Pro/1/2 message board? Because it’s much more depressing than the Cat 4 squids board.

West Coast Reader

Well, Ras sued his team for the remainder of his contract due to a not so legal firing and rightfully so, I’d of done the same, he never tested positive like Vino did. Sure he doped up his whereabouts but hey since I never tell anyone where I’m going I don’t see it as a larger or equal infraction to testing positive. A few months ban should of been his pay back not two years.

So Vino tested positive for blood doping, Ras positive for playing hide and seek. UCI rules are rules I know but still, not equal.

Can’t wait to watch the Vuelta though its ratings just got bumped up with Vino playing, Horner will get his lesson in Team tactics gone bad since he missed out on the Tour fun! Who knows maybe Joe-Han will DS from his cell phone in Madrid this time and we might actually get a cool race instead of the boring Joe-Han game plan?

Ethan Brakepad

If either of these guys end up racing like F Landis after his “comeback” riding clean, my guess is we wont really give a crap about them from here on out, instead focusing our energies on good clean riders like Nibali.

Nicola Fastellara

Rasmussen was in Italy instead of Mexico because he was doping — this is the only reason he lied about it.

Rick James Bitch

UCI accepted offer of 3 mules, 2 oxen and 1 dog over 5 block of cheese and 1 year supply of pickled fish.


I liked Borat-akourov better as the second banana rebel more so than the pompous ass who thinks he is the king of cycling. What kind of a douche would even consider wearing a picture of himself? This is something Stephen Colbert would do in the name of humor. Who can take this tool seriously at this point?

As was already posted, I feel sorry for Horner. He will now have to kill himself for this jerk instead of giving a win a decent shot. Bogus.


Maybe the Vino on the jersey should’ve been wearing a Vino jersey as well? Then it would really be Colbert-worthy.

Schnarfle the Garflock

I can’t believe Horner has to ride with that douche. I’d ‘wreck’ on a training ride or come down with the bird flu or anything really. Can’t believe Le Shack hasn’t swooped in yet….

Enzo Brifter

Nothing to do with either rider this is all about which team are still in the pockets of the UCI namely ASStana. Until 31st December anything that the Asstana team want to get away with they will because until that date Armstrong and Bruyneel are still there and their guardian angel in the shape of Pat McQuaid and the UCI won’t lket anything happen to a team even loosley associated with the second coming……Stinks doesn’t it.

Baldini Maypop

i have come to believe that no pro riders are clean. this would include training dirty, and racing clean. well, maybe cadel is clean as he shows a genuine lack of testosterone. go vino!

fast n furious

“he served his ban” . . . “he did his time” . . . is that a joke? Bottom line is Vino cheated his entire “career” and was finally caught. His “comeback” is bad for cycling. It says, “cheat until you’re caught and then you get a second chance”. All those who defend him, must know this and wake up – “rules” or not. Hamilton didn’t have any stupid Chimera, Floyd didn’t blow a 11x testosterone level because of a Jameson shot and Vino’s father’s blood was in his body (vodka and all). It is an insult to all those you train hard, finish where they finish, but finish clean to defend this pretender. I am no “Slipstream” freak, but maybe they have it right. Vino is d-bag.

Luca Saddlebag

Thinking that Horner is clean isn’t quite as delusional as thinking that he might have had a chance to win the Vuelta.

Anthony Drainhole

…while vinokourov is sleazy, it’s a better kind of sleazy than rasmussen’s kinda sleazy…

…rasmussen is SLEAZY sleazy…

…this is my informed observation…

…love, bgw…(anthony drainhole, my ass !!!)…

fast n furious

Kind of sleazy versus straight up sleazy?

Is that like “kind of pregnant versus pregnant”?

Pregnant is pregnant.

Sleazy is sleazy.

Vino is a d-bag sleaze. . . .

Anthony Drainhole

…& here i thought my presumptuousness was implied but i guess, ZOOM, straight over the top…

…kinda like my suggestion that the “central park airport project” should go underground w/ just a big slot at each end to allow planes to fly in & out on take-offs & landings…

…although, thanks to me, that idea is now being considered by the planners…”SAVE THE PARK – ON TOP”…

…love, bgw…


I can not wait to see Vino have to ride tempo for Horner

it would be so cool. but it most likely wont happen. either way the best thing about Horner is the post race interviews he is by far the smartest and most straight talking racer out there.

Horner is as clean and Hincapie and Armstrong and Levi

Stan Supple

…dont race for “love” they race for money. Vino is back because he has bills to pay. since all of pro cycling is about money (what races get tv coverage, team invites, the “levi rule” @ TOC crash, dopers returning and other not getting busted) I couldn’t care less who he races for/with, etc.

next year I’m on the juice Jared Bunde style and winning damn park race on the calender…there is no honor, just results and money


My sister is Kazakhstan #3 most popualar whore. She make more than Vino in 1 week than Vino make in whole year in his hobby of cycling.

Even with real business – Construction, plus a little robbery, bribes and pistol-whipping on any given day, Vino no make “Kazakh Whore Money” So Vino returns to the sport he loves.

Please love the Vino.

Check out the Vino in the Twitter.

“Bought an all black leather suit today. Got out of my Black Mercedes when I noticed someone on the street who owed me many thousands Tenge. His nose look not so good now. Was nice day :)See you @ La Vuelta!

clit twit

to stan supple
you will be ignored or ridiculed because you speak the truth which has no place here. I spoke of smalz’s karma weeks ago and it seems to be coming to him. Cape May…just the beginning!!!!

Lapo Butyl

he has the best style, the best doping excuses and he is straight up the coolest. props for doping, its what the sport is, let it go. every last one of your heros has doped. it wouldnt be the same without it so embrace it. really happy to have him back. hes mad!

Onomatopogg Veselijk

Agree w/ 10:30. Vino’s last doping offenses – Stage 13 ITT & Stage 15 win of the 2007 TdF – were to my mind one of the most enjoyable doping offenses of all time. Completely true to character.

We love Vino because he makes suicidal moves at the last minute to win races that have (effectively) zero possibility of success. Doping with someone else’s blood in the Tour de France after getting so banged up by crashes that you can barely walk and then winning an ITT and a stage (until you get booted) was his suicide attack par excellence. It was true to his character – the kind of audacious, aggressive, futile attempt that we love him for.

Coming back to cycling wearing a jersey of himself? Sweet. His comeback has already surpassed any expectations I had.

Long live Vino!

Onomatopogg Veselijk

Also, don’t forget his sweet quotation from when he was caught:

‘“I heard that I made a transfusion with my father’s blood,” Vinokourov said. “That’s absurd, I can tell you that with his blood, I would only have tested positive for vodka.”’

Welcome back, old friend.

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