Vegas Argument

Section head text.

So let’s put a bullet in our Vegas coverage, shall we? (We need to milk all the content we can out of our self-funded trip). It seems right now that American cycling’s biggest fete is held in perhaps the most un-cycllng-ist place in the US, the sin silo that is Las Vegas. My question is, is a Vegas show still necessary? In this age of the internet, we all got a look at all of the new products released there beforehand, and while meeting people is fun, it’s kind of awkward as they are working and don’t have a lot of time to talk.

What we really want to do is get a booth ourselves – our plan would be to have roller races all day and give away free beer. There is no doubt in my mind that we would be the most popular belles at the ball (free beer makes anyone popular – just  ask any high school nerd with a fake ID), what I do doubt is our ability to fund our enterprise. If anyone out there feels like sponsoring our stupidity, feel free to send cash.


Liz Hatch

It’s pretty hard to offend me, I’m not running off just yet. Yeah, it was hot, and when it’s hot I’ll do as the boys do. UNZIP!


Please Eugene, get a sense of humor. We can appreciate/joke about a woman’s physical attractiveness and still respect her as a woman and an athlete. There were plenty of posts about Ugly humping another rider in the sprint melee, but when its a woman we can’t joke about a shot?


Nice job, guys. One of the few women who’s willing to put up with us (by “us”, I mean Schmalz), and you objectify her.

Liz, don’t run off just yet. Just stay quiet for a while and we’ll forget you’re here.

Liz Hatch

Are you talking about Art VanderLay? Don’t hire him, he’s a shit architect. However for a short man he is quite tall…


not without getting a harsh talking to from Kerplackistanian National Road Champion Ivan Stevic, you can’t!!!

Kitty Lover

Yeah, and if it is a sub, can I get your cell number so I can, ah, contact some people from the company an’ all?


Thanks for playing along. Nope, we weren’t lying, I may be many things but a liar isn’t one of them – I don’t have the memory capacity to properly tell fibs.

Liz Hatch

Dear Schmalz,
Although I hesitated at first to allow you to take a “picture of the cat” on my shirt, I now see it was all for the sake of art. Forgive my initial reaction, the comments left by various readers of this site have proved it to be well worth my time.

Liz Hatch
Vanderkitten Cycling

Liz Hatch

Dear Schmalz,
Although I hesitated at first to allow you to take a “picture of the cat” on my shirt, I now see it was all for the sake of art. Forgive my initial reaction, the comments left by various readers of this site have proved it to be well worth my time.

Liz Hatch
Vanderkitten Cycling


Andy, Dan, I take it the wives don’t look at this site.

’cause, Dan you look like your going to pounce those babies


Interbike is so annoying. I bet the industry loses more money because it is essentially shut down for a week than it makes by holding a silly trade show. Trade shows don’t make any sense in the modern business world. But then, the bike industry is stuck in the dark ages, so maybe it still needs Interbike.


Isn’t any trade show just an excuse to get a trip somewhere that you can write off on your taxes.

Why vegas, because they’ve got big a convention center and 1000s of hotel rooms. I agree it would be nicer to have it in a cycling friendly city, but could you imagine how much more geeky Interbike would be in Portland OR or in Boulder CO?

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